Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 67
f * 1 Throughout my political career I always have regarded myself as an op timist. In the most trying have consistently maintained a large measure of faith that this Nation would emerge stronger and better from its struggle with its problems. In times of despair, I have seen cause for hope. In times of doubt and mistrust, I have found reason for confidence. But as I look at the economic direction that this Congress is taking the Nation, for the first time I detect a note of pessimism in my attitude. It is hard if not impossible to find any redeeming value in the programs of big spending and big deficits that this Watson Farms COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL LOCATION - 1 mile West of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., 5 miles Northwest of Troy, Pa., Bradford Co., 20 miles South of Elmira, NY. FHNV, mr 9.1975 101 HEAD REGISTERED HOISTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 101 SIRE POWER CURTISS ABS—CANADIAN BLOODLINES 48 young milking age animals, consisting of fresh cows, close springers 23 bred back for Summer and early Fall freshening. 12 Bred Heifers 3 due May, 9 due August; 22 Open Heifers 6 months to breeding age; 17 Started Heifer Calves 1 month to 6 months; 2 Registered Bulls: one 15 months, Sire A Citation Sovereign VG-GM; Dam Glenvue Sky Chief dtr., 7 yr. 1 mo., 339 d, 22,204 M, 720 F; one 1 yr. old: Sire Duncravin Boehms Countdown; Dam Watson-Farm Hope Vera, 3-8,365 d, 17,241 M, 661 F. 90 Percent Home Raised Herd never classified but high scoring animals sell, show prospects including cows, heifers and project calves. Official DH1A1972 42.1 cows 15,071 M 3.7 T 565 F 1973 41.5 cows 14,614 M 3.7 T 546 F 1974 45.1 cows 13,671 M 3.8 T 525 F R.H.A. 1975 46.2 cows 14,038 M 3.9 T 542 F CERTIFIED & ACCREDITED CALFHOOD VACCINATED PREGNANCY CHECKED Interstate Tested Whirlhill Kingpin, 4 dtrs. sell; one 8 yr. 5 mo., 338 d, 20,593 M, 734 F inc.; 4 records ave. over 20,000 M; due June 3, 1975 to Pen Dell Gent Larry; also her 2 yr. old Elevation dtr. sells. 3 other Kingpin dtrs. ave. 17,186 M, 690 F. These 3 have 4 dtrs., 2 by Elevation, 1 by Watson Farm Chief Lynn, 1 by Pencor G. Ivanhoe Pabst. Selling Rockman dtr., 4 yr. 11 mo., 305 d, 19,058 M, 3.9 T, 752 F me., due May 12 to Md-Gaywinds Merry King. Pawnee Farm Arlmda Chief Fresh Nov. 14, 4 yr. projected at 15,158 M, 610 F. Penstate Star Man dtr, Fresh Mar. 12, dtrrby Merry King sells. Penstate Star Man dtr. just fresh with twin dtrs. by Elevation. Gar-Bar-Dale Burke Kate dtr., 3 yr. 2 mo., 305 d, 13,854 M, 3.6 T, 500 F, due Aug. 21, 1975 to Md-Gaywind& Merry King. Jenningcress Abbe Hope dtr. (grandson Lakefield Fond Hope), 3 yr. 8 mo., 365 d, 17,241 M, 3.8 T, 661 F, due July 19,1975 to Pencor G. Ivanhoe Pabst. Wildmoor Filbert Conqueror dtr., 8-7,362 d, 20,121 M, 4.0 T, 822 F, due Oct. to Service Sire. Thornlea Texal Supreme dtr., 6-6,305 d, 14,524 M, 4.2 T, 610 F, due May 6 to Vigo Charmcross. Also, Citation R Maple, Way Brook Sir Winston, Walhowden President Vemon, Simpson Farm Tidy Gent, Tara-Hills Fond Citation, Heatherstone Lucky Typeblazer, and many more A.I. proven sires with phenomenal dtrs. selling. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SALE DAY. MERLE R. & BEVERLY J. WATSON, OWNERS VICTOR KENT, DAVE TRACY, Auctioneers IKE COLE, KEN MOOSE, Leadsmen JEFF WARNER, Clerk Motel Reservation Made upon Request Contact Sale Manager D. 0. Rockwell, Troy, PA, Sale Mgr. Phone 717-297-3460 LUNCH AVAILABLE Congress is promoting. The only end result of such policies can be economic calamity. The problem is nothing new. Congress has been expanding Federal budgets by increasing deficits for 20 years or more. But today the situation has reached crisis proportions because all of the past spending and the irresponsible attitude toward more spending that has infected the legislative process is now un controllable unless some very tough decisions are made. We are faced with the very real and very scary prospect of a one year $lOO billion Federal deficit. One. recent Senate study even puts the deficit figure at a AT 11 O’CLOCK Sires Represented In my opinion, the first test which should be applied to any piece of legislation coming before Congress is, can we afford it? That is the test which I am applying before casting my vote. If it is a new program with a big price tag and no way is provided to raise the revenue, obviously it is going to have to be financed with deficit dollars and we cannot afford it. If the spending for older programs is increased far beyond the budget figures, then we cannot afford it unless we are willing to cut back spending in other areas. CATALOGUES Charts Sale Day possible |l2O billion level. Eight years ago when I came to Congress, there was much effort expended in Washington trying to keep the entire Federal budget under the $lOO billion mark. Now, we are seriously faced with a one year deficit of that size. It can’t go on. The government cannot continue to spend money like a drunken sailor and expect that real economic recovery is possible. The only outcome of the policies we are now pursuing is more inflation, followed by devalued dollars, followed by more recession. The American people do not want any of those tilings - inflation, weakened money or recession. Yet, that is exactly what Congress is guaranteeing them under the guise of helping them with increased spending programs. I expect to be criticized for opposing attractive sounding programs costing a lot of money. But I am hopeful that at least some of my con- COMPLETE DISPERSAL Having lost our lease we have commissioned the un dersigned to sell on: WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th AT 7 P.M. ' At the Farm on Spaulding Hill Road 4 miles West of Owego, NY off Glenmary Drive ARROWS. A Top Home Raised Dairy * 66 HI-GRADE & REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE 66 39 Mature Cows; Herd Average DHIA 17,060 pounds M; 611 F. Last test cows averaged 62.7 pounds per day; Shipping better than 2,200 lbs. per day. 9 Fresh Cows; 2 due May; 1 July, 1 August, 4 September, 5 October, 8 November, 6 December. Necessary Cattle Vet. Examined A wonderful Eastern Sired Herd Cattle have size and udder quality, Sure worthy of your inspection. 17 bred heifers raised from above cattle; some Spring others due later. 10 started calves by top sires. Interstate Accomodations Available to out of state buyers. 1971 International 656 Diesel w-1701 loader A top tractor, Farmall 706 Diesel - fast hitch - good rubber; Minn. Moline “U”; 1974 IHC 510 semi-mtd. 4 btm. plow; 1974 N.H. Super 717 Chopper - windrow head Exc.; IHC 990 Mower Cond.; IHC 37 baler w-kicker; 2 kicker wagons; Grove S.U. wagon; IHC mounted mower; John Deere 15 Disc Drill, 24’ Skeleton Elevator; Drags, John Deere 40 Spreader HYD. gates; 12-16 Patz Silo unloader; 12’ tripod. MILKING EQUIPMENT Universal Pipeline to Accomodate 40 Cows - 4 units - vacuum pump; 400 Gallon Jamesway Bulk Tank; Cornell Drop Cleaner. Quantity of Excellent Corn Silage. TERMS: CASH nothing removed until settled for. Refreshments Available. MR. & MRS. CARL DEMING OWNERS HOWARD W. VISSCHER Sales Manager & Auctioneer Nichols, NY Phone 607-699-7250 If there is a sale in your future, give us a call Our Service doesn’t cost, it pays. Real Estate - Cattle - Equipment - Antiques Conservation District In Good Year Contest Top prize in the 29th an nual Goodyear Conservation Awards Program is the goal of the Ijmcaster County Conservation District, ac cording to board chairman Aaron Z. Stauffer, R.D. 1, Ephrata. The district will be judged on its 1975 achievements in resource management in competition with other districts in the state. An independent Judging com mittee will select first and second place winners in the contest sponsored by The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in cooperation with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). The first place district in addition to receiving a plaque, will be awarded expenses-paid, vacation study trips for its out standing cooperator and a member of the governing board. Representatives of 53 first place districts will be guests on this year’s grand awards tour to Goodyear Farms, Litchfield Park, Arizona, in December. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Groff, R.D. 1, Mount Joy the District’s outstanding cooperator for 1975 also will be honored as part of the awards program. The Groff Family was selected by the stituents will understand that there is no easy way to stop the government’s spending spree. It will be stopped only when there are a majority of Members of Congress who are willing to vote “no more.” Until that time, however, I feel I must do my part by casting a responsible vote now. FARM EQUIPMENT PRODUCE Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3,1975 board from among the 1871 landowners and users who are participating in the district’s programs. In previous contests, the Lancaster County Con servation District won first place in 1953-1954, 1956-1957, and 1958-1959. They were a ALLEGANY-STEUBEN HOLSTEIN CLUB CALF & BRED HEIFER SALE SATURDAY EVE., MAY 10,1975 7 PM, CANISTEO. NY * 100 Head of selected registered Holstein Calves A bred Heifers sell. Located at the Club Sale Bam, 10 miles south of Homell, 5 miles south of Canisteo on Rt. 36. This club sale has long been known as the place to buy out standing quality, registered Holsteins in the Northeast. Sires represented in the sale include Elevation; Kingpin; Double Triune; Astronaut; Admiral Imperial Chief; Indian Hills Senator Flame; Blue Gill Pontiac Supreme; Tom Creek Marquis Challanger; Apache;' Marge; Robbie; Cotterdale Astronaut King; Rose E Vue Rockman Count; Shagvale Supreme; A 1 Munger Bootlegger & many more. Dams of calves selling classified VG w-records to 20,000 milk. Selections by John Emerling, Perry, NY. For more information, see the April New York News or contact Sale Managers or Chairman. , TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale. SALE MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS: WILLIAM KENT INC., BERGEN, NY. PHONE 716-494-1890 and VICTOR KENT. CUBA. NY PHONE 716-968-1944 SPONSORED BY: ALLEGANY-STEUBEN HOLSTEIN CLUB Sale Chairman, Jack Bossard RD2, Canisteo, NY Club Bara Phone - 607-698-8102 PUBLIC SALE 72 Head of Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle & Farm Equipment TUESDAY, MAY 6,1975 11:00 A.M. Located along old Harrisburg Pike, about 2 miles West of Mount Joy, PA, near Greiner's Garage 37 Milk Cows and First-calf Heifers, 5 Bred Heifers, 23 Heifers (all sizes), 7 Bulls. Some fresh around sale. Health charts day of sale. Dumping Station, 4 Surge Milking Units (50 Lb. w-Elect Pulsation), Surge Milker Pump Almo 30. Sale held under tent. 2TRACTORS J.D. 4000 Diesel w-Cab 560 Farmall Gas w-Fast Hitch IH 37 Baler w-Thrower P.T.O. N.H. 352 Portable Grinder and Mixer, J.D. 1240 4- Row Corn Planter w-Insecticide & Moditer, IN 48. 16” Auto Reset Plow, N.I. Cutditioner, 700 Brady 7-Tooth ' Chisel Plow, Meyer Hay Crusher, 346 N.H. 200-Bu. Tank Spreader, N.H. 30’ Bale Elevator, 12’ Brillion Cultimulcher, N.H. 256 Rake, N.H. Grain Bins w- Wagons, N.H. 10-Ton Running Gear, IN 375 Wheel Disc, 2 Bale Wagons, 3-Pt. 100 IN 7’ Mower, Century 200 Gal. Field Sprayer & Two 100 Gal. Side Tanks, M.H. Gram Drill (15 Disc), Manure Loader, Cultipacker, IN 3-Pt. Corn Planter, Corn Drag, 2-Pt. Carrier, Feed Bin w- Mixer, 275-Gal. Tank, Tob. Stove, Feed Carts, Round Parts Bin, P.T.O. Grass Seeder, 180 A.M.P. Welder, Tractor Chains, Cow Clipper, Corn Sheller, Fence Posts, 10,000 Tob. Lath, 60-Bu. Round Hog Feeder, 50- Ton of Corn, 150 Bushel of Barley. Order of sale: Not much small items, Machinery, Dairy at 12:30 P.M. Reason for selling, sold farm. Sale by: Joseph A. Russell 111 H. (Abe) SHAFFNER, 653-5689 C. H. WOLGEMUTH, 665-5664, Aucts. DIFFENDERFER and WASER. Clerks. second place winner In 1955- 1956, and In 1973 won the Honor District Award. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 626-2191 OR 394-3047 67