Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 70
—Lancaster Farmlni. Saturday, April 5, 1975 70 Public Sales Register I IContiiNMd from Pag* 69| SAT. APRIL 19 - 9:30 A.M. „ Public Auction of 3 Tractors. dmi I- Farm Equipment, Feed ami Morning Public Cattle Sale s cc j f or Estate of the t! » 2 (,r^ e Hulls, Steers and Heifers t j, c p rem j scs 0 [ valley View located 1 mile north off Farnis, on Garrett Road. I'* (^ u 5 n ~w est .Hf miles off Md. Rt. 439 between Hillside Motel 1,3 miles south shawsvillc and 1-83 Md. Line Roi Jl c 562 ( . bc ‘ wecn just South of Brown’s Used Yellow House and Stoner- Parts, Baltimore sville) along Limekiln county, White Hall. Road, Amity i wp., Berks Maryland. Sale by John E. Co. Sale by Earl R. Hafer; Stafford, Executor, White John D f rey and George D. H all, Maryland; William H. Frey, Auctioneers. Amoss, Auctioneer. LYNCHBURG FEEDER CATTLE SALE IHURSDAY, APRIL 10,1 P.M. 1700 HEAD 1100 Steers 600 Heifers Wt. 300 to 900 lbs. ALL BREED SALE STATE GRADED & STATE SPONSORED LYNCHBURG LIVESTOCK MARKET Lynchburg, Va. Phone (804) 845-6095 Feeder Cattle Are a Good Buy Now! PUBLIC SALE Real Estate, Farm and Mower Equipment, Garage and Carpenter Tools Antiques and Household Goods APRIL 12, 9:00 AM. Located 1278 S. Market St., Elizabethtown, Pa. 9 Acres More or Less BANK BARN Garage w/Work Shop, 16x16 Building w/Radiant Heat, Large Pond. 2 1 /2-STORY frame dwelling 8-Room House w/Bath, Coal Stoker w/Baseboard Heat 100 Ft. Road Frontage, Zoned Commercial. To Inspect This Pioperty Call 367-7438 Windmill 60' Tower w/12‘ Mill, 10x10 Shed 73 IN Cub Tractor w/120 Hrs, 60" Woods Rotary Mower, Front End Loader and Bucket, Snow Blade, 16-Disc Harrow, Two way Plow, Veg Cult, 5' Grass Mower, Two-wheel Trailer w/Bxlo Bed, IN. Small Manure Spreader, 5' Grass Spreader, Rolled Harrow, 2 Gravely Tractors, Snow Blow er, Rotary and Gang Mowers, Sickle Bar, Cult, Sweeper, Parker Lawn Sweeper (power driven), Kemp Leaf Shread er, Portable Cement Mixer, Ariens Rotary Tiller, Tord Rotary Mower and Edger, -21' Moto Rotary, Toro Riding Mower, 70" Locke Triplex Mower, Wmpower Alternator KW. 4000, A Gorman Rupp Irrigation Pump with Pipe and Sprinkler, Planet Jr Seeder, Corn Sheller, Potato Plow, Drag, Wheelbarrow, Bag Wagon w/Scale, Fence Posts Gates, Milk Cans, Garage Tools "nd Cabinet, De- Walt Radial Arm Saw, Sabre Saw, Elect Drills, BD 7Vi ' Power Saw, Belt Sander, Elect Grinder, Clipper, Vi-Ton Cham Hoist, Chair Saw, Axes, Garden Tools, Vise, Incu bator, Blanket Chest, Washstand, Child Rocker, Dining Room Suite, Jelly Cupboard, Chairs, High-chair, Colum bian Black Cook Stove w/Tank, Breakfast Set, Chest of Drawers, Bedroom Suite, Office Desk, Shaking Fork, Iron and Tin Toys, Lap Robe, Brass Bucket Humidifier, Fngi daire Refrigerator. Maytag Washer, Portable Sewing Ma chine, Kitchen Cabinet, Dishes, Rugs, H H Appliances, Hickox Tube tester, Kodak Signet 500 Projector and Screen, Jars, Iron Lawn Swing Rem Fireball Bolt Action Pistol MXP 100 w/Scope, Win M 12, 16 Ga Pump #595595, Ranger 22 Rifle, Rem 22 Rifle Smooth Bore, Stevens 12-Ga and Many Other Items too Numerous to Mention Real Estate to be offered at 200 PM Clean Merchandise Don’t Miss This Sale Order of Sale Small Tools, Toys and Guns, 12 30; Tractor and Equipment at 1 00 Sale by HENRY GINGRICH, Atty. HAROLD (Abe) SHAFFNER, 653-5689. C. H. WOLGEMUTH, Aucts. • FOOD STAND • 1975 MAE G. GANTZ JOHN L GANTZ SAT. APRIL 19 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Household Goods and Antiques located 21 miles South of Lancaster off 222 West on Black Barren Rd. Sale by Stella Sellers; Lloyd H. Krcider, Auc tioneer. MON: APRIL 21 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Mfg. and Office Equipment and Personal Property of the L & J Mfg. Co., 9th and Wright Street, Columbia, Pa. Terms byLStJ Mfg. Co.; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. TUES. APRIL 22 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Hogs, Tools, Household Goods located 2 l z miles north of York Springs on Rte. 94, turn west on Good Year Road 2-10 mile, then take Still House Road 2-10 mile to Sale, in Adams County, Pa. Sale by George P. Stambaugh and-or Jeanette' L. Stambaugh, owners R.R. No. 1, Gard ners, Pa.; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. THURS. EVE. APRIL 24 - 7:30 P.M. Feeder Cattle, Fat Cattle, Feeder Pigs and Machinery Sale located 6 miles East of Mifflintown, 2 mi. West of McAlisterville, Juniata Co., Turn north off Rt. 35 at Oakland Mills. Sale by R. Lavon Auker, owner: Long Bros., Auctioneers. FRI. APRIL 25 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and! Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 p.ra. - Public Sale of 110 Acre farm (Tract No. 1 90 acres, Tract No. 2 20 Acres) Located along Rt. 274 between towns of Blaine and Andersonburg, Perry Co., Pa. Sale by Melvin Zook; Randal V. Kline, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 A.M. Annual Spring consignment sale, Rough & Tumble Engineers Historical Association, Kinzer. Pa. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, 52.26 acres land joins New Holland Boro, 1 mile South of Rt. 23 with road frontage along Ranch Ave. Terms by New Holland Community Memorial Park Association. Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 2 P.M. Furniture and Household Sale at Hunter’s Sale Bam, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276,, Maryland, formerly West Nottingham Sales. SAT. APRIL 26 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate and Household Goods located in the Village of White Oak, at comer of Newport Road and White Oak Road. Sale for Landis L. Nissley; Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 26 -10 A.M. DST Public Auction of Real Estate, Antiques, Household Goods, Dishes, Glassware, Tools, on the premises 4 miles from Red Lion, Pa. via Route 74 turn at Godfrey’s ice cream parlor on Burkholders road to Snyder’s corner road turn left and go approx. V* mile known as Snyder’s Corner in Windsor Twp.. York Co., Pa. Leonard C. Eaton, owner; Charles W. Shrodes and David W. Shrodes, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 26 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods and Misc. Items located approx. miles east of Fawn Grove off Rt. 851 along Mt. Olivet Church Rd. {Near the Church). Watch for signs, in York Co., Pa. Sale by lola I. Shanbarger, Whiteford, Md. Robert L. Sechrist, Auc tioneer. TUES. EVE. APRIL 29 - 7:30 P.M. Spring Dairy Sale selling at Art Kling’s Sale Bam, located on Pa. Rte. 74, 2Ms miles N.E. of Lan disburg, Perry Co., 12 miles North of Carlisle. 50 Head Holsteins will be sold. Sale by V. Art Kling, Owner, Landisburg, Pa. Mark Click, Auct. WED. EVE. APRIL 30 - Nite Horse Sale at the Paul Z. Martin Sales Stables, located 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa. along Route 340. Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball, Penna. Martin Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 2 - 4:30 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques located at 620 Chestnut Street in Columbia, Lan caster County, PA. Sale by Michael C. Dinkel, Jr., power in fact for Elena Y. Dinkel, 106 Harrison Dr., New Cumberland, PA. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. WED. MAY 7-9:30 A.M. Consignment Sale located Vz mile North of Route' 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa., Lancaster County. Sale by David H. Good; F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth and C. Diller, Auctioneers. FRI. MAY 16 - 12 Noon Special Graded Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc., Lancaster, Penna. SAT. MAY 17 - 1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 275-300 feeder pigs located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road south 1 mile, third farm on left mile North of Sheridan Furnaces, Marion Twp., Berks County, Pa. Terms by Walter M. Horst, Newmanstown Rl; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneers. FRI. AND SAT. MAY 23 and 24 -10 A.M. EDT each Day - Public Sale of 400 Head of Cattle, all Milking Cows and Bred Heifers (165 Purebred Cows, 90 purebred Heifers, balance Grades) for Scott Farm, Long Valley, N. J. Her ave. 17,900,3.7, 669. Sale managed by Hanover Hill Sales & Service, Miller ton, N. J. 12546. Catalogues on Request. SAT. MAY 24 - 9 A.M. Public Auction of Farm Equipment and Tools, Antiques and Collectibles located % mile North of Begins, along Valley Road; turn North off Route 25 at Kroh’s Exxon Service Center, in East Begins, Pa. Sale by Ned W. Schrope and Florence Schrope; George N. Deibert, Auctioneer. FRI. AUG. 8- 6 p.m. Public Sale of Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars to be held at the Lebanon Fairgrounds, located Vh. miles South of Lebanon at the intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Roads. Sale by the Pa. Yorkshire Association. Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. RAYMOND B. LEAMAN PUBLIC SALE IKSMf, tfdl 8.1975 11:45 NOON Take Rt. 222 to Refton, midway between Lancaster and Quarryville [take Brenneman Road North at Graybill Bros. Garage). NEW MACHINERY Int. No. 55 Chisel 3 bar 11 ft. Int. No. 510 13 x 7 Grain Drill w-fert. Int. No. 400 Air Planter, N.H. No. 352 Grinder-mixer. Int. 1066 Tractor w-full warranty. Int. 1466 cab air. J.D. 4430 w-Cab & Air. Minimum bid $16,000 on these two tractors. 1974 MACHINERY N.H. 357 Grinder mixer the big one N.H. 273 Baler baled 4000 only. N. 1.323 picker picked 25 acres. 2 Parker 165 Bu. Gravity Bin wagon, 2 36 ft. N.H. Elevator w-motors, N.H. No. 8 Forage Wagon hauled 8 load, J.D. Plateless 1240 planter w-fert. 1973 MACHINERY J.D. 2 row 3 pt. Cultivator, N.I. 2 Row 324 Picker 12 Roll, J.D. 3 pt. mower, J.D. Post Hole Digger. USED COMBINES Int. 315 w-cab, grain and com heads, M.F. 300 w cab., grain and com head, Oliver 25 grain and com head. USED TRACTORS 1066 Int.; 1968 4020 J.D. Synchro w widefront, Oliver 1750 over*and under Oliver 1555 Diesel. Clean Case 730 gas w-wide front. J.D. 2030 Utility Diesel w-Ind. P.T.O. INT. 544 Diesel Hi Crop Utility. J.D. 620 w-3 pt. and Loader, Cyclone A. J.D. Int. 656 Utility Hydro w-2000 Loader. 1972 Oliver Loader Tractor w-3 pt. 4 Star MM w-good Loader. Int. 460 Utility w-loader; Int. 574 Diesel. USED EQUIPMENT 4020 3020 4 row front mount Cultivator, J.D. 483 Haybine, 4 Row Brady Stalk Chopper, Bnllion Sure Stand Seeder 3 pt. J.D. No. 65 Blower, J.D. 6 row Plateless Planter w-no till coulters, 2 Int. 456 4 Row Planters, 2 J.D. 494-495 Planters, Int. 710 -6 bottom 18” Auto Plow, Int. & J.D. 3-4-5 Plows. J.D. and Int. wheel discs, J.D. 999 Horse drawn planter, J.D. Wagon w kicker racks, N.I. mounted Picker 8 roll set of 8 bolt hubs and 11 L. 16 tires and wheels for 806 and up. Pair of wheels, rims, and 24.5 - 32 deep tread tires for 806 and up. Int. Pitmanless mower pull type good pair 18:4x34 tires on dual runs, Int. and J.D. Weights Front and Rear Cylinders Misc. Late Additions Fannall 756 Diesel with 5 bottom auto, plow; Minneapolis G 950 tractor; Int. No. 500 plowing Disks; Int. No. 48014 ft. wheel Disk. Trucks Int. 1890 Loadstar short w-base, 1967 Chevy Dirt Dump w-air brakes. 10 Percent Down Sale Day Balance at Pickup. AUCTIONEER B. RENTZEL TERMS & CONDITIONS BY: RAYMOND LEAMAN