ster Farming. Saturday, May 3.1975 - classlffeJads 34—Lancai Form Equipment F «"" Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS Dismantling: Tractors & Loaders C«t D-2, 4, «. D-7, 8,9, 933, 955-12 A, 955-60 A, 977-10 A, 20A, 977-MA; 1NTTW.9,14,15.TD-18,181,182, ID 20, 24,25.340; Case 600,800,850; AC HD 5,6.7,9.10,11.14, 15, 16. 19, 20, 21; Mich. 12SA, 75A, 85A, 180; Hough, HMD, HF; JD 1010, 440; Oliver, Cue, IF NOT LISTED. ASK FOR IT! NEW & USED CHAINS & ROLLERS TRACKS REBUILT STEERING CLUTCHES FOR SALE: Crawler loaders • TD34O 4 & 1 bucket Cat 955 H, 977. J.D. 450 and 2010; Dozers - TD9B, HDII, T 340. OS's, D 6, J.D. 350; Backhoes - INT 3616; Wheel Loaders - Vi to 12 yds. Wanted: Crawlers & Loaders running or for parts ENGINES - GOOD, USED: Cat. Case. Int. JD. AC, Oliver Cummins, Waukesha, GM, Detroit Diesel. Ben Lombardo Equipment Co., Inc. RDfi, Slaking Spring, ltdg., Pa. 215-C7S-U99 No Ans. 215-544-7171 * Nothingruns ■ ///cg 3 Deere PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Form Equipment Wanted - New Holland Baler, 289, 272, or 273. Phone 717- 656-7013 Used 7 H.P. Cub Cadet 12 H.P. 127 Cub Cadet J.D. 2020 Tractor, Gas. jMwer shift wheels w-900 COPE ft WEAVER CO. New Providence WL POWER PLANTS ELEC TRICAL PTO and engine driven alternators. 1 KW to SO KW in stock. Dealer discounts available. Doug Johnson Ind.. Inc., Elkton, Md. 21921 Ph; 301-398-3451 FIELD FENCE 2 Sizes in Stock 10-47-12-11 'and 10-47-6-11 10% OFF caa Supply Center 1027 Dillerville Read Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-397-4761 Farm Equipment: Fox Max 1 harvester, 1971 Model, diesel, hydrostatic drive, knife grinder with 3 heads, 3- row & a 2-row & a hay pickup. Good condition. Phone 717-464-4089. D 4006 Deutz Tractor used 637 hrs. $3,650.00. Used D 9005 Deutz Tractor. Rebuilt Deutz F 4L-912 Diesel Engine 60 to 80 H.P. Used 530 Case Gas w-loader $2500. 1964 John Deere 2010 G, R.C. (clean) $2,825.00. Several New Deutz Diesel engines 42 to 58 H.P. Warranty $2150.00. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Main Street New Holland, PA Phone 717-354-4181 USED EQUIPMENT Ford 8000 Ford 5000 Ford 3000 Ford 2000 Ford 800 Ford NAA Ford 8N Massey 165 Farmall H Farraall M Ford T.L.B Industrial Used trailers for In- dustrial Hauling - 6. ton, 9 ton, 12 ton NEW EQUIPMENT Gehl Roll Baler Hesston Roll Baler Hesston Hay Stackers in Stock Hesston Mower Con ditioners Kubota Tractors STRALEYFARM SUPPLY, INC. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 717-292-2631 or 717-292-4443 Form Equipment MONTGOMERY EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT *(2) Hesston Stakhand Model 30 -Ford Jubilee w/Loader -Ini 225 Self-Propelled Hay Swather w/10 ft mower *New Holland 880 Harvester with Cornhead & Pickup 3Q\9iall M Tractor •Getil PTO Forate Blower *N H 461 Haybme ’Case 555 Haybme ’New & Used Elevators in Stock ’Gram Boxes & Waions ’Case 1537 Umloader *N H 1469 S.P Haybme *N H 282 Baler w/Thrower *N H 269 Baler w/Thrower ’Harvestore roller Mill w/12" elec, motor ’Badger Forage Box •A C 780 Harvester w/2 Row & Pickup •A C D-14 w/Hyd Ldr' ’AC 170 Tractor, only 225 hrs •AC Dl5 w/Hyd Ldr ’A C HD4 Bulldozer ’Case 450 Bulldozer ’Case D 630 Tractor * D B 990 Dsl Tractor *J D 4020 tractor ’Farmall 1066 Hydro Tractor *A C 4-’JO/nNo-Till Corn Planter •J DsOkS3preader •John Blue Imogen Sprayer. like s PID 54 Spreader •NH 50 ft Elevator *J D 3010 Ls‘or w/loader and 3 fc“iow ’David 885 Gas Tractor onlyT?jo hrs *A C 160 Diesel Tractor *A C. Dl9 Tractor w/4 B Plow *A C. WD4S Tractor & Loader *A C 480 Blower & Pipe ’Massey Ferguson Hay Baler ’Massey Ferguson Sickle Mower •Massey Ferguson 200 Bu Spreader CASE AND ALLIS CHALMERS NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK *D B 990 •DB 1210 *A C. 6040 Diesel Tractor •David Brown 995 •D B 885 G •A C 185 Diesel Tractor •Case 1070 w/Cab and Air NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK •AC Corn Planters *l3 ft 9" Disc •12 ft 6’ Disc *l4 ft Cultipacker *l3 ft Cultipacker *l3 ft Cultimulcher NEW HOLLAND INSTOCK *273 Balers *276 Baler *469 Haybmes *354 Mixer Mill *519 Spreaders *676 Spreaders *790 Spreaders *8 Ci 'Ci Form Equipment N.H. Baler N.H. and Meyer Hay con ditioners and Tedders Good horse drawn riding weeder and riding cultivator 1 Horse Cultivator Meyer conditioner parts Mower conditioner com* bination Good McCormick Deering No. 7 Silo Filter w-pipe and shredder Bars We build sjprayers and booms to fit your needs. 1 used 20 gallon shrub and tree sprayer with hitch. BEN FISHER 73 S. Rooks Road Honks, RDI, PA FOR SALE - N.I. 704 Uni System w-GMC 110 H.P. V-6 engine and the following attachments: 717 combine unit, 711 grain platform, 11 ft. 737 husking unit. 738 4-row com bead for shelling or picking. New in 74, used season. Phone Lewistown 248-5705. Gleaner A-2 Combine with 13’ grain head and 2-row com head, in good condition. 1- 717-362-8913. For Sale - Hough H 30 R, completely rebuilt, less than _ 10 hrs., excellent condition. Bernard Merwarth, RD2, Easton, Pa., 215-252-6665. N.I. Crimper with mounted VE-4 Wisconsin engine; VP-4 Wisconsin engine for parts with starter. Daniel J. Stoltzfus R.D.2, Box 38A, Honey Brook, Pa. along Churchtown Rd. CHECKLIST for buying a gutter cleaner If you’re now looking for a gutter cleaner, be sure it has all these important features. □ One-piece chain link with hook-and-eye for heavy-duty, 4-way flexibility □ Angled flites for added efficiency □ Wear shoe on each fhte a full half-inch thick for longer fhte life □ Flifes welded to links - fewer parts to corrode □ Easy link removal in 10 seconds - without tools □ Removable corner wheel assemblies to eliminate cement break-out □ Flanged corner wheel to guide chain and protect gutter floor pnrz MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT LANDIS & ESBEHSHADE Kirkwood, PA Form Equipment m NEW EQUIPMENT 187 Hawk BUt Tank Cobey Spreaders Little Giant Elevators Cultipackers Case Plows Century Sprayers Running Gears Glenco Soil Saver New Tires 9.5 z 24. David Brown Tractors Case Backhoes Kools Blowers 1975 Model Case Garden Tractors Disk Harrows In Stock USED EQUIPMENT Case w-Ind. Loader Case 400 A.C. WD 45 Letz Plate Mill Oliver 1600 NEW APPLIANCES (2) Kelvinator 25 cu. ft. Freezers (2) 20 Cu. ft. Freezers (2) 15 Cu. ft. Freezers Kelvinator - Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Refrigerators. TRACTORS& EQUIPMENT FOR RENT A BINKLEY & hurst / N BROS. lititz RD4, PA Phone: 626-4705 on Rothsville Station Road □ 4 Tooth drive sprocket reduces strain on reducer □ Sprocket and roller chain reducer for complete dependability □ Fide cleaner engineered to serve right and last long □ Automatic chain tightener works with full or part load □ Continuous duty motor eliminates motor overheating □ Telescoping slide legs for easy slide adjustment. □ Chilled cast hold down shoe for longer shoe life □ Chain oiler for lubrication and corrosion resistance The only gutter cleaner which ALL thr vital Phone 786-4158 Box 5