classi ft&l ads Modi Box Market Free to a Good Home - Mixed pujjpies, 5 wks. old. 717-665- MASONRY .GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTY. FIREPLACES Contact: CARL B. MILLER 604 Main Street Akron, PA Phone 859-2129 after SPM 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE rit Right now rt GltTo* . 1 MPOCO ’ awviA- ; J. || •- 'J!m lUp Npijk / WCWV ' „ ; . T\s fl i\ NOT POLY r UI^WUHttOX the best for less Just Received Trailer Load F 1066 D tractors New Equipment on Stock 4 & 6 row Cornplanters '5OO Disk Harrows 22 ft Vibra Shank 450 S 710 Plows Auto JI & 12 ft Cultipackers Bale King Wagons John Bean Sprayers Lely Fert Spreaders 3 pf Hitch & Trailer 490 Disk Harrow 25 ft CALL DICK BOMBERGER CHECK YOUR INTERNATIONAL CORNPLANTER NOW FOR PARTS NEEDED - SPECIALS - CORNPLANTER RUBBER PRESSED WHEELS 35 lb. pails LITHIUM BASE GREASE, Moil Box Morkct For Sale - 32 8-ft. feeders, 8 15-hole nests, 4 8-ft. auto, waterers, 215-273-3396. For Sale - Reg. Ivanhoe Star bull, 20 mo. old, Rocket 123 dam with records of 16,448 and 18,438 and estimated in third lactation over 21,000 milk. Good cow family and priced to sell. 717-442-4452. For Sale - McCormick Deenng cornbinder with long loader and engine mount; McCormick Deering No. 9 ensilage cutter, both in A-l condition; Large Tropic- Sun heatrola, used 1 season. David S. Smucker, R 2, New Holland on Tabor Rd. WALSH SPRAYER Used Equipment Coming F 706 D Tractor F 1456 D Tractor 6 row 400 Planters Used Equipment on Stock 700 5 Bot 16 Plow Auto 10 ft Pittsburgh Disk Harrow 9 ft Cultipacker F 140 with Fast Hitch Plow & Culbvators (like new) 22 ft Fibra Shank Cultivator (2) 450 & 460 GAS TRACTORS J D 12 ft Disk Harrow Call Us. It could Be We Have It Good Inventory On Hand C. B. INTERCOURSE, PENNA. For Sale - Jamesway 16’ silo Wanted - Pick up head for unloader. Samuel R. Bciler, New Holland 880 Harvestor. R 2, Quarryville. Pa., 2 mi. For Sale - Western saddle southeast of Quarryville on and bridle. 717-665-3865. Rt. 472. Wanted - 3’ x 6’ hotbed or cold frame sashes. Write Oscar E. Beck, R 2, Box 103, Walnutport, Pa. 18088. Give price, number, condition, location, etc. For Sale - 2 Purebred black German Shepherd pups; 3 AKC Keeshund pups. Daniel E. Beiler, 78 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. Wanted - Egg Washer, in good condition, 717-656-7736. *9.95 *10.43 RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE HOOBER & PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box Market GIHTQN Farm Milk W Cooling Tanks Leading The Industry In Performance^^^^— Girton Manufacturing Co. Cash Rebate Program Ends Saturday, April 5, 1975 PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSION CASH £M AA CHECK OUR PRICES AND nrnVrr V/I|l|| SERVICE PROGRAM REBATE tUV before you buy. Mail Box Market For Sale - John Deere 24 T Baler with No. 2 thrower, in excellent condition. Also, Oliver 88 gas tractor and Oliver 77 gas. 717-933-4887. For Sale - 12-hole pig feeder, S)od condition, $150; John eere trailer plow, 2 bottom, 215-445-4881. For Sale - New Holland 3 point hookup cultibar, like new; Also John Deere manure spreader, 717-252- 1182. • REBATE SCHEDULE MODEL D 4-200 D 4-300 D 4-400 D 4-500 D 4-600 D 4-625 D 4-800 D 4-1000 D 4-1250 24-Hour Service • Contact C. B. Hoober & Son Phone 768-8231 After 5:00 P.M. Call Gratz M. Suit - Phone 768-8555 SON ||| WE ARE NOW AN AUTHORIZED UPS STATION Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29,1975 Moil Box Market Mail Box Market For Sale - N. H. No. 460 For Sale - Registered Haybme, very good con- Astronaut due April 10, to dition; Sputnik w- Gay Ideal, $7OO. Call 717-872- compressor. 717-548-2877. 4238. Wanted: Tomato Baskets For Sale - 67 Int. 4-door and small power sprayer, pickup w-high racks, in good For Sale: Tobacco bower on condition, $7OO. 717-284-4342. steel and tobacco lathe. 717- > 859-2797. ' For Sale - Cub Cadet w-36” mower, in good condition, For Sale: Ford 10 ft. flex o will be sold at David Good’s hitch transport disc. 215-593- Sale April 2. 717-393-7452. 6434. For Sale - Looking for a Bargain r>€) .' > 1971 Polaris Mustang, 384 miles, with trailer; Also, 1972 John Deere 7 h.p. riding mower, like new, 717-665-5727. REBATE 0 - $300.00 0 - $350.00 $400.00 $125.00 $300.00 0 - 0 - REBATE $150.00 $350.00 $300.00 $350.00 0- 0 0 0 0 Covered By MODEL D 5-500 D 5-625 D 5-800 D 5-1000 D 5-1240 D 5-1500 D 5-2000 D 5-2450 * D 5-3000 D 5-740 D 5-940 Special Promotion Covered By Special Promotion For Sale - Aluminum door and window for trailers or truck cabs or for workshop. Call after 4 p.m. or Saturday. Isaiah S. Ebersol, Rl, Leola, Pa., Hess Rd., South of Rt. 23, 2nd house on left. 31
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