—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24, 1975 62 Bucks-Montgomery Wool Pool The Bucks • Montgomery Cooperative Wool Pool la again planning a one-day pool, according to Mrs. John (Ruth) Wright, Coop President. The grading and shipping will be on June 10, 1975, from the Reading Freight Station, Doylestown, Pa. In order to ac commodate all the shippers in one day, shippers with more than 300 pounds are encouraged to arrive in the morning (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.); shippers with less than 300 pounds, arrive in the afternoon (12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.). A RUGGED CONSTRUCTION m SOLID CONCRETE WALLS STEEL REINFORCED ■ mwMM STAR SILO ASSOCIATION, Inc. RDI. MYERSTOWN. PA. 17067 DIAL (717) 866-5708 990 MOWER CONDITIONER ° n '» *3,350.00 Includes High Flotation Tires Stone Shoe Alt Hydraulic Cylinder & Hose The International® 990 takes even less adjust ment and less power than ever, which means you can usually operate a gear faster even in heavy hay You’ll like the even stubble, cut as low as you want, and the excellent windrows or swaths this machine produces • Exclusive 4-, 5-, or 6-bat large diameter reel • Unobstructed platform-to-conditioner feed • Balanced head knife drive, with 3-mch stroke • Uniform platform weight at all positions • Constant pressure conditioner rolls open hy draulically ■ mCome see it. We think you’ll agree it’s ® the best in its class. OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 430 All Twine Baler, Custom Pickup. No. 10 Bale Thrower, With Hydraulic Steering, All For Only $4,450.00 555 Forage Harvester With Two Row Wide Corn Head $4,300.00 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT Gehl Model C. B. 600 Forage Harvester With HA 600 Pickup Att. TR6OO Narrow Row Corn Head Only $2,600.00 J.D. 12 Foot 3 pt rotary hoe I.H. 155 pto Spreader 2 - 7 hp. Cadets with mowers 2 New Holland Forage Wagons Side & Rear unloading Roofs $2,100.00 each R. S. HOLLINGER & SON 113 West Mam Street, Mountville INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MEN MON thruTHURS FRIDAY SATURDAY Scheduled Ben Morgan, from Penn State, will do the grading. Prouvost Lefebvre & Co., Boston, Massachusetts, was the successful bidder. Price per pound for the different grades will be: 3-0 and Staple • $.40; 3-0 and V* Clothing • .35; Medium Rejects • .35; Low V* - .40; Fine Staple - .40; Staple - .40; Fine and Mi Clothing - .35; Fine and Mi Rejects - .35; Tags - .10; Karakul - .20. Mrs. Wright offered these guidelines for coop members who will be selling their wool on June 10. 1. Follow directions for INTERNATIONAL 9 foot 3- t Phone 285-4538 $7BO $9OO $550 8 A M. to 8 P M. SAM t0530P.M. 8 A.M. to 3 PM. getting In line - line will form on Ashland Street, west of the Reading Station. 2. Observe time for big shipments. 3. You must take your turn in line - do not ask any helpers for privileges. 4. Untied wools will be discounted 5 cents. 5. Local handling charge about cents per pound on all wools. 6. Wool must be tied with paper twine. 7. Paper twine will be available at the Pool at a cost of 85 cents a roll. Farm Women Past Presidents Hold Luncheon The past Lancaster County presidents of the Farm women Societies met on Thursday, May 8 at the home of Mrs. Barbara Moore, Lititz. The program included a covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Moore was one of the charter members of Society 1 when it was organized in July 28,1917 at Walnut Grove Farm in Lititz which was the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fautz. Mrs. Moore was also one of the first county presidents. The president of the group, Mrs. Sadie Greenleaf conducted the meeting. The noontime prayer was given by Mrs. Mary Denlinger. The secretary’s report was given by Mrs. Helen Esheleman. Mrs. Helen Hess reported the Silver Bowl with past presidents names engraved on it was purchased she was PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, JUNE 20-3 P.M. FARM EQUIPMENT - COMBINES Consign Now - Excellent Selection - Reasonable Rates Dealers and Farmers: Turn your extra equipment into cash the easy way. We can haul items for your convenience at our customary rates. Sale held Rain or Shine - Refreshments by Myerstown Brethren Church Sale located at Wenger’s Farm Machinery Inc., South Race St., Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown For information call Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147 Auctioneers: GOOD WORD froni (he h’ll'lc -^f 7 Now the man, out of whom the devils departed, besought him that ho might bo with him; but Jesus sont him away, toying. Return to thino own house, and show how groat things God hath done unto thoo. And ho wont his way, and publishod throughout the whole city how groat things Jesus had done unto him. Luke 8:38,39 appointed custodian of the bowl. The bowl, filled with spring flowers by Arlene Witman adorned the center of the dinner table. It will be used with roses at the County Annual Conventions as a memorial to the deceased county presidents. Those present responded to roll call by telling of interesting projects accomplished during their terms of office. Mrs. Elam Buckwalter will host the group at their next meeting. Those present included: Barbara Moore, Mary Denlinger, Sadie Greenleaf, Elsie Metzler, Helen Esheleman, Arlene Witman, Helen Hess, Elizabeth Workman, Bar bara Eberly, Mrs. Elan Buckwalter, Mrs. Abram Weidman and Audrey Myers. (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) FARM TRACTORS - TRUCKS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CALL CLOSE TO SALE DATE FOR COMPLETE LISTING. Blaine Rentzel Paul Z. Martin PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MACHINERY, ETC. On Firm, 14 milts E. of Hughtsvillt, 4 milts N. ol UnilyviDt, PA (Lycoming County). Along Unityvillt-Btach Gkn |PA R(. 42| Road, ntar Swishtr’s Slort. SATURDAY, MAY 31,1975 Starting 9:30 A.M. 3 GENERATION ACCUMULATION. 1 piece corner cupboard; Harrand Beautiful old oak organ w-mirror; old 1 pc. wall cupboard w-dry sink; 2 dry sinks; 3 pc. high bed marble top bedroom suite; 2 raised head couches; wooden ice refrigerator'; oak pedestal table; dropleaf table; Edison record player; thick records; oak sideboard; 2 large spinning wheels; yarn reel; 6 matching cane bottom ‘rabbit’ ear chairs; rope and spool beds - not complete; oak - wicker - cane - plank rockers; oak stands - dressers; drophead sewing machines; old fancy push baby buggy; stand-piano stool both w-ball and claw feet; 2-8 day shelf clocks; 3 wooden churns; glass • tin churns; large butter bowl; cream cans on legs; wire top milk bottle; wooden wash machine; child’s spokewheel wagon; old towel rack; Win. Mod. 55 32 spec, rifle; Dbl. and single barrel shotguns; old lever crackshot 22 rifle; 2 broad axes; ice tongs; 75 lb. anvil; grain cradle; primitives; C.I. pump; lanterns; milk cans; horse shoes; neck yokes; Dbl. and single trees; 16 flat irons; tin hunting licen ses; car licenses; 1 gal. McHenry jug; dated and wiretop jars; 2 old peanut jars; crocks; jugs; butcher equipment; Tin lunch pails; iron kettle; cast iron toys; old Prince Albert tobacco can w-match carrier; 4 cow bells; old Almanacs; fancy old marriage certificate (1891); box frames; 10 various oil lamps; salters; fireplace griddle; Shirley Temple creamer; lot of depression glass; glassware; old Fordson tractor in 2 parts; horse shoeing box; ox shoe; old advertising signs, etc. Horse drawn machinery; etc., etc. Plan to attend this old dispersal under large tent. Owner MRS. ALTA SWISHER Auct. - Max Fraley & Son 717-546-6631 Lunch Available Clerk: Harvey Hoover
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