Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 63
Public Sales Register SAT. APRIL 5 -11 A.M. Pa, Angus Association Spring Sale (50 Head of Registered Angus Cattle will be sold) Located 8 miles East of Hershey on Rt. 422. near Annville, Old Mlllarden Farm. MORNING PUBLIC CATTLE SALE OF 52 HEAD OF GRADE STOCK BULLS, STEERS & HEIFERS One mile North off Route 422 (turn West at Hillside Motel), 3 miles South off Route 562 [between Yellow House and Stonersville), along Limekiln Road, Amity Twp., Berks Co. Watch for sale signs. SATURDAY, APRIL 19,1975 15 head Holstein Bulls from 600 lbs. to 800 lbs. 2 Angus and Holstein crossed bulls from 400 lbs. to 500 lbs. 10 Holstein steers from 200 lbs. to 300 lbs. 15 Heifers and Steers from 300 lbs. to 400 lbs. 10 Holstein steers from 400 lbs. to 450 lbs. These cattle are all home raised and sired by Rocket, Ivan Kid Samson, Harrisburg Gay, Kenney Milking Honey Ivanhoe, Comet through ABC Breeding. SOLD FOR: Earl R. Hafer Sale at 10:00 A.M. JOHN D. FREY & GEORGE D. FREY, Auctioneers REASON FOR SELLING: MUST VACATE PROPERTY. PUBLIC SALE of FARM EQUIP., EXCAVATING EQUIP., & CESSPOOL CLEANING EQUIP. to be held SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 at 10 A.M. Located 5 miles Northwest of Manheim, 1 mile South of Master sonville, between Union Square and Mastersonville, off the Colebrook Rd. on Kulp Rd., Lancaster Co, PA Oliver 66 tractor with cultivators, tobacco hoers. Oliver 55 Super with Saucier manure loader. L. A. John Deere tractor, starter, lights, with plow cultivators. AC 3 pt. 2-row corn planter, Black Hock 3 pt. corn planter, Stauffer 2-row tobacco planter, Oliver 2-bottom 14" radex plow, 3 pt rear cultivators, 3 pt hay rake, Oliver trailer grass mower, New Idea power-take-off manure spreader (like new), 9 ft. cultipacker, 3 section spring harrow, spike harrow, 24 disc harrow, land roller, hay rake, John Deere 13 disc gram drill, wagon with bed, 2 tobacco wagons, Mulkey 24’ elevator, walking plow, saw buck, scalding trough, wheel barrow, galvanized pipe, tobacco lathe, fork, shovels, etc. 6 TON MIXED HAY Excavating & Cesspool Cleaning Equip. - H D 5 diesel Allis Chalmers tractor shovel, Oliver super 55 diesel with Henry back-hoe front-end loader, Hughes Low Boy equipment trailer, Joy 2-wheel air compressor and hose, jack hammer and bitts 1951 Reo 7-ton Dump Truck, 1971 Dodge Pick-up Truck w-4-speed Trans Air compressor, log chains, ropes, screw jacks, jacks, wrenches, socket set, shovels, picks, vise, work bench, elec grinder, drills, lots of tools, ext ladder, and many other items 1957 CMC with 500 gal tank and pump & equip for cleaning tanks Lots of extra rubber hose. Sale to begin at 10 AM. Order of sale small items, farming equip, excavating equip SALE BY: ANNA MARY KULP LELAND KULP ESTATE (KNOWN AS PETE) Rufus Geib & Raymond Miller, Auctioneers 665-4136 Food Stand by the Mastersonville Fire Co. SAT. APRIL 5 - Feeder Pig Sale 600 Head. East Earl Twp,, Lancaster Co. Sale No. 1 at 1 P.M. 250 Head by Paul M. Zclset, Sale No. 2-2 P.M. 350 Head by John J. Zcisct, Elton Horning, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 ■ 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Implements, Household Goods and Some Antiques located along Bonvlew Drive, Denver, Pa., Un caster Co., Pa. mean Swimming Pool). Terms by Doro Stubcr, executrix of the John Stuber Estate; H. H. Leid, Auction Service, Eaby and Eaby, Attys. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M. Wakefield Lions Club 2nd Annual Community Auction to be held at Fowl’s Feed Mill along Rt. 272, 17 miles South of Lancaster, 1 mile North of Wakefield, Pa. To consign items call 786-2627 or 548-2803; J. Everett Kreider, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 and 12 - Public Sale of Real Estate, An tiques, Household Goods and Garage Tools located 6 miles South of Strasburg West along Furnace Road in the Village of Georgetown off Rt. 896. Sale by Amos J. Caskey; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auc tioneer. SAT. APRIL 5-9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Modern Machinery, Feeder Cattle located in Mifflin Co., mile west of Rt. 322 - Burnham County Fairs Receive Funds Almost half of Penn sylvania’s state and county fairs will receive more than $M> million for capital im provements this year, it was announced today by Penn sylvania Agriculture Secretary Jim McHale. The Secretary said that at a recent Matching Funds Committee meeting of the Pennsylvania Fair Fund, a total of $540,604 was ap proved for 49 fairs in 40 counties on a matching basis for capital im provements, the largest sum ever awarded. The previous year, $llO,OOO was distributed for capital im provements at fairs. MICHAEL CUMMINGS DISPERSAL Due to other business, I will sell my entire dairy located on Rt 660,6 miles from Mansfield, PA, 6 miles from Wellsboro, PA, Tioga County SATURDAY, APRIL 12 12:30 P.M. 44 HEAD HOLSTEINS 44 29 mature cows, (6 Reg.), 19 close & fresh, 7 due in June, bal. for later. 15 started calves. Pregnancy checked, charts ready for interstate. MACHINERY ’7O J.D. tr. w-3 pt. h., hydraulic, live power; J.D loader; N.I. Cut-Ditioner (2 yrs. old); J.D. 10’ tran sport disc; A.C. 2-row planter; J.D. 30’ elevator; David Bradley wgn.; milking equipment; Universal 400-gal tank w-compressor; Surge dumping station - 80’ line, washer & dryer; Surge 30 plus pump & line; Surge milkers; Patz barn cleaner w-unit & approx. 200’ chain, 3 yrs. old. Michael Cummings, Owner Ronald D. West, Sales Mgr. Robert M. Shaylor, Auct. Robert Slingerland, Clerk RONALD D. WEST SALES Mansfield, RDI Pennsylvania Phone 717-724-1989 717-297-3278 Exit, Ist farm on the Ferguson Valley Rd. Sale by Wm. E. Shcaffcr, RDI, Uwistown, Pa.; Mark Click, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12:00 Noon Public Auction of Farm Machinery located 8 miles east of Honey Brook, Mi mile west of Guthriesville, on Route No. 322, Chester County, Pa. Sale by order of Frank Watters; Sale con ducted by Whitford Sales Company, L. Robert Frame, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 AM, Public Sale of Good Used Machinery and Beef Type Cattle at the Dale Shields Residence, 1 mile west of Jersey Shore on Route 44- tum right at Pine Creek Exit. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Dale Shields, owners; Si Pepperman, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12 Noon Complete Dispersal of 46 Head Registered Polled Herefords and Machinery and Equipment at Millerton, Pa., Tioga Co., 10 miles West of Elmira, N. Y., 17 miles Northeast of Mansfield, Pa. McHale also disclosed that more than $l.B million went to state and county fairs and statewide agricultural organizations from horse racing proceeds in 1974. This money is used primarily to reimburse fairs and organizations for the premiums they have paid in competitions. The breakdown of the total disbursement of $1,817,608 is; $1,488,560~t0 105 fairs; $174,142 to 67 4-H funds; $101,309 to 52 Future Far mers of America groups; and $53,595 to nine statewide organizations that hold agricultural competitions. The total disbursement in 1973 was $1,784,434. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 5,1975 Solo by Robert and Jcraldlnc Wilcox, owners: Victor Kent, Auctioneers; D. 0. Rock well, Sale Manager. SAT. APRIL 5 - 11 A.M. Special Spring Consignment Sale of Equipment and Produce at the Victor Pirrung and Son Farm located 34 miles cast of Wayland, N.Y. on Livingston County Road No. 37. (Off N.Y. Rt. No. 21-245). Trucks, tractors, implements and produce to be sold. Con signments welcome by prior arrangement. James P. Pirrung and Victor J. Pirrung, Auctioneers and Sale Managers. Wayland, New York. Gerald A. Pirrung, Clerk, Ulysses, Penna. SAT. APRIL 5 - 9 A.M. Sharp Public Sale of Real Estate, Large Home with fireplace, Household Goods. Antiques. NITE HORSE SALE MONDAY, APRIL 14,1975 PAULZ. MARTIN’S 2 Miles East of Intercourse. PA, Along Route 340 2 LOAD OF KENTUCKY SADDLE BRED HORSES 3 AND 5 GAITBD AND HARNESS HORSES from 2 years old and up. I will try to get the best type for my trade. STANDARD BRED HORSES from New York State. LOCAL HORSES Horses Hitched at 1:00 P.M. Tack at 6:00 P.M. Horses at 7:00 P.M., D.L.S.T. NOTICE All horses shipped into state must be Coggins Tested with chart accompanied. PAUL Z. MARTIN BLUE BALL, PENN A. 17506 Residence - 717-354-6671 Business - 717-768-8108 MARTIN AUCTIONEERS Hay, Straw & Corn Sale Every Wednesday at 12 Noon Next Horse Sale Wed. Eve. April 30 PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY & TOOLS SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 AT 10:30 A.M. Located approx IVz miles South of Fawn Grove, PA along Fawn Grove Rd. in the 4th District of Harford Co , MD D-17 A.C. tractor fully equipped & very good rubber; W-D 45 A.C. good rubber & good running cond.; M Farmall tractor; H Farmall tractor; manure loader for M tractor; 2 row cultivator for H tractor; New Holland No. 269 Hayhner baler w-bale thrower; N.H. No. 36 crop chopper; N.H. No. 717 forage harvester w-1 row corn head; N.H. No. 56 rolabar hay rake; Mayrath 32 ft. bale elevator; Ontario 12 disc grain drill; Int. No. 64 combine w-motor; J.D. No. 494 4 row corn planter; New Idea PTO flail manure spreader; Century 2 wheel field sprayer; A.C. 7 ft. rear mounted mower; A.C. ensilage blower w-pipe; A.C. post hole digger; A.C. 3- 16 m. bottom plow; Cunningham hay conditioner; 4 hay wagons; 1 wagon w-Smoker grain bm; mounted field sprayer; J.D. & Int. 3 section harrows; 7 ft. disc; 2 wheel trailers; Iron Age 1 row potato planter; old J.D. corn planter; lots of old junk machinery; piles of iron; drag harrow; D.B. stalk shredder; 1 hole J.D corn sheller w-motor; Int. 2 bottom trailer plow; cultipacker; Surge milker pump HP motor; Wmco portable generator; tractor mount circular saw; walking plow; gram fan; tractor chains; milk cans; gas cans; new metal gates; lots of lumber all kmds; and many items too numerous to mention. Terms; cash or approved check. Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer Phone 382-4379 John Hope Anderson, Clerk Not Responsible for Accidents Refreshments Available. Collectibles und Stclnway Baby Grand Piano located at Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa.,Just off Rt. 80. Sale for the Estate of John and Anna Lyle. John Autotorc and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M. Comolete Dispersal of 90 Beer Cattle and Farm Machinery located at the farm on the West Warren to Nichols Road No. LR 699, 8 miles South of Nichols, N. Y., 8 miles North of Feßaysville, Pa. and 4 miles East of Rt. 187. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kolaga, RD2, Nichols, N. Y. Watson J. Dayton, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5-9:30 A.M. C. H. Wolgemuth & Sons An nual All Day Equip. Sale, Tractors, Farm Equip. Sold [Continued on Page 64| Mrs. Walter Lowe Pylesville, MO 63