Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 05, 1975, Image 61
Kennard Dale FFA Holds Annual Banquet The members of the honored with the Honorary placed wil In the State Kennard-Dale FFA Chapter Chapter Farmer Degree. Wildlife Conservation held their annual Parent- Alan Miller, State FFA Contest. Member banquet Friday, Chaplain from Red Lion was Other award winners March 21 at 7 p.m. in the in attendance and gave the announced were: school cafeteria, with over invocation. Chapter STATE PROJECT BOOK 200 members and guests President Bob Gross served WINNERS: Ed Huishart • present. Dr. Luther Sowers, ua Toastmaster. Gold Medal - Swine Fat- Superintendent of South Terry Murphy, received a tcnlng; Bob Gross ■ Gold Eastern School District and $75.00 check and Wildlife Medal - 2 Enterprise Project John Hyson Wilson, local Conservation Award from Book; Terry Murphy - Gold farmer and former Advisory Robert Ycakel, District Medal - Wildlife Con- Council Member were Game Protector. Terry servation; Steve Wilson - I Silver Medal - 3 Enterprise Project Book; Steve Wilson - Silver Medal - On Farm Work Experience; Larry Robinson - Silver Medal - 7 Enterprises; Ed Alles - Bronze Medal - 2 En terprises. OTHER STATE CON TEST WINNERS WERE: - Lenny Hare - Ist Place Team Small Gasoline Engine Contest; Clyde Miller - Ist Place Team Small Gasoline Engine Contest; Clyde Miller - Gold Medal High Individual Small Gasoline Engine Contest; Lenny Hare - Silver Medal 3rd High Individual Small Gasoline Engine Contest; Parliamentary Procedure Team - 2nd Place in State MEMBERS: Bob Gross; Bill Hushon; Gary Hyson; George Knight, III; Steve Harrington; Steve Wilson; Larry Robinson; Jim Sizemore; State Chorus Award - Kenny Williams. The nine members of the Chapter who were awarded their Keystone Farmer Degrees at the Farm Show received their gold Keystone Farmer Charms: Ernie Conley, Bob Ebaugh, Bob Gross, Russ Gross, Lenny PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 AT 10 A.M. Located at the Old Dover Feed and Hardware Buildint on Park Street in Dover, PA, off Route 74. 8N Ford; 3000 Ford; 5000 Ford; H FarmaU; Pony Massey Harris; Int. Cub Lowßoy w-mower; Ferguson 20; homemade tractor w-Wisconsin engine & mower; Lowßoy trailer; used steam jenny. New Int. Model 128; Int. Model 129 w-mower; Int. 70; Int. Model 72; Int. Cadet; Int. 123 w-mower; Int. 125 w mower; Int. 147 w-mower; New Ford Models 70 and 100; Ford Model 85 w-mower; Bolen w-mower; wheel horse w-mower, 10 h.p.; J.D. tractor Model 112 w mower & blade; Moto Mower; Case w-mower; Sears w-cultivator; A.C. Model 812 w-mower, and various mowers. Walk-behind snowblower; walk-behind hand-tiller; McCullough chain saw Model 1010; misc. chain saws; snowmobiles, Yamaha and Moto Ski; Honda motor cycle 160, and misc. items too numerous to mention. saie by: straley Form Supply Inc. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 Phone 717-292-4443 Terms: Cash or Prior Sale Day Credit Approval Auctioneer: Blaine N. Rentzel Lancaster Farming 1 Year - Only $ 3.00 52 Issues Less than 6' per week - SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO Name Addn □ Enclosed is $3 for 1 yr. [52 issues] sift subscription. □ Enclosed is $6 for 2 yr. (104 issues) gift subscription. □ Send a gift card with my name on it to the above. Sign the card.; PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO LANCASTER FARMING SUBSCRIBE TO Or, if you prefer - 2 years *6.00 P.O. BOX 266, LITITZ, PA 17543 I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE Name Address □ Enclosed is S 3 for 1 yr. [52 issues] □ Enclosed is $6 for 2 yrs [lO4 issues) 1 first saw Lancaster Farming. □ In a friend’s home n In a Agribusiness office □ In a Counly Agent or other government office □ Other [Where] *o* Receiving awards at the Kennard businessman; Larry Robinson, Dale FFA Banquet held recently in Chapter Star Farmer; Jim Sizemore, York County were: (from left) Steven Chapter Star White Rose Farmer and Wilson. Chapter Star Agri- Paul Knight, Star Greenhand. Hare, Bill Hushon, Gary Hyson, Larry Robinson, Steve Wilson. CHAPTER FOUN DATION AWARDS WERE PRESENTED TO THE FOLLOWING: Duane McLaughlin - Placement in Agribusiness; Lenny Hare - Agriculture Mechanics; Larry Robinson - Dairy Fanning; Ed Ailes - Swine Production; Albert Robinson - Beef Production; Bob Gross - Crop Fanning; Ed Hulshart - Livestock Far ming; Jim Sizemore - Public Speaking; Steve Wilson - Placement in Ag. Produc tion ; Terry Murphy - Wildlife Management; Ernie Conley - Placement in Ag. Products; Steve Strickler - Placement in Sales and Services. The Scholarship Award Winners Were: 9th grade - Tom Heaton and Dean Miller, 10th grade - Terry Murphy, 11th grade - Ron Grove, 12th grade - Jerry - Grove. \ I Jft I 4m I The top winners named M * j v • - -* * ’•*>.'- - ’^KSElspii iSF^SS«B®^B^BS@9B?SE These Martin FREE STALL features save dollars... {>> 4*~ FREE STALLS designed to give your cows a clean, dry, safe and comfortable area. Standard seven foot length. STEEL GATES of 14 gauge, 2” O.D. tubing with good yield strength for the weight. From 8 to 16 ft. GATE LATCHES, durably made, foolproof and simple to mount and operate. Martin’s Manufacturing Company FARM HARDWARE FREE STALLS ~ CATTLE GATES AND LATCHES CUSTOM MADE FENCING FOR FEEDLOT OR BARNYARD CENTRAL TRACTOR HOME AND FARM SUPPLIES [TAKE ROUTE 645, THREE MILES NORTH OF MYERSTOWN; FOLLOW SIGNS.) MYERSTOWN R.D.3, PA Unmter Farming, Saturday, April 5,1975 were: Paul Knight - Star Green Hand; Jim Sizemore • Starr White Rose Farmer; Larry Robinson - Chapter ROANOKE HOLLINS STOCKYARDS Ist SPRING FEEDER CATTLE SALE ROANOKE FEEDER CATTLE ASSOC. APRIL 10,1975 - 7 P.M. 1600 ra 1800 HEAD STATE GRADED HEIFERS and STEERS 2nd SALE - APRIL 24th, 7 P.M. SALE HELD EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. - Gives cows greater comfort and safety. - Reduces labor and bedding costs. Rust resistant, High Carbon Steel Tubing 2Vz inch O.D. - Extra bend provides a straight leg into concrete allowing narrower curb. - Designed to bolt to wood or walls, or can be set up independently. - Provided with bedding boards brackets. - Stalls custom made to any length. • Standard length, seven feet. TELESCOPING GATES MADE TO ORDER Star Farmer; Steve Wilson - Chapter Star A gribusinessman; Bob Ebaugh - Dekalb Award. Telephone: (717)933-4151 61