64—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29, 1975 Public Sales Register SAT. MARCH29-11:30 A.M. Public Auction of 180 Acre Farm. Farm Equipment and Tools located in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Penna., 3 miles Northeast of Halifax, 5 miles Southeast of Millersburg, turn East off Route 147 at Tourist Park, one mile North of Halifax; Watch for Sale sign along the Sheep Producers Aiming At Industry Turn-Around At the 21st annual meeting of delegates in Denver, Colo., from throughout the United States, the American Sheep Producers Council (ASPC) in cooperation with other segments of the in dustry unanimously voted to make an industry-wide "Pledge for Progress”. Richard D. Biglm, ASPC Executive Director, said, "This meeting perhaps displayed more enthusiasm towards turning our mdustry around than ever before.” "The 'Pledge for Progress,’ campaign, the FEEDER PIG SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1975 2 1 /z miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, PA along US 501 450 Head 40 to 60 LB. CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE, DUROC AND YORK CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas Castrated young Wormed, Sprayed for Mange and Lice All pigs were raised on this farm No outside pigs will sell on this sale Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale These are some of the finer quality feeder pigs in the East Sale at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RDI, Myerstown, PA WISCONSIN DAIRY COWS FRESH ahd CLOSE SPRINGERS T.B. and BANGS TESTED NO CASH REQUIRED 100% FINANCING S, K. NORMAN RDI, LEBANON, PA 17042 PHONE (717) 866-4208 Tourist Park to Fishervillc Road. Sale by Robert J. Portzline and Lee C. Rummel, Owners; George N. Deiber, and Ernest En clers, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 29- 12:00 P.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Equipment located at Route 2, Hummelstown, theme for this year’s assembly, is a program geared towards the grassroots level,” added Biglm. "This program will at tempt to commit producers to specific advances in the industry ranging from in creasing their use of new technology to increasing the sizes of their operations.” The ASPC annual meeting comes at a tune in the sheep industry when numbers are at a critical level, Biglm said. There are ap proximately 14 5 million Penna.. East Hanover Township. Turn north at the square in Hershey off Route 422 and proceed North 3 miles to Level Drive and turn right to first farm. Level Drive is off Sand Beach Road. Turn south off Route 22 at Fawbers Restaurant onto Sandbeach Road and proceed to Level Drive. Conditions by Edgar sheep in the United States today compared to 31.5 million in 1955. Speaking before the delegate body, Howard Derrick, ASPC president, said, “Our single priority has been to develop a promotion program and staff that can do the job for the products you produce and for the industry. We can no longer entertain the dream that the promotion arm of your industry can go its own way without concern for other segments of the in dustry. “We must unify our ef forts, increase production, and provide a steady supply of top quality products to the consumers of America,” continued Derrick. Floyd Myers “Bud” Marsh, president of the National Wool Growers Association, said, “What we have wanted to happen is happening. The total sheep industry is well underway to becommg unified from coast to coast. Still other optimistic ex pressions were made towards the industry’s unification by Laird Noh, President of the National Lamb Feeders Association. Highlighting the business session were the re-election of the present ASPC officers. Howard Derrick, of Eldorado, Texas, was renamed as president of ASPC and chairman of the board, while Bob Blackford of Wheatland, California, was re-elected vice president and Fannie Wagner; Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer. SAT, MARCH 29- 11:30 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery located at RD9, York, Penna. In Windsor Twp. at Holtz on Millers Mill Road. Sale by Kenneth Seiple; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. of the ASPC and Robert C. Thurman was also re-elected secretary-treasurer. A budget was established for the 1975-76 fiscal year, which begins July 1. The new budget is slightly increased over the past year. In addition, the annual “Make it Yourself Witfi Wool” program is now under the direction of the Women’s Auxiliary of the National Wool Growers Association. The new contest headquarters will be stationed m Roswell, New Mexico. Another significant step was the expansion of fhe Sheep Industry Development Program, Incorporated. S.I.D P has been the education and com munication branch of the sheep industry and figures to play an important part in turning around the present trend in the industry. The next meeting of the delegate body of the ASPC is scheduled for October of this year. Money Management Printed as a public service by the Lancaster Farming and the Pennsylvania In stitute of Certified Public Accountants. Most medical expenses are tax deductible only to the extent that they exceed 3 percent of adjusted gross income. But there is one exception: one half of medical insurance premiums up to $l5O fully deductible. This does not apply, though, to life or disability insurance or coverage providing income while you are sick or injured. Money Management Printed as a public service by the Lancaster Farming and the Pennsylvania In stitute of Certified Public Accountants. If your 1974 income tax return filed by April 15 calls for a refund and you don’t receive it, or an explanation, by June 1 contact your nearest IRS office. Delays in refunds are often the tax payers’s fault: people move without notifying IRS; make mistakes in listing Social Security numbers; or women get married and forget that their Social Security numbers no longer match their names in the IRS files. New Spring Store Noun To Serve You Better • Lawn & Garden Supplies • Horse and Pet Supplies • Animal Health Products • Boots, Shoes and Clothing MON thruFßl SAM toS3OPM SAT 8 A M. to 4 P M. NEW HOLLAND SUPPLY CO. Rt 23 West New Holland, PA SAT. MARCH 29 * 1 p.ni.. t f oneera> . ■ Short Notice V\McSim w MA rch 29- 12 Noon Valuable 70 Acre Horie or pub | lc Sale of Farm . Deiry located in Equipment; And ■ Dairy Lebanon County, Be|h I Equ jp men t located 8 miles 25 mllM SoM East of Reading 5 p . mile miles Southwest qf Fleet- East of Hairlsburg, /t nm wood 2 mile s west of Rt. 662. Sato-10 miles Northwest of Legion 22 and • ® Boyertown opposite EAstern bv Ed Eby, owner. Ruben w Mine Houser and Harvey weiK, R J Berks bounty, Auctioneers. Pa Sale by Paul R Ren . " " 7 ninger; Abe Dlffenbach and SAT. MARCH 29 -10 A.M. A be Diffenbach, Jr., Auc- Consignment Sale by tioneers. Keystone Fire Co., : vmSe Sb of rB kehrersburg e SAT - MARCH 29 - 10 A.M. 6 Mfflc.SJ 6 Estate. Household Goods, Tools and 517,1^,,^1' s 17 , 1^,,^1' Antiques. Conditions by the tiques 177 Church Sale Committee; John Ave.,Ephrata,Pa.Tenmsby Breidegam, David Risser Mrs. Ella Wentling; Bill and Nelson Blatt, Auc- [Continued on Page 65| MID-ATLANTIC BROWN SWISS DAY & CALF SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 19 from 10:30-3:00 at Swissvale Farms j> An opportunity to purchase 4-H or FFA Brown I; Swiss project calves !: 10:30 - Judging Contest John Morris and his |! National Champion 4-H Team ;> 12:00 - Lunch Furnished by Maryland !; Breeders ;I 1:00 - Clipping Demonstration i; 1:30-20 Project Calves will sell l! between July 1974 and Feb 1975 Prizes to be Awarded j: One Reg. Brown Swiss Calf • j: Leather Show Halters i| SWISSVALE FARMS j| 69 Bell Road Westminster, MD 21157 PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE MODERN FARM MACHINERY (5 IH Tractors) On farm 3 miles N of Benton along PA Rl 487, Col Co FRIDAY, 2 neighboring brothers discontinuing farming - make this dispersal necessary. 806 D row crop w-year around cab - only 2009 hrs., 2 pt. hitch, full power, good 18.4-34” tires, nice condition; 656 G row crop, only 1540 hrs., full power, 2 pt. hitch, very nice; 460 G row crop, power steering, 2 pt. hitch, good rubber; Int. 424 G utility, 3 pt. hitch, power steering, only 1223 hrs., rear wheel lock, a real beaut; I.H. 350 G w-wfe, torque, 2 pt. hitch, good rubber; Gehl 188 self propelled forage harvester w-cab, 150 H.P. Detroit Diesel engine, full power, fully hyd, 2 row corn head and pickup head, excellent; 1H17510’ dual wheel self propelled Crusher-Windrower w-Wisc. air cooled engine, very good; IH 5-16” semi-mount plows w automatic reset; IH 2 pt. 18’ hyd. folding harrow; IH 12’ poiyer reset harrow; IH 12’ dbl. cultipacker; Good 8’ land roller; Ont. 14-7 dbl. disc drill on rubber; 2 IH 100 7’ mowers; IH 14 side rake; N.H. 67 PTO baler w- No. 50 thrower; I.H. 455 4 row corn planter; I.H. 2 M hd. 2 row mounted picker, good; I.H. 68 4 row cultivators; Gehl hi-throw 800 recutter blower, nice. 2 Grove self unloading 3 beater forage wagons, rear and front unloads, alum, roofs; I.H. 51 self unloading forage wagon; 2 N.H. 8 ton wide track wagons, false end gates, hay and gram sides; I.H. 12’ lime spreader; I.H. 5’ flail chopper; Mayrath 32’ elev.; Mayrath 10’ drag; 16’ gram elevator; I.H. 33A loader. 6’ blade for manure loader; I.H. 2 pt. 8’ angle blade; I.H. 300 3 pt. 8’ angle blade; Bear Cat 14” & 12” ham mermills; Int. 1944 U tag 12’ flatbed truck; 8’ dump trailer; Seed cleaner; elec, cyclone seeder, (new); 2 sets 14.9-38” tractor chains; Sears 50,000 BTU portable kerosene heater; front end weights for 806; other weights. 4 IH 50 lb. milker units; small items. Auct. Note: This machinery always kept housed and in excellent repair. One of the best cared for lines of machinery ever to be sold at an auction in a long, long tune. OWNERS MATTHEW and NORMA RASKI ALFONSO "Al" and HELEN RASKI Ph. 925-2187 or 925-2926 Auct. - Max Fraley & Son “Harold" 546-6631 APRIL 4, 10 A.M Lunch Available 1' All born 1975
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