Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 65
Public Sales Register [Continued from Pagt 641 Dairy Dispersal (one of the top nerds in Bradford Co.) I,ocation - Go off Rt. 187 North to Rome, Pa. Bradford Co. 16 miles East of Towanda and 16 miles Southeast from Sayre and 16 miles South of Owego, N.Y. along Battle- Creetc Road. Sale by Jesse Gardner; Randal V. Kline and Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneers. THURS. EVE. APRIL 10 - 7:30 P.M. Public Sale of Machinery, Feeder Cattle, and Gram located along Rt. 103, approx. 13 miles South West of Lewistown, Mifflin luaiWMLi OF REAL ESTATE CONSISTING OF 2 FARMS Located on Rt. 472 and Camp Saginaw Rd„ 3 miles South oi Oxford, PA at Hickory Hill. SATURDAY, APRIL 12 1:00 P.M. Inspection, April 5 and 6, 1-4 P.M. Other times by appt. Call 215-932-8220. Farm No. 1: 6 rm. bungalow w-cellar, full attic, forced air heat, bath, aluminum siding, storm windows &doors; 2-stoiy barn suitable for dairying or beef, and other outbuildings. Situated on 80 acres, more or less, w-lots of road frontage, in East Nottingham Township. Farm No. 2: 97.8 acres, more or less, w-hay shed, located on Reisler Rd. on west side of T 334 in Elk Township. IB6o’ of road frontage, 50 acres tillable & remainder is pasture & woodland w-water rights. Terms: 15 percent day of sale, and balance or set tlement within 60 days. Auctioneers: Harold S. Hill & Son 215-274-8525 Not Responsible for Accidents vkoinia 1975 SPRING FEEDER CATRE SUES Steers - Heifers Angus - Black Baldies Hereford - Charolais Cross PLACE DATE •Harrisonburg (Holstein) April 1 Marshall April 3 Winchester April 4 Harrisonburg April 8 Narrows April 8 Richmond ' April 9 Dublin April 9 Lynchburg April 10 Roanoke April 10 South Boston April 11 Tazewell April 11 Galax April 11 Harrisonburg April 15 Staunton Rockbridge Co April 15 Charlottesville April 16 Courtland April 16 Dublin April 16 (a) Culpeper April 17 Marshall April 17 Winchester , April 18 Lynchburg April 24 Roanoke April 24 (a) All cattle given Septobac at farm and booster shot at market Heifers guaranteed open at Culpeper ’Holstein steers only All cattle weigh 350 to 1 000 lbs Graded by representatives Virginia Department of Agriculture All cattle naturally polled or dehorned All cattle originate from counties certified free of IB and Brucellosis Reggie Reynolds, Secretary K. C. Williamson, Extension Specialist VIRGINIA BEEF CATTLE ASSOCIATION ANIMAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT P. 0 Box 176 V. P I and S. U. Daleville, Virginia 24083 Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Tel: 703-992-1009 or 703-992-2852 Tel 703-951-5252 Co. Sale by Ixswis E. Fisher, owner; I/mg Bros., Auc tioneers. THURS. APRIL 10 - 12:30 Noon Sunnydell Farm Guernsey Dispersal, Warren and Ellen Bucher, Owners, Myerstown, Pa. to be held at the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Penna. Sale managed by Penna. Guern sey Breeders’ Ass’n., Camp Hill, Pa. THURS. APRIL 10 - Semi- Annual Open Class Fat Steer Show ana Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, PA. Judging 10 Estate of; Alice E. Pierson Executor: Joseph H. Pierson Executrix: Mary Anne Reisler Attorney: W. K. Samples, Esq, 24,000 HEAD NO HEAD 800 1.200 1500 P. 600 600 700 1000 1.100 1400 800' 500 700 800 1300 1000 500 800 1000 1,500 2,100 1,700 1,200 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A.M., Sale 3 P.M. Entries may be registered with Abe Diftenbach, Manager. THURS. APRIL 10 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat Sc Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. FRI. APRIL 11 - 1:30 P.M. Special Sale, Feeder Cattle and Calves at the Blue Ridge Livestock Sales, Inc., Charles Town, W. Va. FRI, APRIL 11 - 6 P.M. Public Sale at the Gap Auction located off Route 41, Lancaster Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auc tioneers. FRI. APRIL 11 - 11 A.M. 2 Top Dispersals Both Sell At Charles C. Myers Black and White Farm, Lancaster, Pa. located just west of Lan caster, Pa. just off Rte. 283. Exit at Flory’s Mill exit, turn left and then right around mill to farm. Terms by Alvin C. Bush, Muncy, Pa. and Ray M. Crider, Collegeville, Pa. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Mexico, N.Y. Auctioneers; Charles C. Myers, Sale Manager. FRI. APRIL 11 - 9 a.m. Public Sale of Tractors, Full Lines of Orchard and Farm Equipment, Irrigation System, Tools, etc. located 6 miles South of Mt. Holly Springs, turning East off Route No. 34 at Goodyear Church 2 miles thence North 1-10 mile to sale or Midway between Mt. Holly and York Springs turning West off Route No. 94 at the Goodyear Road 2 miles to Sale. Sale by Lester F. Starner, Maybelle M. Starner, Owners, RDI, Gardners, Pa.; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct. SEX Only Steers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers All Steers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers S Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Ad Steers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers Steers & Heifers MARKET TELEPHONE 703 434 6765 703 364 4861 703 667 1023 703 434 4482 703 726 2152 804-353 2661 703 674 5311 804 845 6095 .703 992-1112 804 572 4218 703-988 4431 703 236 2971 703 434 6765 703 886 5131 804 295 4551 804 562 2144 703 674 5311 703 825 9188 703 364 4861 703 667 1023 804-845 6095 703 992 1112 FRI. APRIL 11 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Dairy Equip ment, Feed, and 60 Holstein Cows and 5 Bred Heifers on the Farm located on Ten Mile Creek Road just off Route 121 near Boyds, Montgomery Co., Maryland. From Route 270 lake Clarksburg-Boyds Exit and go Vti miles south on Route 121. Sale by John L, Bur dette, Boyds, Mainland; A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 12 - 12 Noon Feeder Sale at Hunter’s Sale Barn, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland, for merly West Nottingham Sales. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Modern Household Goods, Fine Collection of Victorian Antiques and Collectibles located at Catawissa, Pa. along Rt. 42 in Columbia County. Sale by Betty Chemngton, owner; John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12-1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 175-225 Head 40-80 pound Choice Feeder Pigs to be held 1 mile South of Richland, 3 miles South of Myerstown on 501 turn East at Country House Restaurant, follow sale signs. Terms by Paul M. Zimmerman, Myerstown R 2,; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 - Public Sale of Real Estate, Power Tools, Household Goods and An tiques located in the Village of Lickdale, next to the Mobile Gas Station, Lebanon Co., Pa. Conditions by Roland Zechman; John Breidegam, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Tools located approx. 1% miles south of Fawn Grove, Pa. along Fawn Grove Rd. in the 4th District of Harford Co., Md. Sale by Mrs. Walter Lowe, Pylesville, Md.; Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 12 - 9:30 A.M. Contractors Auction Sth Western Maryland Con signment Sale of Heavy Equipment and Tools at Fairgrounds, E. Patrick St., Frederick, Md. J. G. Trout Auction and Realty, Inc., Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Buggy, Sleighs, Harness, Tools, Antiques, Garden Tractors, 4 Whl Drive Pickup, 4 horse trailers at the Circle' K Stables, 2648 Cherryville Road, Northampton, Pa. Sale for Circle K. Stables, Willis Reiser, Prop. Sale conducted by Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. (Continued on Page 66] SALE EVERY TUESDAY GRADED SALE Ist Tuesday each month 2PM HORSE AUCTION 2nd Saturday each month IP.M. ■ FAUQUIER I LIVESTOCK | EXCHANGE Marshall, VA 703-364-4861 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 5,1975—65 PUBLIC AUCTION (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9th AT 10:00 A.M. 50 FARM TRACTORS 150 PIECES OF FARM EQUIPMENT SOME OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT EXCELLENT SELECTION DEALERS & FARMERS: You are urged to bring any consignments you might have to our sale and you are also welcome as a buyer Sale Held Ram or Shine Make arrangements now to come to our sale - you will be gald you did Refreshments on Sale Site YORK CO. FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. EXIT 10 or 11 OFF 1-83 4 Miles North of York, Penna. on Route 181 BOX 222 EMIGSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 17318 BLAINE N RENTZEL- EARL MOHR -J LARRY HOLLINGER Ph 717-764-6412 Ph. 717-764 5115 Home-266-1671 Home -665 2354 AUCTI 2-DAY AUCTION MODERN FURNITURE, TOOLS, FARM MACHINERY To be held at Duval Farms, 1041 East Holland Road Take Route 532 South 2‘A miles from Newtown, Pa.; Bucks Co. Halfway between Newtown, Pa. and Holland, Pa Watch (or Auction sign at E Holland Rd. Furniture and Tools Monday, April 14 at 10 00 a m Farm Machinery Tuesday, April 15, 1975 at 10 00 a m. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1975 10:00 A.M. Modern furniture, china closets, hutches, bed frames, tables, cocktail tables, mirrors, chairs, wrought iron furniture, traverse rods, living room furniture, glass shelving, sofas, wash stand. Tools: 2 vice, drill press, work bench, sickle grinder, bench grinder, cables, block pulleys, land clearing saw w. gas engine, jacks, 12’ iron water trough, Disston 2 man chain saw, new & used machinery parts, tractor seeder, wheel barrow sprayer, % ton chain hoist, single & double trees, grind stone, Stewart cattle & sheep clippers, H.D. 8” skil saw, battery charger, electric drill, plumbing tools, small paint sprayer, pressure grease guns, broad ax, small grains grinder, 40’ x 50’ endless belts, wagon jack, platform scales, tool chest, 2 bag trucks, lawn sweeper, lawn rollers, hand cultivators, Planet Jr. planters, R.T. wheel barrow, rakes, forks, hand tools, scythe, rotary mower, por table 2” pump, w. gas engine & hose, oil & gas tanks, farm gates, 16 tree protectors, feed box, fence wire, hedge trimmers, land measuring wheel, motors, stanchions, iron hog trough, socket sets, many more items found on a well equipped farm. TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1975 10:00 A.M. Snow plow, 2 Farmall M. tractors, Farmall C.W. ? row cultivator, tractor chains, A.C.W.D. tractor w. 2- 14” bottom plow sub soiler, 2-- I.H.C. 3 bottom 14” hi speed plows w. Lance Coulters, I.H.C. 3 bottom 14” plow, 3 plow packers, Ford cultivator 3 P.T.H., 15’ rotary how, I.H.C. 10’ transport disc, 2 & 3 section peg harrows, 3 section spring tooth harrow, English harrow, Brilliam 12’ cidtunulcher used 1 yr., Dunham 10’ cultipacker, I.H.C. No. 2 hay conditioner, 2-I.H.C. side rakes, I.H.C. No. 57 wire baler w. motor, I.H.C. 4 row com planter, J.D. portable com sheller w. P.T.O. & bagger, 2 - I.H.C. 180 bu. grain bin wagons w. manual dump? 1 -180 bu. bin, 4 R.T. 8’ x 16’ flat wagons w. sides, Papec forage harvester w. motor w. pickup & corn hd., I. 16 disc hi speed grain drill, Lavalle 24’ bale elevator, 18’ alum, grain elevator w. motor, 40’ bale & grain elevator w. drag, smoke bale elevator, 10’ Brilliam grass seeder, Colby 125 bu. manure spreader w. P.T.0., 10’ lime & fertilizer drill 0.R., anhydrous ammonia applicator 100 gal. tank, 200 gal. water tank on cart, I.H.C. 1-P-R corn picker, I.H.C. No. 2 M.E. mounted corn picker, I.H.C. No. 141 -10’ S.P. combine good cond., Beam 6 row sprayer w. motor, Papec auger blower, Smalley hopper blower W. 3 H.P. motor, J. 16” hammer mill w. bagger, 2-2 wheel farm trailers, weeder, platform scales, 2 horse plow, por table cattle holding chute, portable cattle loading chute, calf holding chute, wagon unloading unit, wheel barrow seeder, tractor seeder, gram crimper, cattle oiler, steam Jenny. More items by sale day. This machinery was kept under cover and is in good condition. Conditions Cash or acceptable check. No out of state checks. Auctioneers Henry K. Freed 822-0723 Ralph D. Freed 287-8901