Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1975, Image 47

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    Farm Women
Q direction of Miss Jean Yock.
kjUCltzLj i) Jay Smoker of Stevens Rl,
Farm Women Society 3 spoke on the work he will be
entertained the members of doing in Swaziland, Africa
Society 20 from with the Agape Movement
Quarryville on Saturday, sponsored by the Crusade for
March 15, at a luncheon in Christ. Jay is the son of one
the Salem Lutheran Church of the members, Mrs. Earl
in Ephrata. Smoker.
Entertainment was During the business
provided by the Bell Choir session, donations were
from Linden Hall under the made to the Easter Seal
Pennsylvania Power & Light Company’s manager of
rates and market research, Andy Baldwin, answers
another question from the utility’s consumers.
Will you
seek a rate
We will be applying for a rate increase in a very short time. The
need for any increase is certain to be questioned by our customers
since our performance during the 1960 s indicated that we were able
to offset rising costs through improved performance. Today, however,
costs for everything are increasing faster than we are able to offset
them. We are not granted rate increases by the Pennsylvania Public
Utility Commission just because we thinKwe need one. It is necessary
for us to establish the need, based on our costs over a prior one-year
period. In effect, our rates are based on outdated costs. These costs
are scrutinized very closely by the commission and a permanent rate
increase is granted only after a series of public hearings and after
determining it’s necessary to insure that you, our customer, continue
to get reliable electric service.
Society and the Cerebral
Palsy Fund. Contributions
were also made to the
Ephrata Community
Hospital and the In
ternational Farm Youth
Exchange program.
, Members of Society 3 will
be guests of Society 17 for a
meeting at Chestnut Level.
. present. Mrs. Phyllis End-
The next meeting will be slow was in charge of
Sat. April 19 at the Salem devotions and gave Easter
Lutheran Church, Ephrata thoughts at this time, Mary
at 1:30 p.m. The program Grace Martin read the
will be a slide presentation of minutes of the previous
the work at the Pinajelo meeting and variety in Roll
Clinic in Honduras presented rhCaU followed as the ladies
by Mrs. Harold Stuber. mentioned the first signs of
spring which they noticed in
their vicinity.
The Treasurer’s Report
was accepted as given by
Mrs. Elizabeth Shuman. The
Society voted to give a
donation to the piano fund for
the Farm and Home Center.
Society 22 from Willow
Street entertained 18 ladies
from this Society, March 11.
They presented a unique
mock wedding, piano music
and a luncheon for the en
joyment of all.
The special speaker, Mrs.
Lorenzo Tucci, a retired
schoolteacher from
Millersville showed and
described various sizes and
shapes of crosses she has
collected from different
Society 8
Farm Women’s Society 8
met at the home of Mrs.
Arlene Witman, Mount Joy,
R 2 on March 19 at 2:00 p.m.
Mrs. Grace Bixler,
President was in charge of
the meeting. Several Easter
songs were sung by the 25
members and three guests
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 22,1975 —
countries. These were made
of different materials and
are used as symbols for the
The deadline date to
purchase ($6) tickets from
Mrs. Elizabeth -Shuman,
Maytown is April 15. The
Rally will be held April 30 at
the Hershey Convention
The. attractive Easter
decorations were seen in the
Witman home and the
refreshments'were fixed to
follow this theme. Hostesses
Arlene Witman, Mary
Sarver, Alice Myers,
Georgianna Fomey served
at this time. The next
meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Elizabeth Shuman,
Maytown April 19, at 2:00
Society 12
Farm Women Society 12
met for their monthly
meeting on March 15 at the
home of Mrs. Ruth Brinton.
Miss Ethel Kindig
president, conducted the
business meeting with Mrs.
Fannie Witmer giving the
Twenty members and two
visitors answered roll call by
telling their first job away
from home.
Mrs. Elvin Harnish
showed slides of jewelry
which she makes and sells.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Fannie
Witmer Conestoga R 2.
Society 18
Society of Farm Women 18
met March 15-at the home of
Mrs. Lester H. Kreider, 169
Buch Avenue, Lancaster.
Devotions were led by
Mrs. Tobias Leaman and roll
call was answered by each
member telling of an Energy
The society will sew at
Lancaster General Hospital,
March 25, from 9:00 to 2:00
According to government studies:
All Home Oil
Waste 30%
Fuel Up
Outrageous, yet it's true A recent
study on home heating describes how
virtually all oil-fired furnaces allow stack
draft to rob precious chamber heat
between firing cycles This translates
into decreased thermal efficiency that
robs up to 30-percent and more in fuel
dollars Further, this should not have to
There's an instant remedy! Call
us for our simple FURNACE
FUEL SAVER. It's a quick stack
attachment that will begin
considerable savings in fuel
costs for you today!
For complete information call
Box 4210 RD#l
Each one who wishes to
attend the Spring Rally at
Hershey, April 30, signed her
The society will be en
tertained by Society 1,
Saturday, April 5 at Farm
and Home Center at 12:30
The program featured a
most interesting talk on
“The Art of Quilling” by
Mrs. Paul Metzler.
Plans are being made to
entertain member’s
husbands at a banquet on
April 19 at 6:30 at Good ’N
Plenty Restaurant.
Society 22
Society of Farm Women 22
had as their guests, 18
members of Society 8 and the
county officers at a luncheon
at the Willow Street United
Church of Christ in Willow
Street recently.
Hostesses were Mrs.
Kenneth Hoover, chairlady;
Mrs. Willie Zodet, Mrs.
Ralph Martin and Mrs.
Harold Zook.
Mrs. Kenneth Hoover gave
a reading on St. Patrick’s
Day theme.
Mrs. Henry Hess,
president, conducted the
business meeting in which
the Society decided to send a
gift to the Easter Seals
Society. A report was given
by Mrs. Henry Balmer on the
group’s food stand. Mrs.
Clair Witmer reported oh the
Society’s adopted daughter.
As entertainment a mock
wedding was held with Mrs.
Edwin Sangrey and Mrs.
Henry Balmer participating.
Mr. Harry Canter, a
teacher at Millersville,
played the piano for group
The next meeting will be
held April 8 at 1:00 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Jacob
Houser, Jr. Lampeter. Mrs.
Ida Risser will be the guest
Grantville, PA 17028
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