—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26, 1975 48 Brandt Recognized Alfred R. Brandt, Lebanon presented by Herbert R 2, was awarded a cer- Gilmore, Dairy Specialist, Uficate of appreciation for Penn State University, at a outstanding service and 4 meeting of the state Dairy contributions to the Herd Improvement programs and objectives of Association, State College, the College of Agriculture of Pa. Mr. Brandt has com the Pennsylvania State pieted 20 years of service on University. The award was the Pennsylvania State DHIA Board and has Just retired after serving as president of the Board for the past three years. He has been a prominent breeder of Holstein cattle and is the owner of Arbandale Farms. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports Our Prices Are Hard to Beat, Stop in At: BIRD-IN-HAND FARM SUPPLY 200 Maple Ave. HESSTON When the crew Even in a one-man operation, Hesston makes it possiole to include a moderate size haying program with the HESSTON StakHand* 10 Yes, the Stack Hand 10 will get your hay up and out of the weather at the hourly rate of four to six tons And the stacks have self-stonng weather-resistant capabilities Couple the StakHand with a choice of SfakMovers and you can put up hay one day, they move it later on See us for all the benefits of a StakHand right away We can even show you how the Stak- Hand 10 system lends itself to feeding programs (Open your field to a StakHand Automatic Hay Handling system with your choice of Hesston wmdrowers) > StakHand is a registered trademark of the Hesston Corporation DEUTX Tractors DO YOU NEED USED PARTS FOR FARM TRACTORS and FARM MACHINERY CALL HARRY STOHLER AT WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY South Race St. Myerstown Pa. Ph 717-866-2138 . »' ’ FOR YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLY NEEDS Hieh Wheel • PEAT MOSS Cultivator • “COA BEAN MULCH or • 30” WIRE FOR PEAS *33.35 2" MESH Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505 is you STAUFFER DIESEL, Inc. 312 W. Main St. New Holland, Pa. Phone 717-354-4181 . ’ ' . ■ t. „ii >. 1 1 i 'f, 'v VIV/rff/u*. MJJ Alfred R. Brandt, Lebanon R 2, (right) was recently awarded a certificate of appreciation for outstanding service to the College of Agriculture at Penn State for his work as a DHIA director. The award was presented by Herbert Gilmore from the Dairy Science Depart ment. ASCS Disaster Rules Explained Under the disaster provisions of ASCS Feed Grain and Wheat Programs, county ASCS personnel must inspect and appraise the damage done to the crop prior to the awarding of payments. “There were some difficulties last year in many areas of the country when farmers plowed under their damaged crops before they notified the county ASCS office,” Lancaster County ASCS chairman, B. Snavely Garber, said. “When the inspector got to the farm, all he could see was plowed fields, not damaged crops.” Disaster payments are made for two major reasons: prevented planting and low yields ‘caused by natural disasters. “For farms eligible for prevented planting payment, the payment will be com puted on the basis of the farm’s payment yield times the alloted acreage on which planting is prevented,” Garber said. “To be eligible for an abnormally low yield payment, the total actual production for a crop must be less than the farm acreage allotment for that crop (or planted acres, if smaller) times the disaster program yield. The payment for the farm will be com puted on a quantity equal to the difference between the payment yeild times the farm allotment (or planted acres, if smaller) and the total actual production. Flood, drought, wind, in sects, disease, and other natural disasters determine eligibility under this program.” For additional information on the provisions of the 1975 farm programs, contact the ASCS office in your county. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! LAST CHANCE TO CASH IN ON THE REBATE PROGRAM - ENDS APRIL 30th Order your new bulk tank by April 30, 1975... WeMI send you up Cash on the line. It's this simple See your Bou-Matic dealer between February 15 and April 30, 1975, and get his best price on a brand new direct expansion bulk milk tank When your tank is delivered, send us the verification form We’ll send you our check for up to $lOO, depending on the size tank you buy (See Cooler-Cash Savings chart) Best of all, these savings are on brand new 1975 model tanks That means they’re loaded with many new features that make these proven, professional-quality tanks even more reliable than ever You'll be saving right off the top, while you get the milk cooling, storage and protection you can really depend on So, discuss with your Bou-Matic dealer the size that is right for your operation, while you can still take advantage of this special Bou-Matic offer Cash on the line Just received a load of Badger 16 ft. Forage Boxes w-tandem running gears. Check our prices before you buy. COLEBROOK ROAD A\VViViVvV\VvYvV\\’^^ Fulton Grange 68 met March 24, with .Master Donald Trimble presiding. The Grange voted to send a resolution opposing the lowering of the drinking age. It was decided to sponsor Boy Scout Troop 130 and to allow them to meet in the Grange Hall. First and Second Degrees were presented. The Third and Fourth Degrees were presented at the April 14 meeting. New members are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trimble, Timothy Hanks, and Robert Her shberger. The next meeting, April 28, is Youth Night when the WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT - WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business. I have put on another spray rig We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer, Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Willard Beitzel 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. ( s PARTS SALES SERVICE CARL L. SHIRK RDS, LEBANON, PA Fulton Grange Meets A. Ik*', Right when yoi Bou-Matii WHEN YOU 2,0001 1,500 1,200 >u need It most ic Cooler-Cash Savings* I BUY WE LL SEND YOU 800-1,1 <OOO gallon tank $ 75 10 gallon tank * so in February is anb April 30 1175 450-60 Oflar |iis batwaar youth will fill the chairs. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sterner, from State Grange, will present slides and speak on Pennsylvania State Grange Youth in Action. The sewing contest entries will be Judged and modeled and a cake walk will be held to raise money for the State Grange Youth program “Grange Youth Care”. Among certain Arabs, a child less woman often borrows the robe of a woman who has many children, hoping with the robe to acquire the fruit fulness of its owner. L_ 1100 gallon tank PHONE 274-1436
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