44 Uruaiter Farming. Saturday. June 7. 1975 classified Farm Equipment For Sale ■ 42 ft. of 9” Silo filler pipe with elbow. 215- 926-4798. MOWERS • Sickle, rotary, flail, Mott mowers with motors, riding mowers and gang mowers. Tractors with mounted mowers. New and Used wheel rakes, balers, elevators, haybines and fluffers. 1,2, and 4 row 3 pt. cultivators, tran splanters, feed grinder mixers, high-moisture grain blowers, liquid manure spreaders. Tractors-Loaders and backhoes, grain drills, harvesters, blowers, trenchers, payloaders and skid steer loaders. And 100’s of tractors to choose from. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861 FARM MF 150 M.F. 180 M.F. 165 M.F. 30 M.F. 85 Oliver 1850 (3) Oliver 1855 (5) Oliver 1655 Oliver 1600 (2) Oliver 88 D.B. 1200 Leyland 384 COMBINES JD. 6600 Me 91 J.D 4400 Me 105 J D 3300 Me 403 (2) JD 40 (3) Me 203 M F. 300 AC. Gleaner AC Gleaner EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MOWERS SPREADERS LOADERS BLOWERS WAGONS DISCS HAY CRUSHERS CULTIPACKERS SEEDER PACKERS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS POST HOLE DIGGERS GRAVITY BINS CORN CRIBS CAR DINAL ELEVATORS AND AUGERS CULTIVATORS SUB SOILERS CHISEL PLOWS ROTARY MOWERS COM BINES CORNPLANTERS TRACTORS PLOWS FEED MILLS FLAIL CHOPPERS HARVESTERS BALERS DRILLS, ETC. WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY INC. South Race St., Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myeistown. PHONE: Days 717-866-2138; Nights 717-866-7147. Farm Equipment Aerial Ladders-40,45,85 ft. reach mounted on trucks. Asking $l5OO to $2250. No reasonable offer refused. 1045 Sky worker bucket truck on 1964 Chevy $6,250.00. All equipment in good condition. 717-786-2061 New Holland 717 Harvester A.C. 4-row No till Corn Planter 38, 3pt. hitch Massey Plow Allis Chalmers C Tractor w cultivators ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata 859-2441 GENERATORS PTO, Engine Driven, Gasoline, LP Gas, and Diesel Leonard Martin Co. 330 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, Pa. 17042 WINCO DISTRIBUTORS Ph- 717-273-6478 EQUIPMENT TRACTORS A.C. 7050 A.C. 190XT (2) A.C. Dl9 A.C. 160 Case 800 Case 730 Farmall 460 Farmall 1256 (2) Farmall 1066 (2) Farmall 656 (2) Farmall 544 Farmall 140 (2) Farmall 450 Int. 404 Farmall 230 Farmall 200 (3) Farmall M (2) Farmall 504 Farmall 660 (2) Farmall H Cali us for Cornheads PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191 Farm Equipment TASCO Calf Nurseries Pit Nurseries Farrowing $ Finishing Houses. EDWARD M. WHARFF DISTRIBUTOR Woodbine. Md. 21797 Ph: 301-795 1853 For Sale - Double 4 Surge Herringbone milk parlor, equipment includes; auto feeders, 10 ton bin, High pressure water pump, Electro-Brain washer, milker and vacuum pump, pipeline and heating system. 215-926-4798. STANDBY POWER PLANTS New and Used in Stock IKW to 55 KW DOUG JOHNSON INC. Elkton,Md. 21921 301-398-3451 (398-3528 Nite) (2) Farmall Cub (1-new) Ford 541 (2) Ford 8N Ford 9N MM Z Ford 861 J.D. 4520 J D. 2630 (2) J.D. 4020 J.D. 730 J.D. 520 J.D. 60 J.D. G J.D. 70 J.D. 720 (2) J.D. B (2) J.D. 2010 Farm Equipment UNIDALLIA SILO SALES & SERVICE Lancaster Level Flo spreaders and fill pipes installed on any type silo. Write DANIEL STOLTZFUS NarvonßD2,l7sss Phone 354-4374 For Sale • New Idea Roller bar rake; Jamesway and Louden litter carrier; milk cans; Late Model 16” Papec and No. 7 IHC silo fillers; Oliver 1 & 2 bottom 14" pull type plows; Oliver 2 bottom 12 f ’ pull type; J.D. 999 com Planter w-fert. attach; 2 cyl. Wisconsin engine with starter & reduction gear. 2 cyl. Baler engine; 2 row horse cultivator; PTO and ground drive IHC corn binders; IHC No. 9,5,6 6s 7 ft. mowers; J.D. KBA 24 disk; Long Int. Cornbinder Loader. Brillion Packer feeder; J.D. Model L & M 4 wheel Horse Spreader. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687- 6553. INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CRAWLER LOADERS Cat 955 H J.D. 440 J.D. 350 J.D. 3508 (2) J.D. 450 FORKLIFTS Yale 15000 lb. Oliver 552 Koehnng Skytrak 710 Towmotor Case 584 J.D. 2010 Clark- LOG SKIDDERS JD 440 A (3) J.D 440 J.D 540 Franklin 170 Timberjack 360 CRAWLER DOZERS A.C. HD6G Cat D 7 Int. TD9 J.D 3508 SKID STEER LOADERS J.D 24 Mel roe 400 Farm Equipment New Hay Tedders, ground driven and PTO Models available. Manufactured by PEQUEA MACHINE, Box 51, Gordonville, Pa. 17529 MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft., and 60 x ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior.' ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDI, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 WE OFFER -Custom Welding in our shop or on the job. -General nauling, repairing and fabricating. -Engine work large or small. -Chain saw sale, rental and repair. -Electric drills, hammer drills, grinders Sales & Service -Lawn and Garden Equip ment Sales & Service. JOHN L. STAUFFER Repair Service Box 67 RD2 East Earl, Pa. Case 800 J.D. 420 Case 500 (2) A.C. HD6G Cat D 4 Cat D6B A.C. HDII (2) J.D. 350 Mel roe 600 ' (1)(2) J.D. 24T Balers w-ejectors (1) New J.D. 346 Baler w-ejector. J.D. 246 Corn Planters J.D. 446 4-row 3 pt. corn planter J.D. 1460 6-row pull type no-till planter J.D. 1440 No-Til Planter (Demo) USED TRACTORS A.C. Model C w-cults. Farmall Cub w attachments. Farmall Cub Lo-Boy w-5 ft. ctr. mtd. mower M.H. 30 J.D. 40 w-3 pt. J.D. LA w-attachments J.D. B J.D. 1010 RCU w-3 pt. J.D. 2030 w-400 hrs. J.D. 4020 Power Shift, low hours. MILLER’S SALES & SERVICE, INC. Stewartstown, PA Phone 717-993-2470 MISC. CONSTRUCTION (2) Case 310 w-wmches Cat D 8 blade Int. 340 Trencher (3) Broom attachments (3) Huber Mamtamers A.C. Model D Grader (2) Rollers J-D 5010 Pan Leaf Vacuum (3) 2 Axle trailers (2) 1 axle trailers (2) 3 axle trailers 22’ dump trailer 38’ flat trailer Int. 340 Crawler Gallon 503 Grader J.D. Backhoe Attachment 1973 Fontaine 40’ Drop Deck Trailer TRACTOR LOADERS BACKHOES (3) Int. 3414 M.F. 300 Ford 4000 Case 580 CK J.D. 300 Int. 3444 J.D. 400 J.D. 500 A int 3500 A RUBBER TIRED LOADERS (2) Hough 30R AC TLIO Hough 70 Case WD9 Michigan 75 Scoopmobile Hough HU TRUCKS 1969 Chevy Dump 1952 Ford Cattle truck 1963 Mack 861 Truck Tractor (4) 1968 Chevy dump trucks 842 Mack truck tractor 1972 Transtar Truck Tractor 1967 Chevy Dump 1966 Chevy truck tractor 1965 Ford tilt bed 1966 Diamond Reo gram dump 1969 Int. 10 wheel dump (8) Motorcycles TRACTOR - LOADER (2) Case 530 CK M F. 40 J.D. 2010 Ford 600 Int. 2444 Farm Equipment USED FARM EQUIP. Int. 2606 Int. 544
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