Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 24, 1975, Image 33
Mail Box Market Posture For Runt - Also rood grader (or sole with 10 (t. pull swing blade and scarflre and V plow. 717-029-2375. Ox Teams for Sale ■ also ox yokes and relotcd equip ment. Chandler L Bond, P.O. Box 5, Stepney, Conn. 06468 Phone 203-2680312. Wanted - Used tic stalls or comfort stalls. 717-435-0272. Wanted to Buy - Plow & Cultivator for CA A.C. without snap coupler. 717- 665-3914. Wanted - Bedroom suite in good condition, reasonably priced, 717-733-6390. For Sale - McCormick im plements: two horse cultivator, 4 bar side rake and one No. 9 mower with 5 and 7 ft. bars, like new. $2OO. 3 pieces. 717-656-9548. For Sale - Letz Portable PTO grinder-mixer. 717-665- 5747. TRY A CLASSIFIED * MEMORIAL DAY * * * \ HEADLINERS * * JUST ARRIVED 715 Combine w-13 ft. platform, 4 row cornhead, cab. 2 - 1066’5, one with air conditioned cab 1 - 966 NEW EQUIPMENT 35 Rake 1300 Sickle Bar Mower 56 2 row Planter 400 4 & 6 row Planters USED SPECIALS OF THE WEEK Int. 125 C Series Crawler Loader Diesel, full power shift, 4 in 1 Yard, V* Bucket, Excellent Condition. Oliver 880, good rubber, 3 pt. hitch, power steering $2,495 International 450 plow, 3 16” bottoms $ Save $ Massey Ferguson 175 D with Heavy Duty Loader, 127 hours, 8 speed trans., live hydraulics, live PTO, almost new tractor at Used price. WE HAVE BALER TWINE IN STOCK! fOur Aim is to Serve You Better j illlfli] INTERNATIONAL INC. | 1054 SOUTH STATE STREET ill EPHRATA, PA 17522 V ■II® PHONE 717-733-2283 Lancaster County's Only International. Full Line Dealer. Mail Box Market For Sale - Now Idea Unl- Svstcm, 705 Diesel, Forage Harvester and shellcr at tachments, and 4 heads. Can be seen in operation. 215-933- 7379. For Sale - John Deere 24T baler, good condition. Wanted to Buy • 16x8 or bigger hay wagon with sides. 215-933-7379. For Sale • 21 cow tic stalls complete. Three point hitch power take off roto-cutter six ft. width. Three gang reel lawn mower 60" width. 814- 267-4953. For Sale - Bootmaker son bom 9-73 asking $475 00 or will trade toward registered Holstein bred heifer or cow. 215-323-1496. For Sale - Honda 71 CLI7S very good condition $350. Stack or pizza ovens. 4 shelves 7”x41”. Wanted - Bee swarms. Oxford Area 717-529-6273. For Sale - Ellis Champion threshing machine, good condition, 2 pt. Int. rake like new, 2 pt. Int. 7 ft. mower. 215-445-4627. 555 Harvester w-pick-up head Mail Box Market For Sale - Farmall M Tractor, recently overhauled In A-l Condition. 717-933-8713. For Sale - Farmall M Tractor with mounted 2 ME Kicker, good condition. 717- 13-4659. For Rent • Deluxe mobile home located on horse farm. Beautiful view, modern appliances Including washer, dryer and central air conditioning. No Children. 717-665-3983. For Sale - No. 2A In ternational hay conditioner, good condition. 717-464- For Sale - Beautiful Registered St. Bernard, male pup. 717-354-7510. For Sale - Tapered board feeders and wooden con veyors. Starline 12 ft. silo unloader, Starline 1388 conveyor 18 ft. long, 1350 Starline conveyor 36 ft. long. 717-786-7654. For Sale - New Idea No. 323 corn picker, priced only 60 acres, excellent condition, Kill Bros, com bin wagon used only 2 seasons, very good shape. 717-442-4452. For Sale - 2 new 700:17.5 truck tires $BO.OO, 2 used 700:17.5 truck tires $40.00. 717-684-8330. For Sale - John Deere No. 5 mower with 7 ft. bar wheel rake; J.D. fertilizer spreader; M.F. 3-B trip plow. Call mornings 717-872- 5712. For Sale - 16 - 40 lb. pigs. Daniel B. Smucker, Gor donville RDI, near Zeltenreich Church. For Sale - New Idea manure spreader, 213, with pan, used 2 years. Massey Ferguson 175 tractor. Call 354-0338. FREE - Summer Pasture for about 6 goats or would like to buy goats for $lO. each. 717- 376-4971. BEDFORD COUNTY FARMERS FARM 125 acres, fertile limestone soil, large house, modern kitchen, 2 baths, oil hot water heat, almost new barn, 38 comfort stalls, 2 silos, 2 machinery buildings (one new) 2 car garage, extensive highway frontage, a real buy. Possession at once, asking $97,500. Everett G. Henderson, Broker, Twin Valley Farms, Breezewood, PA 15533, Phone 814-784-3102. Many other dairy and Beef Farms. Mail Box Market Wanted - Approx. 180 Medford silo staves. Call between 6:30 and 7:30, 215- 445-5697. For Sale - Two-wheel flatbed wagon, on rubber, with side boards and endgate. good condition, Terre Hill 445- 6151. Real Estate For Sale • Small potato chip plant. Call 717-761-7963 after 6 p.m. 100 A. limestone, show place, ex bldgs, with cattle and equip. Up for auick sale due to illness iwner financing. 132 A, 100 tillaole, bal woods w-stream, $425. per acre 229 A, Limestone modern dairy, brick mansion. 48 A, 70 comfort stalls, 25x65 and 20 x 70 Har vestores. Stone home. 154 A, 54 stalls, 20x70 concrete, 20 x 30 and 20 x 60 Harvestores. 135 A, Modern Hog and Beef, colonial brick home. 218 A, 70 tillable, bal. timber w-stream and barn $4OO. per acre. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, PA One of Wayne Co. Pa.’s top dairy farms. 155 acres, 110 acres tillable. Level to gently rolling land, with IM> miles road frontage. Located 4 miles from Honesdale, within 10 minutes drive to five major machinery dealers. Excellent 34’ x 205’ dairy bam with 90 stalls plus pens. Double six herringbone Bou Matic milking parlor, 1000 gal. Dari Kool bulk tank, office, Mix Mill feed factory with storage for 165 tons grain, silos, cleaner, and all necessary equipment for modem farming. 100 head of Reg. Holsteins. 8 rm. 4 bedroom modernized nome. Sell stocked and equipped or bare. Moderately priced. Low taxes. Ph. 717-253-3109 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975 Real Estate Wants to Rent: Young 208 acre modern hog farm,' Couple, teachers, desire farrow’to finish, 4,000 head farm house or country home. anouajly- Harold I* ries, P.O. Call 299-4731 after 5:00. Box 149 < Bedford, Pa 15522. 814-623-9223 YATES and SCHUYLER COUNTIES NEW YORK STATE FARMS oil types and sizes Homos Businesses Call anytime 607 243 7410 or write STOCKING, Broker Dundee. NY 14837 ON THE HOUSE UPSTATE NEW YORK BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES AREA 200 acres, 170 tillable, Ontario Loam, excellent Alfalfa land, 53 ties, barn insulated ceiling and sides, large milk house, 2 silos, 2 equipment buildings, storage barns, mam house with apartment, tenant house, 300 foot of very mce lake front with mobile home. 112 acres, barn, silo, 4 bedroom home, bath, furnace, near village, lovely view. 175 acres, 145 tillable, 46 ties, 3 silos, 7 room home, full basement, 2 car garage J. R. ALLEN, REALTOR Dundee, NY 607-292-3180 14837 Martin Custom FREE STALLS Save You Time and Money... Today, dairymen consider the Martin Free Stall one of the very best investments they can make. Sturdy construction and so many practical features for greater strength, long-lasting service and convenient installation provide a real permanent value. Plus, Free Stalls provide all of the time-saving advantages of housing your milking herd in modern free stall housing. Your cows are always much more comfortable and a lot safer with MARTIN FREE STALLS. WRITE OR CALL FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE: (717) 933-4151 Plant Location: Route 645, three miles north of Myerstown, Pa. Follow the signs. f martin 1 f manufacturing J ■ FREE STALLS • GRAVITY UNLOADING BEDS STEEL BARNYARD AND FEEDLOT FENCING I CATTLE GATES AND FOOLPROOF LATCHES Real Estate 33