22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 29. 1975 Soybean Leaders On Mexican Tour Hilyard S. Simpkins of Allentown. New Jersey, President of the Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association, departed March 3 to study soybean markets and production in three American countries. He is participating as the Mid-Atlantic soybean state's representative on the Soybean Presidents Mission to Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, where the U. S. group will meet with industry and government officials to explore ways to help in crease the use of soybeans in these countries The mission participants include presidents or officers of 23 state soybean associations and the executive committee of the American Soybean Association. Sponsor of the Mission is Elanco Products Company, manufacturer of Treflan soybean herbicide. In Mexico City, the mission group will review progress of a joint Mexico- U.S. project working to enrich the protein content of Mexican diets by usmg soy flour as a supplement to corn Automobile Service Tips March is The Time To: TOP DRESS SMALL GRAIN • Liquid Nitrogen - Applied by Skilled Custom Applicators TOP DRESS PASTURES • Liquid Nitrogen or • Complete Dry Mixes BROADCAST • Corn Fertilizer for early plowing BROADCAST - P & K for Corn • Where Anhydrous or Liquid Nitrogen is to be used A complete line of products and Services is Available from Organic to give you a Program for ORGANIC [4 fMiwtmwi PLANT * [ ANHYDROUS AMMONIA J FOOD CO. 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 397-5152 meal and wheat flour in traditional foods. The meetings in Colombia will be exploratory, with the aim of increasing the use of U.S. soybenas there. In Brazil, the group will inspect the new soybean crop, now approaching maturity in the field, and evaluate Brazil’s future as a soybean producer. Simpkins manages a certified soybean seed farm cooperative near Allentown. He is responsible for con tracting approximately 1,500 acres of soybeans annually. Active in agriculture, Simpkins is a member of the Agricultural Society of New Jersey, the New Jersey Horticultural Society, the Burlington County Board of Agriculture and the Plant Food Society of America. In addition, he is Vice President of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings & Loan Association, and on the Board of Directors of the Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association. He and his wife, Natalie, have three sons, Bradford, Gerald and Hilyard 11. ALL SPARK PLUGS... OLD ORNEN-MUST HAVE 'IEIR GAPS ADJUSTED BEFORE IN& INSTALLED USE A ROUND RE FEELER GAUGE OF THE IIcRNESS SPECIFIED 3V VOUR ERVJCE MANUAL. PULL THE GAUGE THROUGH WE GAP BETWEEN THE ELECTRODES tFGAP IS CORRECT, It WILL PASS THROUGH WITH ONLV ' SLIGHTAMOUNTOF FRICTION F THE GAR IS INCORRECT, Fit HE NOTCHED BEND/NG BAR OF THE I RR PLUG TOOL OVER THE ELECTRON SNRN BEND METAL To NARROW OR. j &ap don’t be discourager CAFES you SEVERAL TR/ES TO SET -,AR CORRECTLY Wild Garlic Bites Into Grain Profit Small gram farmers are risking a multi-million dollar loss if they neglect control of contaminating weeds in this year's crop. Wild garlic alone cost East Coast wheat growers millions of dollars last year, according to an estimate by University of Delaware extension crops marketing specialist, Roger Cinder. This loss came as a result pf market dockages for wheat contaminated by wild garlic bulblets, which were harvested with the grain. “This was the largest loss from wild garlic con tamination that we’ve ever had,” said Cinder, “but it could be even greater this year because we’re growing more wheat.” >Bei * * 4 1 j Rotor-Guard is at surface level 2) Rotor-tines work soil as desired Soil is not reversed Top soil stays on top, moisture below 3) Depth Control Roller provides precise working depth control firms soil when desired Result is ideal seedbed • Best Crop Start Ever • Be,,er Incorporation • Eliminate Tillage Trips • Weather and Tim « Flexibility • Combine Field Operations • Many R “Bged Dependable Models For more information, name of nearest Dealer or a FREE No Obligation Demonstration, mail coupon or call area Representative 215-356-5085. in GEMINI Hay-Saver "LIKE AN EXTRA DAY or SUNSHINE' Sun is the greatest for drying hay, but only when its shining When rams and wet weather hit, you need the re markable Gemini Hay-Saver to gently spread your wet crop over a wide area to prevent deterioration and speed drying Then when the hay is dry, you simply flip the Gemini Hay-Saver’s windrowing cage down and it makes the lightest, fluffiest windrow in the business Behind a Gemini Hay-Saver, you bale 25% faster This year, count on sunshine to make a top hay crop—and the Gemini Hay-Saver to save it University of Delaware extension agronomist, Dr William 11. Mitchell, says wild garlic can be controlled m small gram by the use of the herbicide 2,4-D. This material should be applied in a broadcast aftay only. It should be put on after the gram has fully tillered but before it begins to joint. This usually is when the grain is four to eight inches high. For Delaware grain growers, that means control measures must be taken soon, to be effective. Mitchell says two points of 2,4-D amine per acre can be used, or one and a half pints of the low volatile ester form of 2,4-D may be applied where drift from will not reach susceptible , I »» I 5 . a helps protect rotor-tines levels soil Name Address Town I am □ am not □ a farm operator or owner □ Student □ Please send me at no charge the all new full color, LELY-ROTERRA Brochure □ I would like to see a LELY-ROTERRA demonstrated Send following literature □ Broadcaster/Seeder □ Gemini Haysaver □ Liquid Manure Spreader PO. BOX 209 NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA 19073 crops or plants. The herbicide can be applied with water or with liquid nitrogen. The ester form can be mixed directly with liquid nitrogen, but the amine form must be mixed with four parts of water before it is added to the nitrogen. Container label directions should be closely followed in all cases. The objective of these control measures is to reduce aerial bulblet for mation of wild garlic. A single head of wild garlic may contain as many as 300 of these bulblets. The presence of sub stantial amounts of garlic in wheat automatically classifies it as feed wheat and it cannot be used for y v: - r*',_ • Your Best Buy in 75 Sizes available from 40" up to fit any 3 pt. RIO tractor 16 H P. or more -State BROADCASTER TJ,UU SEEDERS You must see the Lely Broadcaster/ Seeder to appreci- ate its real worth W six different sizes ti choose from —all with Lely’s exclu sive patented feedring—There’s a size to fit your cropping needs Lely’s unmatched, dependable accuracy lets you cover up to 40 acres an hour 5 to 1,500 lbs per acre due to its 52’ spreading wfbth Proper placement and distribution of costly fertilizer and seed is assured The Lely Broadcaster/Seeder adapts for rear, side or 2 and 4 row delivery It’s broacfe casting versatility ranges from fertilizer to seed to granular chemicals to, sand to salt It’s unique patented system has eliminated many moving, oublesome parts Assures iss trouble and downtime And its easy to clean simple steps and you’re ough Come m or call us ' for more information on ■se proven money-savers milling into flour. Ixiads with greater than 36 bulblcts were docked at even higher rates, says Cinder. Buyers reported finding as many as 600 bulblets per 1000 grams (roughly two pounds) in some grain samples last year. In some cases, a price was negotiated based on the feed value and price of cum at that time. In a few Delaware fields garlic contamination was so great that grain was not even harvested. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! jj£ >' % -Phone. -Zip
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