Use the Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. SOUTHEASTERN PENNA. TRACTOR PULL ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES THEIR FIRST TRACTOR PULLS for the 1975 SEASON. TO BE HELD FRI., MAY 9 - 7 P.M. SAT., MAY 10 - 7 P.M. At the Rough and Tumble Historical Assoc Grounds Route 30 (13 miles East of Lancaster) Kmzer, PA. All Classes and Types of Pull used under P.T.P.A. Rules All Entries Will Operate under the PA Tractor Pull Association Inc. Rules. For Further In formation and Complete Set of Rules Contact: SOUTHEASTCRN PENNA. TRACTOR PULL ASSOCIATION PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEE BOX 142 ' Kinzer, PA Phone 717-354-9793 , , SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Sr.S tz TRACTOR PULLS IN i \i»ll LANCASTER COUNTY SANCTIONED BY PENNSYLVANIA TRACTOR PULLER ASSOC. ONE OF AMERICA'S FASTEST GROWING COMPETITIVE SPORTS May 9 17 24 3-1 June 7 13 14 20 21 28 28 July 4 10 11 12 19 19 Pennsylvania Tractor Pullers Association INFORMATION Boxll6 Intercourse, Pa 17534 A FREE PTPA T-SHIRT Send us 5 subscriptions to PTPA PULL OFF, the Magazine of Pennsylvania tractor pulling, and we'll send you a free PTPA T shirt. Send your five new or renewal subscribers to us on a sheet of paper Bure sure to list complete names, addresses (with street number or Rd ), town and zip code We'll need your money, too. of course PULL OFF subscriptions are $3 a year for second class delivery and $5 a year for faster first class delivery Send all your names and addresses, your money and your T shirt size to Kmzers* 7.00 P M Buck* 7.00 P.M Buck* 7 00 P.M Buck* 7 00 P.M Buck* 7 00 P.M Kmzers* 7-00 P.M Buck* 1 00 P.M Buck National Class Buck National Class Buck Farm Class Buck* 7 00 P.M Buck National Mini Tractor Kmzers National Pull* Kmzers National Pull* Kmzers National Pull* Buck Farm Classes Southeast & Buck 717-354-8600 Holsteins Sell Successfully At State Show and Sale "Even in a year of depressed cattle prices, the demand is strong for high quality Registered Holsteins” says William C. Nlchol, Executive Secretary of the Pennsylvania Holstein Ass’n. This was proved conclusively at two State Association sponsored consignment sales held at the Farm Show Building in Harrisburg on April 17 and 18. At these sales a total of 309 head consigned by Holstein breeders sold to buyers from 15 states. On Thursday, 185 calves born since May Ist 1974 sold in the State Calf Sale for an average of $639. The high selling calf was A-Jay Elevation Wallie Marge, consigned by A-Jay Farm, Marion Alsdorf St Sons, Spartansburg, Pa. Her buyer at $2700.00 was Gayle M. Carson of Erinwood Farms, Leßoy, New York. Second high, selling for $1775.00 was a calf consigned by Audrey Campbell, Ford City, Pa. and purchased by James Repard, Holcomb, New York. 7 00 P M ' 1 00 & 7.00 PM 1 OOP M 7 00 P M 7:00 P M 7 00 P.M 7 00 P M 1.00 P M 7 00 P M In all 19 calves sold for prices over $lOOO each. The largest buyer was Douglas Maddox of Riverdalc, California who purchased 27 head. Following the Calf Sale, 124 head sold in the first Spring State Cow, Bred Heifer and Bull Sale on Friday. Again interest was high and the demand reflected in the prices. Nine bulls sold for an average of $1453.00 with the top seller being Keystone Jolly Hi-Fi, consigned by Douglas Seipt of Keystone Farm, Easton, Pa. and selling to James Repard for $3200.00. The 115 cows and bred heifers sold on Friday averaged $1095.00. High selling cow was an excellent six year old with a record over 1000 lb. fat consigned by Clyde Wilson, Rushville, Pa. She sold for $3200.00 to Chuck Will and Lloyd Kasprick of Underwood, Minnesota. The high selling bred heifer was consigned by Clark Bowen St Son, Wellsboro, Pa. and pur chased for $1850.00 by H.D. Buck* 7 00 P.M Kmzers* 7 - 00 P.M Buck* 1.00 PM Buck* 7.00 PM Buck Farm Classes Buck* 7 00 P.M Buck* 7 00 P.M Aug 8- 9 Buck* 7 00 P M Buck* 7 00 P.M Kmzers* 7 00PM Kmzers* 1 00 P M Buck* 7 00 PM Hughesville, Penna * Buck National Pull Buck National Pull Sept Buck Pullers Buck Pull Off Oct * Pennsylvania Tractor Pullers Association - Subscription Order If you live in or near Pennsylvania, and if you re interested in the growing sport of tractor pulling, you’ll want to sub scnbe to PULL OFF, the newsletter of the Pennsylvania Tractor Pullers Association, Inc PULL OFF will keep you informed on all PTPA sanctioned pulls as well as pulls sanc tioned by the National Tractor Pullers Association And you II get inside information about what s happening with tractor pulling and tractor pullers in Pennsylvania Only S 3 00 for a year s subscription Send your check or money order today to PTPA Box 116 Intercourse, Pa 17534 NAME ADDRESS CITY & STATE This is a CD new CD renewal subscription CD $3 enclosed Send by Second Class Mail CD $5 enclosed Send by faster First Class Mail Coleman, Saltsburg, Pa. The largest buyer at Friday’s sale was Bassett Dairy Farm, Inc., of Mon ticello, Florida, taking 33 head south with him. During the two days of sales the Pennsylvania Holstein Association was also active as an agent for The Enviormental Quality Board has approved designation of Wild and Natural Areas on State Forest land and new regulations for non-coal surface mining. Approved were 44 Natural Areas and 13 Wild Areas. The Natural Areas represent a geographic distribution of all major forest types occurring on State Forest land, representatives of early and late- successional stages where natural succession can be observed, unique or 1 00 P.M. Pull Off 7 00 P M 1 00 & 7 00 P.M 7 00 P M 7 00 P M - Sanction Pulls Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 3.1975 Natural Areas Designated by DER 1} % foreign buyers. In all they purchased 32 head for export to buyers in Hungary, France and Italy. Both sales were managed by the Pennsylvania. Holstein Association, with Director of Promotion, Jay Howes coordinating the activities. Horace Backus, Mexico, New York read pedigrees and Charles Backus and Doty Remsberg, Mexico, New York and Jefferson, Maryland manned the gavel. unusual plant communities and virgin timber stands. Wild Areas contain at least 3,000 acres and are relatively free of man-made developments. Both types of areas will be managed by the Department of Environmental Resources’ Bureau of Forestry according to guidelines previously ap proved by the Enviormental Quality Board. The management techniques are designed to preserve the unique features of the Natural Areas and the un developed nature of the Wild Areas. The new surface non-coal regulations established reclamation requirements for these operations to provide for environmental protection. The mining application will be required to contain a plan providing for reclamation concurrent with the progress of the mining operation to the highest extent possible and com plying with provisions of the All-Surface Mining Act. If areas are to be revegetated, topsoil and or subsoil must be segregated and retained or provided for use in revegetation. Multiple benching in the mining operation is required under conditions specified in the regulations. Walter N. Heine, DER Associate Deputy Secretary for Mines and Land Protection, told the Board the Department had worked with industry associations for several years to develop the regulations and there was agreement on them RIGHT START CALF STARTER STALLS Easiest way to control and care for your valuable calves • Keep calves clean and dry • 12" Elevation, out of drafts • Permits individual attention • All steel construction • Separate feed units • Eliminates bedding • Steel mesh flooring SEE THEM AT JAY M. HORS R D 1 Lebanon Pa Ph (717) 274-1242 Commercial Refrigeration 24 Hr Service tm YOUR DEALER 59
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers