' 1 Lancaster Farmine. Saturday, March 29,1 iMQid ads Real Estate For Rent - 15 acres of far mland near Hubley Mfg., I,ancaster. Call Jim Sch webel at 299-4301 between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. BERKS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE 120 acres m/1 - continuous soil enrichment program 3 streams pond large bank barn out buildings 2 story stone farm house 1853 3 BR rancher m _ good condition Sl6O 000 WILLIAM J. STRACHAN REALTOR ROHI, Fleetwood PA 19522 1 215 987 3300 ATTENTION PRODUCE FARMERS! How many strawberries, sweet corn, etc could you refrigerate m 2300 cu ft 7 How would you like a 3 Bedroom Dwelling with a modern kitchen overlooking the Susquehanna River 7 How would you like about 6 Acres and a Barn 7 All this and more is available for $43,000 in Northumberland County George Deibert, Realtor Phone: 717-425-3313 Klingerstown, PA 17941 ItMAW rSaess. > >* * '""'A-* - - * * ♦ ♦ v „ * ******** _ -f_r ■•-* —- _ v r* *"W *W** s «<* 185 ACRES $ 625/ACRE 90 Acres Tillable 90 Acres Wooded 8 Room House No Barn Good Access to Rte 81 in Southern Schuylkill County FOR MORE INFO, CALL JOHN YOUNKER 717-933-4447 HERSHEY FARM AGENCY, INC. Bethel, PA 19507 Real Estate For Sale - 230 acres N.E. Missouri, fertile bottom land, 20 miles South lowa line, South Gorin 3 miles or 3 mile East of Rutledge, Mo. on State Blacktop. 195 acres tillable, $125,000. Mrs. Floyd C. Hocker, 449 South Knott, Memphijs, Missouri 63555, Phone 816-465-2561 For Sale - Susquehanna Co. 435 acre dairy farm, 2 dairy bams, 4 silos, heifer barn, 2 car garage, workshop, 2 good homes, 2 ponds, 150 acres tillable land, balance pasture and timber land, 1200 ft. creek frontage stocked with trout, tops for deer hunting and small game. Priced to sell by owner. Only $6OO per acre. 29 percent down. Phone 717-965- 2375 1 **• y " * PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 For Rent - 90 Acre farm in Halifax. $BOO. per year. Phone 717-859-2350. . Farm for Sale consisting of 100 acres more or less, 2 large houses, new barn and implement shed. Running water in barnyard from a spring. Lot of road frontage 3, 4 miles. See Howard Snvder. Red Lion. Pa. RDI. For Rent or Lease: Ap proximately 7 acres of limestone land near Reamstown, suitable for tobacco or corn. Call any time 215-267-5240 Horse Lovers Farmette m Union Twp., Berks Co. Modern bam with 22 stalls, outdoor riding corral, heated lounge, swine house, 4 bedroom stone and frame home on 10 acres. Reduced to $90,000. 1 acre lot in Lmcolnwood Dwelling Area, Lancaster County with underground and telephone. Reduced to $B,OOO. Herbert J. Bellairs Birdsboro 215-582-2783 Morgantown 215-286-5165 Reading 215-374-2106 Yates County Dairy Farm m the Finger Lakes region near Penn Yam, NY, 390 acres in one block, large percentage tillable, good alfalfa and com, ground gently rolling to level topography Two good ponds, large comfortable farm home m good repair Mam dairy barn consists of 52 comfort stalls Built in 1960, 20 x 50 silo, 15 x 55 silo, heifer barn with remodeled basement, 16 x 40 silo with bunk, 40 x 96 enclosed steel machine shed, farm capable of further ex pansion ✓ * 13-acre farmette near Lancaster Large brick house and barn Has road frontage of 750' M-L 70 acres in Bart Twp, 50 acres tillable and 20 acres meadow 9-room frame and log house Barn and loafing pen with 43 free stalls 83 acre farm in the Cocalico-Schoeneck area Stone house with 7 rooms, bath, Barn 75 x 40 for steers, 2 silos Some road frontage Borders State Game Reserve land 83 acre (no buildings) of land two miles south of Lawn on Route 241 Bordered on north by Pa Turnpike Subdivided into 67 lots approximately 1 acre Partially wooded sloping good drainage CHRISTIAN M. HOSEMAHN, REALTOR Real Estate FOR SALE Delos R. Dann, Sr. RDI, Middlesex, NY 14507 Phone 315-584-3487 FOR SALE 734 Mam Street, Akron, PA Phone Office 859-1004 or 733-1224 Pets Rabbits priced to sell, over 200 to choose from Most all breeds and lots of colors. Call or come, day or night, lighted building. George Gibney, Rising Sun, Md. 301- 658-5649. For Sale - Purebred Shetland Sheep dog puppies, 10 weeks old, have had shots. 717-665- 3849 For Sale - Purebred Doberman puppies, out of championship bloodline. Contact William Sweigard, RD2, Halifax, Phone 717-896- 3365 Real Estate Land for Sale, Susquehanna Couhty, 66 Acres of land. 2 natural pond sites, good hunting, stone quarry, plenty of timber, only $27,000. Terms by owner. Call 717- 965-2375 For Rent - Dairy farm for rent, Berks Co., milking parlor, 100 freestalls, 3 silos, approx. 150 acres, 3 bedroom house and mobile home. Option to buy. Call Jack Kooker, 215-926-4798. Lawn and Garden For Sale - Used John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor Model 110-10 H.P. w-mower, manuel lift. Ph; 717-367-1856 For Sale - Used John Deere I .awn & Garden Tractor Model 112 Hydraulic w mower. Ph: 717-367-1856 Help Wonted Help Wanted - College Agricultural student for summer for general farm work, crops only, drive tractor, call 215-269-2327 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Help Wanted - Working service manager for farm machinery dealer. Case, New Holland, Gehl. Write Box 266 K, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Wanted - Hired person 14 years or older. Parttime or full time. Jacob S. Stoltzfus, 290 Clearview Road, Lan caster, Pa. 17602, 717-687- 6694 Herdsman for commencal hog operation. For further details contact Ronald Harrison, R.D.I, Box 95, Littlestown, Pa. 17340. Phone 717-359-7460. Help needed on dairy farm to milk in milking parlor and general farm work. Christian, married or single. Experience necessary. 215- 269-3442. Help Wanted - Amish boy for general farm work. Christ L. King, RDI, Kinzer, along Peter’s Road, close to Spnngville. Man or Woman to help with purebred Livestock and help around the house. Write Box 266 D, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Person to milk cows on modern dairy farm with carousel milking parlor. 6 days per week, 9 hrs. per day 2 bedroom trailer available. 215-693-5713 Help Wanted - Experienced single man to work on modern dairy farm. Must board self, furnished apartment provided, good wages. Phone 201-383-5114. Equipment Salesman to sell Massey Ferguson and Case New and Used Tractors. Also need a mechanic, must be Ist class with Case and Massey Ferguson Tractor ex perience. All benefits to employees are available. Call for an appointment 215- 458-8525 ask for Bob Heitz man. Surburban hospital has immediate, temporary openings for the following trades: ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS STEAMFITTERS PLASTERERS Positions call for a minimum of 4 years ex perience or completion of a formal apprentice program The wage is $4 35 per hour Limited openings for SEMI SKILLED LABORERS with 1 year ■experience m the building trades Wage is $3 66 per hour Apph Norristown State Hospital Personnel Office, Building No 18 975-33 Services Offered Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow barns, chicken houses. Will do all kinds of concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, PA Box 388, 17509. Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976. INSULATION. LOAFING SHEDS - DAIRY BARNS SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for eliminating condensation. Perfect for irregular surfaces. For free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m., call 872-2233. Custom Work CUSTOM CHISEL PLOWING. 215-383-7786 Situations Wanted Man, wife and son looking for job in farming. Man and wife have experience in dairy, poultry, hogs and beef. Must have housing and fair wage. Son will also work in spare tune. Will furnish very good references. Please call 1-717-234-5728 Help Wanted Retired farmer or single person with sales ability to represent local dairy cattle dealer. Must have good horse transportation and be able to travel among his own people in Lane. Co. Salary and commission. Op portunity to earn $lO,OOO. per year. Please state age, experience and other im portant information that may be helpful. Give com plete address in strict confidence to Box 266 L, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Herdsman wanted for 200 cows Holstein Herd. Top pay for experienced man. House, utilities, vacation, 6 day week plus extras. Located in Northern Pa. Thornbottom Farms, Nelson, Pa. 717-827- 2847 Suburban hospital has im mediate temporary openings for the following trade PAINTER Position requires a minimum of 4 years experience or completion of a formal ap prentice program The wage is $4 53 per hour Apply Norristown State Hospital Personnel Office Building #lB HARVESTORE SALES Lancaster County territory available to right person Far ming background and sales experience necessary to deal directly with area farms Good income and company benefits For ap pointment, call 717- 354 4051 PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE New Holland, PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers