30 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March ‘29. 1975 For Sale - 20 feeder pig*. For Sale - John Deere 494 A 4 BenJ. B. Eah, Christiana row corn planter with doub c RDI, along 896. near An- disc °P«ncr* and nsccticldc drews Bridge. , l?.? pors „i l J e . e ?, c , c i ,cnt con ' 2 dltion. 717-354-5774 For Sale - Two goats, a white hornless doc goat, and black and white billy. 717-529-2879 Want to Buy - Used John Deere 900 silo unloader any size for parts. 717-528-4223 For Sale: Allis Chalmers Wanted to buy - Seed Oats, plow, 2 bottom. 3 point hitch, 717-273-5598 16 inch. Phone 717-859-2832. EVERGREEN rrn ntciw co. mc. 30 EVERGREEN ROAD \JOHN DEEREj LEBANON. PA 17042 Lebanon County's Only JOHN DEERE FULL SERVICE DEALERSHIP Call us for all your new or used equipment needs. Phone (717) 273-2616 NOnCt TO DEALERS AND FARMERS!! Are you short of good seed corn this year? FOR TRUCK LOADS OR LESS GOOD GERMINATION, CONTACT MUNCY OFFICE 717-546-5981 OR AREA DEALER REPRESENTATIVES. David Ressler David E. Shearer Lewis Lippy Myerstown. PA Bambndge, PA Littlestown, PA 717-866-2801 717-367-3177 717-359-4649 MUNCY~CHI£F HYBRIDS MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 For Sale - Old hand cut beams: potatoes $1.75 per 50 lbs. Could be used for seed. 215-273-2810 Isaac Hoover or Mervin Hoover, on Rt. 322, 1 mile west of Honey Brook. Mail Box Morkat For Sale - Hybrid Poplar trees at 35 cents each, this week only, dig your own. Tituc H. Nolt, 1 mile North of Blue Ball along Rt. 897, Fast Earl RDI Box 215, 17519 For Sale - One 10 week old bottle fed lamb. 215-445-5201. To be sold at David Good's Sale on Wed. April 3. 4 bottom Oliver cushion trip plow. For Sale - Purebred Doberman puppies, out of championship blood line. Contact William Sweigard, R 2, Halifax. 717-896-3365. For Sale - N. H. 268 baler with power take off thrower, excellent cond. 717-656-7013. For Sale - Red and White Holstein Bull. 717-354-0176. Wanted to Buy - Metal head gate for cattle holding chute. 717-354-5691. For Sale - Duroc and Cross bred gilts, breeding age, 250 to 300 lbs. Also Duroc bred gilts and second litter sows ready to farrow. All from excellent breeding stock. 717-733-6694. For Sale - Stainless steel herbicide or liquid fertilizer tank and pump for 494 J. D. Planter. 717-764-1261. For Sale - Myers Sprayer 100 gallon 3 pt. PTO driven. 717- 898-8028. Mall Box Market For Sale • One Super A plow and manure loader, $l5O. One " point hook-up disc, 7 ft. 28 discs, Massey Ferguson, $l5O. 215-777-0097. For Sale - Massey Ferguson 510 Combine with grain head. GM gas engine. Best Offer • Must Sell. 717-933- 4080. For Sale: Purebred Yorkshire boars, service age. Also, 10 Yorkshire commercial open gilts. Elwood Houser, Rt. 5, Lebanon. Pa. 717-272-5798. For Sale - There will be sold an I.H. 46 baler at Clyde Wolgemuths Implement Sale on April 5, 717-867-2937 Buy good used tack Sc show apparel at the Boots and Saddles 4H sale, Saturday, April 29th - 9 to 6. Fellen baum Stables, Fruitville Pike. 717-569-3068. For Sale - 7,000 Babcock B -300, 20 weeks, June 5, top quality pullets, phone 717- 397-7820 or 717-626-2074. For Sale - Badger barn cleaner with 216 ft. of chain, used one winter, Michael S. Lapp, R 3, Quarryville, Sprmgville Rd. For Sale - John Deere Hay crimper, Model 21, very good condition. 215-593-5708. For Sale - Roller picking table for potato grader, potato seed cutter 215-593- 5876. For Sale - About 15 ton mixed hay Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy $5O. per ton. 717-921- 2842. For Sale - Int. No. 141 self propelled combine with 10 ft. grain head. Good condition. Write Mark Heffner, Box 569 RD2, Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 or call 215-944-9267 For Sale - 1953 GMC ton pickup truck, runs good, new inspection, best oner. Call evenings Lloyd Sauder 215- 445-6009 For Sale - John Deere Tl 4 baler good condition, 717-665- 5985 Notice - The Strasburg Fire Co. No. 1 will be having their annual Baked Ham Supper on Sat. April 12 at the tire house. 4 to 8 P.M. Wanted - Farmall Cub and equipment. Any condition. Phone 993-2836 (717) Wanted - Warm Morning stove, still suitable to use in shop or stripping room. John J. Stoltzfus, R 1 Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 Moil Box Market Wanted - Utility trailer, good condition. Not over $lOO. 215- 383-5280. For Sale • Ixicust posts $1.50 ca.; Used 16 pt. 9x30 tractor tires: Used 1 x 12 lumber 15 cents a board foot: 215-286- 9158 or 215-942-2355. For Sale - International No. 58 6 row corn planter. 30" spacings - like new. Registered red St white holstein bulls, service age St younger. Clarence Stoner. Route 1, Jonestown, Pa. 717- 865-2745. For Sale - 22 X power take off pull type platemill. Also hillside hitch to be sold at the David Good Sale on Wed. April 2. For Sale - Bred Holstein Heifers. 717-8384047 For Sale - IHC No. 46 hay baler; A.C. D-15 tractor; Wide front for WD 45; 2 tires 18 by 30 8 ply, F-20 Farmall tractor. 717-733-8708 For Sale - Bulldozer weed burner fencer $2O. Wanted to Buy - Used 12' -14’ -16’ gate and sickle bar mower for AC WD tractor. 717-872-6272 For Rent - Horse box stalls, with or without board, some pasture, excellent riding area and trails, Gary Landis, 717-665-7168 Certified For Sale strawberry plants vaneties-Midland, Sure Crop, Midway, Catskill and Sparkle. Groff’s, 644 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 717-464-2147 For Sale - John Deere No. 48 loader with 72” dirt bucket and 48” manure fork; J.D. No. 10 mower, both in good condition. Abram N. Hoover, RD4, Lebanon, Pa. 17402 717- 867-2914 For Sale - Yorkshire boars, service age. Elmer- Stoltzfus, Talmage, Pa. Box 4 For Sale - Locust posts. Christ R. Beiler, Quarryville RD3, Ist farm north of Nine Points on Rt. 896 For Sale - Esco 500 gal. bulk tank with compressor, ex cellent condition: (2) 36” Ventomatic fans. 717-367- 2147 For Sale - Seasoned cabinet lumber. Walnut, maple, and mahogany. Will be sold at David Good’s Sale on Wed. April 2. For Sale - Modern 100 acre Union County, Pa. dairy or beef fairo. Price $160,000.00 No realtors commission to pay. 717-524-2412 Moil Box Market For Sale • Cub Cadet tractor with mower, good cond., $350. 768-6555 after 5 For Sale - 2-100 gal. Int. liquid fertilizer tanks complete with saddles will fit G-row planter $350.00 367-6039 after 5:30. For Sale ■ Cow due in June, Pawnee Farms Arltnda Chief daughter bred to 128 Winter, would classify high. 717-656-9072. Bakery or Pizza stack ovens 4 shelves $325. Hydraulic cylinder 6” bore 30” stroke (dump truck), complete with pump and valve $5O. J.D. trailer plow 2-14" $4O. Oxford 717-529-6273 MADISON SILOS Div Chromalloy American Corp 1070 Stemmetz Road Ephrata PA 17522 Phone 733-1206 LOCAL DEALERS MESSICKFARM EQUIPMENT INC Elizabethtown 367 1319 FRANK SNYDER Akron 859 2688 CALEB WENGER QuarryvtHe 548 2116 LANDIS BROS INC Lancaster 393 3906 CARL L SHIRK Lebanon 717274 1436 SOLLENBERGER FARM SUPPLY Centerport 215 926 2722
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers