62—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29, 1975 Angus Angus performance pedigrees, one of the most complete performance FEEDER PIG SALE 600 HEAD SAT., APRIL 5,1975 EAST EARL TWP. LANCASTER CO SALE No. 1-1:00 P.M. 250 HEAD FEEDER PIGS PAUL M. ZEISET 600DVILLE, PA SALE No. 2-2:00 P.M. 350 HEAD FEEDER PIGS JOHN J. ZEISET 1 mile north of Goodville, PA All Feeder Pigs Wormed, Louse Treated and Tails Docked Elton Horning, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE TRACTORS, FULL LINE OF ORCHARD & FARM EQUIPMENT, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, TOOLS ETC. FRIDAY, APRIL 11,1975 The undersigned, having sold our farm, will offer the following at Public SaleJocaled 6 Miles South of Ml Holly Springs, turning East off Route No 34 at Goodyear Church 2 Miles thence North one-tenth mile to sale or Midway between Mt Holly and York Springs turning West off Route No. 94 at the Goodyear Road 2 Miles to Sale. | WATCH FOR SALE SIGNS) TRACTORS, ORCHARD EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES JOHN DEERE No. 40-20 Diesel Tractor with Roller Bars, Hydraulic & WFE; JOHN DEERE No. 30-20 Diesel Tractor, Hydraulic and Tricycle Front; Both Tractor in A-l Shape with Wheel Weights; 4-Row J.D. Cultivators for No. 40-20; Snow Plow for No. 40-20; Myers 400 Gal. Speed, PTO for Orchard or Field, Hand or Boom, used 3 Seasons; Dan Heuser Tree Digger, 16” Auger; used 1 season; 12’ No. 0210 Woods offset Brush Cutter, used 1 season; J.D. Transport Disc, 9 Ft.; Century front & backend lift; 130 25 Bu. Bulk Bins, practically new; 600 Bushel Crates, 300 new; 75 Cherry Buckets and Straps; 25 18 to 25 Ft. Straight Ladders; Step Ladders; Much Pruning Equipment; Tree Hoe; 3 Goodyear 15.5 x 38 Tires; Spray Material; Picking Bags; Slats for Peach Bins; Ladder Rongs. IRRIGATION SYSTEM & FARM EQUIPMENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM: 1000 RPM Garman PTO Pump with 5000 Ft. of Pipe, 6” to 4”, complete with stands, nozzles, couplings, etc., A-l condition; John Deere 316” Bottom plows, F-125,3 Pt. Trip Back; New Holland No. 6 Baler, PTO; 1 Cultimulsher, Dual Rolls with Roller Between; Tractor Scoop, 3 Pt. Reversible; New Idea Rubber Tire Wagon; 2 Row Ellis Tomato Planter; No. 567 J.D. 5 Wheel Rake, like new; J.D. Hay Crimper; Super Air Compressor; Harrow for “A” Tractor, PU; Fertilizer Attachment for “A” Tractor; Yard Trailer; Tomato Baskets; 2 JD. Hydraulic Cylinders. RIDING MOWER, ANTIQUES, ETC. JOHN DEERE No. 112, 10 HP Riding Mower, 48” Mower, Hydraulic, and Blade; 1000 Gal. Tank; Full Line of Labor Camp Equipment; Poultry Equipment including brooder stoves, nests, etc.; Coleman Space Heaters; 22 Ft. Shifting Ladder; Aluminum, Block & Falls; Cables; Jacks; Chains; Wire; Pipe Threading Equipment; Hay Forks; Bricks, Many Hand Tools; Nuts & Bolts; Forks; Hoes; Shovels; Very large Pile of Iron; ANTIQUES: FARM BELL; Anvil; 4 85 lb Milk Cans; Oak Shelf Clock; Hames; Harness, Single Trees * NOTE This is only a partial listing. There are hundreds of items too numerous to mention that should draw the attention of farmers of all types CUP AND SAVE CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auct. Idaville, PA 717-677-7479 Pedigrees record reports offered on Angus cattle, soon will have a new look reports Fred C. at9:OOA.M Lester F. Sterner Maybelle M Starner, Owners RDI, Gardners, PA 17324 Revised Francis, director of breed Improvement for the American Angus Association. The pedigrees now will include only weight ratios and the number of contemporaries in the group. The only exception to this will be birth weights. These will be included for all animals on the pedigree provided they have been reported. This decision follows action at the recent board of directors of the American Angus Association in St. Joseph, Missouri, where the recommendation was ap proved in the breed im provement committee and later in the full board meeting. The decision brought about a change from the previously issued per formance pedigrees in which both adjusted weaning and yearling weights and weight ratios plus the number of contemporaries were reported. The pedigrees are a significant benefit available from the Association’s corn- prehensive Angus Herd Improvement Records (A.H.1.R.) program. As the COMMISSION SALE At our farm at "The Buck,” 12 miles South of Lancaster off Route 272 TUESDAY, APRIL 1,1975 John Deere 60 tractor, IHC 300 w-heavy duty loader, IHC 350 w-heavy duty loader, John Deere 520 w-power steering, John Deere 825-3 bottom roll over plow, John Deere Fl3O - 3 bottom 16 in. flat bottom plow, John Deere 810 A - 3 bottom 14 m. plow, John Deere A with cultivators, John Deere 40, WD Allis Chalmers with 3-B plow, John Deere 4 bottom full mount 16 in. plow with Kesten rake, 3 pt. spring harrow, 11 ft. Brillion Cultipacker 2-18 in. wheels, J.D. No. 34 Harvester with 1 row head, New Holland 611 chopper w-1 row head, A.C. Chopper W-1 & 2 row head and direct'cut, J.D. Model 12 - 2 row chopper, N.H. 616 -1 row chopper. 1973 G.M.C. 1 j ton Pickup Clean, low mileage. 1967 GMC 1 j ton Pickup 47,000 miles A C. forage box on 8 ton gear (2 yr.), John Deere 24T baler, J.D. 14T baler with motor & steel wheels, J.D 494 - 4 row cornplanter w-msecticide, J.D. 50 ft. elevator w-com drag, J.D. 40 ft. elevator, 5 ft. rotary mower 3 pt., 5 ft. rotary mower pull type, fertilizer drill. Case haybine, table blower, 24 ft. elevator. Farmhand plate mill 3 pt., Husky post hole digger 2 yr., front mount post hole digger 3 pt., 16 ft. wagon bed, McCurdy com drag. New Idea Horn hi-lift manure loader, 32 ft upright mow conveyor, roll of paige wire, 2 large cast iron watering troughs, large air compressor, 50 ft. endless belt, 12 milk cans, 5 water cans, 2 hp. Briggs & Stratton motor, new bolts, double SS tubs, cow trainers, tobacco shears & spears, 2 SS strainers, tools & forks, New Idea No. 207 manure spreader, Honda 90 cc. No. 75 DeLaval pump w-2 h.p. motor, 2 h.p. electric motor, Allis Chalmers 3-B plow, Disk, Cultipacker, Rubber tired wagon with bed loaded with Goodies, John Deere KBA Disk Harrow, 2 hole Hog Feeder, Ford 4-row corn planter with fert. attch. and 3 pt. hitch, N.H. 275 Baler with thrower, real sharp, 16 ft. Bnlhon Field Cultivator with wings. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES 2 large copper kettles, 2 iron kettles, 3 old wagon jacks, wagon seat, 2 dinner bells, ox yoke, 2 all wooden bag wagons, old lard press, harness vice, blacksmith tongues, IVi hp. Fairbanks Morse engine on wheels, 3 lanterns, 7 hay knives, 3 gram cradles, grain flail, single hay hook, 2 small platform scales, old blanket chest, wash bowl & pitcher, large oval mirror, hanging hall rack mirror. 2 radial arm saws, Craftsman table saw, new left handed bath tub, Cedar wardrobe - desk combination, dishwasher, chest of drawers, 1 arm chair, 9 chairs, 14 window screens, 2 window fans. White sewing machine, 2 dressers w-mirrors, 2 tricycles, bicycle, sofa bed, humidifier, student desk. Many other household items 1 load of fruit and new tools. Household and Antiques sold at 9-30 A.M. Free lunch for those present by sale time. TERMS BY; J. Everett Kreider PHONE 786-1545 Lunch by Farm Women Society 31 number of performance records of registered Angus increases the meaning and value of performance pedigrees will have added significance. All members of the American Angus Association using A.H.I.R. arc being urged to make their own herd's records available for use in per formance pedigrees. Supporting the use of weight ratios alone were three main arguments, Francis pointed out. 1. A performance pedigree is designed to include the w eaning and yearling results on the individual, his parents, and grandparents, and all progeny involved. Therefore, numerous years and management groups are involved and it was the general feeling of the board members that weights cannot be fairly compared over such a broad period of time and possible widespread geographic area. In addition, it was pointed out that if creep feeding was used in some herds, and not in others, any comparisons could be mis leading. 2. Weight ratios are not obtained from a group of calves unless adjusted weights are available. The weight ratio then can be a very good indicator of the ANNUAL 9:30 A.M performance of the animal in question if the number of contemporaries is olio listed. All cattlemen need to become aware of the im portance of the number of contemporaries to deter mine the importance of the ratio. Rcaslltlc and meaningful weight ratios only come about when the number of contemporaries in the group is 10 head or more. Ratios from groups of less than 10 head limit the usefulness of comparing results. 3. A majority of members of the board believe that Angus breeders enrolled in A.H.I.R. will be more receptive to the use of their “within herd” A.H.I.R. information if ratios only are listed on performance pedigrees. At the present time, performance LYNCHBURG FEEDER CATTLE SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 10,1 P.M. 1700 HEAD 1100 Steers 600 Heifers Wt. 300 to 900 lbs. ALL BREED SALE STATE GRADED & STATE SPONSORED LYNCHBURG LIVESTOCK MARKET Lynchburg, Va. Phone (804) 845-6095 Feeder Cattle Are a Good Buy Now! PUBLIC SALE OF HOLSTEIN HEIFERS AND FARM MACHINERY Off Route 1 to Route 41. At Chatham go East 1 mile. Also at intersection of 41 and 841 go East on East London Grove Road. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1975 52 GRADE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 35 bred beginning to calve Aug. 15, balance younger heifers. All heifers from Curtis Candy Sires. Bred to Angus. 1973 DHIA Average 1480 M 578 F from 115 cows. These are our heifers from our good herd that was sold Aug. 2, 1974. TB & bangs certified, charts sale day. 5 TRACTORS Oliver 1655 diesel with over & under transmission. 250 hrs. Oliver 1650 diesel hydra power drive, 2450 hrs. Oliver 1265 diesel with loader, 2 buckets & fork, 450 hrs. International 8275 diesel & scraper blade. Allis Chalmers C tractor with cultivators. Oliver 4 bottom 560 semi mounted plow with Cushion Coulters 14 in.,’ Oliver 241 10 ft. disc trans port, 12 ft. cultipacker; New Idea #290 haybine 9 ft.; New Idea Cut-Conditioner 7 ft., New Holland 271 baler with thrower; John Deere crimper; John Deere hay rake; 3 bale wagons; Little Giant 38 ft elevator; New Holland 24 ft skeleton bale conveyor, Wind row turner Fox custom #9O chopper with 1 row corn head & pickup, elec knife sharpener (2 yrs.) 4 New Holland #330 manure spreaders, 2 with forage sides and 1 with bulk feeder, Hawk Bilt spreader 180 bu , John Deere ISA flail chopper, John Deere #1240 plateless corn planter; John Deere 13 disc grain drill, John Deere fertilizer spreader, New Idea 305 mounted corn picker 12 roll husking bed; 2 bin wagons, 5 wire round corncnbs, Century field sprayer, 2 wheel cattle trailer; 6 ton bulk feed bin 1964 Chevrolet dump truck, 14 ft. body. Forks, chains, shovels and many other articles, J. K\erett Kreider, and Carl Diller, Auctioneers. Lunch furnished pedigrees arc issued only on ■ "with herd" basis and cannot inci*dp.any A.H.I.R. records from other Angus herds. Plans arc now underway to revise the performance pedigree and inform breeders of the change, Francis added, after which time all Angus breeders, past or present, who have participated in A.H.I.R. will be encouraged to release all information collected for industry-wide use of A.H.I.R. records on per formance pedigrees. The Importance of the pedigree evolves around the storehouse of production records in the Angus breed. When all this becomes available to the beef cattle business the results will have the capability of adding strength to all cow herds. 11:00 A.M. Terms by, Elmer Young 215-R69-2897
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