Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 64
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 5, 1975 64 Public Sales Register I Continued from Pat* 631 on Commission, located 4 miles West of Manheim, Lancaster Co., Pa. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12 Noon Auction of all Tillage, Planting and Harvesting Tools at the Huge D & L Farms Farm Equipment Auction located 7 miles from Penn Van, NY off Rte. 14A, or off Rte. 364 on Havens and Voak Rds., 20 miles from Bath, NY. Sale D & L Farms, owners. Sale managed by Rumsey Sales, Bath, NY. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery, 3 Trac tors, 14 Bred Holstein Heifers, Sheep, Lambs, Produce, Small Tools on the farm of the late Marlin Koch, 5 miles E. of Benton, Pa. along Benton-Shickshinny Rt. 239 Highway. Sale by Mrs. Elsie I. Koch, owner; Max Fraley and Son, Auc tioneer. PUBLIC SALE CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 19,1975 TIME: 9:30 A.M. Location. I'h miles North of Carlisle on Route 74 along the Waggoners Gap Road. 5 'TRACTORS" Combines, Balers, Plows, discs, harrows, wagons with flats & racks, mowers, rakes, corn planters, drills, spreaders, com pickers, post hole digger, Dodge Pick-up Truck. Many, many small items. 70 "FEEDER CATTLE" 70 PIGS Wickard Bros. D . . „ . RD2, Box 169 Robert Mullendore. Carlis , e PA Auct - Phone 243-1018 PUBLIC SALE OF TRUCKS AND ROOFING EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 On premises at Oak and Bowman Streets, Lebanon, PA. Across the street from the City Garages. 1968 International 14 ft. dump truck, 1968 Chevy % T. pick-up truck, 1968 Chevy % T. pick-up truck w- Morrison body, 1964 Jeep % T. pick-up truck w-plow, 1964 Ford % T. pick-up truck, scaffolding w-wheels and levelers, ladder braces w-wheel hoists, elec, and gasoline ladder hoists, ladder jacks, 20 lb. liquid compressed air tank, 100 lb. vapor tanks, felt mopper cart, 20 lb. vapor tanks, hand choppers (slag), Vapor gas solder pots, shingle rippong bars, 7 circular saw, 15 gal. 1 piece flopping cart, 10 gal. 2 piece insulated mopping cart, ladders, roofing material cart, skill saw, elec, puddle pump, wheelbarrows, 32’ bucket conveyor w-gas engine, hand seamers and tongs, Hi Jack, roof jacks, 3 ft shear, pump jacks for 4 by 4 posts, manual felt slitter w-blades, Towable hoist complete 52’ (24’ collapsed). Hot Kettle Heat Master 180 gal., Hoy Kettle 80 gal., Rmo Roof remover, Alum. Slag pushers, slate tools, 100 gal. kerosene tank w-pump, hand torch for L.P. gas, elec, and gas hot asphalt pumps, Rigid pipe cutter and threader w-tnpod, Slag chopper (drum w studs) cuts 12” patch, Rotory slag chopper cuts 4Vz patch, 2 wheel garden tractor w-dozer blade, furnace cleaners, lumber, shovels, hand tools and other items. CONDITIONS BY; Herb Roofing Co. Phone 717-272-9953 Roy I. Ebersole & Son, Auctioneers Wenger & Ebersole, Clerks Lunch on Grounds SAT. APRIL 5-11:30 A.M. Marlu Farms "2 In 1” Sale to be held at the Charles C. Myers Black & White Farm located Just east of Lan caster, Pa. Exit off Rte. 283 Just west of Lancaster at Flofy’s Mill exit and follow around mill to farm. Sale by Marlu Farms, Maurice Poliak, owner, Lincroft, N. J. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers, Mexico, N. Y. SAT. APRIL 5-9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Feeder Cattle, Machinery, Butcher Tools, Household Goods located 4 mi. South East of Carlisle, Ms mi. South of Rt. 74, % mile North of Allenberry. Sale by Robert B. and Robert C. Noss, RD6, Box 482, Carlisle, PA 17013, Gibble and Foreman, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12:30 Penn National Red & White Holstein Sale at the Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Penna. 11:00 A.M, SAT. APRIL 5-1:30 P.M. Feeder Pig Sale by Norman M. Martin. Rl, Myerstown. Pa. located 6 miles North of Myerstown along Rt. 501. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods for H & L Farms. Location - On the Windcrest Road, Marlboro, NJ. From PA come over PA Turnpike Bridge, get off at Exit 7 at New Jersey Turnpike go south on Rt. 206 to Rt. 537, follow 537 all the way to Freehold, NJ. Pickup Rt. 79 and follow sale arrows from there. Donald A. Worrell, Sr., Auctioneer, Mount Holly, NJ. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Misc. Items located along Kagey Road between Trappe and Graterford, Perkiomen Twp., Montg. Co. From Trappe (Route 422) go North on 7tn Ave. to Kegey Road, first farm on left. Conditions by Perkiomen Farms; Nelson C. Weidenbaugh, Auctioneer. MON. APRIL 7-5:30 P.M. Special Evening Sale of Household and Collectables at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co. located one mile North of PUBLIC SALE BUGGY, SLEIGHS, HARNESS, TOOLS ANTIQUES, GARDEN TRACTORS, 4 WHL DRIVE PICKUP, 4 HORSE TRAILER SATURDAY, APRIL 12 at 10 A.M. At the Circle K Stables, 2648 Cherryville Rd, Northampton, PA. BUGGY & SLEIGHS “Cortland” 4 whl. open buggy, narrow track, rubber tire; 2 seat truck sleigh; party sleigh; (4) 1 horse sleighs; (1) 2 seat decorated sleigh; breaking cart; wagon body; wagon wheels; antique pony size body wagon, decorated; set of light double harness; 5 single buggy harnesses; 1 single work harness; 1 surrey harness w-collar; Note: All harness in very good condition; dozens of all kinds of bridles, halters, & other tack; English riding saddle; horse blankets & sheets; 2 blanket chests. PICKUP TRUCK 1968 Chevy 4 whl. drive Vz ton pickup, 4 spd., 11,000 orig. miles; Morysville 7’ snowplow w-2 way hyd.; 2 whl. car trailer, licensed % ton. ANTIQUES, TOOLS, ETC. Strap of sleigh bells; large Dietz post lantern; buggy lanterns; hitching post horse head; lap robes; buffalo robes; harness parts; set of sleigh plumes for a dasher; asstd. whips; light horse collars; glass & brass bridle rosettes; Fiebings hoof dressing; elec horse clippers; V' elec, drill; Mall chain saw; step ladders; 4 old carpenter’s tool boxes w-full line of carpentry tools; lot of rope, chain; block & tackles; shovels; picks; etc.; box stall posts & roll doors; metal stall dividers; 15’ bale elev.; 4 whl. trailer; rubber tire wheelbarrows; feed chest; buck saw; horse cutlivators; 2 road drags; wagon jacks; 30’ wooden ext. ladder; blacksmith forge. GARDEN TRACTORS Bolens G-8 8 hp. garden tractor w-mower; J.D. 110 garden tractor w-mower & snow blade; 2 lawn rollers; rotary mower. CATTLE CHUTE Refrig, w-top freezer; B&W port. TV; .22 cal. target rifle; horse clock; portable cattle working chute w front and side discharge. 4 HORSE TRAILER 1972 Stidham 4 horse in line trailer, fully deluxe, 4 whl. brakes, 2 tack boxes. Plus many items too numerous to mention. Refreshments Served SALE FOR - C | RCIE K STABLES e . „, „ „ WILLIS KEISER, Prop. Sale conducted by r Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Tele. (215) 285-4616 Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer. TUBS, APRIL 8 ■ 11:45 Noon Raymond B. Leaman Public Sale of New Machinery, 1974 Machine™, 1973 Machinery, Used Combines, Used Tractors and Used Equip ment. Location - Take Rt. 222 to Refton, .midway between Lancaster and Quarryyille (take Brenneman Road North at Graybill Bros. Garage). Terms and. Co nditions by Raymond Leaman B. Rentzel, Auctioneer. TUBS. APRIL 8 - 6 P.M. Public Auction of Furniture, Glassware, Appliances, etc. at the Farmersville Auction, located at Farmersville, 3 miles East of Brownstown, Lancaster Co. Sale by John J. Rutt, Richard Murray, Auctioneer. TUBS. APRIL 8 - 10 A.M. Dispersal Sale, Farm Equipment, Dairy Herd, Feeds located 10 mile North of Gettysburg on Old U.S. Rt. 15, or 1 mi. North of Heidlersberg, Turn West two mile on Rock Chapel Road to sale. Sale by Harold Man sberger, owner; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. WED. APRIL 9 - 10 A.M. Public Auction (Con signments Welcome) 50 Farm Tractors, 150 Pieces of Farm Equipment and some Industrial equipment by York Co. Farm & Industrial Equipment Co., Inc., Exit 10 or 11 off 1-83 4 miles North of York. Pcnna. on Route 181. PUBLIC SALE STOCK REDUCTION AUCTION OF HARDWARE MERCHANDISE mid MACHINERY SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 11:00 A.M. LOCATION- East on Rl. 322 to Hinkletown light. Turn left to Mar tmdale Square. Turn ri|ht. Take the first road left, Conestoga A»e., to the Ice Plant. Driveway Vacuum Cleaner with 5 h.p. Wisconsin Engine; New Socket Sets with V Drive; S. K. Tools; 20 New Car Tires 7.35 to 8.35 x 15"; 12 -10 x2O Regular Truck Tires, Recaps; Lots of Bolts; Screws; Hose Clamps by the Hundreds; Fans; New-Used Pulleys; Lots of Electric Wire; Barrels; Fence Posts; 1 Bag Stapling Machine; New Produce Scales; Motors; one third h.p. Milk Pump; New Vi h.p. Water Pump; Other Pumps. 200’of 4" Plastic Pipe Vi Dozen R-89 Three Year Delco Batteries; 8-55 Gal. Drums of Texaco Grease; 8’ Pickup Top; Lot of New & Used Pipe Fittings; Lots of Pipe & Scrap Iron; Old Batteries; N.H. Silage Blower; Case 13-Hole Grain Drill; Hay Loader; 50’ Endless Belt; P.T.O. Pulley For Fordoor Ferguson. Plus many, many items too numerous to mention. SALE BY: NOUS' ICE CO. (717) 354-5322 RANDAL KLINE, Auctioneer (717) 626-4975 PAUL LANDIS, App. Auctioneer (717) 354-8453 Not Responsible For Accidents Lunch By Martindale Fire Co. PUBLIC SALE ROLAND ZECHMAN Real Estate, Power Tools, Household Goods and Antiques SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 IN THE VILLAGE OF LICKDALE, next to the Mobil Gas Station, Lebanon Co., Pa. Property to be sold at 1:30 P.M 2Vz Story Farm House This V-k Story Frame House has 4 rooms on the first floor with built-in Cupboards in Kitchen, also Bath. Second Floor has 3 Bedrooms. Attic, Basement, one Story Cement Block Garage and Work Shop. Inspection of Home on April 5 from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Household Goods and Antiques 3 Piece Living Room Suite, 5 Piece Bedroom Suite, Oak Bed and Bureau, Blanket Chest, Milk Cupboard, CRADLE, SLANT TOP DESK, Drop Leaf table, High Sink, Walnut Drop Leaf Table, Oak Round Table. Plank seat and Kane seat chairs Child Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Lawn Chairs, 2 China Closets, Coal Heatrola, T.V. Set, SINGER SEWING MACHINE, 3 - Vz Spindle Chairs, High Chairs, Small Table and Chairs, Lanterns, Rayo Lights, 6 Oil Lights, Parlor Lights, 3 Light Bases, 2 Majestic Cook Stoves, Refrigerator, Brass Clothes Tree, Sewing Rocker, Wash Stand, Butcher Fork and Spoon, 1 Gal. and 5 Gal. Crocks, Jugs. Coins will be sold at 2:00 P.M, 5 Dollar Gold Piece, 10 Dollar Gold Note, Indian Head Cents, Mercury Dimes, 2 Cent Piece, 3 Cent Piece, Buffalo Nickles, Copper Cents, Silver Dollars, Lots of Silver Quarters and Lots of Other Corns. CRAFTSMAN SAW AND MOTOR, Table Saw and Motor, 6 in. Jointer, Turning Lathe, Drill Press, Miterbox and Saw, Hand Saws, Bench Grinder, Broad Ax, Posthole Ax, 2 Buck Saws, Electric Drill, Electric Sander, 6 Tool Chests, Pipe Vise, Squares, all kinds of Hammers, Pipe Wrenches, Tool Boxes, Lots of Nails, Drill Bits, All Kinds of Chisels of Various Calibers and Hundreds of small Items not mentioned. All kinds of carpenter tools Hog Trough, Brass Bucket, Sausage Stuffer, Garden Tools, Drawing Knives, 5 Cow Bells, Fishing Box Scale, OLD LOCKS, Early Hardware, Wheelbarrow, Power Lawn Mower. Shelf Clock, Oak Stand, Kitchen Chairs, Tin Cookie Cutters, Glass Baskets, Cake Stand, Cups, Saucers, Plates. Sale starts at 10:00 A.M. sharp Conditions By: Roland Zechman ROBERT SIEGRIST of Siegrist, Kollar and Siegrist, Attorney JOHN BREIDEGAM, Auctioneer Curtis Swope & Ray Deck, Clerks Refreshments by the Ladies of the Lickdaie Church Emlgsvlllc, Penna. Blaine N. Rentzel, Earl Mohr and J. Larry Bollinger, Auc tioneers, and managers. |Continued on Pagi 66) Tools