dallied ad s Nothing runs like a Deere USED EQUIPMENT IN STOCK ■ TRACTORS CORN PLANTERS ' JD 4630 JD 494 A JD 4430 - Sold JD 29 0 - Sold JD 4320 4 JD 4230 CULTIPACKERS ' JD 4020 j D 920 14 ft w- JD 3020 transport 4 Ford 3000 Bnllion 16 ft w- 4 PLOWS transport 4 JD 7-16" JD F 145 5-16" SPRING JD F 145 4-16" TOOTH HARROWS < JD 740 Wheel Carry . DISC HARROWS JD 1630 11 ft 7” fr^\CFH/ V INC. / johwdiih; CECILTON FARM AND HOME 4 - EAST MAIW ST.—CECILTON. MD. 4 Aka 1-301-275-3601 4 || || SPECIAL OF THE WEEK The Mueller Models “OH" and "MHL” with HiPerForm make all other bulk milk coolers obsolete If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don't check all the advantages of the Mueller Models “OH" and “MHL", you may be buying an obsolete cooler USED BULK TANKS USED DIESELS 425 gal. Esco 250 gal. MS (!) 10 HP. Deutz 300 gal Mojonmer New 18 can (Can (1) OVA 22 00 Slanzi 500 gal. Mojonmer Coolers) i 10 HP. Ruston 400 gal. Girton (Used 4 Vrs) 300 gal. Jamesway QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 After 5 PM. JOHN D WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354-0473 GIDDIENNER 768-8521 - . OR Answering Service 354-4374 _We Stock Hess* Farm Supplies. Check Our Prices on Animal Medications 300 "M H L" f -V .V } * { \ 'f- I SU a nt y; „ *V / S*»e For Sale - 1600 gal. air tank. The once is right. Phone 717- 299-0050, 262 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster, Penna. Wanted - J.D. 248 or M.V. 37 3 pt. hitch 2 row Unit Corn Planter. F.W. Schmidt, Slatington RDI, 215-767-6048 For Sale - 50 ton truck scales, Toledo, brand new, 8 ft. wide by 35 ft. long $6,500. 215-696- 0908 call after 6 P.M. For Sale - Wooden conveyors and tapered board feeders at special price. Call Donald Nissley, 717-786-7654 For Sale - Tractor Tires 14 x 6-28 Front 600-6 ply. A.C. D 15 tractor with NI loader and 216 engine; also A.C. plow with 3 pt. hitch used one season. Call 717-859-2832. For Sale -12 ft. 25 tooth Int. Vibra Shank Cultivators, very good condition; Int. 401 5 section spring tooth harrow, (like new); Model 45 Int. loader for Cub Tractor; 5 ft. cutter bar mower for Int. Cub Tractor, very good; Massey 135 tractor used 800 hrs., excellent condition; Ellis 1-row transplanter 3 pt. mtd., very good cond.; (6) 12 hole Smidley hog feeders. Richard Slaybaugh, RDI, Biglerville, Pa. Phone 717- 677-8576 r-tsr*' *v ! I V- J -*k MODEL“OH” * Only the Mueller Model “OH” and “MHL” offer ait Iheee advantage* at a competitive price: • HiperForm, the most advanced \ -if*, v 1 refrigeration system eveilable.. > '< • Mueller Temp-Plafe' l heel transfer : surface (cooling plate). ' * -• Wall mounted controls tor the pooler and Mueller-Malic. > . . ••Muelier-Msuc* Automatic' Washing -' (Siahdardiequipment otofv Model ‘■Ofp.aad-optronai ' Model u MHL’’)i .. , ; iC; nj* Atnfaspb'mic(opef»tlorr;'' f \ ' V \ V* ik* Phone 717-768-7111 PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment I HI - Ll £T- l-r^ 24 Hour Service Farm Equipment For Sale - 202 New Holland Manure spreader on heavy steel wheels, used very little $1,000.00. Emanuel B. King, RDI, Kirkwood, PA For Sale - Farmall Cub tractor, very good condition; 12 rolls 4 pt. barbed wire. 215- 856-7639 between 4:30 and 6 P.M. For Sale - 7 ft. Locust Fence Posts $1.60 each, 6 ft. sharpened posts $1.40 each. Will deliver. 717-265-5316 For Sale - 2 bottom 14” Model No. 209 Super Chief International fast hitch plow, good condition. Phone 1-215- 932-3641 For Sale - 630 John Deere 3 pt. hitch, power steering, good condition $2BOO. Elwood Daron, Spring Grove, R 2, Pa. 717-229-2077 TRACTOR PARTS |L * » IKIO diffi n nl lit m> ’( uaranfKfi ‘loti f’ruts Wr te f-» f-tee Catalog Jo* Goodman Tractor Parts C* H > HO •.7 Imr In M- « K nil I h n. <4OJ i I 717 1 TRACTORS - Ford 2 (new) 8600,4000, Case 1070,1030, 730,1200 four wheel drive. John Deere new and used 4430,4230,4630, used 4620, 4520,4320,5020,4020,3020, 4010, 3010, 2510, 630, 620, 2010. Farmalls - (new) 1466, 1066, 966, 100 Hydrastatic, used 1066, 1468, 1026, 1206, 756, 856, 656, 806, 706, 560, 460, 450. Allis Chalmers (new) 7030, 200, used 7050, 210, D2l, XTI9O, 180. White 4- 150 four wheel drive. Oliver (new) 1755, 1655, 1465, used 1855,1655,1800, 1650. Massey Ferguson 1150. Minneapolis Moline G 1000. PLOWS - (new) White 5X reset, (new) John Deere SXIB trips, 5X16 reset, used 5,6,7 trip and reset, (new) 10 and 12 foot cultimulchers. (new) 3 point 11 foot chisel plows. CORN PLANTERS - (new) White 4 row air, new and used International 4 row Cycle, No. 55, 56. John Deere 1240, 494 A. John Deere 8 row plateless. COMBINES - John Deere 7700, 6600, 4400, 105. New Idea 701 Uni with Com bine, International 315. Gleaner G, C 11. CORN HEADS - (new) John Deere 643, 444, used 435, 434,234. Gleaner (new) G 440, C II 430, F 335, E 240. Massey Ferguson 44, 33, 421, 222. International 6 row, 4 row, 228, 227. CORN PICKERS - New and used New Idea 2 row 30” and 40” pickers, also cYipllpfC HARVESTERS - New Idea 702 Uni diesel with 3 row chopper. John Deere 38 with 2 row, 34. In ternational 550, New Holland 1010 Stakwagon. HAYBINES - Owatonna 10 foot self propelled win drower. New Holland 469. John Deere 480. Hesston PTIO. Balers New Holland 275, 68. John DoGi*6 24T TRUCKS - 1969 GMC 14 foot grain dump body. PAULSTITZEL 734 Windsor St. Hamburg, Pa. 19526 Call 215-562-8377 Business 215-562-7451 Home Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29,1975 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment For Sale - McCormick Deering ensilage cutter, 45’ pipe, price $245. Mr. Harold N. Wiley, White Hall, Md. Phone 103-357-5631 For Sale - 2-row New Idea com picker used 2 years; 36 ft. Little Giant Elevator; Both in excellent condition; 3 feed carts. Richard Dull, Jr., RD2, Nottingham, Pa. 455 N.H. pull type mower; Alfalfa seed drill; J.D. KBA 20 disc; 3 pt. Sunmaster 6 ft. rotary mower. PH. 717-656- 7013 TRACTOR & MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 years ex perience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Delivery Walt Stively, Jr. Spnngville Road Quarryville RD3 Phone 717-786-2252 USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 1650 Dsl Tractor Oliver 88 Gas Tractor Oliver 77 Dsl Tractor Oliver 60 Gas Tractor Allis Chalmers B w/cults Ferguson Utility w/3 pt USED EQUIPMENT Oliver 312 2R Corn Planter Oliver 2R trl corn planter John Deere 2R corn planter Oliver 348 3 B 18 3 pt plow MM 3242 2 B 14 3 pt plow MM 3242 3B 14 3 pt plow MM 3242 3B 16 3 pt plow JD 810 3B 14 3 pt plow Ford 3B 12 3 pt plow Oliver 2B 14 trl plow Dunham 7 ft Cultipacker IH 4 sec spring harrow IH (horse) gram Drill NEW TRACTORS White 2 105 Dsl Tractor Cab Oliver 1655 Dsl Tractor Oliver 1465 Dsl Utl Tractor Oliver 1365 Dsl Utl Tractor Oliver 1265 Dsl Utl Tractor Kubota L-260 Dsl Utility Kubota L-175 Dsl Utility NEW EQUIPMENT White 348 3B SAR 3 pt plow White 348 4B SAR 3 pt plow White 548 5B SAR Semi Plow White 5400 4R Aire Planter Pittsburgh IB 16 3 pt plow Pittsburgh 2B 12 3 pt plow Pittsburgh 2B 14 3 pt plow Pittsburgh 7 ft 7 Wheel Disc Woods MSP 3 pt rotary cutter Woods M6OP rotary cutter Woods M72P rotary cutter Woods 84 Trl rotary cutter Vicon PS 500 3 pt spreader Vicon PS 600 3 pt spreader USED LAWN EQUIPMENT Bolens 850 8 H P Gear Bolens 1250 14 H P Hydro Bolens 1256 12 H P Hydro Bolens 1886 18 H P Hydro FARMERSVILLE EQUIP., INC. RD2, Ephrata, Pa. 717-354-4271 Store Hours Daily 7 30 600 Sat 7 30 4 30 TRACTORS - (new) Daivd Brown (2) 990, 1212. (used) Oliver 1850, 1650, Case 1030; David Brown (2 ) 990, 885 Diesel; Ford 660; Farmall Super C w snow plow, plow, cultivator, BN; MM 445, U. PLOWS - Case 3300 5B hyd. reset; Case 2B 3 pt; J.D. 4B 16” 3 pt. DISC - Pittsburgh 10 ft. transport, 12 ft. transport, 18 ft. wheel harrow; 13 ft. 8” VibraShank; 3pt. harrow; (new) 12 ft. culti-mulcher. PLANTERS - Oliver 4- row; Case 6 row 3 pt.; (new) Vicon 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; Herd 1 bu. feeder. HAYBINES - N.H. (2) 1469, (2) 469, (2) 461, (2 ) 460, 451 3 pt. mower. BALERS Case 200; N.H. (2) Super 78 w- PTO thrower, 269 w thrower, 271 w thrower, 66 w-PTO. THROWER WAGON - 8 x 16 with 84” sides steel or wood; 6 new sets (2) used on N.H. 15 wagons. HARVESTERS - N.H. (3) 717 w-com head and hay pickup, 770 like new, N.H. 26 blower: ROTARY MOWERS - Bush Hog 3 pt. 5 ft. and 6 ft.; 6 ft. trailer; 7 ft. 6” Woods trailer; N.H. 6ft. 3 pt.; Sunmaster 6 ft. 3 pt. NEVINN. MYER & SONS INC. RDI, Chester Springs, PA 19425. (215 ) 827- 7414 Used Weaverline Electric 24 bushel Feed Carts. C. J. WONSIDLER BROS. RDI Quakertown, Pa. Call 215-536-1935 or 215-536-7523 For Sale - 3-14 trailer plows; 145 bu. tank spreader in good condition; 770 Oliver tractor with loader; B Int. Tractor. Charles Kitzmiller, Unityville, Pa. 717-458-6879 For Sale - Planters to plant any plant, one row or several row, mounted or pull behind, transplanters, exceptionally good Farmall Super H tractor with cultivators, Allis G, 19 International with loader. Phil Gardiner, 410 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, N.J. 08028 609-881- 7023 Wanted - Wisconsin Engines - Models VH4-VG4-V461- V 465. Late Model 1 cylinders, any condition. AMOS L. FISHER EDI, Box 108 Bird-in-Hand, PA For Sale - F-ll Farmhand Loader, Extra High Lift, P.T.0., hydraulic pump. Paul D. Mast, Morgantown RDI, Pa. 19543, Ph: 215-286- 9510 STANDBY POWER PLANTS New and Used in Stock IKW to 55 KW DOUG JOHNSON INC. Elkton, Md. 21921 301-398-3451 (398-3528 Nite) 35
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