32 -Urlcaster FarrfririK. Saturday. March 2$ '1975 Moil Box Market For Suit' • New Idea 12 A manure spreader on rubber $2BO. :t bar side delivery rake $5O, 7174553-5814 For Sale ■ John Deere No 42 null type combine, 9 ft cut; New Idea hay rake Drue Chapin. 717-752-2837 Wanted • I pair tire chains for John Deere 15 lire size *> 5x38. 717-02(5-OHiO For Sale - Acorn barn cleaner, complete. .515 ft of SS cable $450. 717-354-0266 For Sale - New Idea flail manure spreader. good condition, new chain, no tail gate. 201-459-4568 For Sale • 650 Int. Harvester, good running condition 367- 5273 For Sale - Used 12 ft Starlme mIo unloader, used 70 ft Fencehne bulk feeder, hardware and posts, cheap 717-392-9062 For Sale - Concrete stave silo 20’ x 70' never used 717-665- .1135 For Sale - John Deere 3 section 12 ft spring harrow, like new 215-593-5674 For Sale - New Idea 1-row tobacco planter, used 30 ft elevator Amos I. Stoltzfus. Jr Bird-m-Hand, RDI Box 232, 17505 For Sale - Reg R Maple Son. born 5-4-73 Dam VG 88 at 2 jrs , 16.400 M For I .ease - 1 Reg. Dull Dam Kingpin Sire Bootmaker Son 717-687-7260 For Sale - John Deere 55 12 ft. cut combine, sell subject to cutting 10 acres before delivery; Clean straw 45 cents per bale. 717-464-3883 For Sale - John Deere 1010 tractor, PS, excellent con dition. 717-733-743’4 For Sale - 3 cross bred Charolais Angus heifers and 6 Angus heifers due to freshen in May, take all for $2525 00. Phone 896-8376 Help Offered - Man, 28 years old, with some farm ex perience and keen to learn more seeks work raising crops. Phone 215-459-9299 For Sale -1 set depth control wheels for 3 pt. MM cultivator. Christ L Zim merman on Wentzel Road between Terre Hill and Center Church, RDI, East Earl, Pa. Wanted - Girton 500 gallon tank Jesse K Lapp, North Soudersburg Road, RDI Gordonville, Pa For Sale - 1959 Dodge D 300 stake bed truck inspected. 717-949-6850 Wanted - Good used low back wheel chair State name, condition and price Phone 445-5796 Wanted - ItfiO RPM PTO Shaft for V , Holland 818 harvester a a belt driven engine govt ,ior Call 215- 683-7214 For Sale -80 Harvestore belt feeder, nevei used $2500 215- 367-6160 after 0 P M For Sale - New Holland baler No 66 with motor; Oliver Superior Drill 13 disk, Lapp elevator with motor, hydraulic lift 28 ft All in good condition Frank Russel, Coatesville, Pa 19320 Phone 584-7842 For Sale - 1 Surge milker pump and .5 milkers in good condition, electric pulsation; 2 stainless steel strainers Elwood N Halteman, 2185 Kalp Road, Harleysville, Pa 19438 Phone 215-584-6713 Moil Box Market For Sale ■ Dry locust posts; also 4 Surge milker units, two 50 lb. pails. John it. Ksh, Pennsy Road. New Providence, Pa. For Sale - Mixed Hay by the bale or lon, SI.OO per bale, $55.00 per ton. near Whitehorse. 717-768-8604 For Sale - 2-row Hershey tobacco planter, good con dition $95.00. 717-733-1048 hor saic - .12 feeder pigs; J.I) 243 2 row corn planter: JD. 13-7 drill; .ID. Fert. spreader: Oliver 3B trader plow: I.H. 8 ft. transport disc; Dunham 8 ft. transport cultipacker. Hancock Farms KDI, Hershey 838-1898 For Sale - 20 month old K Maple bull. Dam 84 pt. Ivannoe aaugmer with 2U.u20 M. 688 F at 7-06 and 116,35.5 M lifetime. Arthur R Krall. 717-949-6836 For Sale - 1 male goat, good for breeding. 2 >ears old. good for cleaning up weeds 717-345-4605 Wanted - 8 can milk cooler with large coils Contact Harvey S Martin, RD3. Ephrata. Pa, Mohler Ch Rd 17522 Frick thresher 22 m with Heinkcr self feeder-single row potato planter: 2 bot H plow. Lime spreader, harrow. 3 pt weeder Allentown. Pa. 215-262-2659 For Sale - 73 acre farm, barn and small cottage approx 40 tillable, balance woodland Stream starts on property.. borders state gamelands $50,000 739-4718 For Sale - J D. F 125 4B 16” plow 2 yr old excellent cond plowed only 30 or 40 acres in last yr, reason for selling, sold farm Phone Hanover 637-1232 Wanted - Milk cans must be in grade A dairy use con dition, give price first letter Write Henry A Mast, Box 138-A Rt. 2 Dover, Del. 19901 For Sale - Peacocks, male and female. Hen layed eggs for the first last year David G Musselman, RDI Myerstown, Pa. 17067 717- 933-8655 For Sale - Oliver 4 B trailer plow. 717-964-3428 For Sale -N H 268 baler with thrower; A.C 4-row 500 Series corn planter w fertilizer and herbicide att chs, N.I. 208 manure spreader sgl. beater with end gate. 717-626-8610 For Sale - 20 tons nice hybrid Sudan grass hay $5O per ton at barn; Oliver 3-16” 2 way plow 3 pt hitch $6OO. Estate heatrola Ig. size (coal) $5O. 717-684-5783 For Sale - Yamaha 100 cc excellent condition ‘73 717- 786-2336 For Sale - 22 Massey Harris tractor with cuhvator and 3 pt. hitch $250. Case 28 disc harrow $lOO John Deere No 5 mower 7 ft bar $125. 717- 872-5712 For Sale - 9000 bu Butler gram bin 4 - 11LX15 8 ply wagon tires new $35 00 each Wanted -50 lb surge milker with electric pulsation 215- 267-2007 For Sale - AKC German Shepherd pups. Alfalfa Hay, no ram, Electric Battery Brooder, gas brooders Phone 717-G65-3.593, Jim Peters. R 2, Box 542, Manheim, Pa 17545 For Sale - 2 Gandy inset l cide applicators for 2 or 4 tow corn planter $125 00 for both 717-626-7192 Moil Box Market For Sale ■ Nice Alfalfa hay no rain; 2 used rear tractor tires 14.0-26, 717-872-8201. For Sale • Ixit in the Poconos with 16 ft. travel camper, reasonable. 687-8566. Wanted - flood used PTO driven corn shcllcr, prefer 3 pt. hitch. Also used in secticide hoppers for 4 row J.D. 494 corn planter. 717- 653-2229. For Sale ■ One used 2 seated carnage with Oberholtzer wheels will be sold at the David Good Sale on Wed. April 2. Wanted to Buy - Front mounted cultivator for Farmall 350. Mahlon W. Horning, East Earl Rl, 17519. For Sale - Case 14 H.P. tractor with snow blower and mower. Same as new, used approx. 10 hrs Price $lBOO Phone 717-548-2518 For Sale - Fox Forage Harvester Gas engine, .1 heads; Seamen Rotary tiller diesel. Carver irrigation pump, 2600 ft. 5" pipes, sprinkles; 1941 Chevy dump truck 10 wheeler in good condition Phone 302-368- 4159 For Sale - 9000 bu. Butler gram bin 215-267-2007. For Sale - International power unit UC-221 6 cylinder 50 HP, factory built, clutch and pulley. Runs on LP gas, *lOO 00 Also VE4 Wisconsin $25.00 Rufus Zimmerman, Mertztown Rl. Pa. Phone 1- 215-682-2078. For Sale - .50 Wooden veal calf stalls and chains. Also heavy Sex-Link yearlings $l.OO each or 35 cents per lb dressed; also 5 mo. old ram Wanted - Good used cooling unit for egg room Jason Siegnst, I,ancaster R 6, 17603, 717-872-2722. For Sale - One Jamesway manure elevator 16 ft. long, like new $350; One Grove wagon with 14 ft. hay pitch rack $450. 717-532-7811. Acclimated feeder cattle for sale, 1 or 100. Wanted to Buy - Ear corn or ensilage. 717- 626-4359 For Sale - Kesco Milk mover with automatic wash, used 2 years $600; 4 harvester cross augers $125 1 drum of Agway truck-tractor oil $lO5 717-653-2475 For Sale - New Idea Uni- System 701 tractor, Chev engine, 727-Huskmg unit. 729 Sheller, 3-row narrow head, good condition. 717-898-0675. For Sale - 2 cast iron radiators, 48 sq feet of radiation each. 717-464-2028 For Sale - Badger manure pump 12 feet. 717-786-2839. For Sale - McCormick W 9 gas tractor completely overhauled John L. King, Rl, Box 232, Paradise, Pa Ist farm right on S Belmont Road For Sale - 208 N. I manure spreader, single beater, late type; 2-row tobacco planter $25 00, 100 choice feeder pigs 45 lbs 90 cents per lb 215- 445-5796 For Sale - 1 year old Reg Guernsey Bull. Sire Houslys Dan Fayvor, Dam with 3 records over 11,000 M Also Dam of Reserve All American Jr Yearling 1973 301-452-5695 For Sale - Web for 500 Series New Holland manure spreader 53 amp 115 volt DC power unit 717-354-0198 For Sale - Goose eggs 717- •J54-788(i Moil Box Market Wanted; Good young purebred Suffolk Ham. 717- 259-9491. For Sale ■ Int. 316 Fast hitch trip bottom plow; Int. fast hitch Pitman mower; N.H. 36 ft. elevator; Farm hand wheel rakes, (one on steel) N.H. 327 single beater spreader, wooden wagon wheels, electric fencers, 717- 464-2068. For Sale - 36” Black Caloric stove in good condition. Also, white Eskimo Spitz pups. Elam S. Bciler, Route 2, Gap. Pa. 1 mile east of Gap on Umbletown Road. For Sale - John Deere transport 32 AW disc, II I .' ft. wide; John Deere 12 ft. harrow rope trip to raise, back to engage; also VW squareback, new paint, runs good, 215-593-5271. For Sale -160 Gal. Zero milk tank, like new, self comamed unit, J L Fishpaw, R 2, Spring Grove, 717-225-3616 For Sale - 23 milk cans and SPII Surge milker pump, good condition, Christ K King, Rl, Leola, Center Square Rd For Sale - 1971 MF 1080 D. 1,130 hrs. excellent con dition, $7,200; 16 ft. aluminum van truck body, side door, rear roll up. $1.275, 717-382-4272. For Sale - I H 560 diesel tractor with fast hitch, in good condition, 717-464-4089. For Sale - John Deere Model N spreader in good con dition, four singles and one double, tobacco ladders with wagons, tobacco lathes and two tobacco presses, 717-665- 4245. For Sale - John Deere H tractor, plow, cultivator, electric start 717-733-0825 after 5:30 For Sale - Massey Ferguson 175 Diesel tractor: also Massey Ferguson Super 90 diesel tractor 717-354-0432 Wanted - Used small cultipacker. 717-626-0160 For Sale - Quality brown eggs whole sale or retail Also to health food stores 2 miles East of Nickel Mines Levi Miller, Paradise, Rl, Pa For Sale -1 Cross Angus and Charolais steer, 4-H project, registered, approx. 550 lbs Phone York 755-5917. For Sale -98 acre stock farm, SW Missouri, 53 acres Clover-Fescue pasture, 35 timer, 5 ponds, spring, modern 2 br. home, fireplace, good barn, out buildings, $59,900. R. C Leach, S Greenfield Mo. 65752 For Sale - Bloomsburg area, 57 acre farm with remodeled house, barn, outbuildings, eight acres of woods, stream, stonewalls. Ex cellent deer and turkey hunting 717-458-5152. For Sale - Charolais Bulls, 2 purebred, 10 months. One 7 n bred, 9'j mos. Sired by BCR. Sam of Perfecto No 151 & LCR Royal Sam 4 Horned or polled; wormed and vaccinated $300.00 each S W. Allnutt, Highland, Md. 20777 or 301-988-9303. For Sale -15 2 hand chestnut gelding, 9 years, started, over jumps, part QH and thoroughbred Has pole bending potential $650 or best offer 717-367-1907. Foi Sale - McCormick Deenng ground driven corn binder, hay rack Aaron K Fisher, Gordonville RDI, Pa 17529 South of In tercourse, Pa. Moil Box Market Wanted to Buy MM Model L unitractor with V 4 Overhead valve engine or lust engine. Need not be in running condition. 717-752-7097 For Sale - Polled Hereford Bull (Grade) 000 lbs. J.D. B tractor (good) IH No. 10 gram drill 16 double disc. Cobey 9‘j ft. cultipacker, 5 bottom 16” A.C. Semi- Mountcd plow. Phone 717- 867-2977 Wanted - One farm size VAC- A-WAV seed and grain cleaner and grader, in good condition. Austin N. Rowan, Whiteford, Md. 21160 Phone 301-452-6655 For Sale - 3 10 hole Roll- Away chicken nests nearly new, $20.00 each or $50.00 for the three. Glenn M. Bentzel, Gettysburg, Pa. RD4, 17325, 717-624-2880 For Sale - New Holland baler Super 66 with motor: Allis Chalmers tractor plow, Stauffer 2 row tobacco planter Harry C Rohrer, Manheim RD2, Pa 717-665- 3090 For Sale - 1973 Nova hatch back 23,000 miles, 3 speed, small engine, owner in service, one owner, Box 419, Rl, Spring Grove, Pa 17362 or 225-1045 For Sale - Int 311 fast hitch plow, new bottoms, Int 2 row fast hitch corn planter, 7 ft x 16 ft flat wagon bed. 717- 626-8912 For Sale - 36 comfort stalls, good condition. No. 73 DeLaval milker pump, converter timer, 2 units and extra pail Call 717-865-3538 evenings For Sale - (4) 50 lb. Surge milkers with electric pulsators, 20 stall cocks and timer, $l5O. complete 717- 354-6861 Real Estate You gan still acquire Public Land Free' Government Land Digest, Box 2217, Norman, Oklahoma 73069 For Rent - 2 bedroom far mhouse apartment, 4 miles south of the Buck, prefer Christian family. 717-548- 2937. For Sale - Dairy Farm, 129 A, good producing soil located in Cumberland Co near Walnut Bottom Brick house and barn in good condition. Phone 717-776-5179 Central N Y. 686 acres, 59 cow ties, 32 heifers, pipe line, 2 silos, tool shed, 2 modern homes. $285,000 00 owner financing Clara Parker, Broker 1-607-749-3007 eve WORKING FARM 85 ACRES 4 or - 60 acres tillable, 10 acres pasture, Lycoming Co large barn, silo, 2 machine sheds corn crib, 3 bedroom home, oil hw heat, creek frontage owner financing, $59,000 STROOT REALTY, INC. Jack Balliet, Lie. Res. Route 118 & 42 Umtyville, PA 17774 (717) 458-50770 r 584-4591 355 Choice acres, 110 under cultivation, balance pasture and hay, 85 percent tillable, dignified 1868 house, air conditioned in 1965 Large barn with beef and dairy section, 14 ponds, 4 wells, 2 springs 1 well in barn removed from mam dwellings Tenant house in another location House gravity fed by spring water Walnut trees and creek Excellent fences Almost immediate possession By owner, RDI, Box 94 Garden City, Missouri 64747. Phone 816-862- 8533 Moil Box Marker For Sale - 861 Ford wit heavy duty loader $2000,0( 103 International combin with 12 foot grain head an two row corn head S27CM M.H, 80 combine with 12 fo( head $lOOO. M.H. 444 tracto $450. 717-776-3889 Wanted to Buy - Oliver 165 or 1600 diesel tractor or othe make with same or mor horsepower. Would conside buying one needing som repair. 733-8434 after 8 P.M For Sale - 8 ton clean, brigh barley straw, $4O. per ton a the barn. J. Alfred Bowman 3635 Tunnel Hill Road Lebanon, Pa. 272-0851 For Sale - 540 Oliver 4 rov corn planter; Bnlhor cultipacker seeder 10 ft Wanted to Buy - 4 row cutlivator for J D 2510 Phone 717-587-1271 after 1 PM. For Sale - 7.6 H.P. Gravely garden tractor, elec, start, 2 speed axle, attachments Sockle bar mower, rotary mower, snow blower, blade, sulky, big wheels, weights Manheim (165-4597 For Sale - Alfalfa hay, Ist, 2nd and 3rd cutting, close to Heamstown. 215-267-6293 For Sale - A C. 180 diesel, excellent cond; New Idea 217 manure spreader, like new, Int 18 ft. cattle truck, good shape 215-944-9124 For Sale - Chinchilla cages, like new. Reuben F. Esh, Newport Road, Gordonville, Pa For Sale - 9 bulls, Hereford. White face, Charolais, 350- 650 lbs. will sell any number. 717-529-2873 Real Estate" 100 A, top producer, show place, exc. bldg owner financing. 215 A 60 cow bam, silo, nice home, only $llO,OOO 100 A cropland, 32A' woods, $425.00 per acre. 186 A new 47 stall barn, nice home $BO,OOO. 66 A 150 steer feed lot, also room to fatten 300 hogs, auto, feeder, 20x84 silo. Lane Co 229 A Limestone, 68 stalls, 20x70 and 16x60 silos, 95x125 barn, Ig brick home, a show place. 135 A modern heated 24 stall farrowing house, new Rilco Rafter barn for beef, lovely brick home. blue ball realty Blue Ball, PA 717-354-4536
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