Weed ICondnutd from P«|( 4t| forage legumes are most limited. But there are various cultural means of weed control that aren't being used to their fullest potential by today's forage producer. Since a vigorous stand of forage legume is a most competitive crop, the FARMSTED BUILDINGS 30’ x 40’ x 11’ Now $2943 16’ x 10’ Door Galvanized was $3462 40’ x 75’ x 14’ now $5792 20’ x 13’ Door Galvanized was $6814 BUY THE BEST . . . BUY BUTLER - Easy & Quick To Erect - Many Other Sizes & Options - Personnel Doors, Side Lite Panels, and Color Available - All Prices F. 0.8. Butler Plant PLEASE TEAR OFF AND MAIL TO FARM ILL Construction Soudersburg, PA 17577 Please Send Me More Information About. n BUTLER FARMSTEAD BUILDINGS □ BUTLER AG MASTER , BUTLER GRAIN BINS and DRYING NAME ADDRESS TOWN PHONE presence of a significant quantity of weeds in a forage stand is almost invariably o clue to some deficiency in the management of the forage crop. For example, a grower will request u recom mendation for the control of a specific weed problem which appears in his forage field in significant quantity. Removal of the weed in festation may be possible by chemical means. But the STATE forage crop generally won’t spread rapidly enough to fill in the voids created by controlling the problem weed. Consequently, new weed growth moves Into the voids and the grower has merely traded one weed problem for another. The cause of the weed problem is a less than adequate stand of forage legume. But the grower, in his haste to control the weed problem, attacked the effect rather than the cause. Total weed control must be based on attacking the cause of weed problems as a more permanent measure of weed control. Pastures Need Weed Control Pastures are probably the most neglected acreage on most livestock farms. And it’s probably because we harvest them only indirectly. They do provide livestock grazing but the actual yield isn’t measured in tons, bushels, or pounds. Con sequently, many livestock producers are satisfied to take want they can get “for free” from their pastures without additional in vestment in weed control, fertilization, and management-.jractices. And trying to take everything “for free” frequently leads to over grazing followed by even more serious weed invasion! Many research studies weed invasion! Many research studies have shown that livestock producers can increase returns from their pastures five to ten fold with proper management. The appropriate use of herbicides like Banvel, 2, 4- D, MCPA and 2,4, 5-T can convert weed and brush infested livestock “loafing 48’ x 75’ x 14’ now $BO7O 24' x 13’ Door Galvanized was $9494 60’ x 75’ x 16’ Now $9846 30’ x 15’ 3” Door Galvanized was $11,583 AGRI-BUILOER areas” into productive pastures. Corrective fer tilization, reestablishment of desirable forage species, and sound grazing management arc also important. Just as in the case of weed control in legume forages, weeds in a grass pasture arc most likely the effect. The cause of the problem, namely poor soil fertility, lack of sufficient grass cover, and-or poor pasture management must be considered in a total weed control program. A farmer should not miss any chance to control weeds and emphasis on non cropland is particularly important. After all, how much long-term benefit is gained by controlling thistles in com and small grain while maintaining a virtual thistle nursery in a pasture or fencerow. And it won’t do one farmer much good to practice total farm weed control if his neighbors don’t also go along with the idea. Weed populations have most effective means of spreading. They’ve had centuries of practice. Too often we worry, argue, and fret about whose respon sibility it is to control a weed infestation in non-cropland while it matures and produces enough seed to maintain itself as a threat for many years to come. We have the tools available today to practice total farm weed control like never before. And in the long run, it will reduce perennial weed infestations as well as the soil’s supply of all types of weed seeds and result in decreased weed control costs to the farmer. Total farm weed control isn’t an easy task. About the tune you think you’ve got all BUTLER KAN-SUN BATCH BRYER IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FARMILL CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR Soudersburg, PA Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 10.1975 bates covered, some tricky weed which you had not considered will find a means of invading your area. Weeds have a habit of doing this. They’re good at it because of their centuries of practice. But don't give up. Modify your program to handle the new situation. Persistence is the key. Never before in weed science history have we been in a better position to launch a total farm effort against weeds. (Ron Docrsch, bom on a Wisconsin dairy farm, received his PhD in Soil Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1963 and has been an extension weed control specialist at the university since 1962. Use the Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. FORD TRACTORS 2000 Gas CL 20 Loader 2000 Diesel C L 40 Loader 3000 Diesel 8 N 4000 Gas m a a 4000 SU Gas 6 nn 4000 SU Diesel gOO 5000 Diesel ■win 5200 Diesel SJg 6 x SS n' ese 5000 6 Y 3400 Diesel 4500 y L B 5500 TLB KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER Ore Valley The Ore Valley 4-H Club (York County) met at the Red Uon Grange recently. Steve Trostlc gave a demonstration on photography with a demonstration on Marshall Arts given by Mr. Holland and Mr. Hoiser. The business meeting was conducted by the officers with games and songs being led by the respective of ficers. The next meeting will be held at the Red Lion Grange on May 20 at 7:30 p.m. • the farmer whose daily harvest rate is under 2100 bushels • the farmer who is drying gram for the first time and wants to make a minimum dryer investment • the feeder who raises limited amounts of gram and doesn t want to haul his gram to town for drying and haul it back for feed • the farmer with separate field and storage locations, the portable Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can be moved to the gram and to the storage • the farmer who owns an in bin system, such as Butler StorN-Dry® and wants to increase his daily drying rate, he will use the Kan-Sun for drying and the bins as cooling and storage tanks (dryeration) The Butler Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can remove 10 points of moisture from 90 bushels of corn an hour in a 24 hour drying day the total dried and cooled will be 2.100 bushels Using dryeration can increase drying capacity to 2 700 bushels Phone 687-7659 49 4-H