Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 69
• ••••••••••*** oooooo#oo#ilaaa#<ill#aaaaaaallaaaaaaaaallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<iliaaaa#aaaa#lii>aa#o# Public Sales Register I Continued from Piri 681 SAT. MAY 3 -11 n.m. Public Auction of Fitrm Equipment. I/nation; From Bay Bridge Rt. SO west to 424 North cross 450 Ist road on right. Signs posted. Sale by Lance Bladen, owner, Gambrills (Crofton) Md. H. Rudnick & Sons, Auctioneers, of Galena, Md. SAT. MAY 3-12 Noon Beef Cattle Sale, The Sale for the Commercial Man, to be held at our Troxelville Farm Sale by Brooks End and Par- Kay Farms, Park and Reno HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. 1 Mile North of Lititz on Route 501 SPECIAL SALE MONDAY, MAY 5, 5:30 P.M. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD Quilts, jugs, crocks, lanterns, sofas, rockers, box spring & mattress, coffee tables, end tables, rolls of red rugs larg§ size, drop m electric stoves, lots of collectables and much, much more. THURSDAY, MAY 8,5:30 P.M. Antiques - Household - Coins (Mint & Proof Sets) Extension tables, maple furniture, small Reading 4 burner kerosene stove, bedfc, dressers, a lot of collectables and general , household, * WE SPECIALIZE IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS, ESTATES AND ANTIQUES. WILBUR H. HOSIER 306 Owl Hill Rd., Lititz HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION CALL 626-0254 Receiving Hours Monday, Noon to 9 P M.; Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Tuesday, Pickup Day PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY 16th AT 5:00 P.M. 30 FARM TRACTORS - TRUCKS 100 PIECES OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND COMBINES 20 PIECES OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Dealers and Farmers: Turn your extra equipment into cash the easy way. We can haul items for your convenience at our customary rates. Sale held Rain or Shine - Refreshments by Myerstown Brethren Church Sale located at Wenger’s Farm Machinery Inc., South Race St., Myerstown, PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. Thomas, Heavertown. Pa. SAT. MAY 3 ■ 10 A.M. An tique Aucto Auction, Kempton Community Center, Kempton, Penna. lust off Rt. v 37, 10 miles North of Kutztown, Pa. Ralph W. Zettlemoycr Auction Co., RDI, Brcinigsvlllc, Pa. SAT. MAY 3-12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Lawn and Garden Equip ment, Tools, and Household Goods located It* miles off Rt. 274 on Prineipio Road between Rising Sun, Md. and (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) Consign Now ■ Excellent Selection - Reasonable Rates CALL CLOSE TO SALE DATE FOR COMPLETE LISTING For information call Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. Auctioneers: Blaine Rentzel Paul Z. Martin SAT. MAY 3 ■ I0;30 A.M, Annual Heifer Sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, I Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or U mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Kettering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. SAT MAY 3 -10 A.M Public- Sale of Buggys, Sleighs, Wagons, Harness. Valuable Antiques and Dog Tread Power located between Quakertown and Lcithsville off Route 212 on Richland town Pike, 1 1 j miles North of Richlandtown on Quarry Road. Sale by Quakertown Wagon Shop, Donald Mauele. 339 Franklin St. Quakertown, Pa. Nelson Weidenbaugh, Auctioneer MON. MAY 5-5:30 Special Antique and Household Sale at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. MON. MAY 5 - 12:30 p.m. Public Sale of Dairy Herd Dispersal to be held at the Robert Keller Farm (Cashman Farm) located near Table Rock on the Gettysburg-Table Rock Road (Sale sign posted). Sale by Robert A. Keller, owner, RD 6, Gettysburg, Pa. C. David Redding, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, MAY 6 -11 a.m. “A to Z Acres” Complete Dispersal of 66 Registered and Hi-Grade Holsteins and Farm Equipment located on Allegany Co. Rt. No. 2-A, 11 miles West of Almond off Karr Valley Road and 7 mi. East of Angelica. Watch for pointers on Rt. No. 408 at Angelic and on Rt. No. 21 and the expressway exit at Almond, New York. Alvin Zimmer and Gene Austin and Families, owners; Sale managed by Victor Pimmg and Son and Ronald D. West; Auctioneers - Victor Pimmg, James Pirrang and Robert M. Shaylor. Clerk: Harvey Hoover TUBS. MAY 6 • 11 a.m. Public Sale of 72 Head of Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle and Farm Equipment located along old Harrisburg Pike, about 2 miles west of Mount Joy, Pa., near Greiner’s Garage. Sale by Joseph A. Russell III; H. (Abe) Shaffner and C. H. Wolgemuth, Auctioneers. TUBS. MAY 6 - 6 p.m. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, appliances, etc. at Farmersville Auction located at Farmersville, 3 miles Bast of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt; Richard Murray, Auctioneer. WED. MAY 7 - 7 p.m. Complete Dispersal of 66 Hi- Grade and Registered Holstein Cattle, Farm Equipment, Milking Equipment and Produce at the farm on Spaulding Hill Road, 4 miles West of Owego, N.Y. off Glenmary Drive. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Carl Deming, Owners; Howard W. Visscher, Sales Manager and Auctioneer. WED. MAY 7 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale located mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa., Lancaster County. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and C. Diller, Auctioneers. THURS. MAY 8 - 5:30 p.m. Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of Lititz along rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. THURS. MAY 8 - 7 P.M. Public Auction of Antiques and Furnishings from the Collection of Luther D. Reed. Sale location, Brandywine Hilton Inn (Ballroom), 1-95 & Naamans Road, Wilm. Del. Exit 11. Rudmck and Matas, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 9 - 6 p.m. PubUc Sale at Gap Auction located Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 3,1975 off Route 41, Lancaster Avc. opposite Turkey Hill Minlt Market, cross RR bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 9-11 A.M. Watson Farms Complete Herd Dispersal located 1 mile West of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., 5 miles Nor thwest of Troy, Pa., Brad ford Co., 20 miles South of Elmira, N.Y. Sale by Merle R. and Beverly J. Watson, owners: Victor Kent, and Dave Tracy, Auctioneers. Sale Mgr. D. 0 Rochwell, Troy, Pa. FRI. EVE. MAY 9 - Night Sale Short Dispersal of 45 Hi- Grade Holsteins located just off Rt. 249, leading from Middlebury to Westfield and Knoxville, Pa. 6 miles from Middlebury, 13 miles from Westfield, Pa. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Short, owners, Gordon Wood, Auctioneers. FARMERSVXLE AUCTION IKS. EVE., my 6,1975 5:30 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster County. The following items only a year old from a couple moving out of state: 4 pc. heavy pine bedroom suite w cannonball queen size bed; firm queen size box spring & mattress; Early American living room suite; pine table & 4 chairs; bunkbed complete; Westinghouse washer & dryer; 30” elec, range, and kneehole desk. Also the complete household for Harry Wentzel, Conn, (formerly of Farmersville): Grey bookcase bedroom suite; hide-a-bed; maple dinette set; air conditioner; TV’s; tools; lawn mower, and lots & lots of small items, etc., etc. We sell on commission at 20% TERMS BY: Call 354-5095 JOHN J. RUTT VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, ANTIQUES SATURDAY, MAY 31,1975 LOCATED Vt MILE WEST OF GRATZ, PA WATCH FOR SALE SIGNS' Farm consisting of 90 acres, more or less, having thereon constructed a 2V 2 story, 9 room with bath frame dwelling and other outbuildings. Having a never-failing well. Land has frontage on Route 25 on the south, frontage on LR22036 on the east and frontage on blacktop township road on the west. Having ap proximately 75 acres tillable land. For inspection of real estate phone 758-6004 or 682-3611. Real estate will be offered at 1:30. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Gibson electric stove, app. 6 months old; G. E. refrigerator; Estate coal room heater; G. E. chest type freezer; wringer washer; 5-pc. maple breakfast set, app. 1 yr. old; player piano; 9-pc. dining room suite; 4-pc. bedroom suite; 3-pc. bedroom suite; 2 living room suites; swivel chair; recliner; 2 metal base cabinets; 2 metal utility cabinets; high chair; 3-pc. metal porch set; sausage stuffer; lawn mower; garden tools; bedding; dishes; pots; pans; etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 3-pc. oak bedroom suite; oak sideboard with carved figures; blanket chest; 3 oak washstands; 3 oak bureaus; Empire bureau; woodbox; Victorian arm chair; library table; 4 oak rockers; sewing machine; wall mirror; hangmg combcase with heart cut-out; quilting frame; meat bench; broad axe; crocks; jugs; dishes; etc. TERMS: Real Estate - 10 percent down. Further terms and conditions to be given day of sale. Personal Property - Cash or travelers checks. Personal checks accepted only from persons known to us EARL RICHARD ETZWEILER, ATTORNEY LEE D. DOCKEY auctioneer-estate liquidator appraiser Pillow, PA 17080 FRI. MAY 9 -11 o.m. Watson Farms Complete Dispersal. 101 Hcacl Registered Holstcms, owned by Merle R. and Beverly J. Watson. Sale mgr. • D. O. Rockwell. FRI. MAY 9 - 11:30 a.m Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Dairy Equip ment, Household and An tiques located in Perry Co , situated 5 miles west of Ixiysvillc. Turn south off Rt. 274 at Cisna Run and follow sale signs. Sale by Edgar S. Murtoff, Loysville, Pa.; Shull, Auctioneer. SAT. EVE. MAY 10 - 7 p.m. Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club Calf and Bred Heifer Sale at Camsteo, N.Y. Sale sponsored by Allegany- Steuben Holstein Club, Jack Bossard, Rt. 2, Canisteo, N.Y. Sale Chairman. William Kent, Inc, Bergen, N.Y. and Victor Kent, Cuba, N.Y., Sale Managers and Auctioneers. (Continued on Page 70) 9:30 A.M. REAL ESTATE ESTATE OF CARRIE WILLIARD Helen Scheib, Executrix 69