Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 7
Leesport Leesport, Penna. April 30,1975 CATTLE 362. Supply in cluded 127 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday's market, slaughter steers |1 to |2 higher. Slaughter cows steady to strong. Choice slaughter steers 44.0048.35, Good 38.00-43.00, Standard 30.00-38,00, few Utility 23.00 29.85. Few Good Sc Choice slaughter heifers 32.25-37.00, Standard 23.00-27.85. Utility Sc High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.85-23.50, one at 24.10, Cutters 19.60 22.00. Canners 18.85-20.60, Shells down to 15.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 27.50-32.75, Standard 25.50 28,25, few Utility 21.25-23.75. Yield Grade No. 1 1240-1865 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.35- 29.00. one 1390 lbs. 35.00; few yield grade No. 2 1085-1465 lbs. 20.60-25.85. Feeder cattle active, Choice 230-600 lbs. feeder steers 30,00-37.00, Good 300-750 lbs. 27.25-32.25, Medium 300-770 lbs. 20.00 27.00; few Choice 300-650 lbs. feeder heifers 27.00-34.00, Good 300-600 lbs. 24.50-27.25, Medium 300-750 lbs. 18.00 23.00; Good 260-600 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00-29.50, Medium 200-900 lbs. 21.75- 26.00. CALVES 118. Vealers steady to $3 lower. Few Fewer hones work harder. Allis-Chalmers four under-100 hp tractors with power and features to match your needs for field and chores Handy on their feet for close quarters but solid on the draw when more pull is needed The reason is simple Allis-Chalmers exclusive TRACTION BOOSTER" sys tem It automatically responds to your traction needs Also cuts tire wear, saves fuel standard on all four models See your Allis-Chalmers dealer and test drive an under -100 hp Allis-Chalmers tractor you II see why we say Fewer horses work harder A ALLIS-CHALMERS Nlssley Farm Service Roy H. Buch, Inc. Washington Boro PA fphrata R D 2 717 285 4844 717 859 2441 L. H. Bruboker Grumelli Farm Service Lancaster \ n Quarryville PA 717 397 5179 717 786 7318 BHM Farm Equipment Inc. Annville R D 1 PA 717 867 2211 A. J. Noss & Son RD#2 Oley PA 215 987 6257 Livestock Choice vealers 57.00-60.00, Good 46.00-53.50, Standard 35.00- few Utility 110- 130 lbs. 32.00-39.00; 90-110 lbs. 28.00- ; 70-65 lbs. 20.00 29.00 ; 50-65 lbs. 19.00-22.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 33.0040.00. HOGS 414. Barrows Sc Gilts steady to 25 cents lower. One lot US No. 1-2 205 lbs. barrows Sc gilts 44.00, No. 1-3 195-245 lbs. 43.35-44.00, No. 2- 3 180-250 lbs. 42.50-43.35, No. 2-4 230-300 lbs. 39.0042.25, No. 1-3 160-180 lbs. 38.00 42.00. US No. 1-3 300600 lbs. sows 33.75-37.50. Few Boars 28.57-29.75; few stock boars 250300 lbs. 43.0061.00. FEEDER PIGS 278. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 18.5027.50 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs, 26.5037.50, No. 1-3 65-100 lbs. 31.0044.50, Utility 2040 lbs. 9.0017.00 per head. SHEEP 43. Choice 2045 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 75.0081.00. few 55-80 lbs. 54.0069.00. Slaughter ewes 12.0035.00. Greencastle Livestock Greencastle, Pa. April 28,1975 CATTLE 257. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 50 cents lower. Few Good slaughter steers 34.00-40.85, Standard 28.85-34.00, few The Rising Power in Tractors C. J. Wonsidler Bros* RD*l QuaKertown PA 18951 Phone 215 536 1935 Baltimore USDA Report April 28,1975 Cattle 500. Slaughter steers St heifers $1 to $2 higher; other classes being held for morning Auction. STEERS: Choice yield grade 24 1050-1335 lbs. 45.00- 46.00, Good St Choice 42.00- 44.00, Good 37.00H12.00, few Standard St Good 31.00-36.00. HEIFERS: Good 835-1015 lbs. 31.00-36.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Choice steers 575- 650 lbs. 30.25-32.50. HOGS 950. Barrows & Gilts 50c to 75c higher, US No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.50-43.00, bulk 42.75, No. 2-3 230-260 lbs. 42.00-42.50, No. 24 250-280 lbs. 41.0042.00. SOWS: Steady, instances 50c higher on weights over 400 lbs. US No. 1-3 300400 lbs. 33.50- 34.50, No. 2-3 400-600 lbs. 34.50-35.50. Utility 25.35-27.85. Few Good slaughter heifers 27.35-31.50, few Standard 24.75-27.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.75- 23.25, Cutters 19.25-21.50, Canners 17.50-19.60, Shells down to 13.25. Few Yield 'Grade No. 1 1310-1640 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.25-27.50; couple yield grade No. 2 1045 lbs. 22.50 and 22.85. Good 400- 750 lbs. feeder steers 26.50- 29.75, few Medium 630-720 lbs. 20.25-25.25; Medium 380- 530 lbs. feeder heifers 18.00- 20.50; few Good 510-700 lbs. feeder bulls 21.75-26.00. CALVES 142 Vealers steady to $2 higher. Few Prime vealers 60.50-67.00, few Choice 54.00-59.50, few Good 48.00-49.00, few Standard 41.50-46.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 30.00-38.00, 70-85 lbs. 28.50-30.50. Farm calves active, holstein bulls 90-110 lbs 31.50-44.00; few holstein heifers 90-105 lbs. 31.50-34.50. HOGS 40. Barrows & Gilts $1 to $1.25 higher. One lot US No. 1-3 210 lbs. barrows & gilts 43.00, No. 2-3 220-230 lbs. 42.25-42.50. Few US No. 1-3 315-520 lbs. sows 31.25-35.25. Couple Boars 29.35 and 30.10. FEEDER PIGS 7. One lot US No. 1-3 95 lbs. feeder pigs 32.50 cwt. SHEEP 16 Choice 70-90 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 45.50- 56.00. hp Apply your herbicide at the ideal time in corn: York Livestock Thomasvllle, Pcnna. April 30,1975 CATTLE 128. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to strong. Slaughter cows weak to 25 cents lower. Few High Choice St Prime 1170-1470 lbs. slaughter steers 47.00-50.00, few Choice 1110-1340 lb. 42.8543.75, few Good 38.8542.25, Standard 30.00-34.75, few Utility 26.00- 27.10. Few Standard & Good slaughter heifers 27.25-28.00. A Year Around Controlled “Ideal” Environment Your barn will always be a healthier place for your animals with Rigidply rafter construction. For Free Stall Housing continuous ventilation is assured by a ventilator roof and air flow always available through the heel. This flexibility allows proper ventilation for all seasons with a min imum amount of condensation. The flexibility of the arch extends also to construction; often the arch and wood decking system will permit con struction to continue into peak winter months. RIGIDPLY RAFTERS, INC. (717) 866-6581 Linden Street/Richland RDI, Pa, 17087 Oakland RD2, Md. 21550/(301) 334-4626 Utility St High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 20.75- 23.60, Cutters 19.00-20.35, Canners 16.50-18.50, Shells down to 12.75. Few Good slaughter bullocks 27.00- 31.75, few Standard 24.25- 27.25. One Yield Grade No. 1 1250 lbs, slaughter bull at 30.10. Medium & Good 400- 600 lbs. feeder steers 26.50- 30.50; few Medium 450460 lbs. feeder heifers 21.50- 23.00; few Medium 400-600 FEEDER PIGS 0. No sales lbs. feeder bulls 17.00-24.00. on offer. CALVES 61. Vealers SHEEP 0, No sales on steady to strong. Couple* offer. Plus atrazine. > ~ ■~Z<Z- $y Apply Lasso plus atrazme tank mix as you plant, or after planting, before corn or weeds come up with or without liquid fertilizers Either way, you can plant as soon as your seedbed’s ready- and still get the early grass and broadleaf control you need What's more, your herbicide goes on when the seedbed’s in ideal condition for herbicide application AAtrex is a registered trademark of Ciba Geigy Corporation Always read and follow the Lasso label directions Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3.1975 Lasso HM,tIDE B? Monsanto Choice vealers 55.00 and 58.00, few Good 45.00-51.00, few Standard 38.00-40.00, Utility 90-115 lbs. 30.00-35.00, 70-65 lbs. 29.00-32.00. HOGS 51. Barrows St Gilts 51.75 to 52 higher. US No. 1-3 220-230 lbs. barrows St gilts 42.7543.50, No. 2-3 205-245 lbs. 42.0042.50, one lot No. 2-3 260 lbs. at 41.00. Few Utility sows 265-310 lbs. 25.00-31.00. Few Boars 26.25-27.00. Versatility... also beauty... now with faster, stronger and more economical construction for all types of farm and commercial buildings... Build your next building using dependable wood LAMINATED RAFTERS AND ROOF TRUSSES-and save time on your job by fast and easy erection. COMPLETE MATERIALS FOR ALL FARM BUILDINGS WE STOCK FABRAL STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING PROMPT DELIVERIES ON-SITE CRANE SERVICE I I Manufacturers oj \ Laminated Ratters J^F and Reef Trusses jJ A ILJSOI I 7