48—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 24,1975 Recipe Exchange Junior Cooking Edition This weekjwe are featuring a variety of recipes that have come to us from Junior Cooks. We hope you’ll try some for your family. Be watching for our special Dairy Issue on June 7 which will feature some interesting recipes for Dairy Month. For more cooking ideas see our Home on the Range Column! Ice Cream 2 small boxes of pudding (to be cooked) 4 eggs 1 to 2 cups sugar 1 can evaporated milk 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 cup whipping cream 2 cups milk Use 6 quart freezer if turning by hand. Katie Beiler age 13 Narvon XXX Pineapple Salad 1 box lemon gelatine 1 cup boiling water Vz cup sugar r l large size package cream cheese 1 can crushed pineapple 1 can carnation milk 3 cups graham cracker crumbs y* lb. margarine or butter. Dissolve gelatine in hot Good news for car owners AGWAY NOW HAS UNLEADED GAS You’ll' find unleaded from AGWAY gives you the per formance you expect in 1975 cars Some earlier models also perform well with unleaded Not sure whether your car can use unleaded gas 7 Ask your Agway man Call or stop by soon' / * N AGWAY &> PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD LANCASTER, PA PHONE 397-4954 FOR COOL MILK ...FAST! SALES and SERVICE . OR t P ' 6IKTOM TANKS New 18 Can All Steel Can Cooler New & Used Air & Water Cooled Diesels Used Bulk Tanks & Can Coolers. For Complete Refrigeration on Milk Cooling in Central Penna., Contact: CHRIST K. FISHER RD2, Loganton, PA 17747 water. Add sugar then cool until syrupy, beat with egg beater until light and fluffy. Mash cream cheese and pineapples. Whip milk like whipped cream and add to pineapples jello. Roll graham crackers fine and mix with margarine add Vi cup brown sugar. Line pans with crumbs. Add filling put rest of crumbs on top. Rachel Esh age 13 Ronks XXX Apple Goodie cups sugar 2 tablespoons flour pinch of salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon I*6 quart apples, sliced Topping: 1 cup oatmeal 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup flour V* teaspoon soda 1- teaspoon baking powder 2- cup butter Mix sugar, flour, salt and cinnamon. Add to apples and mix. Put on bottom of greased pan. Mix the topping ingredients until crumble. Pat firmly on apples. Bake until brown and crust is formed. Serve with milk or cream. Catherine Martin age 14 Leola, Pa. XXX Malinda Cake IMs cups sugar (white or brown) Vz cup cold water \Vz cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Mix sugar and water. Add flour mixture, egg yolks and vanilla. Beat egg whites stiff and fold in last. Malinda Martin age 10 Denver, Pa. XXX Soft Sugar Drop Cookies 3 pounds brown sugar 6 eggs beaten 1 quart thick milk or but' termilk 3% pounds' of flour which should be % bread flour and or all purpose flour IMt pounds lard at room temperature vanilla 2 full tablespoons soda in milk Bake in an hot oven. Dust with powdered sugar. Thelma Martin age? Pine Grove XXX Coffee Soup 2 cups bread (cubed) 2 1-3 quarts milk Vz cup sugar 1 level tablespoon instant York Co. Dairy Princess Contest Is Announced The York County Dairy Industry is sponsoring a Dairy Princess Contest at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 28, at the 4-H Center, Fair. “Who Was, Who Will Be?” is the theme for the 1975 pageant. Any former York County Dairy Princess or other person who can provide helpful information should write or call program committee chairman, Mrs. Laveme Bentz Box 70 R.D.I, Wellsville, Penna. 17365,717- 432-4100. A contestant must live in York County, be a daughter of a dairy farmer, a dairy farm manager, a herdsman or dairy farm owner during the current year. She may be the owner of more than one dairy animal prior to May 1, 1975. The contestant must have completed her junior coffee 1 cup hot water In a four quart kettle put coffee and hot water. Add milk and sugar then heat but do not boil. Put in bread and serve. Mahlon Z. Burkholder age 9 Mifflinburg, Pa. XXX Roast Turkey Thoroughly clean and dress a medium size turkey. Make a dressing of Ms cup year of high school and not have readied her 21st bir thday by September 1. She must be single and never married, and have her parents consent. Interested girls should write for further details to Mrs. Sara Eisenhart, Box 174 R.D. 1 Thomasville, 17365 or call 259-0908. All entries must be received by June 2,1975. The local winner will represent York County at the annual state dairy princess contest in Harrisburg. POTPOURRI The average American home generates 4 5 pounds of trash per day More than 300 varieties of almonds have been developed in California since 1875 The pig is one of the most primitive forms of domestic mammals, dating back nearly 40 million years JOIN OUR VACATION CLUB NEXT YEAR! THERE'S A CLUB TO FIT EVERY BUDGET S l, S 2, S 3, S 4, S 5, S lO AND S 2O PER WEEK! And. . .We Will Pay A Whopping 5% ON ALL VACATION CLUB ACCOUNTS! BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK BLUE BALL 354-4541 butter, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon salt and teaspoon black pepper. Rub well over the turkey. Place in a roaster with 1 quart of water and bake until done. Katie Esh Gordonville XXX Date Balls 1 stick margarine IM> pounds chopped dates L© THIS YEAR... INTEREST □B6NB MORGANTOWN 286-SIOI Thrive Centers Putt It Al Together Ask About Our Pole Structures Thrive Centers combine expert engineering knowhow and top quality buildings. •Odors and Manure Handling Almost Eliminated •Reduced Pig Mortality •Better Disease Control •Better Working Conditions Year Around Proper insulation and ventila tion lets animals do better naturally HUSKEE-BILTI TERRE HILL 445-6741 ?4 cups sugar 2 egg yolks Cook over low heat for 2 minutes take off heat and add: cups crisped rice cereal 1 teaspoon vanilla Vi cup nuts When partly cooked roll into balls and roll in coconut. EttaMea Horst age 11 m • YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN: IS MERVIN MILLER RD2, Keener Road, Lititz, Penna. Phone 626-5204
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