I Berks Co. Societies Society 1 The March meeting of the Society of Farm Women 1 was held at the home of the president Agnes Noll. She opened the meeting by reading from Philhpptans followed by The Lords Prayer and the Flag Salute. Seventeen members an swered to roll call. All members who were along to the Phila. Flower Show. The Phila. Mint and In dependence Mall reported having an enjoyable time. The next meeting will be held at The Hamburg Slate School. Gail Sittlcr and Esther Berndt will be in charge of the program A discussion was held on projects for the School The Society is busy making Easter eggs, which is a main money making project The last candy making will be March 24 and 25. A bus has been chartered for the trip to the Spring Rally, held at The Hershey Convention Center A motion was made and beware i Jetthem first FORD TRACTORS 2000 Gas C L 40 Loader 2000 Diesel 9 N 3000 Diesel -8 N 4000 S U G N A A 4000 S U D 600 5000 Diesel 800 5200 Diesel 3000 7200 Diesel 5000 6 X 9000 Diesel 5000 6 Y 3400 Diesel 4500 TLB KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz LSSK. ISTER ER! Sealcrete can paint your Hydraulic Aerial Equipment farm buildings quickly for and inexpensively 'estimate (main oFF i C ej Seal Crete, Inc. (WESTERN OFFICE) RD 2, Ephrata Pa. 717-859-1127 Box 365, Martinsburg, Pa. 814-793-3716 passed to limit secret pal gifts for the year to 15.00. The Bcrkjj Heim Spring Bingo Party will be held Thursday evening April .1 Also the Volunteers Tea will be held Wednesday, April 23 from 1-3. Society 5 A recent meeting of the Farm Women Society 5 of Berks County was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Bickslcr, Richland Rl. Twenty-two members and two guests responded to the roll call by telling their favorite fragrance. The program for the evening was a ‘beauty night" presented by Pat McFarland and Sharon Montgomery from Lititz. President, Rhea Schoener conducted the business meeting with devotions led by the hostess. It was decided that planters would be taken to the Berks Heim for the Easter Season. Children of the members will put on a program for the Hamburg State School on May 23. The next meeting will ho held April 28 at the home of Mrs. Kolund Fug Womelsdorf, HI. Society 6 ‘ Farm Women Society 6 met on March II at the home of Mrs. Hichard Schlcgcl in Boyertown. Members an swered the roll call as to what they had sewn last. The group made plans to attend the 10th anniversary of Group 3 to be held at the Womelsdorf Elementary School. Two get well cards were sent to Mrs. Mary Haas and Mrs Mary Miller. Several of the members will be going to the Berks Heim Tea on April 23. A committee to work on plans for visiting the Ide, Convalescent Home more frequently was organized. The guest for the evening was Mrs Shirley Sacks, the owner of the Crewel World Shopp who demonstrated the crewel needle work techniques. Society 10 Berks County Farm Women Society 10 met recently at the home of Mrs Donald Daub, Bethel Rl. Carol Zcchman. president, conducted the business meeting with 17 members in attendance. The program for the evening was a speaker, Mrs Sarah Clements, who spoke on the nutritional value of foods and how to diet safely The next meeting will be held April 17 at the home of Mrs. David Younker, Bethel Rl. Mrs Barry Bashore was received as a new member Berks Co . Society 5 Anniversary The 10th anniversary of Farm Women Society 5 celebration was held Tuesday evening, March 18 at the Womelsdorf Elementary School. President, Mrs. Rhea Schoener served as emcee for the evening welcoming the remaining nine groups of Berks Co. Devotions were led by Mrs. Betty Wessner, program chairlady. The program opened with several musical numbers presented by the “Choraleers” of Conrad Weiser High School, under the direction of Miss Bar bara Murdough. The highlight of the evmng Cholesterol Drugs Flop Those drugs that are used widely for the control of cholesterol levels in the blood have been proven useless for patients who have already had a heart attack. This is the answer the National Heart & Lung In stitute (NHLI) got after investing $4O million in a 15- year study that followed the progress of 8,341 patients. Fifty-Five research clinics and other centers across the nation conducted the study, which established that the drugs clofibrate and niacin could not protect persons who have survived heart attacks The study did not, NHLI announced, answer the related question of whether the drugs may be beneficial for people with high cholesterol levels, but who have not had a heart attack So This Raises the scientific dilemma more strongly than ever: Is high cholesterol in the blood a symptom or a cause of heart disease 7 Researchers have pondered that one for years with no real answers. One prominent researcher has said, regarding any method of lowering cholesterol in the blood does not necessarily mean it leaves the body. Quite the contrary, it can simply move to other parts of the body, places that are beyond the surveillance possible in the bloodstodstream. When Reminded that cholesterol is found in the atherosclerotic plaques that can line the arteries, other researchers have remarked that perhaps the cholesterol there is serving as a “repair was “This Is Your Life” for Dorothy Moyer. She organised the group and of which she was then president. Highlights were from the day she was born to the present year A few guests appeared to help surprise her on this special event A monologue was then presented by Mrs. Mary Darkes Following the program door prizes were given and refreshments served during the social hour Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29,1975 Doctor in the Kitchen'' by Laurence M. Hursh, M.D. Consultant, National Dairy Council mechanism." So, we don’t really know the role of cholesterol in heart disease. Meanwhile, NHLI has another massive study under way that will take another five years to complete In it, scientists are studying the effects of controlling blood pressure, diet and smoking to see if all three of these factors can be manipulated to prevent or lessen heart disease. From this study we will not learn, for example, that diet, in itself, can be a factor in heart disease But we may learn that if you control all of the factors simultaneously you will be less at risk of heart disease. All Of This is so "iffy” that LP G©S &] IT'S PORTABLE... Wherever you need heat you II find LP gas ready to serve you Its ideal for heating farm buildings brooding water heating incinerators as well as for regular home use You II find LP gas is both economical and practical Let us show you the ad vantages there s no obligation whatsoever MYER'S METERED GAS SERVICE, INC. 'mmw my advice is for people to control their weight and to enjoy a nutritionally balanced diet chosen from the wide variety of foods available through four-food group planning. That in cludes the meat and milk groups, fruits and vegetables, and breads and cereals. If you really need some very special diet, your physician is the one to advise you. Thought For Food ftf •«’ y f - Blend 1 i.ms < Io‘_ nimtcs (,k!p (ondensid (mm "I l hl( kt tl soup 1 to J IlMsponns dim powder ' dip milk \dd J (tips tin i'd (ookcd Limb l r (shl\ (ooktd oi liom lelt n\( is !iup i i«ik(d (ill urei n lx ms Hi ,it stimim oiii u M ikl s ) 1U i|UJ' CALL (717) 665-3588 PO BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA 17545 I, WIH ( LKR\ 1 V M 47
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