TRY A CLASSIFIED AD CONTROL WEEDS IN ALFALFA WITH BUTYRAC-118 Apply 2 to 4 weeks after alfalfa emerges. Controls broadleaf weeds in seedling or established legumes. This remarkable selective action killing many broadleaf weeds without affecting certain broadleaf crops has been proven by research men and commercial growers throughout the country. We are distributors for a complete line of WEED KILLERS 36" 8-H.P. Electric Start Mower ■s r S39" O * 44-7556 Tractor Garden Battery, Reg. 20.95 . . $17.00 H Has masslve looking grill, engine shock mount, full floatma removeable mower deck and trailer hitch■ 44-1854. £ 22" 4-H.P. 8 9995 Vertical pull start, auto- mafic start, side dish charge 44-1 fflO __________ h- 2400 W. Market York, PA 792-0014 ISC ISC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC) ★ Buy Your Field Fence & Posts Now While Supply Lasts LIMITED SUPPLY SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND 47” 9-11 gauge . 39" 9-11 gauge 47" 10-12Vz gauge 39” 10-12 1 /? gauge 32” 10-12V2 gauge 5’ * 5W * 6' ■ 6W r Reg 119 95 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. 2217 Lincoln Hwy. E. ' Lancaster, PA 717-393-3W9 TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC Plant A Tree Just because you missed Arbor Day, don’t think you've missed your chance to plant a tree this year. "There's still time to add a tree to your home landscape this spring," says Dr. Charles Dunham, extension horticulturist at the University of Delaware. But, he adds, you should do it fairly soon, before hot weather comes. There are a number of things to consider in planting a tree. First is the location. Take into account the or* namental effects of the tree you choose, in relation to your house. A handsome tree can make a good frame or backdrop for the building. Distance of the tree from the house is important to think about, though, if you use it this way. Although trees look well planted close to houses, there may be practical problems ■ that develop as the tree grows. You may need to keep branches pruned to keep them from damaging the house. Large trees should usually be placed at a minimum of 15 to 7 20 feet away from a building. Also, be sure that the tree isn’t planted where it will later interfere with electric or Save On 3 Post Hole Digger N0W 219 99 Regular 229.99 With 9" auger, heavy duty gear box, shield ed PTO shaft, more l 21-1892. • 21-1893, 12" Digger, Regular 244.99 Wow 234.99 Tee Post Tee Post Tee Post Tee Post Tee Post 1818 N. Cameron o Harrisburg, PA 238-0436 U! TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC ° telephone line.s. To prevent this, plant it at least 6 to 10 feet to one side of any utility lines. Another important con sideration in locating trees on home properties is shade. Shade can add greatly to your summer comfort and the enjoyment of outdoor areas in the yard. Shade is most welcome from early to late afternoon. So make sure that trees planted for shade arc to the south and west of the area to be shaded. Once the location is chosen, a decision must be made as to the kind of tree to plant. If the soil is average, almost any kind of tree will grow. However, in either very wet or dry areas trees must be selected that wiH tolerate these conditions. Some shade trees that will grow in wet areas include; sweet gum, red maple, willow oak and pin oak. Kinds for dry soils include- Chinese elm, honey locust, Japanese sophora and Ailanthus or Tree of Heaven. Size is another important consideration in tree selection. Average city lots have room for only one or two large trees but can utilize several small or medium sized trees. Small Easy To Use! High Wheel Cultivator 29 9 ® mmm Regular 34.95 Saves hours of hard work on your gardening chores' 24" wheel 44-0340. $76.99 .. 67.99 * 52.99 46.99 40.99 * $1.69 1.89 1.99 2.19 2.29 Price Good Thru w May 10,1975 Vegetable formers should keep a sharp watch for tomato plnworms, caution scientists in the Penn sylvania Agriculture Department’s Bureau of Plant Industry. These tiny Insects arc native to the warm agricultural areas of southern California, Hawaii, Texas and Mexico. Ac cording to state en tomologists, they were reintroduced into Penn sylvania greenhouses last year. Dr. A. G. Wheeler Jr. and James F. Stimmel, en tomologists in the depart ment’s Bureau of Plant Industry, said the tiny moths lay eggs, which are just visible to the naked eye, on the undersides of leaves. After hatching, the caterpillars tunnel between the upper and lower leaf surfaces, forming large blotched areas or mines. trees are also easier to maintain. Also, in these size groups are many of the flowering trees that add an extra element of beauty to the landscape. Good small trees 20 to 25 feet in height would includg Japanese maple, dogwood, crabap ples, magnolias (except the evergreen magnolia), hornbeam, flowering cherries and the golden ram tree. Cut bedding costs 75 per cent, reduce labor for barn cleaning and cow washing, reduce teat and udder injury to the minimum house your milking herd in free stall housing Each cow provided a stall for loafing. She won’t be stepped on, the rearcurb forces manure out into alley for mechanical cleaning or washing A few minutes twice a day cleans the stalls and curbs, bedding lasts almost forever if your stalls fit the cows. Popular sizes are 6 S ’6”, 7’ and 7’6”. Size ’em by breed Our free stall partition may be mounted on wooden head boards or we make a steel divider Set the legs in S to 10” concrete curbs to hold and retain bedding Stall floor can be soil, sand or gravel Bedding straw, sawdust, peanut hulls, ground corn cobs, etc Should be installed with paved alley surface 8 feet wide lor mechanical cleaning or washing - 8 Models all steel welded farm and feedlot gates - 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate For prices, contact ■ Fred Frey, Mgr (717)-786-2146 FREY BROS. R.D.2 Quarryville, Penna. 17566 * g 5 3 75 H c/> o Luniabtcr t .iimiiii; o.iuudu, * . Watch for Tomato Pinworms Older caterpillars may bore Into the tomatoes, making them susceptible to decay. An infestation of tomato pinworms was discovcrd in several Pennsylvania greenhouses in 1931, causing damage to SO percent of the plants. When the insects spread to a field, damage was so severe that only three baskets of marketable tomatoes could be obtained from an acre. Wheeler and Stimmel advised that the "best defense against this pest is to prevent its entry into Penn sylvania." In this respect, depart ment inspectors check tomatoes shipped into Pennsylvania But, noted department officials, in spectors cannot examine every plant in a shipment containing several million plants. Fortunately, tomato pinworms rarely become established as a pest in the field or greenhouse in Pennsylvania, according to Wheeler and Stimmel. But, they ask that any observed pinworms damage be reported to the department. Agriquotes . . . Plough deep while slug gards sleep and vou shall have torn to sell and keep Benja min Franklin in Poor Richard s Mmanat /
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