62—Uncitter Farming. Saturday. May 3. 1975 Shipping Rules for Cattle Stricter A* part of the stepped-up national effort to wipe out brucetloali In livestock, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced it is tightening HYBRIDS ARE HERE! Plant the hybrids backed by the most advanced seed research m t he business I have qual ity DEKALB hybrids available. CALL ME TODAY. OCKALI it A fdfitttrtd trgrx) ngm* XL tr« hybrid dtti(n«ti«M ROBERT STOLTZFUS Cochranville PA 593 5982 NORWOOD WILSON Oxford, PA 932 8285 IRANISSLEY Morgantown PA 286 9328 NEVIN MYER Chester Spring PA 827 7481 F.M. BROWN’S Sinking Spring PA 678-4567 animal health regulations covering Interstate movement of cattle. The new rules, which became effective April 22, require breeding cattle to be tested for brucellosis when they are moved interstate from areas or herds that lack "certified brucellosis-free" designation. Another rule requires cattle found exposed to brucellosis to be heat branded on the left jaw with the letter"S" before they are shipped to slaughter or to a quarantined feedlot. Officials of USOA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) noted that, because of comments received when the changes were published as a proposal last September (USDA press release 2536- 74), cattle exposed to brucellosis may be returned to farms of origin for testing under quarantine without the “S” branding. Otherwise, the proposal was adopted without substantive changes. The revised regulations provide for the movement of calves less than six months old from infected herds. They also provide for the movement of cattle from “qualified” herds m non certified areas to certified areas. As a means of providing information on eradication progress, the revised regulations contain a current list of certified brucellosis free areas, modified- certified brucellosis areas, and noncertified areas, plus specifically approved stockyards and slaughtering establishments. Various terms and designations such as "noncertified areas" are defined. Dr. Paul Becton, in charge of brucellosis eradication for APHIS’ Veterinary Services, said the revised rules will help protect the 99 percent of U.S. cattle already free of brucellosis, while aiding state and federal officials who work with livestock producers to eliminate disease from affected areas. Dr. Becton stressed the point that state and industry officials are in accord with the brucellosis eradication goal and want to move ahead more rapidly to end the disease threat. Also called Bang’s disease, brucellosis affects cattle, swine and other livestock and many be transmitted from animals to humans as undulant fever. In this country, the most telling economic losses from brucellosis occur in cattle and are manifested by abortions, impaired reproductice capacity, and reduced milk production. APHIS officials said the revised regulations will be published in the Federal Register on April 22, in the form of changes to Part 78, Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations. Officers of the Chester County 4-H Council for 1975-76 are from left to right; Susan Shaw, Downingtown - News Reporter; Janet Nothstine, Downingtown - President; Pan Delay, Pottstown - Treasurer; Rachel HAY & STRAW SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 12 NOON PAULZ. MARTIN SALES STABLES 2 miles East of Intercourse Sale managed by Harvey Z. Martin Weinstock, Phoenixvllle - Vice President; and Kay Minshall, Kaolin • Secretary. Not pictured are: Sally Cannon, Avondale ■ News reporter and Mrs. Beverly Shaw. Downingtown, Advisor. This product and other animal health products available from your local feed and farm supply dealers serviced by ROY ERICKSON COMPANY Harrisonburg. Va 22801 DON'T TAKE CHANCS, TAKE CRUMBLES -.,,7, AOREOMYCIN“4-G chtcntiracyclin* CRUMBLES MEDICATED i**" Now ... More con centrated AUREOMYCIN 4G Crumbles in the 25- lb. bag, as well as the familiar AUREOMYCIN Crumbles in the 50- lb. bag. Both give outstanding health protection to beef, dairy, swine, horses and sheep. Keep easy-to-use crumbles handy. Just sprinkle on top of feed and mix in. It’s, economical too 1 This season . . don’t take chances take AUREOMYCIN® chlortetracyclme Crumbles. See your supplier today. AVAILABLE FROM YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIER
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