—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26, 1975 62 Public Sales Register IConHnucd from *• I SAT APRIL . 10 AM< Pa. Sale by order of William Aimual Spring mnsijznment H. Coulter; owner; Harry W. sale. Rough & fumble Whiteside , Auctioneer. Engineers Historical Association, Kinzer. Pa. PUBLIC SALE immr eve., wv t 7:30 P.M, Located in Perry County, 5 miles Northwest oi New Bloomfield. Turn North off Rte. 274 West of New Bloomfield on Road to Mannsville or him East off Rte. 74 at Erty to Mannsville, or '/? mile North of Mannsville. 40 HEAD FEEDER CATTLE ALL HOME RAISED 3 Registered Black Angus cows (bred), 1 shorthorn cow (bred), 1 Black Angus bull (600 lb. approx.), 1 Hereford bull (800 lb.), 24 Steers (mostly Holsteins, some Black Angus, 1 shorthorn), ages from 1 month to 1 year, 10 dairy Holstein heifers (from 1 mo. to 8 mos.). Here is your opportunity to raise your own meat or milk cows. Don’t miss this sale. MARLIN J. GEESMAN OWNER RD2, Newport, PA 17074 Phone 717-582-4598 Chuck McGarvey, Auctioneer Loysviiie 789-3974 McGarvey, Urick - Clerks TERMS—CASH. Not Responsible For Accidents. "A to Z ACRES" COMPLETE DISPERSAL TUESDAY, MAY 6,1975 11:00 A.M. ANGELICA, NEW YORK Sale to be held at the farm located on Allegany Co. Rt. #2-A, 11 miles West of Almond off Karr Valley Road and 7 miles East of .Angelica. Watch for pointers on Rt. #4OB at Angelica, and on Ri. #2l and the expressway exit at Almond, New York. Giving up farming operations, must sell entire set-up at public auction without reserve. DAIRY: 66 Registered & Hi-Grade Holsteins This herd consists of 35 free stall and parlor trained milk cows, 9 good heifers bred for early fall and 22 heifers from started calves to yearlings. Vet checked for pregnancy and innoculated against shipping fever, ready for immediate interstate shipment! All from artificial breeding, this is as nice of a group of cattle as you will find. Cattle are in good condition and ready to go to work for you! 4 Good DIESEL Tractors: 19711. H. No. 826 w-3 pt. hitch, only 754 hrs.!; 1971 Leland w-425 hrs.; 1971 B.M.C. w-scraper blade; 1969 Nuffield No. 465 w-1300 hrs. and I.H. No. 2000 loader. New Holland No. 275 Baler w-Super sweep pick-up and ejector; 3 Kicker wagons w-running gears; Fahr Hay Maker; Oliver 4-bottom 16” semi-mounted plow; Massey Ferguson 4-bottom 14” mounted plow; I.H. 16’ mobile harrow; 2 Dion forage wagons w-flotation tires; Ontario 8 x 15 hoe grain drill; I.H. No. 91 self-prop, combine; Case No. 110 combine; 2 56 PTO blowers; 2 New Holland No. 818 Field choppers w-2 row com and hay heads; 3 pt. mower; I.H. Flail chopper; New Idea Cut-ditioner; Gravity flo wagon w-heavy duty running gear; Walsh weed sprayer; I.H. 1-row com picker; I.H. No. 46 Baler; Bear Cat Grinder- Mixer; 2-row potato planter; 1-row potato digger; Stone 18’ conveyor; Versatile No. 400 hydrostate Self prop. Hay-bine; New Idea single beater spreader; 36’ bale elevator; Grain augers; 295 amp. welder; Air compressor; and a very few small tools. Note; Selling here is a good group of cattle and a nearly new line of farm tools. All well housed and cared for. If you need good cattle or equipment, attend this sale. Lunch Available. Terms: Cash or Good Personal Check subject to proper I.D. OWNED BY: Alvin Zimmer & Gene Austin & families Sale Co-Managed by: Victor Pirrung & Son, Wayland, NY, 716-728-2520 and Ronald D. West Mansfield, PA Auctioneers: Victor Pirrung James Pirrung EQUIPMENT; SAT, APRIL 26 - 10:30 a,m. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods. Blacksmith Tools, Lawn and Garden Equipment located at Elizabethtown Route 4, approx. 4 miles west of Elizabethtown and 1 mile east of Falmouth along the Falmouth Road. Sale by Morris R. Casiow; Long and Gerberich, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Brass Bed, Household Goods, Antiques and Collectibles for the Ernest Hess, Estate at Main Street, Benton, Penna. Real Estate at 1 P.M. John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 -10 A.M. DST Public Auction of Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, Dishes, Glassware, Tools, on the premises 4 miles from Red Lion, Pa. via Route 74 turn at Godfrey’s ice cream parlor on Burkholders road to Snyder’s comer road turn left and go approx. V* mile known as Snyder's Comer in Windsor Twp,. York Co., Pa. Leonard C. Eaton, owner; Charles W. Shrodes and David W. Shrodes, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods and Misc. Items located approx. 3% miles east of Fawn Grove off Rt. 851 along Mt. Olivet Church Rd. (Near the Church). Watch for signs, in York Co., Pa. Sale by lola I. Sbanbarger, Whiteford, Md. Robert L. Sechrist, Auc tioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION FARM TRACTORS - TRUCKS FARM EQUIPMENT - COMBINES Consign Now ■ Excellent Selection - Reasonable Rates Dealers and Farmers; Turn your extra equipment into cash the easy way. We can haul items for your convenience at our customary rates. Sale held Ram or Shine - Refreshments by Myerstown Brethren Church Sale located at Wenger’s Farm Machinery Inc., PA 17067, just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown. Myerstown, For information call Days 717-866-2138, Nights 717-866-7147. Auctioneers: SAT. APRIL 26 - 1 p.m. Spring Feeder Cattle Sale of 5M Head all Weights and Classes to be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., Livestock Auction Market, located on Rt. 22, 6 Mi. east of Bel Air, Md. via U.S. Rt.l or 6 mile west of Aberdeen, Md. via 1-95 or Rt. 40, in Churchville, Harford Co., Md. Sale by Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc., Livestock Auction Market, Aberdeen, Md. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 p.m. - Public Sale of 110 Acre farm (Tract No. 1 90 acres, Tract No. 2 20 Acres) Located along Rt. 274 between towns of Blaine and Andersonburg, Perry Co., Pa. Sale by Melvin Zook; Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10:30 a.m. Public Auction of 2 Tractors, Equipment, 4 ponies and Horse and Feed on the premises located on Pa. 425 AirvUle to Woodbine Road, % miles West of Airville, York County, Airville, Pa. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Creed K. Graybeal, RDI, Airville, Pa. William H. Amoss, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10:30 a.m. Public Auction of 65 Head Beef Cattle, Trucks, Trac tors, Farm Machinery and Ear Com located 4 miles east of Elverson, 5% miles west of Ludwig Corner (Route No. 100). Vz mile south of Route No. 401 on Marsh Road, East Nantmeal Township, Chester County, Pa. Sale by order of Bert Bonaventura; Whitford Sales Co. L. Robert Frame, Auctioneer. (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) FRIDAY, MAY 16 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CALL CLOSE TO SALE DATE FOR COMPLETE LISTING. Blaine Rentzel Paul Z. Martin SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, 52.26 acres land joins New Holland Boro, 1 mile South of Rt. 23 with road frontage along Ranch Ave. Terms by New Holland Community Memorial Park Association. Robert B. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 12:30 p.m. 4th Wayne Co., Fa. Holstein Club Sale of 50 Reg. Holstein Heifer Calves located at Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Honesdale, Pa., 1 mile North of Honesdale on Route 191. Sale Chairman, Ellis Oix, RD Pleasant Mount, Pa. Merton Bunnell, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Corn, 1929 Model A Ford and other Autos, Antiques, Household Goods. Tools and Guns located along Run Valley SPRING DAIRY SALE TUESDAY EVE., APRS. 29,1915 7:30 P.M. Selling at Art (ding's Sale Barn, located on Pa. Rte. 74, 2'h miles N.E. of Landisburg, Perry Co., 12 miles North of Carlisle 50 - HEAD HOISTEINS - 50 PUREBRED and GRADES Featuring Several Fancy Cows and Ist-Calf Heifers from Cortland Co., New York Approximately 20 Springing Ist-Calf Heifers from John Brown, McKean County We will have our usual good selection of fresh and very close cattle ihat will add production and value to your herd. 1-P.B. STOCK BULL FEW HEIFER CALVES V. ART RUNG, Owner LANDISBURG, PA. Health Charts (717) 789-3883 MARK CLICK, Auct. Fred Naugle, Ped. Clerk: Harvey Hoover SAT. APRIL 26-11 A.M. Cattle and Machinery Auction at the Harry and Mildred Baird Farm, located off Rt. 80 at Exit 24, 5 miles north on Rt. 26. Turn off Route 80 at Exit 23, south 5 miles to Hublersburg, 3 miles to Jacksonville. Turn off Rt. 220 at Howard, Rt. 26 south 3 miles to Jacksonville. Sale by Mrs. Harry Baird, owner; Si Pepperman, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Paul H. Smith Estate 113 Acre Lebanon County Farm, Farm Machinery and Household Furnishings situated in West and North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, Pa., along Spangler Road, 1 mile North of Route 322. Conditions by Peoples National Bank, Executors for the Paul H. Smith Estate. Earl Buffenmeyer and Clayton Kleinfelter, Auc tioneers. South Race St.,
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