adi FOR BETTER MANURE HANDLING *. m-i Model 790 Spreader The perfect tractor loader team #' avffft The Mo* | MO > 850 I NEW! f ROUNDB HOLLAND Here's the fast one-man way to make hay that requires no indoor storage! Exclusive features form uniform density bale for better weathering. Exclusive twine tension controls keep bales nice and tight for easier moving, better weathering. Features steel apron chain ... not belts l And handles a wide variety of crops! It bales eight to twelve tons per hour! /if StOCK Available for Immediate Deliver Waiver of Finance Until June 7, I HL—ID tial BntffHßSß' | '^J[ D yt^,iitl ' jj WE’RE Y LUBRICATION HEADQUARTERS 1 - Co 1700 International' Truck w/Roll Back Bed (Very Good Cond.) ill MESSICK ■n farm EQUIPMENT INC. 2750 N. MARKET STREET RACTOR LOADER IH PHONE 367-1319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 6534560 PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 te Mower-Conditioner USED EQUIPMENT I. Super C w/Loader 650 Harvester w/Screen Pickup Head N H. 1469 Self Propelled Haybine 102 Cadet w/42” Mower 7 H.P. Snapper Riding Mower 7 H.P. ARIENS Riding Mower J. 3 Bot. 16” Plow Badger Seif Unloading Wagon A.C. 780 Harvester [Good Cond ] Smoker Elevator 24 and 30 ft. Case 9 ft. offset disk IH 9A Disk NH - 717 Harvester w/1 Row Head INI. 411 Plow Gehl #4B Blower FINANCE AVAILABLE NOV. Ist, 1975 | WALSH I SPRAYERS I IN STOCK ELIZABETHTOWN, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26,1975 Farm Equipment' M.F. 1100 Diesel Tractor w -680 hrs. J.D. 3020 Diesel Tractor w power shift. J.D. 3020 tractor Mitey Mac 8 skid loader w -54” bucket Gehl 2500 skid loader w-€ 0” bucket Gehl 3030 Skid loader w-60” bucket C.J. WONSIDLER BROS. RDI Quakertown, Pa. CaU 215-536-1935 or 215-536-7523 For Sale - New Idea Roller bar rake; Leroy 50 H.P. engine w-reduction gear; Jamesway and Louden litter carrier; milk cans; 16” Papec and No. 7 IHC silo fillers; Oliver 1 & 2 bottom 14” pull type plows; Oliver 2 bottom 12* pull type; J.D. 999 corn planter w-fert. attach; 2 cyl. Wisconsin engine w-startier and with or without reduction gear; 2 row horse cutlivator; PTO and ground drive IHC com binders; IHC No. 9,5,6 & 7 ft. mowers; J.D. KBA 24 disk; Farmhand Hay Rake, very good and Long Int. Corn binder Loader. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553 Used 400 Int. Cyclo Planter, new dry fertilizer at tachment and Dicky John attachment. 717-938-2012. A.C. 190 XL Series 3, ex cellent condition; 6-16” automatic reset plow, Ford No. 142, like new. For more information call 717-273-5561. N.I. 206 Manure Spreader; N.I. Hay Crusher in A-l condition. John Esh Jr., R.D.3, Box 223, Quarryville, near Mt. Pleasant Church. New Idea 1-row tran splanter; Oliver late model 2-way ndmg plow w-raydex bottoms; Int. late model 2 way riding plow w-raydex bottoms; 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine w-reduction gear; New Idea No. 8 and No. 10A manure spreader; Late Model combination Meyer mower and crusher; N.I. 4 bar rake with tedder; Late Model N.I. Hay Crusher; J.D. Big 4 7 ft. cut mower w wide wheels; Int. No. 9 7 ft. cut trailer gear with wide wheels; Int. 2-row corn planters; Int. 2 horse cultivators. Phone Tom Wheary 717-687-6553 L. CYL AND TRACTORS WE NOW HAVE 100 H P. WITH CAB ALL CONVENIENCES IN STOCK DUAL REAR WHEELS OPTIONAL PRICES FROM $4500 TO $12,000 SEE US NOW A. C. HEISEY Farm Equipment Inc. ROl, Jonestown, Pa. 17038 Phone 717-165-4526 Located Vz mile South of Fredericksburg off Route 343 Evenings By Appointment Farm Equipment A.C. 4-row No till Com Planter 38, 3 pt. hitch Massey Plow Allis Chalmers WD Tractor w-side mtd. Mower Allis Chalmers C Tractor w cultivators Used Lawn & Garden Tractors ROYH.BUCH, INC. Ephrata 859-2441 Used John Deere KBA wheel carrier 11 ft. disc harrow EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-273*2616 (2) New MC Rotary Scythes at last year’s price. New Hesston Stakhands. Good supply of New Brillion Mulcners and Packers (1) Used Hesston 500 SP Windrower. UMBERGER’S MILL RD4, Lebanon (Fontana) Phone 717-867-5161 Large Inventory of used small engine and chain saw parts - Briggs & Stratton, Power Products, Mc- Cullough Saw and Cart Engines, Kohler, Tecumseh and Clinton. Phone 215-445- 6175 752 N. I. Hay Conditioner Mod. 1100 Int. Pull Type Mower B Allis Chalmers Tractor and Cultivators. MILLER’S REPAIR RDI, Bird-in-Hand, PA Ph: 656-7013 656-7926 MANURE PITS 36 ft., 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. ZIMMERMAN INDS. INC. RDl,Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 TRACTOR & MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 years ex perience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Delivery Walt Stively, )r. Springvilfe Road Quarryville RO3 Phone 717-786-2252 30 H.P.TOIOO H.P. 31
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