USDA Sees Continuing High Poultry Feed Costs Poultry and egg producers arc down sharply. Prices of will continue to adjust to feed will remain strong at strong prices for feed In the least until 1975 crops arc first half of 1975. Feed harvested, according to the ingredient prices have USDA’s latest poultry and dropped from last year’s egg situation report, peaks but are near year- Broiler and turkey meat earlier levels except prices will continue to compete with of wheat and soybeans which larger beef supplies this PA. CHESTER WHITE INVITATIONAL SNOW and SALE Location - Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA. IV miles South of Lebanon, intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Road Show - 5 P.M. April 4, 1975 Sale - 7:30 P.M. April 4, 1975 Service Age Boars, Open Gilts, Bred Gilts, Weanling Gilts & Barrows SPONSORED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA CHESTER WHITE ASSOCIATION. For Sale Catalogs write Charles E.Gnest Abbottstown RDI, PA 17301 Phone Evenings 717-624-8421 PUBLIC SALE SAT., APRIL 5,1975 9:30 A.M. Located 4 mi. South East of Carlisle, 1 k mi. South of Rt 74, 3 /. mi North of Allenberry. FEEDER CATTLE „ 25 head of beef type Steers consisting of Hereford "Black White Faces & Charolais, weighing from 400 to 700 lbs. These steers have been on this farm since calves. 4 Allis-Chalmers tractors, 1 Dl7 Diesel, 1 WD 45, 2 WC, AC cultivators, AC 3 bottom tripback plow, AC combine with bin, AC combine with picker head and bin, 2 AC mowers, 1 trail type, 1 side mounted, AC side rake, AC baler 303 with thrower, AC mounted com picker 150, AC mounted com picker 33 for repairs, 1 row picker (Wood Bros.), AC forage harvester, AC blower, Gehl flail chopper, rotary hoe, com sheller power takeoff with cob drag, Papec Hammer Mill, 2 disc harrows, 1 Dumram 28 disc, 1 Me 40 disc, steel land roller, cultipacker, Smoker elevator 32’, short elevator, Superior grain drill, 16 disc, JD 4-row com planter, NH manure spreader 130 bu., hay wagon with high sides, self unloading wagon, home made grain wagon, JD Auger unloading grain trailer, buck rake, power takeoff grass seeder, combine gram bin, single cultivator, hog troughs, wooden hog feeders, 2 sets of tractor wheel weights, 2 electric brooders, electric incubator, wooden wheel barrow, sledge, chains, shovels, forks and hoes, grind stone, table saw, plat form scales, forge, VF 4 Wisconsin motor, 2 wheeled cart also sulky, 2 horse collars, some old harness parts, buggy shafts, 2 cars 1 ’5B Chevy Sta. Wagon, 1 ’65 Chevy Impala. Not inspected. Misc. items and lots of iron. 1 bale of baler twine. Lots of old bam door and gate hinges up to 5 ft. long. 275 gal. fuel oil tank. BUTCHER TOOLS 1 cooker and 2 iron kettles, 2 sets of butcher scales, scalding trough, scrapers, stirrers, ladles, hooks and knives, old nulk cans. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 refrigerators, breakfast set with 8 chairs, 3 piece living room suite, lights, stands, and chairs, plank bottom chairs, library table, sewing machine, RCA TV 24”, electric clocks, gas space heater, 3 stoves - 2 kerosene, 1 coal heatrola, beds, mattresses, and springs, dressers and chest of drawers, old clothes trunks, clothes dryer, utility cabinets, 20 qt. pressure cooker, dishes, skillets, pots, pans, jars and glasses, curtains, sheets and blankets, also quilts and comforts, Christmas decorations. ORDER OF SALE: Household goods, small items on wagon, machinery, cattle. Lunch by the Helping Hand Class of Trindle Springs Church. TERMS: Cash. Robert B. & Robert C. Noss RD6, Box 482 Carlisle, PA 17013 Gibble and Foreman, Auctioneers Ottos, Clerks. Quitting farming because of health Not responsible for accidents - MACHINERY winter and spring. But pork supplies will be down and prices rising. Beef prices probably reached their low for the year in early 1975 and will increase in coming months as supplies of other meats decline. Broiler and egg output will increase seasonally into spring but will remain well under a year earlier. Turkev output during the seasonally light production months of the first half of 1973 will also be down substantially. Broiler and turkey prices are expected to rise while egg prices likely will decline seasonally in the spring. In the second half of 1975 production of poultry and eggs will gain relative to year-earlier levels. However, the extent of this rise will depend on the financial condition of producers and prospects for larger 1975 com and soybean crops. Egg production in 1974 totaled 183 million cases, 1 percent below 1973 and the smallest since 1965. The drop in production was due to reduced layer numbers. The laying flock averaged about 2.5 percent below 1973 levels and the lowest since 1938. Egg production continues lower in 1975 as layer numbers decline further below year-earlier levels, earlier levels. January’s egg output trailed January 1974 by 3 percent as a result of 4 percent fewer layers. ,However, eggs per layer continued higher. Produc tion will increase seasonally in the spring but likely will average further below 1974 levels. Pullets for flock replacements will fall well below the previous year and the rate of lay likely will ease. Nearly 17 percent fewer egg-type chicks were hat ched during August-January for flock replacements through midyear. In ad dition, eggs in incubators on February 1 were down 7 PUBLIC AUCTION of Farm Machinery SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1975 AT 12:00 NOON Location* Eight |B| miles East of Honey Brook; 'A mile West of Guthriesville, on Route #322, Chester County, PA Int. ‘s6o’ gas tractor w-fast hitch; J.D. ‘494’ 4-r. corn planter; N.H. ‘7l7’ PTO harvester w-l-row corn head; N.H. hopper-blower, PTO; N.H. ‘352’ mixer-grinder, PTO; N.H. forage wagon; N.H. ‘27l’ pickup baler, PTO; N.H. roto-bar rake; N.H. 24’ elevator w-motor; Int. ‘loo’ mower w-fast hitch; J.D. hay crimper; Century 6-row boon trailer type sprayer; J.D. 10’ single cultipacker; Oliver ‘24l’ 9’ 3” transport disc harrow; Int. ‘s4o’ 4-b., 16” fast hitch plow; Int. 13-disc drill, on steel; Oliver ‘64’ 13-disc grain drill; N.H. 100 bus. PTO manure spreader; New Idea 2-row mtd. corn picker fits ‘46o’ or ‘s6o’; Int. 2-row cultivators; 3 wagons w grain bodies; Int. flat-bed rubber-tired wagon; hopper grain blower; N.H. com drag: tractor mtd. wood saw; 2 hay racks on skids; tractor pusher; 6-hole pig feeder; N.H. table blower; Case stalk shredder; 60’ endless belt and numerous articles not listed. Sale conducted by; Whitford Sales Company L. Robert Frame, Auctioneer Box 98, Uwchland P.O. Eagle, PA 19480 Phone: 215-458-5060 Chester County’s FOREMOST Auction Com pany percent. This Indicates that the laying flock will stay well below ycar-carllcr levels through most of 1975. Egg prices have dropped more than expected in early 1975. Much of the decline has resulted from sluggish demand for egg products. High prices for sugar and cooking oils have sub stantially reduced baking which in turn has reduced the demand for eggs. Prices likely will rebound prior to Easter (March 30) but decline seasonally in the spring. However, the spring price decline is not expected to be as large as in 1974. Broiler meat output fell sluitpl> last fall because of the cutback in broiler chick placements m the summer when production costs for most producers rose above market prices for broilers Output in federally inspected plants during October- December dropped to 8 percent below the same months of 1973. Broiler chick placements during November were running 8-13 percent below the previous year. However, as feed prices eased, placements gained in December and January. Thus, marketings during January-March will be down around 8 percent. Output will increase seasonally in the spring but with prices hovering near the breakeven point and the uncertainty about future feed costs, producers are likely to hold production well below 1974 levels. Producers likely will expand output gradually later this year if feed prices stabilize or ease further and favorable prospects for 1975 crops develop. Output may reach or exceed year-earlier levels in the closing months of 1975. Broiler prices did not show their usual seasonal decline last fall and have continued relatively strong in early 1975. Broiler prices have been strengthened in recent months by lower production of broilers, turkeys, and pork. But sharply higher beef production and eroding consumer purchasing power have limited price gains. With lower output of meats, other than beef and veal, broiler prices should By the order of: Frank Watters Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29,1975 continue strong with some further rise in the spring and summer. Although beef supplies arc expected to continue larger than a year earlier, prices of cattle may strengthen in coming months and average above 1974 levels, adding buoyancy to broiler prices. Turkey meat production fell sharply in late 1974 after running substantially above year-earlier levels through the first 9 months of the year. For all of 1974, turkey meat output in federally inspected plants was nearly 3 percent greater than in 1973 Turkey stocks increased sharply during the first 3 quarters of 1974 and reached record levels on October 1. However, reduced production and strong consumer demand in the last quarter of 1974 reduced yearend stocks to slightly below a year earlier. Turkey production during the seasonally light first half of 1975 will be well below 1974. September-January poult production, which will provide most of the production during this period, was 15 percent below a year earlier. Second half output will increase HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. 1 Mile North of Litifz on Route 501 THURSDAY, APRIL 3®^ 5:30 P.M. Household, Coins, Antiques Complete Estate of Britannia Eby Includes bedroom furniture, living room fur niture, glassware and antiques. Farmers First Bank - Executor If you have partial or complete household for sale, contact us at Hat & Gavel Auction Co WE SPECIALIZE IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS, ESTATES AND ANTIQUES. WILBUR H. HOSIER 306 Owl Hill Rd., Lititz HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION CALL 626-0254 Receiving Hours; Monday, Noon to 9 P.M.; Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Tuesday, Pickup Day. PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY & MISC. ITEMS SATURDAY, APRIL 5 STARTING AT 10:30 AM Located along Kagey Road between Trappe and Graterford, Perkiomen Twp, Monlg Co. From Trappe I Route 422] go North on 7th Ave to Kagey Road, first farm on left Farmall “M” Tractor. Case 320 crawler with front end loader. Ford 8N with Sauder loader. Case 400 with cultivator. 1966 Int. 1890 truck with 10-ton dump grain body 14-ft. N.H. 461 haybine. N.H. 717 Forge Harvester N.H. 258 rake. N.H. 222 super blower N.H. stem crusher. J.D. 24T baler with chucker. J.L 34 spreader like new. J.D. 4-bottom pull type trip plow. J.D. 3- bottom pull type plow. J.D. flail chopper. 2 Grove chuck wagons. 3 flat wagons with hay racks. Smoker elevator 22’ with motor. Combination cultipacker harrow. Cultipacker. Woods rotary mower. 9-ft. Sunmaster rotary mower. 7-ft. sickle bar. Post hole digger. Ranstan elevator. 3 section auger. Clay mechanical gear box. 3 hp motor - 1750 rpm. Tractor tires. Truck tires & many misc. items. All farm machinery in fine condition. Small items will be sold first. Conditions by: PERKIOMEN FARMS Nelson C. Weidenbaugh Auctioneer - 215-948-7619 seasonally and may match or exceed 1974 levels in the fall. Turkey prices have weakened in early 1975 as consumer demand lags Turkey prices likely will stabilize near current levels, then strengthen in the spring and summer as supplies of turkey remain below a year ago. Spring and summer turkey prices probably will average well above last year. Mt. Joy Photography 4-H Club The Mount Joy 4-H Photography Club will organize on Thursday evening, April 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Glossbrenner United Methodist Church at 713 Church Street, Mounty Joy The leaders are Jay Fisher and Daniel Hoy. Requirements and assign ments for the projects will be discussed at the meeting. For further information on the Club contact Mrs. John H. Nissley at 653-4149. 63
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