Public Sales Register i•••••••••®*»«««* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a —aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal FRI. MAY 16 - 8 P.M. Nile cow sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mile west of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Dlffenbach, auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees: Park Myers, Sales Manager. I Continued Iron Pigi Sl| SAT. MAY 17 ■ 9:30 a.m. Public Sale of 2 Valuable 100 Acre Farms and Large Line of Like New Farm Machinery located 8 miles North of Millville, mile W. of Unltyvlllc, Pa. (Lycoming Co.) Sale for the Estate of the Late Norman Derrick and also dairy farm of Harriet Derrick. Admix. Harriet. Max Fraley & Son, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY -17 9 a.m. Sharp Public Sale of Industrial and Contractor’s Equipment, Tools, Trucks, Cars, Tractors and all kinds of Supplies and Hardware located on the comer of Rt. 11l (Susquehanna Trail) and Leaders Heights Road, in York Twp., York Co., Pa. Sale by Leo R. Keener, Owner, RDB, York, Pa. Robert L. and Thomas H. Sechrst, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 17 - 10 a.m. Hassler’s Landscaping Special Mention of ~. A fine group of 50 Grade Holstein Heifers Being sold for Star-Rock Farms at the Black and White Farm Heifer Sale Saturday, May 3. These heifers are all home-raised from our own herd This herd has a present DHIA rolling herd average on 283 cows of 15,600 M., 38 percent, 587 F. These heifers are all well-groomed. ABRAM G. & JOHN E. BARLEY STAR-ROCK FARMS R.D.2, Conestoga, PA 17516 717-872-4058 HOLSTEIN HEIFER SALE Sale held at the Black & While F arm located just West of Lancaster, PA on Dairy Lane Exit Rte 283 West of Lancaster at Flory’s Mill Rd. - McGovernville Rd.. and then right around null to farm 600 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS (About half registered—Many due in July and August - many open heifers) All tested for out of state shipment. Ready to ride. 32 HEIFERS CONSIGNED BY NELSON MYERS, GREENCASTLE, PA!! An exceptionally nice group with good size and conformity, 6 are by Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief and 3 by “Rockman”. Others by “Complete” and “El Minuteman”, M&H Ivanhoe Optimist and others. Services include Double Triune 6 and R Maple 2 plus a “Kingpin” son of John Rineharts great White cow family, dam being “EX” by “Marquis”. 100 HEAD CONSIGNED BY HENRY LAPP!! Mr. Lapp will be selling dtrs. of such sires as Ivanhoe Jack. Transmitter, “Lucky”, Kid Samson, Ultimate, R Maple, Kennedy, Triune Complete, Misty Shamrock, President Vemon and others. Many are from good record dams and good pedigrees. OTHERS CONSIGNED BY MANY CONSIGNORS FROM OHIO, MARYLAND, NEW YORK AND PENNA.!! THERE WILL BE HEIFERS FOR EVERYONE - BRED, OPEN, READY TO BREED, JUST FRESH!! ONE OF THE BEST HEIFER OPPORTUNITIES OF THE YEAR!' MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW TO ATTEND AND BUY!! SPECIAL Chianini Bulls selling. For Credit see Charles C. Myers ahead of sale time. Phone 717-569-2106. R. AUSTIN BACKUS INC. Auctioneers Mexico, NY Service Going Out of Business Public sale of Real Estate, Trucks, Tractor and Equipment, Riding Mowers, Nurserv Stock, Tools and Guns, located along Rt. 422 between Womelsdorf and Robesonia. Dale L. Putt, Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 17 - 1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 275-300 feeder pigs located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road south 1 mile, third farm on left ‘A mile North of Sheridan Furnaces, Marion Twp., Berks County, Pa. Terms by Walter M. Horst, Newmanstown Rl; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneers. FRI. MAY 16 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. ANNUAL BLACK & WHITE FARM SATURDAY, 10:30 A.M. Sharp LANCASTER, PA TUBS. MAY 13 - 1 P.M. Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Pa. MON. MAY 12-6:30 P.M. Jensen Night Auction, Pennyan, New York, watch for pointers on Rt. 14-A, 2 miles West of Benton Center and 6 miles North West of PennYan. (Farm located on the Maiden Lane Rd.) Sale by Carl Jensen, owner; Victor Pirrung and Son, Auctioneers and Sale Managers. MON. MAY 12 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Very Fine 80 Acre Dairy Farm with a Beautiful Native Stone Home located m Adams County, Pa. 15 miles north of Get tysburg and 23 miles South of Harrisburg on New Route 15 turning east at Worleys Nursery 3 miles at the Village of Bermudian. Larry R. Stump, owner, RD2, Dillsburg, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. SAT. EVE. MAY 10 - 7:30 P.M. Public Sale of 75 Head Feeder Cattle and Fat Cattle located approx. 3 miles South of Port Royal, Juniata Co., yi mile South of Rt. 75. Sale signs along Rt. 75. Sale by Charles C. Long, owner; Long Bros., Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 10 -10 a.m. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods and Farm Equipment located just South of Lan- MAY 3 CHARLES C. MYERS Owner and Sale Mgr. Lancaster, PA disville along Church St., Lancaster County, Pa. Look for Sale signs. Sale by Heirs of D. Baker Kauffman, (Dec.); C. H. Wolgemuth and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 10 - 10:30 a.m. David Jack Auction Sale, Factoryville, Pa., Benton Twp., Lacks Co. Located 2 miles East of U.S. Rt. 6 & 11 at Factoryville, 2 miles West of Fleetville via Rt. 107 1 mile South of Lakeland Golf Course. Sale of Farm Machinery by David Jack, owner, Factoryville RD2, Pa. Merton L. Bunnell, Auctionneer. SAT. MAY 10 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Livestock on premises owned by Daniel kreiser on Bordnerstown Rd., miles southeast of Bordnersville. Turn west off U.S. 72, just north of Jonestown State Police Barracks and drive two miles. Conditions by Jonas D. Kreiser; Roy I. Ebersole and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 10 - 10:30 a.m. Auction Sale located on Hopewell Road between Roanies Comer and Route 427,1 mile outside of Oxford, Pa., mile off Rt. 1 By Pass. Signs will be posted to Sale. Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, some Farm Machinery and Cattle. Sale by James Hollett; Donald R. Fenimore and F. Lee Moore, Auctioneers. SAT. EVE. MAY 10 - 7 p.m. AUegany-Steuben Holstein Club Calf and Bred Heifer Sale at Canisteo, N.Y. Sale sponsored by AUegany- Steuben Holstein Club, Jack Bossard, Rt. 2, Canisteo, N.Y. Sale Chairman. William Kent, Inc, Bergen, N.Y. and Victor Kent, Cuba, N.Y., Sale Managers and Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 9 -11 a.m. Watson Farms Complete Dispersal, 101 Head Registered Holsteins, owned by Merle R. and Beverly J. Watson. Sale mgr. - D. 0. Rockwell. FRI. EVE. MAY 9 - Night Sale Short Dispersal of 45 Hi- Grade Holsteins located just off Rt. 249, leading from Middlebury to Westfield and Knoxville, Pa.' 6 miles from Middlebury, 13 miles from Westfield, Pa. Sale by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Short, owners, Gordon Wood, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 9 -11 A.M. Watson Farms Complete Herd Dispersal located 1 mile West of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., 5 miles Nor thwest of Troy, Pa., Brad ford Co., 20 miles South of Elmira, N.Y. Sale by Merle R. and Beverly J. Watson, owners; Victor Kent, and Dave Tracy, Auctioneers. Sale Mgr. D. 0. Rochwell, Troy, Pa. THURS. MAY 8 - 7 P.M. Public Auction of Antiques and Furnishings from the Collection of Luther D. RSed. Sale location, Brandywine Hilton Inn (Ballroom), 1-95 & Naamans Road, Wilm. Del. Exit 11. Rudnick and Matas, Auctioneers. WED. MAY 7 - 9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale located Va mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa., Lancaster County. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and C. Diller, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, MAY 6 -11 a.m. “A to Z Acres” Complete Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 26.1975 Dispersal of 66 Registered and Hi-Grade Holstelns and Farm Equipment located on Allegany Co. Rt. No. 2-A, 11 miles West of Almond off Karr Valley Road and 7 mi. East of Angelica. Watch for pointers on Rt. No. 408 at Angelic and on Rt. No. 21 and the expressway exit at Almond, New York. Alvin Zimmer and Gene Austin and Families, owners: Sale managed by Victor Pirrung and Son and Ronald D. West; Auctioneers - Victor Pirrung, James Pirrung and Robert M. Shaylor. TUBS. MAY 6 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of 72 Head of Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle and Farm Equipment located along old Harrisburg Pike, about 2 miles west of Mount Joy, Pa., near Greiner’s Garage. Sale by Joseph A. Russell III; H. SPECIAL MACHINERY SUE FOR THE FARM Sale to be held at the ABERDEEN SALES CO. INC. LIVESTOCK AUCTION MARKET located on Rt. 22 in Churchville, Harford Co., MD 6 miles West of Aberdeen, MD and 6 miles East of Bel Air, MD in Harford County, MD on: WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 30, 1975 at 7 P.M. Preceding Regular Livestock Auction 4010 John Deere Diesel Tractor, Farmall M Tractor w-loader, John Deere 5 bottom 16" plow, John Deere 9W disc on rubber, John Deere 24T baler w-No. 2 ejector, Int’l. No. 450 hay rake. New Holland 7’ mower, 5 ton running gear, IntT. No. 50 field chopper w-2 row head T grass head, IntT. No. 15 field chopper w-4’ grass head, New Holland blower No. 250 w-75’ pipe (9”). IntT. 51 chuck wagon, New Idea Spreader No. 208, 6 Surge milkers, dumping station w-blower, vacuum Surge pump 2 horse motor. JAMES SCOTT, owner Airville, PA ABERDEEN SALES CO. INC. 301-734-6050 734-7105 Night PUBLIC SALE Simoty, MAY 3, HJS AT 12:00 NOON Located I'/z miles off Rt 274 on Prineipio Road between Rising Sun, MD and Bay View, MD FARM EQUIPMENT 9N Ford Tractor 3 pt. hitch, Ford lift disc, 2 wheel utility trader, elevator with motor on wheels, 2 con veyors with motors, 2 horse drawn plow, horse drawn cultivator, gas cans, oil drums, single trees, hames, 15 H.P. Hercules 4 cylinder engine, 200 gal. tank on wheels. LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT & TOOLS 7.6 H.P. Super Gravely tractor with electric start, like new, attachment - 40” mower, stearing sulky, rototiller, rotary plow, cultivator, snow blade, .48” blade, utility scoop, 30” reel mower, dual wheels, tire chains. 21” rotary mower, push type; hand mowers; David Bradley garden tractor and attachments - plow, cutter blade, row marker, chains; electric motors, elec, grinder, pipe vise, pipe cutter and threader, brake bleeder, paint and paint sprayer, air compressors, table saw, vise, 5 ton auto, floor jack, rakes, shovels, hoes, picks and several other hand tools. 8 Sets of Andis Animal Clippers. Full line of repair parts for clippers. Several sets of extra blades, Electric blade shar pener, hand blade sharpener, 2 portable generators. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Drop handle milk cans, pot belly wood stove, cook stove, 2 love seats, clothes tree, picture frames, odd chairs, marble top table, brass hanging lamp, lard press, sausage grinder, crocks. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Maytag wringer washer, gas hot water heater, platform rocker, recliner chair, several other pieces of household articles both large and small. Truck load of new merchandise from over stocked Inventory. (10) 695x148FG WS tires (new); (10) 695 x 14 BFG BW tires (new); truck tires, used pickup tires, various sizes; new hardware, tools and plumbing supplies from store clearance. SALE BY: RICHARD SEBOLD and Others AUCT. - GEORGE L. GIBNEY 301-658-5649 (Abe) Shaffncr and C. M. Wolgemuth, Auctioneers. SAT MAY 3 -10 A.M. Public Sale of Buggys. Sleighs. Wagons, Harness, Valuable Antiques and Dog Tread Power located between Quakcrtown and Ixjithsvillc off Route 212 on Richland town Pike, 1 1 j miles North of Richlandtown on Quarry Road. Sale by Quakertown Wagon Shop, Donald Maugle. 339 Franklin St. Quaicertown, Pa. Nelson Wcidenbaugh. Auctioneer. SAT. MAY 3 - 12 Noon Beef Cattle Sale, The Sale for the Commercial Man, to be held at our Troxelville Farm. Sale by Brooks End and Par- Kay Farms, Park and Reno Thomas, Bcavertown, Pa [Continued on Page 60] 59
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