Used DeLaval Pail Milkers w-visa claw Used Surge Pail Milkers Used 400 Gal. Sunset Tank w-compressor SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dlllerville Road Lancaster, PA Phone: 397-4701 IWE SALUTE LfJ ALL DAIRYMEN LANCASTER AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES OF BALERS HAYBINES RAKES MOWERS WE WELCOME YOU TO STOP IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT. WE’RE YOUR LUBRICATION HEADQUARTERS 1 - Co 1700 International Truck with Roll Back Bed (Very Good Cond.) 1 - 1700 IH Truck Conventional -16 Ft. Bed, Clean lb MESSICK ' FARM EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. MARKET STREET Dairy Equipment Dairy Equipment Dairy Equipment For Sale • 1500 gal. Mueller Hi-Perform Model OH bulk milk cooler with two 5 HP compressors and auto washer. 215-926-4798. For Sale - Surge SP 22 Vacuum pump, 6 Surge bucket milkers with jet Qo inflations, dumping station with 100 ft. or hose. 717-529- 2204. ' PHONE 3671319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 6534560 PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Sputnik Milk Porter as traded from the QuarryviUe Presbyterian Home farm $225; Rath pumping station with dryer as traded by Interstate shipper $125; Rath pumping station overhauled with new hose $3OO. Call Doug Johnson Industries, Elkton, Md. 301-398-3451 Night 301-398-3528 111. EQUIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN 60 Cadet 700 Wheel Horse 110 John Deere Reo Rider 300 Gal Jamesway w- Compressor, Good Cond. 500 gal. Esco, good cond., w-compressor 300 gal. Girton milk tank, good condition CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Klnzer, PA Phone Intercourse 768-8228 USED Farmall 806 D Case 300 w/Hydraulic Loader Farmall 240 Int. 454 3 Pt. Hitch I.H. 424 w/Loader 650 Harvester w/Screen Pickup Head N.H. 1469 Self Propelled Haybine J D. 3 Bot. 16” Plow Badger Self Unloading Wagon Smoker Elevator 24 and 30 ft. Case 9 ft. offset disk NH - 717 Harvester w/1 Row Head Sauder Loader I.H. 550 Plow 5-16" Midwest Lift Harrow Fits 12 ft. Disk New Idea Mower Conditioner ELIZABETHTOWN, PA Haybines - New Holland 469, 461, 467, 477 (new)- $2,850. I.H. 990. Hesston PT 10. v Balers - New Holland 273, 269, J.D. 24T. 224 T, (all with throwers). Nickelson and John Deere Hay Tedders. New Idea and Ford Hay conditioners. New Holland 770 Harvester‘with 2-row com head and hay pickup (used only for 40 acres). New and used New Holland Grinder-Mixers. Gunther Heussman, S. sth St., Emmaus, Pa. 18049, Phone 215-965-5203. For Sale - John Deere hydraulic bale kicker for 336 baler, used for 600 bales only. Christian K. Stoltzfus, R.D.2, Box 69, Spring Mills, Pa., 16875. For Sale - 2 row front mounted cultivators for A.C. Dl4 or Dl7 A-l Condition $50.00. Meyers pump jack with motor gears runs in oil $40.00 A-l. Phone 717-649- 5320. For Sale - Manure fork for 1700 model Mustang loader, standard attachment in good condition $2OO. Call after 5 p.m. 215-273-2794. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 7.1975—43 Pets RAINBOW KENNELS AKC Stud Service HOME OF QUALITY Belpan Sheepdo* Border CoKcs Shetland Sheepdof Irish Setters Peekapoos Cockerpoos Pekinese Poodles American Cocker Spaniel 663 Old Baltimore Pike Newark, Del. 1-302-737-6526 Farm Equipment 1 HEITZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Special of the Week STWIS Case Roller List $2595. Selling Price $2150. Used 196812 ton Trailer *slooo. Special of the Month Case Model 1816 Uni-Loader List $4500. Selling Price Only $3500. Used M.F. 203 Loader- Backhoe Used Int.- Backhoe InStock Loader- (3) Brand New 9 ton Tag-Along-Trailers Used 1966 Series 60 Chev. Tilt Bed Truck in Perfect Cond. Used J.D. 2010 Trac- Loader Case 350 Trac-Loader, 150 hrs. $11,500. Available Immediately Rebuilt Fork Lifts, 4000 lb. and 2000 lb. load capacity ready for immediate delivery Special Til July Ist Factory rebates on all Massey Ferguson Equipment Agricultural and In dustrial up to $1500.00. Discounts of $5OO. to $lOOO. or more on All Equipment on our lot. Glenmoore, PA Phone: 215-458-8525 Farm Equipment New Idea 1-row tran splanter; Oliver & Int. late model 2-way riding plows w raydex bottoms; 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine w reduction gear; New Idea No. 8 and No. IDA manure spreader: N.H. 55 & 68 Hay Rakes; N.I. 4 bar rake with tedder; Late Model N.I. Hay Crusher; J.D. Big 4 7 ft. cut mower w-wide wheels; Int. 2-row com planters; Int. 2 horse cultivators. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553 Uied Equip. (2) A.C. 7700 Combines with Corn & Grain Heads Gleaner C 2 with Corn & Grain Heads A.C. Model E Combine with Com & Grain Heads Int. S.P. Combine A.C. 66 All Crop Harvester 5020 J.D. G9OO Minneapolis Moline A.C. Model 200 Tractor A.C. Model 190 Tractor X.L. 190 Tractor I.H.C. Baler with Thrower 302 Baler with Thrower 303 Baler without Thrower N.H. 280 Baler with Thrower Cunningham Hay Con ditioner GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE QuarryvDle Phone 786-7318 Oliver 77 Dsl Tractor (Orch) Oliver 70 Gas Tractor (Steel) Allis Chalmers B w/cults USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 312 2R Corn Planter Oliver 2R trl corn planter John Deere 2R corn planter Oliver 365 3B 16" 3 pt Plow Oliver 348 3 B 18" 3 pt Plow MM 5000 3B 14 3 pt Plow Ford 3B 12” 3 pt plow Ford IB 14 3 pt plow Oliver 2B 14 ’ trl plow Dunham 7 tt Cultipacker IH (horse) Gram Drill J 0 Wheel Disc - 12 ft Oliver 13 7 Gram Drill Oliver 16-7 Gram Drill NEW TRACTORS Oliver 1755 Diesel Tractor Oliver 1365 Dsl Utl Tractor Oliver 1265 Dsl Utl Tractor Kubota L 260 Dsl Utility Kubota L 175 Dsl Utility NEW EQUIPMENT White 3242 2B 14” 3 pt plow vvnne J4H 3B SAR 3 pt plow White 348 4B SAR 3 pt plow White 548 5B SAR Semi Plow White 252 Disc Harrow Pittsburgh 2B 12' 3 pt plow Pittsburgh 2B 14 3 pt plow Pittsburgh 7tt 7 Wheel Disc Pittsburgh slt 5 3 pt Disc Woods MSP 3 pt rotary cutter Woods M6OP rotary cutter Woods 84 Trl rotary cutter Vicon PS 500 3 pt spreader Vicon PS 600 3 pt spreader Vicon 3 pt hay rake USED LAWN EQUIPMENT Bolens 1556 15 h p Hydro Bolens G 14 gear M F 12 h p Hydro Economy w/Attch FARMERSVILLE EQUIP., INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 717-354-4271 Store Hours Daily 7 30 6 00 Sat 730 4 30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers