Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 52
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 3, 1975 52 Area Residents Appointed To ABS Sales Force Daniel M. Rush and Robert B. Baker have been appointed to District Sales Manager and District Sales Coordinator positions for American Breeders Service, reports Don C. Pclkey, Vice- President of Marketing. They will direct the A. I. marketing development in the dairy areas of southeastern Pennsylvania, all of New Jersey and Delaware, and eastern Maryland. Last year ABS inseminated over 2,700,000 cows throughout the world. District Sales Manager Gary Willier, who formerly served Fits all standard tractor P.T.0.'5... rugged Patz Model 450 hook-and-eye apron chain ... full 180 bu. ca pacity ... optional hydraulic end gate retains ail liquids within spreader box during travel. LANOIS I ESBENSHAOE Kirkwood, PA (717] 716-4158 CLAIR SANER* SON McASsterviOe, PA [717(463-2234 MARVIN HORST Lebanon, PA 1717(272-0171 JOSEPH MOYER npvsvflt, pa (215) 766-1675 this area, has been promoted to Regional Sales Manager and is located at Staunton, Virginia. Prior to his promotion, Rush served as ABS District Sales Coordinator in southeastern New York. For seven and one-hald years, he served as Farm Manager for Malta Home Farm, Grant ville, Pennsylvania. In 1970, he became an ABS Regional Genetic Mating Service Evaluator in central Penn sylvania. A native of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, Rush was active in civic and com- OTZ LLOYD SULV2BAUGH Gamp Hill,PA (717| 737-4554 J. WALTER WEBSTER Street, MD [301(452-1521 H. DANIEL WENGER Hambuii, PA (2151 418-6574 KENNETH L.SPAHR Thoaasvie. PA (717(225-1064 Robert B. Baker munity affairs, serving on the Mifflin County Board of Assistance. Rush and his wife, Susanna, have one son .. .Erin, age two. They reside at Ronks, Penn sylvania. Since 1946, Baker, a native of Newville, Pennsylvania has made the A.I. industry his lifetime occupation. For Judging Winners Announced Individual award winners who placed in the top ten m the Dairy Science Club included: John Lehman - sth Invitational Dairy Judging Lancaster Mennonite; Sam Event held earlier in April Long - 6th Solanco; Tom were recently announced. Galbreath - 7th Solanco; Lee Ferguson - Bth Solanco and Dave Haldeman, Ephrata and Cliff Martin, Ephrata tied for 10th place. Top individual in the state competition was John Harnish representing Lampeter-Strasburg FFA. Second place was captured by Harry Leininger, Ephrata, with a team mate from Ephrata, John Weiler, placing third. Other youths from the area 181 £ ER LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION Milton, PA 17171437-2375 LEO LANDIS Miflersbuig, PA (7171692-4646 LONGACRE ELECTRIC Bally, PA (215) 145-2261 ZOOK’S FARM STORE Honey Brook, PA (215(273-9730 Daniel M. Rush the past 15 years, he has ! served as the local ABS Genetic Engineer. He served ' from 1946 to 1953 as a technician for the Cum l berland County Artificial * Breeding Co-op and the next five years as branch manager for Southeastern Pennsylvania Breeders Co op. He received the NAAB 35,000-Cow Award and their Quarter Century Service Award. Baker and his wife, Mary , have three children .. .- Douglas, age 21; Bradley, age 18 and Sue Ann, age 16. They reside at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The contest was sponsored by the Penn State Dairy Science Club in conjunction with their annual Dairy Expo to be held this weekend on campus. 5 MODELS TO CHOOSE M FROM MEN’S BICYCLES $ 75,00 "SF BALER TWINE BARBED WIRE 401 b. bale SOTT 4l| 12Vfc Gauge-4 Pt. Cfl 9000 ft m lowa Type ZSf.Ull 8 Pc. POUCH-PAK SCREWDRIVER SET WITH PRECISION TIPS For PERFECT FIT! • UAN SIZE UNBREAKABLE ELASTIC HANDLES lor GREATER TURNING POWER _J • BRITE FINISH BLADES WILL NOT RUST Gives you i quality screwdriver lor virtually any job in a see thru plaallc pouch for con venience when you need them. Beautifully low priced! • POPULAR sizes t STYLES PLUS POUCH *5* w YOUR PIONEER SALESMAN IS READY WITH SUPERIOR SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or plowdown. • Forage Mixes - A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, greenchop or green manure plowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. Don't Delay. /cfe>\ See Your Pioneer pioneer Salesman To-Day! CorniSorg ;: m , All l lla ® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi Bred International' Inc Des Moines lowa USA WE ARE EXPANDING OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT TO FILL YOUR FARM NEEDS. STOP IN OR CALL LARR -PARTS DEPT WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY South Race St. Myerstown, PA Ph. 717-866-2138 Lany