—L»rr-st«r Farmhrt, Saturday. March 29. 1975 48 Poultry - A Good Buy The American housewife possibly the most discerning shopper in the world-hus her own ideas about what con stitutes a good buy In this age of soaring prices In a recent survey, where the consumer was asked to appraise the value received for the money spent, she listed the top five best buys as- poultry, black-and-white TV. eggs. color TV and small appliances Not surprising. she put gasoline at the bottom of the list An important reason behind the popularity of poultry, in addition to its nutritional value, has been its economical price When most other commodities were putting the squeeze on the family budget, poultry was countering the trend While the consumer price ijndex for January 1975 was tip H. 7 percent from a year ago. the price of meat, poultry and fish was down 3 4 percent from January* 1974. This helps to Explain the rapid growth of the poultry business in the United EXCAVATING Loader Service Foundation Footers Backhoe Service Tiling and Ditching Grading Dump Truck Hauling Complete Septic System BINKLEY & HURST BROS. Phone 626-4705 L. A Lilitz R D 4, Pa Rothsville Station Road FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop - 667 Hartman Station Rd Residence 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, Penna For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 DO YOU NEED USED PARTS FOR FARM TRACTORS and FARM MACHINERY CALL HARRY STOHLER AT WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY South Race St. Myerstown Pa. Ph 717-866-2138 States. '1 he total farm value of US. poultry and egg production in 1973 was at an all-time high of s<l.7 billion, an increase of 05 percent over the preceding year. Yearly U.S consumption of chicken alone has jumped from 28 pounds per person in 1900 to 42.1 pounds in 1973. "This tremendous growth is a direct result of the fact that chicken is one of the few remaining values available to American shoppers.” according to Kenneth K (lueberl. President of Banquet Foods Corporation, a subsidiary of RCA ( H()(OI.\TK Klsll is .111 ullllsll.il (tlsll 111 Mini’ll i ikk ol. itc .i()|H’.irs .is a flavoring In smm pirls ol Holland broiled tish is perked up with a pratmp of unsweetened cliotolale after the fish is < onked SOMKSI M»\K I'lie most monstrous ne eream sundae ever loncocted ueiphed aft pounds It was built bv Boh Bercavv of Wooster Ohio in Julv of 1971 and iuntamed 4i flavors plus il) pounds of chocolate fudpe s\ rup SEW WHAT? THIN WrrK M PATTINN ft ■ 41 | Ml I I • . Cimlf It Hit Wn4 teady for the bedtime story m this coty robe him or her No 323 f comet m *»**» /fo 12 Sij* 8 takes 2’; yards of 35 inch fabric or 1 T * yards of SO inch Knitted Jacket Thu ofqhon type iacket is easily knitted All you need do is knit the squares and |o«n Ask for Pattern No 324 S*nd *'o< for each dress pattern ”0< for *ach needlework pattern (add 15t (or each dress pattern ?0< fo each needlework pattern for mailing and handhnq) to AUDREY LANE BU RfAU Morns Plains New Jersey 07950 □fflQQ ■® Good news for car owners AGWAY NOW HAS UNLEADED GAS You II find unleaded from AGWAY gives you the per formance you expect in 1975 cars Some earlier models also perform well with unleaded Not sure whether your car can use unleaded gas 7 Ask your Agway man Call or stop by soon' v AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD LANCASTER. PA PHONE 397 4954 Melri?: A . jicW metric' booklet,, .titled .'The Modernised Metric System .; • Kx- • plained", Ls now available from J. J. Keller &•’ Associates, InO.. the In-, lernatlondl Technical, publisher based in Npcnah. Wisconsin. The new booklet, which has been added to a complete line of technical reference publications by Ahlerica's tiionccr in metric publishing, has been developed for premium use, for distribution to customers, for countertop sales at point of-purchase. or as an em ployee education booklet. In convenient pockctbook format (7-'j x 4"), "The Modernized Metric System Explained." is packed with concise metric in formation which can be. used on a daily basis With an' attractive consumer oriented cover < which allows room for custom imprinting if desired), this new booklet has been created to meet the pressing need for "metric awareness" information. To meet this need, it prepares the reader for conversion to the metric system by taking the mystery out ’of metrication, simply by showing how much more logical the metric system is than our current system of measure In concise, clear and simple language i w ith -ac companying illustrations). The Modernized Metric System Explained”, concentrates on developing understandable con nections” between the metric system and our present „ system of measurement, which work to eliminate that proverbial ■fear of the unknown ” Without plunging the reader into all the complicated theoretical considerations, this new booklet shows how COST \ x - THE FARMERS NATIONAL BANK TWO CONVENIENT SOUTHERN LANCASTER LOCATIONS QUARRYVILLE PENN HILL 866 W 'enay tfie mdtr'lc syitcni I* to. ifmltlpl* topi Orders, "The - umdcrstOnd, .Fpcnuing'. on Modernized Metric System pic, metric system>Jt)«se of .. . 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