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Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland (Formerly West Nottmfharn Sales) Phone: 301*658-6400 COMING SALES FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD SALE SAT.. APRS 2,2 PJA. FEEDER CATTLE AUCTION FRDAY, MAY «, 7JO PJH. HORSE & TACK AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 24,12d00 MOON Livestock, Poultry, Produce, Household Auction, Flea Market Every Monday Night. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, At 4:30 P.M. Located at 620 Chestnut Street in Columbia, Lancaster County, PA the following. REAL ESTATE AT 7:00 P.M. Consisting of a nice lot improved with a IVz story red brick (w-rake joint) spacious house located at 620 Chestnut St., Columbia, PA. 3 nice bedrooms, all modern conveniences, open stairway; oil fired hot water heat; this house is in excellent condition with a colonial front porch, nice back porch and upstairs balcony, and side entrance to a fully cemented basement. Nice 2 car cement block garage w-cement floor; this is a one owner property, nicely located and well maintained with shrubbery and shade trees, very worthwhile. NOTE: This is a beautiful property in a nice section of town and should command the attention of in terested buyers. For inspection of Real Estate only phone 684-5763. Very fine well carved mahogany high back bed in excellent condition; very fine walnut white marbletop dresser, bow front, jewel boxes and lamp shelves, all original; nice white marble top stand; Ig. walnut carved wall mirror; Lincoln upholstered rocker; pot belly school house stove; Morris chair; nice mantel chimes clock; high chair; 2 trunks, 1 w-tray; picture frames; shaving mirror; wicker table; linen chest; RCA large console radio; kitchen cabinet; buck saw; old fans; Buddy-L tin toy trucks, nice condition; shelf clock; many items not mentioned. Very nice 6 pc. maple-light walnut dinette set w captain’s chairs; Westinghouse automatic washer; base cabinet; utility table; 10 pc. walnut dining room suite; mahogany china corner cupboard; nice sofa, recently upholstered; upholstered chairs and rockers, 1 w-ottoman, 2 swivel; 3 Duncan Phyfe tables, 2 drum type, 1 card table; hassock; 6 pc. walnut bedroom suite w-boxsprings and mattress; Hollywood bed; waterfall cedar chest; White electric sewing machine; AP PLIANCES: mixer, waffle iron, toaster, can opener, stable and floor lamps;' dishes and cookware; 2 step 'stools; RUGS: 4 - 9 x 12, 9 x 9, and scatter; very fine service for 12, Noritake China, same as new; redwood chrome porch set; nice porch swing; 2 stepladders, 1 aluminum; Toro power handle, adaptable to various uses, with snow blower. Many items too numerous to mention. Terms: Personal property: Cash. Real Estate: Day of Sale. Please Clip this Ad and Save! MICHAEL C. DINKEL, JR. POWER IN FACT FOR ELENA Y. DINKEL 106 Harrison Dr. New Cumberland, PA 17070 Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Idaville, PA 677-7479 James Arnold, Attorney WED. APRIL 30 - Dunkleberger Dispersal of 56 Registered and Hi Grade Holstelns and Machinery located Just off Rte. 549,8 mi from Mansfield, Pa. 3 miles ANTIQUES MODERN from Roseville, Pa. Harris and Myrtle Dunkleberger. owners, Gordon Wood Auctioneer. WED. APRIL 30 - 12 Noon Farm Machinery Sale located just off Route 97 on Simmons Road between Emmitsburg and Taneytown in Frederick County, Maryland. Four miles from Route 15 and eight miles south of Gettysburg, Pa. Sale by Jack M. Kling, RD2, Taneytown, Maryland. A. Doty Remsbure, Auctioneer, Norman D. Hill, Associate. WED. NIGHT APRIL 30 - 7 p.m. Special Machinery Sale to be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co. Inc. Livestock Auction Market located on Rt. 22 in Churchville, Har ford Co., Md. 6 mi. west of Aberdeen, Md. and 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md. in Harford County, Md. Sale by James Scott, Airville, Pa. owner; Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc. Sale Managers and Auctioneers. WED. EVE. APRIL 30 - Nite Horse Sale at the Paul Z. Martin Sales Stables, located 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa. along Route 340. Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball, Penna. Martin Auctioneers. WED. APRIL 30 - 7 P.M. Public Sale of Antiques and Household Goods at the Van Dura Auction House located off Rt. 309, South of Hazelton, Pa. TUBS. APRIL 29 - 1 P.M. Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. 1975 PUBLIC SALE 2 VALUABLE 100 A FARMS (ADJOINING), LARGE LINE OF LIKE NEW FARM MACHINERY Including 7 Tractors, 35 Ton Mixed Hay, 700 Bu. Oats, 55 Holstein Dairy Cattle (40 Cows) ABS and NEBA Breeding, etc. On Farm located 8 miles North of Millville, V< mile West of Umtyville, PA (Lycoming Co.| SATURDAY, MAY 17,1975 Starting 9:30 A.M. Farm No. 1 —lOO A. Modern Dairy Farm, level, good fertile land, practically all tillable w-very strong never failing spring at the house. Good bank (Dairy) Barn w attached milk house, 12 x 40 concrete stave silo plus very large plank trench silo. Silo unloader and 52’ shaker bunk feeder, 30 x 75 pole machinery shed w-2 cribs, 3 car garage w-overhead. Lovely 2 1 / 2 story 7 room plank house w-IV 2 baths, hot air stoker heat, beautiful alum, white siding, etc. etc. Located along Twp. Rt. Also on this property a 1 room (good) school house used as an implement shed. You’ll have to see this farm w-the large enclosed barn yard, farm pond, and top producing soil. Farm No. 2 Joins No. 1 Farm. 100 A. Dairy-Beef- Horse or outstanding general Farm with very nice laying fertile soil w-a large bank barn w-enclosed barn yard, 6 room 2V 2 story plank home wIV 2 baths, wagon shed, garage, etc. Along Twp. Road. Don’t miss this outstanding Farm, the kind everyone wants, but hard to find, that has some timber and woodland. Both farms have the oats and corn planted in the fields this year. Also seeded down this year. For an appt. to view these 2 very fine high producing farms, dial Millville 717-458-5174 or Auct. Max Fraley 717-546-6631. Real Estate Terms, only $BOOO.OO down of the pur chase at the striking down of the property. Bal. in 30 days. Owner financing available to the right reputable person. Estate of the Late NORMAN DERRICK & ALSO DAIRY FARM OF HARRIET DERRICK Admix. Harriet Auct. - Max Fraley & Son More Listing Later TUES. APRIL 29 - 6:00 Big Antique Sale at the Far mersville Auction located at Farmcrsvilic, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt, Richard Murray, Auc tioneer. TUBS. EVE. APRIL 29-7:30 P.M. Spring Dairy Sale selling at Art Kling’s Sale Bam, located on Pa. Rte. 74, 2'a miles N.E. of Lan disburg, Perry Co., 12 miles North of Carlisle. 50 Head Holsteins will be sold. Sale by V. Art Kling, Owner, Landisburg, Pa. Mark Click, Auct. MON. APRIL 28 - 6 P.M. WHLM Radio Auction for the Benefit of the Diabetic Society. John Autotore, Chairman, Northeast Auctioneers Assoc. SAT. APRIL 26 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of Household Goods located at 24 South Penn St., Manheim, Pa. Sale for Hattie Zook and H. Richard Zook, P.A. C.H. and Bob Wolgemuth, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Furniture and Household Sale at Hunter’s Sale Barn, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland, formerly West Nottingham Sales. SAT APRIL 26 - 12:30 P.M. Public Sale of 125 Head of Top Quality Feeder Cattle located at Port Trevorton RDI (turn East from Route 104 at Meiserville and North Vz mile at sale sign. Sale by Roy Martin, owner L.S. Klingler, Auctioneer. Lancaster Farmlni. Saturday. April 26,1975 SAT APRIL 26 ■ 10:a.m. Public Sale of Egg and 'Chicken Equipment, Form Machinery located at 5450 Ncwsldc Road, South of Central Dauphin East High School, Union Deposit Road. One mile East of Route 83 Exit 29. 1«* miles N.W. of Rutherford. E. Harrisburg, Pa. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Fryslnger. Calvin Hoover and Col. L.M.F. Hockcr, Auctioneers SAT. APRIL 28 ■ 9:30 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and 223 good Holsteins at the Maxon Farms Dispersal at Attica, N.Y. on Maxon Road bet ween Rtes. 20A and 354. Sale by Maxon Bros. Farms, owners. Sale by Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10:30 a.m. Richard W. Miller Estate Complete Farm Dispersal, Bath, New York. Sale to be held at the farm located 4 miles North of Bath, New York on the Mitchelville PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, BEEF CATTLE, ETC. On Farm 10 miles East of HughesviHe, I'h miles N of Lairdsville, S. of Beaver Lake. SATURDAY, MAY 3,1975 1:00 P.M. J.D. G Tractor w-pump, good rubber; IH H tractor; Int. 300 Utility Tractor, WFE, 3 point hitch, good w front loader; 2 row 3 pt. cultivator; IH 2 row cultivator; M. 3-14” trailer plows; N.H. 66 PTO baler, good; J.D. 7’ mower; Gehl crimper; IH rake; J.D. 12’ harrow; M.H. 10’ self propelled combine; M.F. No. 72 self propelled 12’ combine w-power steering, good; N. 331 PTO spreader; N.I. stock cutter; Heavy duty 8’ 3 pt. angle blade; Hudson 8’ lime spreader on rub ber; Oliver wide track wagon w-14’ bed; 4 other wagons including 22’ wagon; Super 6 manure loader; 1975 Ford No. 100 pickup truck, four wheel drive and snow plow, only 4000 miles, a real beaut; several scrap cars, other pile of scrap. 2 DeLaval milker pumps, 3 unit size; 2 DeLaval units; platform scales. 50 bu. Barley, 85 bu. Feed Wheat. 3 (Ms) Charolais Cows w-2nd calves, Derm Cow due by sale, other Hereford-Charolais cow w-2nd calf. 9 mo. old Hereford Bull. 2 Beef Heifers 9 mo. old. Health Charts. Owners ELTON and GERALDA WOODSIDE Auct. - Max Fraley & Son 546-6631 BEEF CATTLE SALE The Sale For The Commercial Man SATURDAY, MAY 3, 12:00 NOON AT OUR TROXELVILLE FARM OFFERING 100 HEAD 15 BULLS 25 HEIFERS 60 FEEDER CATTLE Blood and IB Tested - Health Charts on all Heifers and Bulls - Can Go Anywhere All Bred and Raised on our own Farms Club Calf Quality Steers + Recorded Charolais - 4-Angus-Charolais and -fHereford-Charolais Crossbreds BROOKS END AND PAR-KAY-FARMS Park and Reno Thomas Beavertown, Pennsylvania Phone 717-658-5821 or 6544 or 7007 Road. Watch for pointers on Überty Street, Rt. 54taBath and o« Rt. 54 at Pleasant Valley, Between Bath and Hammondsport. June Miller. Executrix, for the Estate of Richard W. Miller; Victor Plrrung and Son Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 28 - 11 A M. Public Sale of Real Estate and Household Goods located in the Village of White Oak, at corner of Newport Road and White Oak Road. Sale for Landis L. Nissley; Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. SAT, APRIL 26 - 10 a.m. Public Auction of Livestock, Power Farm Machinery. Provender and Household Goods located on premises just off Route 10 on Route 896 at Russellville, Pa., 4 miles N. of Oxford, Pa. Lv. New Route 1 Bypass at 896 Exit, go north. Also 30 miles South of Lancaster, Pa. and 20 miles from West Chester, |Continued on Pace 62) 61