Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 17, 1975, Image 18
I£—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 17,1975 More than a score of friends and relatives ended up on the stage Monday night with Laura Mc- Sparran, the surprised star of a "This Is Your Life" program conducted by the Fulton Grange on Grangers [Continued from Page 1] contributor to our women's section. The surprise party was fashioned after the “This Is Your Life” TV program. As master of ceremonies Clifford Holloway com mented on key incidents in Mrs. McSparran’s life, more than a score of family and friends entered from back stage to recite their remembrances of Laura May McSparran, who was bom Wednesday, August 13, 1913, to Eugene H. Brown and the late Nellie Patterson Brown. Among those sharing the evening with Mrs. Mc- Sparran were her brother, ► NOTICE TO \ t DEALERS AND < *■ FARMERS! \ ◄ ◄ i i i ◄ SEED CORN AVAILABLE AT THE MUNCY-CHIEF TRAILEL ”C. E. SAUDER & SONS MILL ► Contact Muncy Office 717-546-5981 or A C. E. Sauder & Sons Mill * k. East Earl, PA 215-445-4822 A [other area dealer representatives^ [ David Ressler David E. Shearer Lewis Lippy ' Starner Grain & Feed Co. k Myersiown, PA Bainbridge, PA LitOestown, PA New Oxford, PA A V 717-166-2801 717-367-3177 717-359-4649 717-624-2300 t MUNCY-CWEF HYBRIDS j V PENNSYLVANIA SEED GROWERS \ \ MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 4 T TELEPHONE AREA 717 546-5981 J R | CLIP & MAIL- 1 r | □ Please Mail Catalog & Price List I J □ iPlease Mail 1976 Prices I ► I 1 , I □ Farmer □ Dealer □ Corn Acres I NAME ADDRESS. PH' Haines L. Brown and his wife Ruth; her sister Bernice, wife of the Rev. Adolphe Glen Cloud of Lancaster; a former teacher at the Goshen School in Fulton Township, Jenette Mc- Cummings, was there. As the people from her past and present filed out of the wings and onto the stage, Mrs. McSparran was gradually surrounded by her own living personal 'history. Mary Shoeniaker, Clark McSparran and Don Eckert were there. Her aunt, Margaret Patterson was there and so were Anne Hambleton and Anna Lenker, coworkers from many years ago at Arm strong Cork. East Earl, PA Monday night Mrs. McSparran and her husband, Charles, are looking over a book of memorabilia compiled by the Grange members. Let Glackin, Mrs. Harold Alexander, Collins Mc- Sparran, Esther Brown, Ruth Ann Wood, Ralph Shenk and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Long came to honor the active Granger. Lancaster Fanning editor Dick Wanner presented Mrs. McSparran with a plaque recognizing her contributions to that newspaper’s readers over the years. And of course, there was the family. Charles Mc- Sparran, who first met Laura May Brown at a Thanksgiving supper held by the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. John and Ray McSparran, two of the three sons that eventually resulted from that shared turkey, were there with their families. Their brother, Lloyd, was unable to attend but sent his greetings. After everyone had had his say, Clifford Holloway presented Mrs. McSparran with a tape recorder, a gift from all the Grange mem bers. The “This is Your Life” committee who arranged the evening consisted of Joyce Holloway, Peach Bottom, Peggy Galbraith, Peach Bottom, Doris Hough, Peach Bottom, and Dorothy Stauffer, Quarryville Rl. BALER TWINE 40 ib. bale tfll 9000 ft V/.lu ixjNWnjtlKM! takes Mb aMisbltanl SOLID Da rereWinnr ROUPHISMIB ««Mb| frdi IDEAL FOR... customizing or repairing automobiles, cycles, go-carts, etc. ■ machinery repair ■plumbing repair ■ field construction ■ metal sculpture ■ farm tool repair tool repair ■ wrought iron work ■ rescue work ■ hobby work SAFE-stable Solidox pellets • SIMPLE TO OPERATE- ◄ single valve control • ECOHOMICAL no expensive cylinders • PORTARLE onIy 7 pounds. KIT INGLUDES'.Torch, propane, pellets, braze rods, glasses, lighter, guarantee This giant-capacity forage harvester is built for self propelled power Self-Propelled 5200 and 5400 Forage Harvesters aren’t pull-type units with engines added. They’re SP-built harvesters with 9- knife, 24-inch-diameter cutterheads. Exclusive J-knives can be held more rigidly. Recutter screens have larger surface area. Feed rolls are slip-clutch protected. The power units are feature-loaded, too. We have the John Deere "Super Harvester” on display. Stop by soon. Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717 393 3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnlon RD2,Pa 19540 )near Adamstown I 215 484 4391 M. S. Yeorsley „ , , , • ' Neunaus es, Inc. • * ons Glen Rock. P» West Chester 215 696-2990 717 235 1306 PATENTED A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717 354 4191 PikeviHe Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley REW2. PA 215-987 6277 MEN'S BICYCLES '/n fin 10-Speed 2-Sizes ffll.UU 6 Colors