Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 42
4 I (\ —Umciiter Farming, Saturday, May 3. 1975 42 Farm Women Societies Society 4 Society of Farm Women 4 met April 26 at the home of Mrs. Paul Troop, with Mrs. Wilbur Kauffman as co hostess. Mrs. Charles Shellenberger led the devotional period. Paul Troop, coordinator of the Hempfield Community Ambulance Service, gave interesting and valuable information about the ser vice. Roll call was answered by “A Hazard in My Home.” Mrs. Henry Reist, president, presided at the business meeting. Four new members were installed. They are Mrs. Ira Barley, Mrs. Isabel Shope, Mrs. Earl Thornton, and Mrs. Fred B. Zimmerman. The speaker was Mr. Robert Moss who spoke on, and displayed part of his hobby, Coin Collecting. The next meeting will be held May 31 in the Hempfield Senior High School Cafeteria. CASH & CARRY ! ASPHALT PLASTIC ROOF COATING MOBILE HOMES ALUMINUM ALUM-COATING FOUNDATION COATING DRIVEWAY KOTE ALUM-COATING ALUMINUM ASBESTOS ROOF COATING Heavy duty coating reinforced with asbestos fibers For roofs that are badly worn or exposed to severe temperature extremes Covers asphalt shingles, composition roll roofing corrugated iron tin sheet metal or slag $0.79 f# Gal. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : COMPARE AT : u-, : : ♦ We stock quality name ♦ —r=-ji^|a|^|BSS||^^Slpss\ X brand materials It is not J ll : ~ rr ♦ necessary to wait for a J ~^-^—-^Pw' == Mr-- ♦ "sale" to receive a good ♦ I value at CARTER J J OUB PRICES ARE LOW... J D ♦ EVERYDAY... THE YEAR ♦ X I AROUND I ' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BUY THE CASHWAY ... AND SAVE DELIVERY AVAILABLE 3 Miles East open7:3o<os-30 J SIX DAYS A WEEK on Route 340 2275 Old Philadelphia Pike PHONE; 397-4829 Lancaster, pa PHONE: 397-4820 Society 11 Farm Women Society 11 held their meeting recently at the Chestnut Level Church House. The president Mrs. Marie Bucher presided at the business meeting. The president reported on the board meeting which was held recently. It was announced that the members will sew at the General Hospital on May Mrs. Samuel Wenger showed slides of a trip to Alaska for the program. The next meeting will be held on May 22 at the Calvary Independent Church in Mechanic Grove, An auction concluded the meeting. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports ROOF and FOUNDATION COATINGS GAL. 5 GAL 1.65 - 6.89 1.65 - 7.09 4.29 - 17.69 3.79 - 16.49 6.79 8.09 su.« I 5 Gal. Society 15 Society IS Form Women Society 16' Farm Women Society 1« held their meeting on April entertained their husbands 17 at the home of Mrs. to an “Evening Out" to Norman Bentley in celebrate their 30th An- Quarryvlllc at 1:30 p.m. niversary of the Society. Assisting hostesses were Dinner was served at the Effic Wagner, Kathryn Good and Plenty Restaurant Wagner, Jean Rcssel and and the music was furnished Vera Herr. Twenty-nine by "The Eberly’s." members responded to the Grant Hurst was the roll call telling “What Ido speaker, when I please." The next meeting will be Mrs. Kenneth Reinhart, held at the home of Mrs. (Sandra) was accepted, John Henry Hess on May installed and welcomed as a 10th new member. Following devotions, the business meeting was opened. Reports were given by the committee member/ in- Society of Farm Women 26 eluding the sunshine held their monthly meeting mittee by Martha Herr at the home of Mrs. James Jeane Bames of the Ways Buckwalter, Lititz R 3. and Means. Mrs. Robert Brubaker was Kathryn Wagner reported that a full bus was planned for the trip to the Apple Blossom Festival in Virginia. Kathy Horner conducted the business meeting reporting on the county executive board meeting. Edward Rowlands, from the Lancaster State Police Barracks, presented a program on safety in the home which included a film. The May meeting will be held at Historic Strasburg in the form of a Mother’s Day Banquet on May 15 at 6:30 p.m. Society 24 Society of Farm Women 24 met and entertained Society 10, April 23, at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, Penna. A total of 41 members and guests enjoyed Mrs. George Russo Jr., give her presentation on crafts. Among thoses guests present were Mrs. Carl Johnson, county president, Mrs. Robert Gregory, first vice president, Mrs. Harry Hershey, secretary, Mrs. Charles Rohrer treasure. Mrs. Jack Golston presided over the meeting with Mrs. Roy Witmer leading the devotions. The program committee an nounced a change of date for the May meeting. The meeting will be May 21, at 7 p.m. instead of the previously announced date. Ways and Means Committee thanks every one for their help in making the rummage sale a success. ~ Wilma Wenger Reporter Society 26 co-hostess. Mrs. Josie Buck waiter had the devotions. Roll call was answered by “What are you doing to keep physically fit?” Donations were given to Chris Goldinger and to the Ed Forry family. Mrs. Jane King had an interesting talk on Night Ministry. Society 28 will be en tertained by Society 9 on May 8 at 12:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held Thursday evening May 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Gim bel’s Community Room. Rufus Brubaker will provide the program. Society 12 will be entertained. Society 28 Society of Farm Women 28 held their monthly meeting recently at Stauffers of) Kissel Hill. The group en joyed making 3D pictures. The group will be par ticipating in Strasburg Community Days in the needle-craft show, June 7. Entries can be submitted from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. They will be judged 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. and will be on display from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Wesley Methodist Church. Pre-registration can be made with Mrs. James Bowman, phone 687-7426, or Mrs. Elvin Hess, Jr., phone 687-6697. The next meeting will be held May 22, at the Bird-in- Hand Restaurant. A mother & daughter banquet is planned, featuring Steve Brubaker, ventriloquist. Society 29 Farm Women Society 29 met recently at the Pleasant View Rest Home to bring cheer and to fellowship with the guests there. Special recognition was given to nine guests who had birthdays in the month of April. Games were played and refresh ments were served. A short business meeting followed the program. President Judy Erb reported on the County Board meeting. Plans were discussed for a food stand to be held at the farm sale of Joseph Russell on May 6. The next meeting will be held May 19 at the Lancaster Clept Clinic. |)G»w|flr SUMMERTIME - Cut your air conditioning cost. Take the heat of the kitchen outdoors, cook with AGWAY ' in the. or patio + Your backyard can become your No 1 vacation retreat, where you relax a little each day. + The savings realized from staying home will more than pay for the grill. + No charcoal, No Ashes, No Fluid, always ready, Cooks Instantly. COMPLETE WITH CYCLINDER £ - OF GAS o^*9s READY TO COOK. I At f AGWAY PETROLEUM SERVICE 1027 Ditlerville Rd„ Lane., Pa. Phone 397-4954 tAGWAYI Installation and service by experts Financing is available HOMEMAKERS Q. My klda wear blut Jeana almost everywhere, Their new ]aana arc stiff and avon whan the Jeana aoftan up with a little wear, washing make* them uncomfortable again, la there any way I can waah Jeana and make them aoft like they gel after lota of wear? A. To add softness to jean* and other denim Heim, the manufacturer* of Coconut NuSofl fabric softener recom mend adding I to 2 capful* fabric noftener to the final rinse water in the washing machine Your kids should be happy with the softened, more lived in fee I on their jeans right from the first washing