’73 Farm Family Living Expenses Totalled $ ll,OOO Expenditures for living average size of a farm expenditures totaled $1,722. clothing decreased from 13 averaaed $10,786 for farm family was 3.53 members, In The survey findings will percent to 6 percent; while families in 1973, compared 195511 had been 38 persons, provide current farm family transportation advanced with $3 308 in 1955 when the 11,8 average age of the head living expenditure patterns from 11 percent to nearly 29 last similar survey was ‘he household Increased for updating weights in the percent, conducted bv the U S f fom 49 * 6 years to 60.4. Parity Index. SRS notes that in Department of Agriculture’s A breakdown of 1973 The 1955 Farm Family analyzing the survey results Statistical Reporting Service family living expenditures Living Expenditure Survey consideration should be (SRS), showed transportation - by SES determined that given to the fact that net A preliminary summary of purchases and operations - housing costs headed the list, farm Income in 1973 reached the took the largest share, then came food outlays, a record high of about today by SRS estimated the $3,109, followed by $2,671 for clothing, transportation, and blUion, almost double the total outlay for living needs housing, and $2,013 for food, medical care. The share of 1972 level which might have by fam operaK excluding the value of the total expenditures for Influenced usual expenditure amounted to $30.7 billion products consumed on farms housing declined from 28 patterns and relationships. The survey which Included where grown. Clothing ex- percent in 1955 to 25 percent The survey was conducted in personal interviews with penses were $647 on average, in 1973; food went down from April and June 1973 and 2,600 operators, found the medical care $624, and other 25 percent to 18.7 percent; early 1974. / Two phTfeKiowl \ I qualify chain Saws-for / V hotneoufners y , — - \ ' • Automatic oiling y Priced from 9 Famous HOMEUTE*XL2 with 2 triggers • Front trigger for little jobs • Back trigger for big jobs •$129.95 with 12" Power Tip Bar and Cham. Suggested Retail Price NOW AVAILABLE WITH FREE CARRY CASE. r — FARMERSVILLE —J EQUIP., INC. Ephrata, RD2, PA 17522 717-354-4271 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri.7:30t06:00 Saturday 7; 30 to 4; 30 USDA Reviews Farm Ownership State statutes restricting alien ownership of farm real estate range from those virtually prohibiting alien investment to those which would probably not deter a prudent investor, according to a report issued today by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Other laws limit inheritance of farmland by some aliens or keep them from buying or leasing state property. USDA’s Economic Research Service found that anti-alien statutes’ ef fectiveness is often blunted by practical obstacles. For example, alien investors can usually avoid the purposes of the statutes by using cor porate forms of ownership or partnerships, trusts, and other devices. Anti-alien statutes are also subject to constitutional considerations. The U. S. Constitution forbids a state to become directly involved in foreign relations or to discriminate against any person within its jurisdic tion. There is no generally applicable Federal regulation of alien in vestment. Six states substantially limit corporate ownership of farmland or involvement in farming operations. The primary impact is to exclude major agribusinesses and conglomerates from direct farm operations. There are no Federal laws regulating this activity. A single copy of “State and Federal Legal Regulation of Alien and Corporate Land Ownership and Farm Operation,” AER-284, is available free on postcard (please include zipcode) or telephone (447-7255) request from the Publications Unit, Economic Research Service, Room 0054 South Building, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. lower costs, plus savings in time and effort. This all means more net profits for you. Stop in today and ask about our Special Stockman's Knife offer Let us show you how Mol-Mix will fit your dairy and beef operation so that you can truly “cut costs” LANCASTER FARMING P. 0. BOX 266, LITITZ, PA. 17543 Fill in form below exactly as you wish your advertisement to appear, mail form together with proper amount of cash, check, money order, or we will bill you. • Please print legibly • Please use punctuation 16-51.60 17-$1.70 18-Sl.BO Name Address No. of Insertions Phone No, Cash Enclosed Date Bill Me Monthly en: our Feeding Costs H OUR LIQUID CONCEPT! stter Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975 Number of Words Ok*-- liqud supplements leader 14 15-$1.50 19-51.90 20-52.00 Regular classified ad rates: first 14 words - $1.40. Ten cents each additional word - $1.40 minimum! We will print your ad in the next issue after receipt. Please print or write legibly, please use only one word per space above your name and address counts as many words as it takes your phone number counts as one word. Please be sure to count the words over 14 and enclose correct amount to cover the entire cost. JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 25
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