Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 03, 1975, Image 33
TV n ChMUMlflllto Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS - Farmalls, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Oliver, Allis Chalmers, David Brown, Case, Moline and Deutz. Skid Steer Loaders, Pay Loaders, Fork Lilts, Trenchers, Tractors with loaders and backhoes, Road Graders, Stump Cutter, Stone Picker, Wheel type #sc harrows and cultimulcners, cul tipackers and Grinder-Mixers. 1 to 6 bottom plows, 2 and 4 row cultivators, 2, 4 and 8 row corn plan ters, Disc Plows, Grain Drills, Rotary Hoes, Fertilizer Spreaders, Haybines, Crimpers, Fluffers and Mowers, Balers, Rakes, Elevators, Rotary Mowers, Harvesters, Forage Wagons, Tank Spreaders, Mechanical Transplanters, Graham Plows and Fox Har vester. 100’s of Tractors to Choose From. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 aad 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster , Phone 717-569-9861 NEED CASH? Park your equipment We will sell it for you privately at no charge or sell it for a small commission on one of our monthly auctions. CONSIGNMENT SALE - FRIDAY, MAY 16th, 5 P.M. WENGER'S FARM MACHINERY INC., South Race St, Myerstown, PA 17067 Just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. PHONE DAYS 717-068-2138, NIGHTS 717-066-7147 Form Equipment Used McCormick Model 4SS 4-row Planter. EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, Pa 717-273-2016 NEW IN STOCK Century Sprayers Vlcon Fertilizer Spreaders Fisher Tedders Gehl Baler 1500 Gehl Mower Conditioners Gehl 95 MX Grinder Mixer Athens Heavy Tractor Disc Chisel Plows M.C. Rotary Scythe Ford Industrial Power Units 30 H.P. Wise, w-clutch reduction, starter and clutch Used 37 H.P. Wise, w-starter 60 H.P. Wise, w-clutch ZOOK’S FARM STORE Box 222 RD2 Honey Brook, PA 19344 GENERATORS PTO, Engine Driven, Gasoline, LP Gas, and Diesel Leonard Martin Co. 330 Fonderwhite Road Lebanon, Pa. 17042 WINCO DISTRIBUTORS Ph: 717-273-6478 on our lot. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment Hay feeders on skids, B’, 12’ or 16* long. Christ B. Lapp, R.D.I. Irishtown Rd.. Ronks. Pa. between Ronks and Gordonville. Wanted to Buy • Straw Choppers to fit G Gleaner and A Gleaner. Kaolin Mushroom Farms, 215-268- 2262 Oliver 720 Baler with thrower, like new, price $2500. Phone 717-933-8557. STANDBY POWER PLANTS New and Used in Stock IKW to 55 KW DOUG JOHNSON INC. Elkton,Md. 21921 301-398-3451 (398-3528 Nite) WE OFFER -Custom Welding in our shop or on the job. •General hauling, repairing and fabricating. -Engine work large or small. -Chain saw sale, rental and repair. -Electric drills, hammer drills, grinders Sales & Service -Lawn and Garden Equip ment Sales & Service. JOHN L. STAUFFER Repair Service Box 67 RD2 East Earl, Pa. ir I* Farm Equipment m to 65 HP Air Cooled. Can be mounted on various pieces of equipment. Also Good used Diesel Engines. Call Horning's Warehouse 717-354-7792 If no answer call 717-354-4374 DIESEL & GAS SALES & SERVICE SMUCKER’S ENGINE SHOP RDl.Gordonville.Pa. 17529 Also for complete refrigeration service call Tifus H Horning 717-354-5768 3 pt. J.D. 7 ft. blade 7 ft. New Idea Cut-ditioner 323 N.I. Com Picker Phone 717-656-7013 Ford Jubilee with Loader N.H. Forage Wagon Phone 717-656-7013 For Sale - Feed-Easy silo unloaders and tripods. 20 percent off. Star Silo Association, 717-866-5708. SERVICES & REPAIRS For Allis Chalmers, New Holland, Starline, Van Dale and other farm equipment. USED FARM EQUIPMENT N.H. 68 Baler N.H. 675 Spreader Case 140 & N. 1.208 Spreaders Starline and Hawk Tank Spreaders Woods Rotary Cutter AC 2-row 3 pt. Com Planter w-Fert. Attch. Tractors J.D. “A” A.C. WD. —ROYAj. * SERVICE 700 Woodcrest Ave. RD3, Lititz, Pa. Phone: 626-7766 New 1066 Int. Tractor $14,250 J.D. 2520 Diesel w-1200 hrs Farmall 656 Gas w-1570 hrs Oliver 1750 Diesel Farmall 1066 w-250 hrs 701 & 702 Dm Tractors Late Model 710 Um-Combme, 727 buskers & 3 & 4 row Uni-Corn Heads Case 900 Diesel for Belt Power Int No 650 Harvester w-recutter and 2 corn heads RAYMOND B. LEAMAN Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 Midway between Lancaster & Quarryville off Rt. 222 [Take Brenneman Road at Graybill Bros Garage, Refton] Lancaster Farming, Saturday, M<y 3.1975—33 Farm Equipment For Sale - One D 6 Crawler Dozer 8’ Blade, good con dition. Also TD 14A Inter. Dozer \\W angle blade, machine in good condition. Rear sprockets have been renewed, rest of under carriage about 80 percent. Best offer by May Ist. 1975 above machines will be sold. Phone 215-932-3098 or write James H. Lindsey, Jr., RDI. Lincoln Univ., Pa. 19352 New Idea 1-row tran splanter; Oliver & Int. late model 2-way riding plows w raydex bottoms; 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine w reduction gear; New Idea No. 8 and No. 10A manure spreader; Late Model Clay- Mever Combination mower and crusher; N. 1.4 bar rake with tedder; Late Model N.I. Hay Crusher; J.D. Big 4 7 ft. cut mower w-wide wheels; Int. 2-row com planters; Int. 2 horse cultivators. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553 Hitch up |yyg to Massey. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Purchased at Old Price Savings Passed Unto You. 100 H.P. 1105 Diesel 42 H.P. 235 Diesel 51 H.P. 165 Gas M.F. 124 Baler M.F. 260 Forage Har vester M.F. 29 Wheel Rake M.F. 57 2 Way 3-16 Plow M.F. 16 Scraper Blade 12 ft. Dunham Cultimulcher Sauder Loader USED EQUIPMENT M.F. 165 Diesel M.F. 1130 Diesel Tractor IH 350 Gas M.F. 88 Plow 8-16” M. M. WEAVER & SONS North Groffdale Road Leola, PA Phone: 717-656-2321 USED EQUIPMENT Farm Equipmant A.C. 4-row No till Corn Planter 38, 3pt. hitch Massey Plow Allis Chalmers C Tractor w cultivators ROY H. BUSH, INC. Ephrata 859-2441 TRACTORS - (New White) 4-150 four wheel drive, 2- 150, 2-105, 1755, used Oliver 1855 price $6,800.00, 1655, 1855, 2150, 1650,1800. Allis Chalmers (new) 7030,200, used 7050 like new, 210, D21,XT190, 180. Farmalls (new) 1466, 966, 100 hydrastatic for $15,000., used 1066 with Cab 105 hours, 1066 hydrastatic with Cab $13,400., 1468 price $15,900., 1026, 1106 four wheel drive, 756, 656, diesel for $5,100., 806, 544, 706,560, 450. Ford (new) 8600,6000 for $1,700., 4000. John Deere new and used 4630; 4430,4230, used 4430 price $15,500., 4620 for $12,900., 4520 for $10,900., 5020 for $8,800., 4320 with Cab like new, (5) 4020 for $6,800., and up, 1970 models for $9,200., (2) 3020 diesel, (2) 3020 gas $3,900., 4010 diesel, 2510, 630, 2010. Case (new) 1070, used 970, 1200 four wheel drive for $7,900., Massey Ferguson 1150 for $8,800., Minneapolis Moline G 1000 for $5,200. NEW CORN PLANTERS - John Deere 7000 four row. International 400 Cyclo. White 4 row aire. (used) John Deere 8 row plateless, 1240 plateless and plate. International 400 cyclo, 56. Allis Chalmers 6 row 30” no till. PLOWS - (new) White 5X reset, (new) John Deere 4XIB, SXIB trips. 5x16 reset. Used 5,6,7 trip and reset all makes, (new) 10 and 12 foot cultimulchers. (new) 3 point 11 foot chisel plows, John Deere 12 foot. COMBINES - John Deere 7700, 6600, 4406, 105. Gleaner G, CII new White 8600 fully equipped. In ternational 315. New Idea 701 Uni System. CORN HEADS - (new) John Deere 643, 444, used 435, 434,234, Gleaner (new) G 440, CH, 430, F 335, E 240. Massey Ferguson 44, 33, 421, 222. International 6 row, 4 row, 228, 227. HARVESTERS - New Idea 702 Uni Diesel with 3 row chopper. John Deere 38 with 2 row, 34. In ternational 550. New Holland 1010 Stakwagon. HAYBINES - Owatonna 10 foot self propelled wm drower. New Holland 469. Hesston PTIO. BALERS - New Holland 275, 68. DRILLS - International (new) 13 disc, used No. 10 and Ontario. CORN PICKERS - New and Used New Idea 2 row pull (16 to choose from and mounted.) PAUL STITZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Phone 215-562-8377 Business 215-562-7451 Home