—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 26. 1975 44 Farm Women Societies Society 2 On Saturday April 19, Society of Farm Women 2 held their meeting in the Coca Cola Building near Lancaster. Ladiei from Society 19 were invited guests. Also the County officers, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Ann Diller, and Mrs. Robert E. Gregory also attended. Mrs. Paul Donough, president had charge of the business meeting. Donations were pledges to the Heart Association. BOLEN'S 1974 Left-Over H-16 spkial s l99s* o# Tractor & Mower Reg ,Sr A rugged 16 horse hydrostatic tractor, overhead valve engine with quick “plug-in lock-pin” at tachment system Electric starting 42" mower cut And with day-long stamina and year round versatility Proven performers in a variety of jobs Toughest job in front of you is choosing the one you want Bolens A good yard ahead. - FARMERSVILLE EQUIP., INC. Ephrata, RD2, PA 17522 717-354 4271 STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 6:00 Saturday 7:30 to 4:30 Mrs. Ruth Waltz is plan ning a bus trip for the members and friends and will be reporting on the trip at the next meeting. Society 2 will be eb tertaining the guests at Conestoga View on May IS. Mrs. Mary Emenheiser from East Petersburg showed slides from a trip to the Pacific North West. Forty members attended. The next meeting will be held on May 10 at the home of Mrs. June Simmons, Manheim R 5. Society 3 Society of Farm Women 3 met last Saturday, April 19, at the Salem Lutheran Church in Ephrata. Mrs. Marilyn Donkers was hostess. Plans were made for the bus trip to Gettysburg June 18 for members and their children. Twenty members will plant from the Society, attend the Spring Ralley of Decisions were made to the State Societies on April give donations to Easter 30. Socltey 17 will entertain Seal, Cancer Fund, Teen members of Society 3at the Challenge, Conestoga House Chestnut Level Church and for a piano for the Farm House May 1. and Home Center. Contributions of $5O each- - During the social period were made to the Ephrata hostesses Elizabeth Shuman, Recreation Center and 'to Anna Keener, Viola Greider Conestoga Cottage. and Belle Garber served Members will assist at the Ephrata Community-- 4 ’ Hie next meeting will be at Hospital Lawn Fete on June 2:00 p.m., May 17 at the 7. Lutheran Ch., Maytown. The Mrs. Jesse Balmer reported on the recently held executive board meeting of the Lancaster County Farm Women Societies. A program of slides depiciting the work in the Medical Clinic at Pinajelo, Honduras where Miss Linda Stuber a member of Society 3 is doing voluntary service were shown by Mrs. Harold Stuber. Also during the meeting a grocery shower was held for Mrs. Donkers who was recently married. The next meeting will be May 17 at the home of Mrs. Vernon Leininger. Mrs. Roy Weinhold will demonstrate the art of drying flowers and their arrangement. Society 8 Farm Women Society 8 met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Shuman, River St., Maytown; April 19. Mrs. Grace Bixler, President led the meeting. Several songs were led by Mrs. Bixler. Devotional time was in charge of Mrs. Lilian Eby. She presented ways of ex pressions of love to others for their edification as well as our own. Miss Mary Grace Martin, Mount Joy Rl, presented the main feature as she read and recited original poems she has written over the years referring to April and springtime. Poems written by poets expressing the joy of seeing the many awakenings realized in April, were read also. Among these was “The Year’s at the Spring,” by Browning and some of Robert Frost’s poems. The twenty five members and one visitor gave poet and poem choices as they responded to roll call. Minutes were read by Mary Grace Martin. The LtSH. ISTER ER! Sealcrete can paint your Hydraulic Aerial Equipment farm buildings quickly l or J* ree and inexpensively....... 1 'estimate Seal Crete. Inc. (MAIN OFFICE) mmmmm J mmmm*u (WESTERN OFFICE) RD 2 Ephrata, Pa. 717-859-1127 Box 365, Martinsburg, Pa. 814-793-3716 Treasurer's Report was given by Mrs. Elizabeth Shuman. Mrs. Viola Greider on the Sunshine Committee reported receiving a Thank You note from Mrs. Helen Wivell for expressions of sympathy sent her following the passing of her father. Belle Garber also sent thanks for the visits and Program will be “Mexico" by Mrs. Kathryn Erb and Mrs. Kathryn Heisey, Mt. Joy. Society 31 Members of Farm Women Society 31 and guests went to visit Hershey Medical Center, April 21 at which a tour of the building and a slide presentation were given. The ladies went to the Hershey Motor Lodge for lunch and a short business meeting which was con ducted by Mrs. Robert Kauffman. A donation of $l5 was given to the County project. The next meeting will be to entertain Society 17 at the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren at 7:30 p.m. May 19. Berks Co. Society 6 Fifteen members attended the recent meeting of the Farm Women Society 6 of Berks County. It was held on Tuesday, April 15 at the home of Mrs. Bessie Rapp, Oley Rl. Several business items were discussed and thank you cards were read from members: Mrs. May Haan and Mrs. Ruth Horbein. The Society will be traveling to Harrisburg and to Hershey on August 13. Mrs. Arlene Hafer gave a talk on health for the evening program. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Harold Snyder, Oley. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports Blueberry Spice Shortcake Combine I package 111 1/2 oz) yellow cake mix, 2 teaipoona pumpkin pie ipice, 2 eggs, I cup water; beat until amooth, apread batter evenly In wcll<grcaaed and floured t x 13 x 2 Inch baking pan Sprinkle 2 cups lor I can, 15 oz ) blueberries, well drained, and 2 teaspoons grated orange rind Bake os directed on VYAZOO/ m mm M Yazoo Lawn Mowers Cali (215) 445-6175 for Free Demonstration WE ARE A FULL SERVICE DEALER FOR HOMEOWNERS AND COMMERCIAL USERS. ON STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WALK BEHIND & RIDING MOWERS 20" to 76- cur -lollllt Stauffer RD2, EAST EARL, PA. PH.215-445-6175 1/2 MILE NORTH OF GOODVILLE ON UNION GROVE ROAD mwM Iff GAS r PROMPT DELIVERY For Your Farm Seeds... On the Job, Fast We make sure your tank is never low. Efficient service is just one asset of LP-Gas. it’s also clean, economical and dependable! AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DIUERVILLE ROAD, LANCASIFR, PA PHONE 397-4954 package. Remove from pan and cool. Prepare 2 package* vanilla pudding and pie fllUnc a» directed on package. Cool. Fold In 2 cupe bluebcrriea (orone 19 oz can). Cut cake Into 12 piece*. Cut each piece Into 2 layer* Spoon pudding between layers and top with whipped cream and blueberries Yields 12 servings
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