Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 26, 1975, Image 11
Mail Box Market For Sale • Myers 2 cylinder high prcuure (600 pound) B, reconditioned; 6 ton ■tetter wagons (similar to Grove); Wauh sprayers, with or without tongue for horse drawn. Also extra tanks. General Repair Shop, Old Leacock Roatf For Sale: James Way shuttle stroke bam cleaner, ex cellent condition, $175 or best offer. Kenneth Noll, 401 Rohrerstown Road, Lan-' caster, PA 17603 OR Phone 717-393-9266.. For Sale - One Model 1240 John Deere, plateless com planter with Dickey John seed monitor, 717-046-2078 For Sale - John Deere 290 corn planter, excellent condition. Also Oliver 4-row corn planter, individual boxes, call evenings 717-868- 3302 the best helper any fanner can get One of the friendly people at the Friendly First is Bob Badger President of the Friendly First Farm Loan Corporation. Bob’s a native of the area lives on State Street in Quarryville with his wife and two children talks farm lingo and understands the problems that beset today’s farmer. He’s a Vice President of our Installment Loan Department and is a long-time expert at solving money needs for farm maintenance .. new equipment and stock ... plus all the other requirements that keep your farm a profitable operation. Funds are now available for any and all agricultural needs. If you need help, come in and talk things over with Bob the best helper any farmer can get! Give him a call at 687-8611. The Friendly First FARM LOAN CORPORATION THE BANK THAT ALWAYS STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET 667-1611 LANCASTER 464-3421 397-4732 For Sale - 390 Ford Product engine with auto, tran srmsslon $2OO. 717-786-3134 For Sale - John Deere 9 ft. wheel disc in good condition. Call 717-7334)138 For Sale - One purebred Duroc boar 300 los. $l5O, Aaron S. Nolt, R 3, South Shirk Road, New Holland, Pa. For Sale - 1974 360 Yamaha, good condition. 3,100 street miles, helmet, extras $875. 717-665-5747 For Sale - One M-C Rotary scythe, non-stop mowing, Also manure loader for A.C. WD or WD-45, phone 215-484- 4195 For Sale - Antique Wise, stands 38 in. high $25.00, two horse carriage pole, trace and neck yoke attachments are brass, $4O, call 626-7583 *■ a subsidiary of HKje First Tlriiionoi (ba«k of Stivoibun^, HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING ACCOUNTS FOR SALE - Good 10 ft. Dunham disc. 1350. 717-548- 3181. Recycled good used clothing, open Mon. Tues, and Wed. 10 a.m. to 0 p.m., RD2, Conestoga, Letort Road, 872- 8464. FOR SALE - 15 Holstein feeder bulls, 400 to 500 lbs. 717-464-3752. For Sale - Three spring lambs, 9 weeks old, $35 each, phone 717-733-8100 For Sale - Milk Porter Sputnik with pump aHd motor. Also Universal 8-unit milker pump with 3 horse motor, phone 717-568-5471 FOR SALE - New 5-8 tomato baskets with wooden bot toms, 48c delivered, over 10 miles extra delivery charge. HarveyS. Zimmerman, East Earl RDI Terre Hill, Pa. 215- 4454898. BUCK 214-4175 MEMBER F 0 I 0 FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to 20 words, all advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next weeks paper, no business ad vertisements accepted FOR SALE - Aluminum Irrigation pipe 2”, 3” & 4”, 30 B and 408 Nozzles, fittings and couplings. 786-7749. For Sale - Oliver 3613 bottom 3 point hitch plow, good condition, $325. Wanted - mounted wood saw for tractor, phone (215) 445-6976 For Sale - About 10 ton mixed hay, timothy & clover, no rain, first cutting. Also, some walnut lumber 2 in. thick sawed one year. Elam H. Lauver, 177 Meadow Valley Rd., Ephrata, PA Phone 717-733-8269 For Sale -16.9 - 34 inch rims and tires, phone 717-733-4019 Mail Box Market 1 Continued on Pa|e 26] TRY A - CLASSIFIED AD! Combine can The DeLaval Compact Combine gives yOu all the labor-saving, time-saving, better-milking of a full pipeline at half the cost Or about the same cost as a bucket and transfer system With a Compact Combine, there are no more buckets to lug and no more buckets to scrub. .<p b.s The DeLaval Compact Combine was designed and built by DeLaval to meet the needs and the pocketbooks of dairymen milking up to 50 cows. See your DeLaval Dealer about our “Compact” today. It costs about half what you’d expect to pay for a pipeline. J. B. ZIMMERMAN & SONS West of Blue Ball, PA on Route 23 Phone; (717) 354-4955' Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 26,1975 Service age bulla from these great sire-dam com binations; R Maple son from Rose (EX) with 19, 277 milk and 804 fat $500; Imperial Chief son from Bell (VG-87) with 17,779 milk and 827 fat $450; Astronaut son from Fashion (VG-88) daughter of Penn Gate Fond Reflection $350. Penn Springs Farm, Elizabethtown Rl, Pa. 717- 367-3550 For Sale - Reg. St. Bernard For Sale: Ear Com. Phone Puppies. Call 717-354-9715 717-626-7213. except Sundays TRY A CLASSIFIED AD The DeLaval Compact keep you Wanted - 1600 yearling leghorns off slated floor sometime in May. State breed and price. John K. Bcller, Lynwood Road, Rl Ronks, Pa. For Sale - Int. com picker and 8 ft. wheat binder, both in good condition. Abner Smucker, R 3 Near Mt. Taper Church in dairying. i* - LANDIS BROS., UK. 1305 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA Phone; (717) 393-3906 11 is