Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 65
OXFORD, PA. • FEED and GRAIN • GRINDING and MIXING • ANIMAL HEALTH and FARM PRODUCTS • HORSE and PET SUPPLIES WEIGEL BROS. 245 Commerce Street 932-8763 EVERGREEN ■n w. iw. 30 EVERGREEN ROAD LEBANON, PA 17042 Lebanon County's Only JOHN DEERE FULL SERVICE DEALERSHIP' Call us for ail your new or used equipment needs. Phone (717) 273-2616 HuB^IUWIIFERMENTABLE FEED WHAT CAN BE THE ADVANTAGES OF HARVESTING AND STORING ALFALFA AS IM-PRUV-ALL ALFALFA HAYLAGE OVER BALED HAY ON AN ACRE BASIS? These projections are based on figures from U.S.D.A., “Feeds and Feeding” by Morrison, “Applied Animal Nutrition” by Crampton and Harris, Nutritional Bulletins from N.R.C., and Triple S Lab, Inc. Results will obviously vary in individual cases. Figures for pounds of meat and milk per acre assume that the alfalfa is being fed in a balanced ration. Lbs. Dry Matter Harvested per acre Field and Handling Losses Lbs. Dry Matter Stored Storage Losses Lbs. 'Dry Matter to Feed Feeding Losses Lbs. Dry Matter Consumed Lbs. Protein Consumed per acre ig.2% Lbs. TDN Consumed per acre g l% Lbs. Beef per acre Value of Beef at Lbs. Milk per acre Value of Milk (5) $5.00 / cwt IM-PRUV-ALL IS A SCIENTIFIC COMBINA TION OF INGREDIENTS THAT AID NATURE IN ACHIEVING AN EFFICIENT, RAPID FER MENTATION OF FERMENTED FEEDS. IM-PRUV-ALL HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO IM PROVE FERMENTABLE FEEDS. OVER ONE MILLION TONS OF VARIOUS SILAGES WERE FERMENTED WITH IM-PRUV-ALL DURING ITS DEVELOPMENT PERIOD. The following specific IM-PRUV-ALL formulas have been developed to afford maximum im provement of different fermented feeds: #lOl Com and #H44 Haylage Sorghum #G$5 Grain #BT66 Beet Tops #DH77 Dry Hay #202 Legumes #303 Grasses In addition to improving standard silages such as corn, IM-PRUV-ALL makes it possible to direct cut and successfully ensile alfalfa, clover, sudan, oats, wheat, sudex, pasture grasses, beet tops, and others. JOHN DEERE Would you Those FFA members representing Twin Valtey in Stoltzfus; and Ben Deaver. Ronald Smoker was not the Berks County Public Speaking Contest were present for the picture. (from left) Harvey Bitler; Robert Stoltzfus; Darrel Members of the Twin Valley FFA Parliamentary Harold Steve - treasurer: Lloyd Simmers - Procedure team that competed recently in the area reporter; Melvin Houck - chaplain and Darrel contest included: Robert Stoltzf us-president: Ted Stolbfus - student advisor. Not present for the Ford - vice president: Ron Smoker - secretary: picture was Dave Hammons sentinel. like to make more money from the ALFALFA you grow? 80% Moisture 60% Moisture *“'» rU on AII Im-Pruv-AU Alfalfa Silage Alfalfa Haylage 10,000 10,000 1,200 8,800 12% 8,800 1,600 5,368 910 $227.50 10,395 $519.75 Rye silage makes a very good feed. If cut and ensiled at the proper stage of maturity, 2 lbs. of rye silage on a dry matter basis can have as much protein as 1 lb. of soybean meal. ROBERT KREIDER So. Lane. County 717-569-6042 MARTY STEWART Perry, Jumata-Cumberland Co’s 10,000 600 6% i,400 7%* 660 8,740 8,740 1,625 4,980 18.6% 57% 655 $163.55 9,130 $456.50 For more Information, contact your Im-Pruv-AII Dealer RAY WEILER N. Lane. Co 717-733-4302 808 SMITH Adams County 717-528-4383 717-766-9307 40% Moisture Alfalfa Haylate 10,000 1,300 T7m 610 8,090 13% 7%* 8,090 18.0% 1,456 54% 4,370 532 $133.00 7,645 $382.25 CLARENCE WEILER Lebanon Co. 717-866-6710 MARC LEHMAN E. York Co. 717-252-2217 RICHARD BRECKBILL Chester Co. 215-932-3307 NORMAN BROUSE Union & Snyder Counties 717-524-5454 Umcatter Farming, Saturday, May 3.1975 Baled Hay 10,000 22.4% 2,240 7,760 280 7,480 5% 380 3.6% • 7,100 16.9% 1,200 55% 3,905 518 $129.50 7,330 $366.50 Youth Calendar Tuesday, May 6 Golden Guernsey 4-H Club meeting at Fred Crider’s Home 7:3(1 p.m. Wednesday, May 7 Red Rose Baby Beef and Lamb Club meeting at, the home of Glenn S. Brubaker, Rohrerstown. Training and fitting demonstration along with Meat demonstration program. Thursday, May 8 Lititz-Manheim 4-H meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 13 York Central Dairy 4-H Club meeting at the Welsh home 7:45 p.m. □RTZ ■SILO UNLOADER all types of tllagtl with four sizes 12 to 16 16 to 20 20 to 24 and the BIG ones 24 to 30 in diameter' See your PATZ Dealer today CALL 717 272 0871 MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances RD 811 tonal LEBANON, PA Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon, over 30 years m business at same place 65