Pineville Grange Pineville Grange 907 held Tenderfoot to Star. A Scout Youth and Visitation Night Scrapbook was on display, recently at the Jericho During the business Valley Community Center, meeting plana were Master, George Leopold discussed for the May 23rd presided. Grange Meeting and the Lecturer of Pineville dinner on May 24th for our Grange and Youth Chairman 100th Anniversary, of Lower Bucks Pomona, Discussion was held about Horace Smith introduced G. the bench to be built by Todd Williams, Assistant Pineville Grange for the Scout Master of Troop No. Jericho Valley Community 75, Penndel, Pa. Todd Center Baseball Team and Williams introduced Ward otl,er groups to use; as McMaster Scout Master; Plneville’s 100th An- Edwin Hill; Assistant Scout nlversary gift. Master and Craig Hill Senior There were 30 Grangers Patrol Leader. end Boy Scouts in at* The program presented by Scout Patrols was in charge of Edwin Hill, Assistant Scout Master. It consisted of “America", and Boy Scout Creed with slides on the National Scout Jamboree 1973 near Pittsburg, Pa. Camping, projects and community service were talked about by 10 Scout Patrols ranking from Dutchman. Controlled Ventilation quires a well planned system of air exchange, designed for the particular needs of the building it is to serve, and incorporating quality, efficient mechanical fans and properly designed air inlets and controls. Big Dutchman, backed by years of research, offers a complete line of ventilation equipment and plan ning service to provide precise environmental control in any poultry or livestock confinement operation. Contact us for personalized in formation and service. • 30 ",,36" & 48" Big Volume Fans • Vent-JVlatic Fans • Air Inlet Systems • Evaporative Cooling Systems • Variable Speed Fans • Time/Temperature Controls HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO., INC. The Systems Company 3544576 lsi<j PutchlMn. . ■ A DIVISION Of US. INDUSIWES.MC. 215 Oilier Avenue New Holland, Pa. y ■* J J i » J W WV3rV tendance. William Campbell State Deputy (Pomona No. 22) from Middletown, 3 Grangers from Carversville Grange, 12 from Pineville including Pomona Master, Hans Gramm. Refreshments were served by Chairman of Women Activities, Carolyn Fleming and her committee. Chairman of Publicity, Horace T. Smith Japanese To Study Soybeans Bacon, $3.32 a pound; chuck roast, $4 a pound; sirloin steak, $15.10 a pound; milk, |2.80 a gallon. An American housewife’s nightmare? No. These are typical Tokyo grocery store prices according to a recent USOA survey. The high price of coven tional protein in Japan is opening up a wide new market for soy protein foods, and the American Soybean Association (ASA) is providing Japanese government and industry leaders with the information and technical assistance they need to expand use of this new product. A team of four Japanese industry and government Royster Restarts Charlotte Operation Royster Company has resumed fertilizer production in its Charlotte factory, J. Frank George, Vice President, Production, reported today. Royster suspended operations late in October and has since invested $1,381,000 in renovation and improvements, George said. The factory manufactures fertilizer grades formulated for the soil conditions and major crops of 40 counties in central and western North Carolina. Corn, hay, soybeans and wheat are the area’s principal crops. George said installation of new automated bagging machinery, to be completed by fall, will cut in half the time needed to load out shipments of bagged fer tilizer. In addition, a $200,000 air cleaning system has been installed to prevent fertilizer dust from escaping and causing air pollution. Me. <4424 FORAGE BOXES, 16" wide Auger or CHom Cross Conveyor « I to 5 tons PTO Fertilizer Spreaders • Feeder Boxes Oelwem, Uw* 50442 LIQUID APPLICATORS, 150 to 500 gol poly tanks, 3-P hitch, trailer and mid-mounted • Beet Equipment • Flail Mowers and Shredders • Bean Puller-Cutters and Windrowers • Gravity-Flow Boxes • Corn Cribs • 25,000 lbs Wagon Gears leaders Is presently visiting the United States to learn more about the utilization and marketing of soy proteins. The team, brought to the U.S. by ASA and the USDA Foreign Agricultural Ser vice, includes represen tatives of two firms which market more than 90 percent of the soy protein produced in Japan. In addition, both firms manufacture prepared food products containing soy protein as a major ingredient. The two government of ficials on the team work for the Japanese agriculture department, where they are in charge of consumer education for soy proteins. During the 19-day study tour, team members will: •leam about use of soy foods in lowa school lunch PAULK MFG CO , INC Fitifcrold, G« 3175 p PEANUT DIGGER-SHAKER IHVERTER-WINDROWER, 70” inch wide • Seeder-Spreader • Chisel Plow • sfh wheel Wagon Gears • Traveling Irrigation • Gravity- Flow Box • Sub-Soiler • Rotary Cutters Bottom Auger UTILITY BOXES, 3 and 6 ton with spinner or auger • Gravity Box Augers • Dump Truck Auger • Corn Planter Cross Auger • Flipper GUTSHALL'S SILO REPAIR RDI Womelsdorf, PA 19567 or Call 717-933-4616 .'|l r V\ _ it j>/ r ’.'\ c 1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975—59 programs. -hear about soy protein research at the University of Minnesota, lowa State University, University of Illinois and the Northern Regional Agricultural Utilization Laboratory in Peoria, 111. -visit the Des Moines Super Valu Center and various supermarkets to leam about marketing of soy protein products. -leam about food labeling regulations in the state of Minnesota. -see what the ISU Extension Service is doing to educate consumers about soy protein. -visit Ralston Purina soy protein operations in St. Louis, Central Soya in Chicago and a company in Los Angeles which produces sov-fortified macaroni.. 0 STEINMAN MFG , INC Carrington. N D 58421 POST HOLE DIGGERS, PTO and hydraulic models • Rock Picker • Scraper Blades • Portable Hay Feeders • Metal Gates • 400 bu Grain Buggy Okia‘. < 74i53 ■sr UNITED TO SERVE YOU BETJER In U,S. Yoshiko Kojlma, ASA’s food specialist in Japan, will accompany the team. Miss Kojima estimates that, with continued ASA promotion, Japanese consumption of soy protein materials in human food could reach about 423,000 metric tons by 1980. That figure includes amounts of soy protein to be added to such foods as breads, macaroni products, canned meat, fish patties, milk, ham and sausage. It does not include traditional Japanese food use of soybeans, such as tofu. Since only negligible amounts of soy protein were used in non-traditional Japanese foods in 1970, the projected figure for 1980 means a new market for over 39 million bushels of soybeans in a 10-year period. dBBBU “Turleek, Cetif. 9S3SO AGRICULTURAL MILLS, chop hay and grind grain separately at the same time • Feed plants • PTO Baled Hay Shredders • Recyclers GRINDERS-MIXERS, PTO gear box driven Hydraulic ana me chanical models 21" Self- Feeder and Whole Bale Shredder Convertible to grinder-blower to fill structures 90 ft high —.. . Grinder-Blowers • Knife type IK, Hommermills • 400 bu Groin Buggy • Wagon Gears FREE CATALOG! DISTRIBUTOR FOR
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