Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 57
Mower/Conditioner is “the balanced one” Front to back ... side to side ... inside and out the 1209 is the balanced mower/conditioner. Exclusive high-flotation terra tires positioned up close to the cutterbar react quickly to ground contours. That's front to-back balance, for cleaner cutting. Side-draft is all but eliminated. Wheels are closer to the center of gravity, so nearly equal force pulls back on right and left sides. That's side-to-side balance. There’s balanced power-delivery, too — gears running in oil drive the “crumper” rolls (crimp plus crush action). Stop in and see the 1209. Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717-393-3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton, RD2, Pa. 19540 (near Adamstown I 215-484-4391 M. S. Years ley Neuhaus'es, Inc. & Sons Glen Rock, Pa Westchester 215-696-2990 717-235-1306 Parade of the Profit-Makers These Plus-Proven Sires Are Available Daily For Your Dairy Herd: 15H141 Stertingdaie PIONEER Admiral Excellent & Gold Medal; PQIII/74) & TQ [lO/74] USDA (Nov./74) - 60 Daus. in 30 Herds Ave. 17,223 M Predicted Difference (62% rpt.) +9O9M Type: 33 Pr. Classified Daus. Ave. 81.6 (act.); +.54 PDT Sire: Mooseheart Pioneer - EX & GM Dam: Skokie Princess X Royal Alice - VG 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SERVICE! Atlantic BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717-354 4191 PikeviDe Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale Road Oley RM2, PA 215-987-6277 Member NAL Affiliated Breeders DHIA Monthly Report I ContlnueO hom Put 56) Donald RcnUchlcr I/)rna H 3-6 John H. Stump Ills H 3-fl Lucy H 3-6 F. M. Browns Sons Inc. 54 H 4-7 4 H 2-3 14 H 2-3 Robert L. Seidel Trudy H Joseph F. Walters Donald M. Meyers Wanda H Stephen J. Janos Faith H Andrew D. Stoltzfus Kingpin Daview Farm Cutie H Francis R. Moser 40 H 6-3 Harry P. Shaak 119 H 9-3 195 H 5-7 J. D. Rosenbaum & Son 44 H 12-1 96 H 6 97 H 8-10 t . NEW & USED ImTMH I WISCONSIN \™| 1/ AIR-COOLED \ 1 All ENGINES \ ALSO: ALLIS CHALMERS & \ I LEROI ENGINES ' ' NEW VH 4D ENGINES w-Clutch & Reduction Gear Sales £ Service MILLER'S REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird-m-Hand 8 Miles East of Lancaster RDI, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Ph. 656-7013 Gibbons Road or 656-7926 3.37% +sss 305 305 305 305 305 305 294 305 305 303 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 15H140 Round Oak ELECTRON Good Plus & Type Qualified (10/74] USDA (Nov./74) - 116 Daus. in 81 Herds Ave. Predicted Difference (80% rpt) Type: 44 Classified Daus Ave. 78.2 (act.), 41 Pr. +.34 PDT Sire; Lockway Sovereign Lucifer Lad - VG & GM Dam. Round Oak Ivanhoe Enid - EX 581 F +7F CLEONA* Elizabethtown Hummelstown COATESVILLE* Parkesburg Oxfi d Pughtown Drey Bros. 31 H Frank G. Gromlich Dandy 3 H Skycro2 H (.con H. Bcrndt Ixindon H Peter Reiter Viola H William W. Herbert Donna H Clarence B. Kulp 33 H William A. Wcaland 32 H Grace F. Kunkel Clara H 51 H Witchcraft Dairy Brenda H Harold Fenstermaker Denise H Ontelynn Acres 606 17,787 749 845 10,054 20,436 739 597 670 20,808 14,103 16,605 15,747 623 610 16,690 15,965 606 17,235 21,176 622 17,216 628 16,514 Sally Jenny Ina 82 86 BRB Farm Alice Sadie Coco 561 553 14,866 13,684 876 581 659 21,966 12,560 15,897 Hartman Bros. Blue Mtn. Academy 137 H 185 H Clarence C. Sattazahn Roxan 14 Paul J. Kurtz Darlene H 5-6 George S. Troutman Jr. Boots Frankie Dinah Ann Yost Brothers 108 H Teen Chal Farm Call for service and information: 273-6763 367-3923 566-2569 384-2741 857-5545 932-9361 469-9238 *24-hour answering service or recorder Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 3.1975 H 5-7 H 5-7 H 5-7 149 569-0411 859-2552 445 4131 442 4471 653-1451 786-7381 LANCASTER* Akron East Earl Gap* Mount Joy Quarryville 287 12,707 564 305 13,813 558 305 17,349 608 305 14.191 584 16,659 305 15,124 305 14,885 15,303 305 12,608 16,106 305 305 15,253 305 15,785 305 12,369 15,224 15,855 15,977 16,512 305 305 305 305 305 10-11 3-10 7-2 6-7 6-4 19,232 17,982 17,508 305 305 284 14,323 305 305 20,119 299 15,475 305 14,798 550 293 13,575 554 18,873 19,779 20,046 15,514 305 305 305 305 6 10-8 3-5 2-7 17,810 16,834 13,134 10,398 305 298 281 277 7-7 54 3-10 2-7 17,129 13,320 305 305 16.312 M 3.«3°/o +B63M +sB3 E Berks* W Berks* YORK* Brogueville Fawn Grove Seven Valley York Springs 57 605 569 553 575 565 622 606 591 569 616 556 574 608 665 626 640 638 732 566 722 682 699 571 620 616 571 550 721 556 376-8298 376-8297 792-0941 927-6210 382-4805 428-2266 528-4426