Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 68
68 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 3. 1975 Beef-Potatoes Good Buy Experts on estimates arc at it again. On a per capita consumption basis every American will eat more than 120 pounds of beef and 120 pounds of potatoes in 1975. That’s a lot of meat and potatoes for 210 million people to eat in one year. They should encounter no problem in finding these foods, for according to the Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S Depart ment of Agriculture, there’s no shortage. On the con trary, there’s a current problem of oversupply. Commercial beef production is expected to reach 2 billion pounds this month about 7 percent more than a year earlier. Potato PUBLIC AUCTION “ANTIQUES I FURNISHINGS FROM THE COLLECTION OF LUTHER 0. REED”. Sale Location, Brandywine Hilton Inn (Ballroom), 1-95 & Naamans Rd., Wilm, Del. (Exit 11). THURS., MAY Btfa at 7 P.M. EARLY AMERICAN PERIOD ANTIQUES Chippendale - Queen Anne - Hepplewhite - Federal Periods Featuring Philadelphia Chippendale Side Chairs "WM HUSTON Tall Case Phila Clock. Penna Queen Anne Low Boy. Penna Slope Front Desk Chippendale Knee-Hole Desk. Several Fine Chests (4) Poster Bed Chester Co Spice Box. Fine Mirrors Tilt Top Tables Wing Chair Sofa. Corner & China Cupboards Windsor Chairs. Paintings Etc Call or Write for Free Brochure Admission to preview & sale by catalog only Price of catalog S 2 at door only Preview From 3PM Day of Sale RUDNICK I MATAS, Auctioneers 212 W. Ith St.. Wilm, Del. |3o2| 651-7264 PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1975 STARTING AT 11:30 A.M. In Perry Co., situate 5 miles West of Loysville. Turn South off Rt. 274 at Qsna Run and follow sale signs. FARM EQUIPMENT IHC No. 606 diesel tractor with new rubber, 3 pt., hydraulic side and rear, power steering, torque am plifier; depth control and No. 2000 heavy duty loader; Famiall H tractor; IHC No. 504 with 3 pt., hydraulic front and rear, power steering, torque amplifier and depth control, front end weights. Model 370 IHC transport disc; IHC two row cultivators for H or M; No. 531 IHC 3-14” trip plows; IHC model 2A hay crusher; IHC late model No. 16 harvester with com head and grass head; No. 256 New Holland tractor hay rake; New Holland Super 66 baler; John Deere 12A 6’ combine with motor and cleaner. John Deere No. 415 - 14” two bottom trip plows, 3 pt.; John Deere 3 section lever harrow, 12’; Grove No. 560 rubber tired wagon; Black Hawk 16-7 disc grain drill with grass seed attachment; Dearborn No. 16-4 single row com picker; spring tooth harrow; homemade fertilizer spreader on rubber with PTO; sprayer frame on robber; two used 14-9x28 good tractor tires; chicken feeders; nests and waterers. 1962 CHEVROLET IVz TON CATTLE TRUCK WITH 33,000 ACTUAL MILES DAIRY EQUIPMENT Seamless Surge milker unit complete; milk strainer; Unico front door 6 can milk cooler (auto, spray); milk cans; milk can rack; 4 new Surge Milking parlor stalls complete with stainless steel face shields and stainless steel feeder bowls. HOUSEHOLD B & W TV combination; Philco automatic washer; Philco automatic dryer; sausage stuffer; electric meat sheer; electric can opener; scales; upright piano; coffee table; comer table; electric butter chum; old jars; electric iron; 1 gal. ice cream freezer; 2 qt. tin ice cream freezer; bed and vanity; dresser; treadle sewing machine; lamps; books; chairs; bottle capper. ANTIQUES Dry sink; wash stand; crib; iron kettle; old irons; hand made black walnut table with 4 boards; buffet set (clear); pressed glass; picture frames. EDGAR S. MURTOFF LOYSVILLE, PA Phone (717) 789-3474 TERMS Cash SHULL, AUCT. MORROW, Clerk LUNCH STAND RESERVED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS storage stock on March 1 totaled 102.3 million hun dred-pound bags, 26 percent more than the 61.2 million on hand a year earlier. The best way to overcome this excess, according to one AMS marketing specialist, is “to cat out way out of it.’’ Latest supply figures show that beef producers are bringing cattle to market in record numbers as they try to reduce herd size and cut production costs. When cattle prices were rising, producers increased their herds. As a result of the larger herd and increasing cost of feed, the cattlemen were caught in a price squeeze. Feeding costs continue to outrun finished cattle prices and many producers are selling their cattle at a loss of around $lOO a head. Potato growers ex perienced record crops this year, but this bounty was no blessing to them. The heavy supply drove their prices down. The consumer, however, can enjoy the record supply at lower prices than last year. So, for meals that make sense in the way of nutrition, economy and taste, you can combine these two plentiful foods frequently and regularly. All cuts are available for variety in meals, and there are many more ways to vary potato dishes. Here is a recipe that combines both: Tasty Beef-Potato Combo lb ground beef 1 pkg (16 oz) frozen French fried potatoes 1 tbsp cooking fat V* tsp paprika 1 medium onion, chopped 1 can (10-% oz) cream of celery soup % cup milk % tsp garlic salt Brown French fried potatoes in cooking fat, sprinkle with paprika and reserve. Brown beef and onion in large frying pan, stirring occasionally. Stir in soup, milk, and garlic salt to combine and cook slowly 5 minutes. Stir in potatoes and cook 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, 4 to 6 minutes. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE 626-2191 OR 394-3047 AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY Located on Hopewell Road between Roanies Corner and Route 472, 1 mile out of Oxford, PA, '/? mile off Rt. 1 Bypass. Signs will be posted to Sale. REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SOME FARM MACHINERY & CATTLE Household Goods at 10:30 A.M. Real Estate 1:00 P.M. 12 acres, 896 ft. of road frontage, 6 room stucco house with bath and pantry, full basement, 2 attached garages, driven well, cattle or horse bam, sheds, chicken house, fenced pasture with stream through property, young orchard ready to bare this year. Cattle Angus-Cross cows, (3) with calves, (1) springer and feeder Cattle. Portable garage 10 x 20 ready to move as one unit. New 8 x 10 metal building still in box. Farm Machinery and Tools Very good condition, Super C Tractor, plows, disc, cultivator, sickle bar and spring tooth harrow; elevator, manure spreader, harness, lumber, blocks, bricks, shallow well pumps, forks, shovels, rakes, brooms, skid tank and pump, wheelbarrows, ladders, chicken, barb and hog wire, hand tools, com sheller, aluminum windows, frames, and screens for enclosed porch. Household Goods and Antiques Old cook stove, coal stove, lard press, Victorian furniture, cane chairs and rockers, (6) excellent plank bottom chairs and rocker, dining room suite, refrigerator, gas stove, chest freezer, TV’s, old pine tables, Oak desk and book case, sofa bed, rugs, china cabinet, lawn furniture, (2) old doll beds, doll chest with mirror, wooden buckets, iron pots, picture frames, oil lamps and brackets, crocks, all kinds of glassware, scales and several hundred jars of preserves. Numerous other articles found around a farm. Terms Cash or check approved by Auctioneer on personal property. Real Estate 15 percent down, balance settled in 30 days. JAMES HOLLETT, owner Aucts. - Donald R. Fenimore and F. Lee Moore SAT. MAY 3 - 10 A.M. Auction Collegeville Equipment Co., Inc., Collegeville, Pa. south on Route No. 29 Route No. 422 two miles from Perkioman Valley Airport. Blaine N. Rcntzel, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 3-1 p.m. PubUc Sale of Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle, etc. on the farm located 10 miles E. of Hughesville, 2miles North of Lairdsville, S. of Beaver Lake. Sale by Elton and Geralda Woodside, owners; Max Fraley & Son, Auc tioneers. SAT. MAY 3-11:00 a.m. Erwin (Butch) Wilkins Complete Dispersal, Lakeside, Lathrop Twp., Conestoga Crusadors Meet On April 25, the Conestoga Crusadors Horse and Pony Club had a business meeting at Mr. Dennis Sangrey’s home at 7:30 p.m. The Conestoga Crusaders Club horse show will be June 21 at Mr. Dennis Sangrey’s place. July 19 is the 4-H round-up horse show at the Lancaster Riding and Tennis Club. May 23, the Crusaders next business meeting, will be held at Mr. Richard Dom bach’s home, Millersville R 1 at 7:30 p.m. SALE 10, 1975 Refreshments Public Register Susq. Co. Located 5 miles East of Springville or Dimock on the macadam road leading to Union Church and Lakeside. Five miles Northwest of Nicholson & Rt. 11. Watch for Bunnells Auction Arrows. Sale by Erwin and Dianna Wilkins, Owners, Hop Bottom RDI, Pa. Merton L. Bunnell, Auct. and Sale Mgr. PUBLIC SALE snunur, my 31, ns 2:00 P.M. Located in Cumberland County, PA, 4 miles North of Newvilte along Highway 233 140 ACRE DAIRY FARM Large brick house, bank bam 50 x 72 stanchions for 46 cows, implement & com shed 34 x 50, 3 concrete stave silos, large mUk house, chicken house & pig stable, 112 acres tillable land, 28 acres pasture with springs and streams. Owner is 72 years old and wants to retire. Terms: 10 percent down sale day. Possession can be had Sept. 1 or Dec. 1. Owner will take mortgage up to 65 percent of the purchase price at 7 percent rate of interest. Open for inspection May 17 - 24 - 30. For other information, call: PAUL E. SANGER, REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER Phone 717-272-1025 Lebanon, PA John A. Chestnut, Owner Sales DAVID JACK AUCTION SALE Factoryville, PA Due to my present ill health I will sell the following personal property. Located 2 miles East of U.S. Rt. 6 & 11 at Factoryville, 2 miles West of Fleetville via Rt. 107,1 mile South of Lakeland Golf Course. SATURDAY, 10:30 A.M., Rain or Shine 19681HC1800 Load Master Diesel Tandem Truck With Detroit Diesel Engine, Dump Body, Good Tires, Excellent Condition. 1970 IHC 1800 Load Star gas dump truck, 5 sp., with 2 sp. rear axle, air, with Western snow plow, with Myers tailgate cinder spreader, A-l and a real clean truck; 1972 Eager Beaver low bed trailer, good rubber, A-l; Nova six cyl. snow or dirt conveyer with auto-clutch, H.D. air compressor with 5 hp. elec, motor, H.D. air grease gun, transmission greaser & cart, acetylene torches, gauges & hoses, eight 1000x20x12 ply tires with wheels, ten 14.5 low bed tires & wheels. 1972 JD Diesel Model 4508 Bucket Crawler With Scarifier only 600 Hrs., A-l Massey 35 diesel deluxe tractor, A-l; 1969 JD diesel bulldozer with 9% foot angle blade, h.d. winch, snow plow blade, lights & h.d. pads, low hrs. & ready for work; 1970 Huber 3to 5 T. gas roller, used only 200 hrs.; 3 pt. h. York dirt rake, Dag-a-long roller, 3 pt. h. 4 ft. Roto-Tiller, Weaver commercial car washer with 650 lb. pressure, wheel calculator, Ford 3 pt. h. terrace blade, 6 hyd. jacks, 3 floor hyd. jacks v 2 R.R. jacks, set % in. socket wrenches, Tow-log & bulldozer chains. 2-% in. elec, drills, Wren sander & Polisher, I.R. wrench, XL power saw, Lincoln 225 amp. welder, set open end wrenches, bolt cutters, 2 oil pumps & drums, Com-a-long, chain hoist, 4 Beacon warning lights, 6 chains binders, 3 pt. h. pickup, 600 gal. fuel tank, 60 gal. gas tank, 3 steel beams, angle iron, cable, truck air tanks, compressors, 100% steel stakes, drum holder, hand carts, truck chains, snatch boxes, grease guns, axes, picks, shovels, brooms, anti-freeze, oil & many other items. Auctioneer’s Note: All the above machinery is in extraordinary condition and make plans now to attend this top equipment sale. Terms-Cash or Approved Check Lunch MERTON L. BUNNELL, Auctioneer Springville, PA DARRYL CECCOLI, Auctioneer SAT. MAY 3-1:30 p.m. Perkins Sale of 36 Hl-Grade Holsteins and Farm Machinery located 2 miles from Ulysses. Pa. off Rt. 49 toward Brooklyn, 13 miles from Westfield, Pa. 20 miles from Coudersport, 20 miles from Galeton, 30 miles from Lawrenceville, Pa. Sale by Dorr Perkins, owner; Gordon Wood, Auctioneer. Benton Twp. MAY 10, DAVID JACK, owner Factoryville, R.D.2, PA Lacka Co. ‘75