—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 26.1975 60 Public Sales Register IGooUniMd from Pic* 591 SAT. MAY 3 - 11:00 a.m. Erwin (Butch) Wilkins Complete Dispersal, Lakeside. Lathrop Two., Susq. Co. Located 5 miles Eart of Springville or Dimock on the macadam road leading to Union Church and Lakeside. Five miles Northwest of Nicholson & Rt. 11. Watch for Bunnells Auction Arrows. Sale by Erwin and Dianna Wilkins, Owners, Hop Bottom RDI, Pa. Merton L. Bunnell, Auct. and Sale Mgr. NITE HORSE SALE WED., APRIL 30,1975 PAUL Z. MARTINS 2 MILES EAST OF INTERCOURSE, PA, ALONG ROUTE 340 Load of Kentucky Saddle Bred Horses Work Horses and Harness Horses 1 Load Standard Bred Horses. Local Horses. Horses Hitched at 1.00 PM. Tack at 6.00 P M. Horses at 7:00 P.M., D L.S.T NOTICE - Ail horses shipped into state must be Coggins Tested with chart accompanied. m******************************************* PAUL Z. MARTIN BLUE BALL, PA 17506 Residence - 717-354-6671 Business - 717-768-8108 MARTIN AUCTIONEERS »**************. HAY, STRAW & CORN SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY at 12 NOON. [PUBLICS ALE j BUGGYS, SLEIGHS, WAGONS, HARNESS VALUABLE ANTIQUES & i TREAD POWER ♦ SATURDAY, MAY 3,1975 t 4 10:00 A.M. t ♦ LOCATION. Located between Quakertown and Leithsviile off Route T 4 212 on Richlandtown Pike, I'/? miles North of Richlandtown on I 4 Quarry Road * ♦ Watch For Sale Signs. ♦ HORSE EQUIPMENT ♦ ▲ (1) 2-Seat Carriage, (2) Side Bar Runabouts all ▼ T reconditioned, (2) 2-Seater Sleighs, (4) One Horse ♦ T Sleigh, Farm Wagons, Single and Double Horse 4 T Harness, Pony Cart & Harness, Shafts, Running Gears, 4 ▼ Seats, Collars, Single & Double Trees, Buggy Lights, A ▼ Sleigh Bells, Wagon Jacks, Saddle, Bridle, Top Hat & ▲ ♦ Coachman S at. a ♦ BUTCHER EQUIPMENT I + 60-G; J. F me: i jr Boiler, Meai binder, orfer, k Scales, Ho< , Ladlers, Gambrels, Butcher Bench, 7 Scalding Tl gh. ▼ ANTIQUES ♦ Large & S. all Spinning Wheel, Yarn Winder, (3) 9 Balloonback bairs, Original Paint, (10) Half Spindle ♦ Chairs, Brass Kettles, Copper Kettles, Copper Boilers, ♦ Apple Butter Kettle, Dog Cart, Dinner Bell, Hand Bell, + Coffee Grinder, Candle Mold, Butter Mold, Bowl, 4 Chum, Victorian Parlor Stove, Cast Stove. A OAK FURNITURE: Washstands, Bureaus, Hutch, a Rockers, Tables. a Caned & Bentwood Chairs, Lincoln Rocker, Blanket T Chest, Victorian Love Seat, Wooden Washer, T Depression Glass, Old Tools, many miscellaneous ▼ items. Auct. - Nelson Weidenbaugh 215-948-7619 SAT. MAY 3 -11 a.m. Public Auction of Farm Equipment. Location; From Bay Bridge Rt. 50 west to 424 North cross 450 Ist road on right Signs posted. Sale by Lance Bladen, owner, Gambrills (Crofton) Md. H. Rudnick & Sons, Auctioneers, of Galena, Md. SAT. MAY 3 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Lawn and Garden Equip ment, Tools, and Household Goods located IVfc miles off Rt. 274 on Prineipio Road between Rising Sun, Md. and it G SALE BY: X QUAKERTOWN ♦ WAGON SHOP t SAT. MAY 3 - 10;30 A.M. Annual Heifer Sale at the Black St White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Dif fenbach, Auctioneer; Henry Kettering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. SAT. MAY 3-1 p.m. PubUc Sale of Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle, etc. on the farm located 10 miles E. of HughesviUe, miles North of LairdsviUe, S. of Beaver Lake. Sale by Elton and Geralda Woodside, owners; Max Fraley & Son, Auc tioneers. SAT. MAY 3-1:30 p.m. Perkins Sale of 36 HiGrade Holsteins and Farm Machinery located 2 miles from Ulysses. Pa. off Rt. 49 toward Brooklyn, 13 miles from Westfield, Pa. 20 miles from Coudersport, 20 miles from Galeton, 30 miles from Lawrenceville, Pa. Sale by Dorr Perkins, owner; Gordon Wood, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 3 at «:«. « FARM EQUIP.: FORD 600 - INT. 574 & 8275 Diesel TRACTORS, TD 14 Bulldozer, JB High-C sprayer. Plows, disc, 1240 JD planter, drill, cult., spreader, pumps, Tools, 3 pickups & trucks, Irrigation pump & pipes & sprinklers & guns, etc. etc. LANCE BLADEN, owner Gambrills (Crofton) MD Phone 721-7684 Location; From Bay Bridge Rt. 50 West to 424 North cross 450,15 t road on right. Signs posted. H. RUONICK & SONS, Auctioneers of Galena, MD |3ol] 648-5100 PUBLIC SALE 72 Head of Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle & Form Equipment TUESDAY, MAY 6,1975 11:00 A.M. Located along old Harrisburg Pike, about 2 miles West of Mount Joy, PA, near Greiner's Garage 37 Milk Cows and First-calf Heifers, 5 Bred Heifers, 23 Heifers (all sizes), 7 Bulls. Some fresh around sale. Health charts day of sale. Dumping Station, 4 Surge Milking Units (50 Lb. w-Elect Pulsation), Surge Milker Pump Almo 30. Sale held under tent. 2TRACTORS J.D. 4000 Diesel w-Cab 560 FannaU Gas w-Fast Hitch IH 37 Baler w-Thrower P.T.O. N.H. 352 Portable Grinder and Mixer, J.D. 1240 4- Row Corn Planter w-Insecticide & Moditer, IN 48. 16” Auto Reset Plow, N.I. Cutditioner, 700 Brady 7-Tooth ’ Chisel Plow, Meyer Hay Crusher, 346 N.H. 200-Bu. Tank Spreader, N.H. 30’ Bale Elevator, 12’ Brillion Cultimulcher, N.H. 256 Rake, N.H. Grain Bins w- Wagons, N.H. 10-Ton Running Gear, IN 370 Wheel Disc, 2 Bale Wagons, 3-Pt. 100 IN 7’ Mower, Century 200 Gal. Field Sprayer & Two 100 Gal. Side Tanks, M.H. Gram Drill (15 Disc), Manure Loader, Cultipacker, IN 3-Pt. Com Planter, Com Drag, 2-Pt. Carrier, Feed Bin w- Mixer, 275-Gal. Tank, Tob. Stove, Feed Carts, Round Parts Bin, P.T.O. Grass Seeder, 180 A.M.P. Welder, Tractor Chains, Cow Clipper, Corn Shelter, Fence Posts, 10,000 Tob. Lath, 60-Bu. Round Hog Feeder, 50- Ton of Corn, 150 Bushel of Barley. Order of sale: Not much small items, Machinery, Dairy at 12:30 P.M. Reason for selling, sold farm. Sale by: Joseph A. Russell 111 H. (Abe) SHAFFNER, 653-5689 C. H. WOLGEMUTH, 665-5664, Aucts. DiFFENDERFER and WASER, Clerks. Stuff* SAT. MAY 3 - 10 A.M. Auction Collegeville Equipment Co., Inc., Collegeville, Pa. south on Route No. 29 Route No. 422 two miles from Perkioman Valley Airport. Blaine N. Rentzel, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 3 - 10 A.M. An tique Aucto Auction, Kempton Community Center, Kempton, Penna. lust off Rt. 737, 10 miles North of Kutztown, Pa. Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co., RDI, Breinigsville, Pa. FRI. MAY 2 - 6 P.M. Public Sale at the Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lan caster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 2 - Fairlie Complete Dispersal located off Rte. 17C, 8 mi. from Waverly, N.Y. 44 Registered and Hi-Grade Holsteins and good line of farm Machinery. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fairlie, owners; Gordon Wood, Auctioneer. PUBLIC AUCTION FRI. MAY 2 - 4:30 P.M. PubUc Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques located at 020 Chestnut Street in Columbia, .Lan caster County, PA. Sale by Michael C. Dlnkel, Jr., power in fact for Elena Y. Dlnkel, 100 Harrison Dr., New Cumberland. PA. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. THURS. MAY 1 - 5:30 P.M. PubUc Auction at Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of litltz along Rt. SOI. WUbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE INDUSTRIAL A CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, TRUCKS, CARS, TRACTORS, t ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES I HARDWARE. SATURDAY, MAY 17,1975 Beginning at 9:00 A.M. Sharp Located on the corner of Rt. 11l Susquehanna Trail) and Leaders Heights Road, in York Twp., York Co , PA. Industrial & Contractor’s Equipment 2 T.D. 9 International high lift crawlers, both newly painted & in very good condition; D-2 Caterpillar angle dozer; 1939 R-2 Caterpillar dozer in fine running cond.; International 3514 diesel back hoe & loader w-hydro static drive w-1800 hrs., repainted & in like new cond.; General 12 ton trailer; Jaeger 125 cu. ft. portable air compressor; Model 1890 Int. dump truck w-new engine, block, tires & battery; 1800 Int. dump truck in very good cond. w-new clutch & rubber; Electric Magic steam iennv: 2 - 3500 watt 110 - 220 Winco generators, one w-electric starter; 2000 watt D.C. generator w-gas engine; cement mixer w-electnc & gasoline engines; 2 stone chippers for dump truck; saddle tank & fifth wheel; concrete vibrator; 2 gas powered cement finishing tools; 2 • 200 watts plaster drying heaters; B & D Dewalt home shop radial arm saw; Craftsman 10 in. table saw w-1 HP motor; Craftsman 6 in. jointer Craftsman shaper; 16 in. metal lathe w-chucks; 2 face plates & steady rest; drill press; electric saws & drills; 2 - % HP motors; 1 to 2 ton General roller w-new engine; salamanders; Dietz battery flashers; kerosene type flares; plumbers torch w-lead pot; electric & gasoline portable water pumps hydraulic split rock cutter; 2 hardwood floor nailers; Ig. V blade snow plow Ig. rip saw & table; Power King band saw; McCullough 19 in. chain saw; welder w-engine on two wheel trailer; T-D 9 tractor parts; and other items too numerous to mention. Pickup Trucks, Cars, Boat, Tractors, Implements, Supplies and Hardware 1964 Ford 250 % ton pickup w-tool boxes in fine cond.; 1956 Ford % V-8 pickup in good cond.; 1948 Ford % ton pickup, good running cond.; no rust; 1965 Cadillac 4 dr. hard top white w-blue interior, no rust & in exc. cond.; 1964 Oldsmobile 4 dr. sedan white w-green interior in very good cond.; 1941 Dodge 4 dr. sedan in good run ning cond. & no rust; Ford 8N red belly tractor good running cond.; 8 ft. stone rake; Ford 5 ft. rotary mower; 18 ft. Shoup wood boat w-top, trailer & 65 HP Mercury engine; Dansuer 3 pt. hook post hole digger; J.D. rear mounted 6 ft. mower; tractor chains; 8 HP Economy tractor mower; snow blade; cultivators; Sears 6 HP tractor w-3 ft. rotary mower; Reo self propelled mower; Goodall S-P 30 in. 3 blade rotary mower; Ford tractor pulley; Ford tractor chains; other tractor chains; tool boxes for pickup truck; set of 8 ft. racks for pickup; set of 4-10 ply trailer tires & wheels; 3-275 gal. fuel tanks; pumps for fuel tanks; Ig. water tank; cast iron furnace; G.E. oil furnace; fur nace blowers; steel shower stall; 3 bath tubs & com modes; slightly damaged; double drain sink & cabinet; overhead garage doors; garage door operator; alum, storm doors & screens; 5 Ig. steel 9 light windows; pump jacks for scaffolding; 2 tem porary electric service poles; plastic pipe; spouting; alum, siding, all colors; rock lathe; 2 oil burners; walnut & cherry lumber; lots of other lumber, all sizes; lots of piles of asst, bricks, all kinds; roofing shingles; tool sheds; 15 in. I beams approx. 20 ft. long; galvanized roofing; new window wells; old wooden shutters; trussels; nail kegs; piles of slate; jack post; plywood; paneling; storage racks; old truck tires suitable for farm implements; log chains; lawn rollers; seeder; rolls of snow fencing; lots of fireplace wood; ladders; wheel barrows; mortar boxes; 55 gal. drums; shovels; picks; rakes; brooms; paint; hard ware; old walking plow; one horse sleigh; many, many items found in a sale of this type, owner having been in the home building business for nearly 30 years. Order of sale: Sale will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. on small items & supplies, pickup trucks, cars, boat, tractors & implements to begin at 12:30 and Ig. in dustrial equipment to be offered at approx. 1:30 p.m. Terms: Cash or approved check (all buyers must register with the clerk before purchasing). LEO R. KEENER, Owner RDB York, PA Phone 717-428-2491 Robert L. & Thomas H. Sechrist Auctioneers, Phone 382-4379 John Hope Anderson & Son, Clerks Lunch by Jacobus Vol. Fire Co. Not Responsible for Accidents THURS, EVE. MAY 1 - 6:30 p.m. Short Notice Public Sale of Dairy Hard and Milking Equipment located approx. 2 Vi mile* west of York New Salem or about Vi mile west of Stoverstown near St. Pauls Union Church along Stoverstown Rd. in York Co., Pa. (Watch for arrows to sale). Sale by Mr. and Mrs. James Ruhland, RDI Spring Grove, Pa. owners; Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer. (Continued on P*i fill
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