Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 69
Public Sales Register (Gontimiid from Page 68) SAT. APRIL 19 -1:30 P.M. Public Sale of 500 Feeder Pigs located 3 miles N.E. of Bethel, off Route 22, behind PUBLIC AUCTION 175-225 FEEDER PIGS SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 AT 1:30 P.M, Located 1 mile South of Richland; 3 miles South of Myerstown on 501 turn East at Country House Restaurant, follow sale signs. 40-80 POUND CHOICE FEEDER PIGS Hampshire - York - Duroc Cross All Pigs Are Vaccinated for Erysipelas Castrated young, wormed, sprayed for mange and lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will be sold on this sale. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms by: PAUL M. ZIMMERMAN Myerstown R.D.2 17067 Phone 866-2978 John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers HIDDEN VIEW FARM COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF REGISTERED and GRADE HOLSTEINS and FARM EQUIPMENT FRIDAY, APRIL 18,1975 11:00 A.M. Location - Take 1-80, (near Bloorosburg] exit at Buckhorn, go North on Rt. 44 about 4 miles, just East of Dutch Hill Church, or travel South of ierseytown on Rt. 44 about 4 miles, Columbia Co., PA, on the Ortman Farm. Watch for arrows. 76 HEAD HOLSTEINS (14 Registered) 57 COWS and BRED HEIFERS 19 Heifers Various ages, including a few Heifer Calves. Lots fresh, several calved March and April, some springing for May. 20 due during Summer months, many bred for fall freshening. Health charts, DMA and Pregnancy examined. Mostly Curtiss, ABS Sired. Plenty of size, dairy qualities with potential. KRIS (Grade) 365 dys. 19,158 M, 650 F, 3.3 percent, due sale time to Starman. TIDY (Grade) 4 yr. 302 dys. 17.889 M, 623 F, 3.5 per cent, due June to Starman. TORRY (Grade) 6 yr. 360 dys. 17,712 M, 661 F, 3.7 percent due June to Rob. Rom. Ref. Dell. LOLA (Grade) 4 yr. 365 dys. 16,332 M, 607 F, 3.7 percent. Sisters {^cl| VALENTINE EL. MINUTE MAN SUSAN (Reg.), 3 yr, 361 dys. 13,710 M, 508 F, 3.7 percent, due April to Fox Lease S.B. Krieger. GOLDEN CONSTELLATION SUE (Reg.), 5 yr. 503 dys. 16.310 M, 668 F, projected. ARLINDA ACE UZ (Reg.), 3 yr. 353 dys. 15.833 M, 565 F, 3.6 percent, due June to Fox Lease S.B. Krieger. P.A. DEEN LOU (Reg.), 8 yr. 316 dys., 15.761 M, 567 F, 3.6 percent. Bred to Starman, due before sale. SALLY (Grade) 5 yr. 362 dys. 15.399 M, 553 F, 3.6 percent due April to Starman. ALMA (Grade) 4 yr. 340 dys. 15.060 M, 566 F, 3.8 percent, fresh recent. ZELDENRUST MASTER PONTIAC (Reg.), 5 yr. 301 dys. 14.581 M, 580 F, 4.0 percent due May to Starman. FARM EQUIPMENT 3 Tractors Minneapolis Moline 602 diesel; A.C.* WD 45; Oliver 88; 4 bottom MM 5000 series plow; spring harrow; MF 28 transport disc; M.F. 7 ft. 3 pt. mower; Cunningham hay conditioner; New Holland 460 haybine; N.H. rake; N.H. 275 baler w-thrower; Cross Elevator; 1 bale thrower wagon and 2 beds with racks John Deere No. 34 - 2 row harvester (narrow row) with pickup; 2 IHC forage wagons; J.D. 17 disc grain drill; J.D. No. 48 manure loader; New Holland web manure spreader; Massey Ferguson 2 row cultivator 3 pt.; 8 ft. blade 3 pt.; A.C. 2 bottom plow; J.D. 16 A flail chopper; fertilizer spreader. 45 Ampules of Star Man Semen, Semen tank, Batts breeding wheel chart, 100 ft. long com crib, soft ear com, etc. SALE BY: ELVIN L. and ELAINE H. DOUTRICH Aucts. & Pedigrees: KREIDER, DILLER and FRALEY LUNCH Trainer’s Midway Diner. Terms by Adam Martin; George E. Stone, Jr. and John D. Kilmer, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 19 - 11 A.M. Nebo take Martin Heights Public Sale of Feeder Steers road to River Road to Delta and Farming Implements Road on West View Road, or located approx. 7 mues south I mile East of Pequea. of Spring Grove off of Rt. 516 Terms by Mary Cramer, along Wolfgang Rd. (near owner; Kreldcr and Diller, Jefferson) in York Co.. PA. Auctioneers. Watch for arrows leading to sale. Sale by Roy Mummert, SAT. APRIL 19 - 2 P.M. Brodbecks, PA owner; Public Sale of 2V5 Story Robert L. Sechrlst, Auc- Brick Dwelling and some tioneer. Household Goods located in the Village of Blue Ball along SAT. APRIL 19 - 11 A.M. Rt. 322. Sale by John W. and Public Sale of Farm Laura Shepp; Nevln Z. Machinery located 1 mile Martin, Auctioneer. West of Mt. Nebo. From Mt. RIVER ROAD FARMS COMPLETE DISPERSAL Located just off Rt. 15 four miles from Mansfield, PA, 5 miles from Covington, on Canoe Camp Creek Rd. Watch for auction arrows. TUESDAY, APRIL 15 at 10:00 Sharp 200 - REGISTERED HOLSTEINS - 200 Interstate tested, pregnancy examined. Herd consist of 125 milking cows, 15 bred Mrs., 20 yearlings (some just bred) 40 calves. 10 cows classified VG - Several in GP classification. Popular Sire Power Sires: 12 by Whirlhill Kingpin (PD+1198); 20 by Simpson Farm Tidy Gent (VG-GM); 12 by Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation (EX +llB5 - PD T 3.17). 2X GRAND CHAMPION SELLING. RIVER ROAD SEGIS GENT (VG-88). RIVER ROAD CATTLE Excel in other herds. River Road Betsy Abbekerk (EX-2E) lOy 365 d 20.456 M 1010 F, Clymar Farms. River Road Lyons Direct (EX) 7-6- 364 d 20,400 4.4 percent 889, Clymar Farms. River Road Tidy Ormsby (VG-88-EX. MAM) 7y 305 d 18.230 M 803 F, Simalot Holsteins. River Road Direct (GP-84) 3-6 305 d 15,6613.5 percent 542, 5-7 270 d 16,117 4.1 percent 657, 6-7 305 d 12,846 3.9 percent 504, 7-7 293 d 18,593 4.0 percent 748, Simalot Holsteins. River Road Dollar Paulette (VG-66) 2-11 358 d 15,126 "4.0 percent 636,4-1 356 d 19,478 3.9 percent 780, Simalot Holsteins. River Road Ormsby Mayview (VG) 5-3 344cT 18.045 M 703 F, 6-3 341 d 18.884 M 673 F, 7-4 320 d 17.226 M 683 F, Simalot Holsteins. River Road Wychmere Direct (VG-88-EX-MAM) 4-9 305 d 17,228 3.8 percent 658, 5-11 303 d 15,172 3.7 percent 568, 7-0 365 d 17,320 4.3 percent 740, Gor-Wood-D Acres Herd. FARM MACHINERY Case 1070 Diesel w-only 1000 hrs.; Ford 5000 diesel; M.F. 65 diesel w-high wheels; Case 430 gas w-industrial loader; Ford 861 gas w-loader; Ford 860; Ford 850; Gehl chopper w-2 row com head & 2 row snapper head (nearly new); N.H. super 717 Chopper w-1 row com & pickup heads; N.H. 275 baler w-thrower (nearly new); A.C. 6 row no till com planter; J.D. 4 row corn planter; Case 15 ft. transport disk (good); Ford 3 bottom roll over plows; 3 self-unloading boxes Gehl, Papec & Calhoune; 4 wagons w-kicker racks; 1960 Ford 600 stake box w-hoist; self-unloading grain box; A.C. Combine; N.H. flail chopper; N.H. No. 26 blower; Wood Bros, com picker; Ford 220 mowditioner; 2 New Idea No. 214 spreaders; liquid 2000 gal. manure spreader; 500 gal. weed sprayer w-fiber glass tank; Ford side mounted mower; New Idea trailer mower; J.D. rotary mower; N.H. 30 ft. hay elevator; N.H. side rake; Oliver 13 disk drill; 21.H.C. harrows; 2 fertilizer spreaders (1 Lily); 2 farm trailers one w-dump box; 2 three pt. hitch blades; Case wagon; Even-sow seeder 3 pt. hitch; hay feeder wagon; Agway space heater. Approx. 400 to 500 ton of good corn silage; approx. 100 ton high moisture corn, both to be sold by the ton & weighed at Mansfield Agway w-75 percent down day of sale. Approx. 5000 to 6000 bales hay to be sold by the bale & settled day of sale. Sales Mgr. Note: You can see what these cattle can do so there should be some real happy buyers. This is one of the best bred herds in the area. They just need an opportunity to work up to their inherited potential. Selling order, machinery at 10:00 sharp. Cattle at 12:00. We must start on time due to the size of this sale. Terms - Cash or Good Check. Sale under cover Lunch available Catalouges mailed on request. Owner WILLIAM INSCHO Pedigrees - Bill Kent Auctioneers - Arlo Kiehl & Bill Kent Sales Manager - Gordon Wood - Mansfield, Pa Phone 717-549-4901 Assisted by Roy L. Simpson For the most in advertising coverage and preparing your sale Call Wood’s Auction Service PRODUCE Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 5.1975 SAT. APRIL 19 - 12 Noon Horse and Tack Sale at Hunter’s Sale Bam, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland, formerly West Nottingham Sales. SAT. APRIL 19 - 10:30 A.M. DST Public Auction of 1929 Model A Ford 2 dr. sedan restored; 1926 Model T Ford unrestored, 1954 Chev. 4 door sedan restored; Model A and Model T parts and equip ment; household goods and other items on the premises 4 miles north west of Delta, turn off of Route 74 and Route 851 leading to sale in the village of Bryansville, in Peach Bottom Twp., York Co., Pa. Mr. & Mrs. Irvin R. Bushong, owners; Charles W. Shrodes and David W. Shrodes, Auctioneers. SPECIAL SALE FEEDER CATTLE and CALVES FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1975 At 1:30 P.M. BLUE RIDGE LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. Charles Town, W. Va. Billy F. Owens, Mgr. Phone: 304-725-5021 SHORT NOTICE JESSE GARDNER REGISTERED and GRADE DISPERSAL SALE imv, UPHI 18. 1975 AT 12:00 NOON Sale to be held on the Farm Take Rt 187 north of Rome, Bradford Co., 16 miles east of Towanda and 16 miles Southeast of Sayre, Pa 16 miles South of Owego, New York, along Battle Creek Rd Follow Sale arrow. Due to the lack of adequate help, the following well bred, long established herd will be sold at public auction: THIS HIGH PRODUCING HERD CONSISTS OF 63 HEAD OF MATURE COWS Well Uddered with Size and Style, many of which are bred back and milking like a Fresh Cow plus many Fall Cows are due May, June, July, August and Sept. 16 BRED HEIFERS, due June, July, August and Sep tember plus 17 OPEN HEIFERS with good size and type. Approximately 20 Kmg Pm daughters and grand daughters; plus such top sires as Ivanhoe Dinah Charm, Kingsted Ivanhoe and sailing Rockman. This herd is on DHIA and are all certified and accredited and tested for interstate. Calves and Heifers are all vaccinated. This top herd is the result of well planned breeding and has proven to be one of the top herds in Bradford County with a herd average of 15,602 lbs. milk - 602 lbs. fat with 3.9 percent test. Many cows milking from 16,000 to 22,000 lbs. m 305 days. If in need of top foundation cows or milking replacements for your dairy, don’t miss this sale. All cows and bred heifers are pregnancy checked. Auct. Note: This extraordinary dairy dispersal is worth your time to attend. Sale at 12:00 Noon - Terms by JESSE GARDNER (717) 247-7732 Randal V. Kline, Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneers 717-626-4975 Carl Oilier, Pedigrees SAT. EVE. APRIL 19 - 7 P.M. Public Sale of Feeder Cattle, Machinery and Trucks located 15 ml. South of Sunbury, Vi ml. East of Jet. of Rt. 147 and 225, mi. East of Mandate. Richard D. Baumert, owner; Long Bros., Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 19 - 10:30 A.M. Public Auction of 15 acre farm, two acres moun tainland, Household items. Antiques and Collectibles located one mile South of Berrysbura, 2Vi miles North of Elizabethville, along Route 225, Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pa. Sale by George W. Klinger, owner; George N. Delbert, Auc tioneer. (Continued on Pa|e 70] Sale Under Tent Lunch Available 69