qm&smsmsmmmmmmsmmmmsmtms» HOG PRICES Lancaster Market April 21 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 25-60 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 210-240 lb. 43.3544.00; US 1-2 200-240 lb. 42.6043.25; US 2-3 225-270 lb. 42.2542.60. Lancaster Auction April 23 HOGS: Barrows and gilts SO higher. IMiF W/ifif I I'MIiUtM YOU made our Last Feeder Pig Sale a huge success. Prices were up to 1.10 a Lb., on April 15, 1975. Total sales 2061 pigs. WE can make the next Feeder Sale just as successful. NEXT SALE APRIL 29, 1975 AT 1:00 P.M. UNCASTER STOCKYARDS. Please send only FARM FRESH Pigs. Our qualified and experienced staff will be waiting to serve your needs. SAVE 25c per head by tagging at home. We will supply Tags Free of charge. gTFMT7SyiT>>a>Dß7<f/Zi BmmLUMJULJmmmSAMmJLAS Lancaster, PA. Phone (717)397-6191 569-2084 626-5659 BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 200-250 lb. 43.5043.75; 9 head US 1 210-235 lb. 44.00- 44.50; US 2-3 245-265 lb. 42.35- 43.10. Vintage Auction April 23,1975 HOGS 550: Compared with last Wednesday’s market. Barrows & Gilts 50c to 75c higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 43.5044.00, No. 1-3 200-260 lbs. 42.7543.50. US No. 1-3 300650 lbs. sows 35.00-37.00 April 19,1975 HOGS 953: Compared with last Saturday’s market. Barrows & Gilts strong to 50c higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 43.5044.00, No. 16 200-250 lbs. 42.6043.50. US No. 16 300600 lbs. sows 34.0067.25. Boars: 31.0035.00. St. Louis Auction April 24 HOGS: 5500. Barrows and gilts moderately active, mostly 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS We would be happy to have you as a Customer ... S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.0.80x 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) Near 75 head US 1-2 200-240 lb. 42.85; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 42.00-42.50, liberal volume 42.50; Few lota uneven tor weights 41.75-42.00, 240-250 lb. 41.50-42,00; US 2-3 250-260 lb. 41.00-41.50. Peoria Auction April 24 HOGS: 4000. Barrows and gilts slow, opening weak to mostly 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 42.00-42.50, about 130 head 42.75-43.00; ,i US 1-3 200-250 lb. 41.50-42.00. Indianapolis Auction April 24 HOGS; 1000. Barrows and gilts fairly active, steady to 25 higher, instances 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-240 lb. 42.50-43.00, mostly 42.50-42.75; US 1-3 200-260 lb. 42.25-42.50. New Holland Auction April 21,1975 HOGS 1259: Compared with last Monday’s market. Barrows Sc Gilts: Steady to 25c higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 42.75-43.75, No. 1-3 200- 250 lbs. 41.00-42.25, No. 1- 200-270 lbs. 41.00-42.25, No. 1- 3 39.00-42.25. Us No. 1-3 300- 600 lbs. sows 32.00-37.00. Boars; 30.0040.00. Leb. Valley Auction April 22,1975 HOGS 330. Barrows and gilts mostly 50c higher. US No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. barrows and gUts 43.50-44.00, No. 2-3 185-245 lbs. 43.00-43.60. No. 1- (3 135-185 lbs. 30.00-42.60. US No. ( fl-3 300-500 lbs. sows 33.00-36.75. Boars 20.25-28.00. FEEDER PIGS 12. US No. 1-3 30-35 lbs. feeder pigs ■ '>123.00-27.00 per head. Carlisle Livestock April 22 1975 CATTLE! 354. Supply in cluded 183 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers unevenly steady. Slaughter cows unevenly steady, spots 50c lower. Few Choice slaughter steers 42.75-44.25, Good 32.60-39.75, Standard 26.00-32.75, few Utility 24.00-27.50. One Good slaughter heifer at 29.25, few Standard 25.25-28.25. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.50-22.85, one at 23.85, Cutters 20.25- 21.85, Canners 18.75-20.25, Shells down to 17.75. Few Good slaughter bullocks 30.00- Standard 24.00- 27.25, few Utility 20.75-22.60. Few Yield Grade No. 1,1290- 2045 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.00- couple Yield Grade 2, 1170 and 1870 lbs. 23.60 and 28.75. Medium and Good 300-640 lbs feeder steers 21.25-26.00, few Good and Choice 28.25-31.00. Medium and Good 325-545 lbs. feeder heifers 16.25- 22.50. Medium and Good 350- 650 lbs. feeder bulls 23.50- 28.25, few to 30.50. CALVES 134. Vealers grading Standard and Good strong to $lO higher, Utility unevenly steady. Few Choice vealers 54.00-55.50, Good 48.00- Standard 31.00- 49.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 23.00- 90-110 lbs. 18.00- 23.50, few 70-85 lbs. 15.00- 18.50. Farm Calves active: Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 23.00- Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs 35.00-38.00. HOGS 423. Barrows and gilts strong to 75c higher. US No. 1-2 200-245 lbs. narrows and gilts 43.00-44.00. No. 2-3 200-265 lbs. 41.85-42.10, few No. 24 270-295 lbs. 35.00- 36.00, few No. 1-3 150-175 lbs 34.25-39.00 US No. 1-3 285475 lbs sows 30.00-35.25, few to 39.00, few No. 2-3 375-625 lbs. 28.00- Utility 225-390 lbs. 19.25-25.00. Few Boars 26.00- Light Weight 130- 320 lbs. 34.00-38.00, one at 44.00, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26,1976 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, April 24) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogi Maine Potatoes April May June 45.15 47.50 July August 42.50 47.20 September October 39.70 45.35 November December 39.35 45.50 Trend Cattle are Higher, Hogs are Higher, Potatoes are Higher, and Eggs are Higher. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. Chicago Grain Futures ( Closing bids as of Thursday, April 24) Soybean Corn Wheat Soybeans Meal 2.86% 3.38V* S.SBV* 123.40 May 2.55% 3.31% July September 2.77% 3.38 5.31V* 130.50 October November 2.60% 3.48% December January 1976 Trend Com is Higher, Wheat is Higher, Soybeans are Mixed, and Soybean Meal is Higher. Markets Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection CATTLE HOGS 509.000 1,119,000 519.000 1,182,000 476.000 1,193,000 Week to Date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year FEEDER PIGS 263. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs feeder pigs 15.00-33.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 27.00-38.00, No. 1-3 50-75 lbs. 30.00-35.00 per head. SHEEP 12. Choice 40-55 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 40.00- 55.00, one Good 80 lbs wooled slaughter lamb at 31.50.- FOR BETTER NET RETURNS SHIP TO THE DANVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Old Rt. 11 Danville, Pa. Phone (717) 275-2880 SALE EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. OWNERS Charles C. Myers Melvin M. Lehman (717) 569-2106 (717) 964-3621 48.20 4.71 5.46 126.20 5.27% 5.35% 138.00 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS 3 Chicago Fresh Eggs 45.90 47.90 48.95 51.00 57.60 132.50 135.50 SHEEP 108,000 110,000 125,000
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