Sales Report Scchrist Sales Company, Inc. Livestock Auction Stcwartstown, Pa. March 24, 1975 CATTLE 157 Steer* - High Choice and Prime $3950> 40.00; Good Choice $39.00- 39.25; Good $38.00-38.75; Standard Good $37.50-37.75; Holsteins Good $32.00-35.50; Standard to Good $27.00- 29.50. Heifers - High Choice and Prime $34.00-35.85; Good to Choice $33.00-33.75; Good $30.00-32:00; Standard Good $27.00-28.00; Holsteins Good $25.00-26.50; Standard Good $23.00-24.75. Feeder Steers - Good and Choice $31.00-33.50; Stan dard Good $30.00-30.75; Utility $25.00-28.50. Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial $32.00-33.75; Standard to Good $30.00- 31.50; Utility to Standard $23.00-28.00. Cows - High Yearling Commercial $22.50-23.85; Cutters $21.00-22.00; Canners Low Cutters $lB.OO-20.50; Shells $12.00-17.50. CALVES 139 Calves - Choice and Prime $55.00- 60.00; Good and Choice $50.00-54.00; Standard and Good $40.00-47.00; Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. $30.00- 39.50; Utility 90-110 lbs. $25.00-28.45; Culls - $12.00- 22.00. HOGS 382 Hogs-U.S. No. 1 gjt MULES ffX FOR SALE . I have several good teams of mules, well broke and good size, 3 to 6 years old. Also a few single mules (6) 2 year olds, not ‘broke. NORMAN KOLB 717-397-5538 COME OUT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, OR CALL THE BLACK & APRIL COW SALE - FRI. NITE, APRIL 18 IDE MYERS BOVS SET HRH STANDARDS ID PURCHASE TOP QUALITY COWS FOR THEM MONTHLY SALE. For additional information on Bloodlines and Production, call Thursday, April 17 (717) 569-2106. Sale held at the Black & White Holstein Farm located just West of Lancaster, Pa. on Dairy Lane. Exit 283 West of Lancaster at Flory’s Mill Rd., turn left and then right around mill to farm. and 2. 100-220 lbs. $30.75- 40.25; U.S. No. 1 and 3. 190- 230 lbs. $39.25-39.50; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 180-250 lbs. $38.00- 39.10. Sows - 250-375 lbs. $33.00- 35.00; 400-500 lbs. $30.00- 32.50. Boars - 300-500 lbs. $25.00- 26.00. SHEEP 39 Lambs - Good to Choice $35.00-80.00; Medium and Good $30.00-34.00. Ewes • $5.00-14.00. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 200-215 lbs. $39.50-40.00; Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2, 190-220 lbs. $39.00-39.25; Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3, 190-220 lbs. $38.50-38.75. Farm Equipment Clarence Givens Dauphin Co. March 22,1975 Highlights of the sale in cluded: Farmall 300 Tractor $1600; AC with loader $785; Super C 800 Farmall $800; New Holland rake $910; MC chopper $875; Oliver 66 tractor $700; corn $6l and $64 per ton. Ewes with lambs $55. Rufus Geib and Raymond Miller, auc tioneers. Farm Equipment Paul Z. Martin Blue Ball, Pa. March 26, 1975 Highlights of the annual WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM. THINGS ARE HAPPENING. ABE DIFFENBACH, Auctioneer HENRY KETTERING, Pedigrees PARK MYERS, Sales Manager ROBERT LAWRENCE, Cashier sale included; Ferguson 35 tractor $1300; Ford Jubillcc $080; Hesston hayblnc $1200; New Holland baler $900; Garden tractor $2BB and Ford flail mower $5OO assortment of building materials and supplies $12,000. Martin Auctioneers and Associates. Farm Equipment David Gish Palmyra, PA March 26,1975 An attendance of over 200 people were present for Wednesday’s sale. Highlights included: Oliver 1855 diesel tractor with cab $11,300; Oliver 1800 diesel $6000; Massey Ferguson Super 90 diesel $4000; JD 2020 with loader $4900; Farmall Super C tractor $625; Cockshutt 40 tractor $675; JD 6-row corn planter with monitor $3600; JD 14 T baler with thrower $1010; 12 ft. Brillion cultimulcher $1800; gravity bins on chassis $560 and $570; flatbed wagon with dump $845 and field sprayer $750. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers, Yorkshire Invitational Sale Lebanon Co. Fairgrounds March 22,1975 Saturday’s sale saw 59 head of Yorkshires being offered on the block. The grand champion bred gilt which was shown by Leon Arnold, sold for $370 to Larry Arnold of Lebanon. The reserve champion bred gilt also shown by Leon Arnold sold to E. Joe Fairs from Millville for $320. The ANTIETAM FARM DISPERSAL Mrs. Florence B. Lyon Estate |2 Miles south of Waynesboro, Pa, follow signs.) THURSDAY, APRIL 3-12:30 P.M. 43 Registered GUERNSEYS with 11 fresh cows consigned by D Eldred Rinehart Smithburg Md GOLD STAR BREEDING RECOGNITION 7 CONSECUTIVE YEARS HERD STRONG IN LISETER BRILLIANT BLOOD 113 AMPULES SEMEN OF ANTIETAM BRILLIANT 300 Gal cooler 4 DeLaval milker units etc SALE IN TENT LUNCH AVAILABLE Sale Managed By: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N PO 80X458 ' CAMP HILL PA 17011 Thank You, WE HAD A GOOD CROWD AT OUR MARCH SALE WE APPRECIATE IT. THE TRAILER LOAD OF WISCONSIN COWS HAS ARRIVED, OVER 100 NEW FACES ALL OVER THE PLACE. CHARLES C. MYERS 717-569-2106 or 717-569-6800 average for 17 bred gilts was $317.65. In the single open gilt class the grand champion was shown by taon Arnold and sold to James Martin of Schaghtizook, New York for $2BO while the reserve animal shown by Tom Ar nold sold to John S. Martin of Smithsburg, Md., for $250. The average for the 13 open gilts was $187.31. Craig Miller of Spring Grove exhibited the champion litter pair which sold to Crist Hess and Sons of Pequea for $360; the reserve litter pair consigned by Leon Arnold sold to J. Kevin Rohrer of Manheim for $420. Eight pairs of litter mates sold for an average of $371.25. The champion Yorkshire boar which was consigned by Leon Arnold sold to Elwood Houser of Lebanon for $450 while the reserve animals exhibited by Reno Thomas sold to Irvin Hatter of Pit nam for $360. The average for 13 boars was $282.69. Over 100 buyers were in attendance with the total selling figure recorded at $15,000. Danville Cattle Co. Danville, Pa. March 24, 1975 Feeder steers: good to choice 28.00-31.00; standard to good 22.00-26.00; cows: choice to prime 23.00-24.25; good to standard 21.00-23.00; utility 19.50-20.50 and cutters 16.00-18.00. Calves: high to choice 60-64; good to choice 40-56. Hogs; 39.10-41.60; sows 35.00-37.50; boars 24.00-26.00. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29.197& Dairy Dispersal 11. Richard Hciscy Lititz, Pa. March 21, 1975 A large crowd attended the sale which saw 55 head go on the block for auction. The top selling cow (three-year-old) sold for $1900; baby heifer calf $300; four-year-old cow $1225 and the average for the 54 head was $672. Com sold up to $74 per ton. Carl Dillcr and J. Everett Krcider, auctioneers. Farm Equipment S. Harvey Kulp Potts town, PA March 18,1975 Highlights of the sale in cluded many pieces of farm machinery and equipment. JD 630 tractor $24,300; JD 4020 tractor $9800; JD 3020 tractor $6200; JD Harvester $19,900; JD four forage wagons from $5OO-$2750; New Holland Haybine $2425; New Holland flail manure spreader $2000; Oliver harrow $720; JD grinder mixer $1800; Mustang Skid loader $3450; JD 55 combine $8300; 2 hay wagons $650; JD baler $3150; JD com planter $3510; Chevy C dump truck $6800; 1969 Chevy pickup $1875; 20 x 17 Harvestore $14,125; two 20 x 60 Fids silos $2050 and $1750 and high moisture com at $3l per ton. J. Everett Kreider and Carl Diller, auctioneers. Mellinger Promoted Sperry New Holland has named Ivan L. Mellinger, Leola, service parts specialist, to the new position of service parts planning supervisor. In his new position, Mellinger will have responsibility for analyzing and planning service parts requirements for all product lines. Joining the company as a junior service parts planner in 1967, he was promoted to service parts planner one year later. He became a cataloger in 1969 and was named to his most recent position in 1972. A native of Lancaster County, Mellinger is a graduate of Garden Spot High School. PUBLIC SALE of 25 ACRE FARM to be held THURSDAY, APRIL 3,1975 at 2 P.M. Located along the Elizabethtown Rd., 7 miles Northwest of Manheim, 7 miles Southeast of Elizabethtown, 1 mile West of Mastersonville, near Chiques Church of the Brethren, Lancaster Co , Pa. 25 ACRES more or less. Most of these acres are under cultivation with running spring of water. Bank Barn with tobacco shed atrached. Stripping room and dampening cellar, hanging room for tobacco. Also, garage and a 20 x 40 ft. work shop. 2Vz STORY FRAME DWELLING consisting of 8 rooms. First floor has 3 rooms and kitchen, second floor has 3 bedrooms and bath, and the third floor has 1 bedroom. Oil hot-water baseboard heat. This property is 'at a - good location with ap proximately 1300 ft. road frontage along the Elizabethtown Hd., and 500 ft. along Meadow Rd. Persons wishing to view property may do so by palling 655-4106 for an appointment. (PLEASE NO SATURDAY CALLS). Sale by: - LEE H. HESS MARY R. HESS Carl Hallgren, Attorney Rufus Geib, Auctioneer Broken Bit 4-H Club The monthly meeting of the Broken Bit 4-H Horse Club was held at the home of Jane and Martha Gregory. President, Natalie Immcl presided over the business meeting. Aiida Farrington and Jacic Mccklcy were welcomed into the club. The club was the recipient of the second place award at the 4* H Expo at Park City. Jane Gregory gave a county council report. On May 25 the club’s an nual horse show will be held at Friendly Horsemen’s Show Grounds in Denver. Approximately 22 classes will be held for the Western, English and racing events. Championships will be given in the children, adult and racing divisions. A spring trail ride will be held on April 6. Dr. Jeff Edelson, a veterinarian {rom Manheim spoke to the group about parasites in horses. The next meeting will be at the home of Rick Buckwalter on April 18. News Reporter Jane Gregory •" AUenOHEERS =- DIRECTORY aucnmgms FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too la ref. 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 i RANDAL V. : KLINE i Specializing In; 1 DAIRY & FARM i MACHINERY SALES [REAL ESTATE-PUBLIC ! OR PRIVATE SALE. [ COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL [ AUCTION SERVICE WITH TENT I AVAILABLE. I 717-626-4975 71
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